Crooked Hearts

By MMDCraftyMice

543 200 41

A team of enforcers. A gang of criminals. One common enemy. Against all expectations, a young woman enlisted... More

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20

Episode 10

24 10 2
By MMDCraftyMice


I look up to the Upper City but could see nothing of it, only the wall glittering overhead, a pristine jewel that glitters in the sun as a testament to the wealth and prosperity of the Upper City that not only denies us lower class citizens entry but also the sight of it. I climb the hundred stone steps before stopping before a gatehouse that stands fifty feet above the ground.

"Paperworks." The sentinel extends his hand. Soldiers hired from the Aetherian Empire to serve the Royal Family and, by extension, the nobles of the Upper City. Rumor has it that the Royal Family doesn't trust its own nobilities, hence the need for foreign mercenaries guarding their immediate vicinities.

"These are my friends; I am inviting them to dinner." Alice smiles. The ornate gatehouse serves as the only entrance and exit to the Upper City; the guard tower stationed on each side of the gate looms higher above the stone structures. Connected to the walls that surround the Upper City.

"Paperworks." His voice is aggressive, and her smile withers. My gaze turns to the horizon on my right, a constant stream of ships moving in and out of the port from all corners of the world in the vastness of the ocean, a testament to the thriving economy of the city. Even if we ar denied entry, atleast I will forever have a memory of this sight.

"You're speaking to a Lieutenant." Reiner crosses his arms, staring back with a menacing gaze, and the sentinel focuses on her epaulette.

"Second Lieutenant." He corrects him. "We don't answer to Enforcers; if you want entrance, procure us paperwork."

"I am a Lavellan." His eyes widen as his expression softens into uncertainty. "Shall I inform my father, a member of the council, that you obstructed me over insignificant matters?" She folds her arms, mustering her fiercest expression. As expected, why would she not use her family name?

"Please, carry on, Miss Lavellan." He moves out of the way, and she walks past the gate, and Percy points two fingers at his own eyes before turning it to the Sentinels, and a chuckle escapes me. Is this why people love kissing up? To have friends in high places to act high and mighty?

"I didn't expect that at all from you, Lieutenant; I thought you hated using your family name."

"Desperate circumstances call for unconventional measures." I roll my eyes with a frown, I doubt she rarely used her family name, why wouldn't she? She could do anything she wants by dropping her family name. And even if she doesn't, people bend over backwards because of it. From birth her life has been nothing but ease.

A wide gate made of silver with gold toppings, a realm of flowers in the gentle breeze with a fountain at its center. It is like a painting coming alive, something I thought I'd only see in dreams. The grand entrance door of the mansion swings open as if inviting me to another world, the enchanting world of the nobilities. "Wow..." Marvin's eyes gleaming with admiration.

"What did I tell you, Marvin? These people could feed the whole city if they wanted to." I turn to look at her, always talking about trying to do good. But she lives in luxury while people starve in the streets. "But it's nice enough of her to feed us peasants in her heavenly hall."

She ignores me, leading us further into the mansion across the dark blue carpet, even with my boots on, I could feel the softness cradling my each step. To buy something so expensive only to step on it with dirty boots? The privilege of having servants and too many coins, I suppose. I could sleep on this thing.

She pushes open the door, and I enter the guest room, a majestic chandelier casts a soft, golden magical light on the table lined with all assortments of food. "Take your seats." She smiles, and I sit on one of the chairs, its softness cradling my weary muscles like a comforting embrace. "Lillia." One of the servants approaches. "Thank you for everything; I will take it from here." Lillia bows her head low before leaving.

"Lieutenant, we are honored that you invite us to your home. I've always wanted to know what the Upper City looks like." A chuckle escapes Reiner. "I never imagined I'd get to see the Upper City in this lifetime, but here I am, dining in one of its magnificent halls." He smiles widely.

"Reiner, please." I roll my eyes. He is being dramatic as always, probably said those ridiculous things to smooch her. He never misses the chance to. "Did you forget she's the reason we're on graveyard shift later? This dinner hardly makes up for it." I cross my arms, staring at her from the corner of my eyes.

"Don't mind Carla; she's just being nasty out of jealousy." Percy puts his arm around me, dragging me close to him. I close my eyes in frustration, clenching my jaw before opening my eyes to let out a fake laugh. Cutting it short as I turn to glare at him with a frown. "Play nice." He whispers.

"Don't lose me as a friend in your efforts to curry favor with her; she's a noble. And you're a Lumian commoner."

"But a charming one." He smiles playfully before moving to sit next to me. "Are there any rules before we eat?" He turns to look at Alice, who simply shakes her head with a smile, and Percy starts eating like he has never eaten anything before in his life. I pierce one of the slices of steak with my fork and put it close to my mouth.

Reiner, that oaf. Just because she said there are no rules, he really acts on it; grabbing the slices of steaks with his hands, stuffing it into his mouth like a pig. I bite at the meat, savoring its heavenly taste, the only steak I'd probably ever eat in this lifetime. To think she probably eats this every day, a frown escapes me. "Where's your father? I'd like to meet the devil himself."

If I was born into this, you know what I'd do? I'd kiss my father's feet. My father beats me every time he's drunk, and she's complaining over being told what to do; I'd take a beating every day to live in this place. She would not survive a mile in my shoes; I wonder if she ever starved? "I never called him that."

"The way you talk about him, he might as well be." I smirk.

"Let's just enjoy our meal. You can pull each other's hair after." Percy's tone as playful as ever, but his eyes glares at me sharply. And I keep my mouth shut the rest of the night, stomach bloated at the end of it. Maybe this dinner does make up for the graveyard shift. "Do we have another unsanctioned operation coming up?" Percy smiles with mischief, tone playful. "I could use another makeup dinner."

"I do have information on the Firelights's whereabouts." My eyes widen; another unsanctioned operation? She is headstrong; I'll give her that. But I am not risking my life, not even for another dinner. "With or without operations, I am inviting everyone to dinner again. We're friends...aren't we?" A scoff escapes me, and she turns to look. "Are we not?"

I lean my back against the chair, crossing my arms as I rest my eyes. I hate her, not because she did anything wrong but because of her station in life, her privileged upbringing. Was I wrong for that? She is not so bad for a noble. "I am starting to like you...but maybe not friends just yet."


I rub at my forehead as I walk through the streets, still suffering a concussion from the fight, my arms still hurting from the beating. My bones probably cracked. She was a real piece of work, I was expecting she'd get killed in the warehouse but she actually succeeded. That place was stacked, I can't believe she won. I enter my establishment to see Arthur and his gang waiting.

I let out a wide smile before approaching, I was worried that they might be among those captured by the Enforcers. The Enforcers must have sprung their trap before they got there, a small wonder they made it. Ben is no push over but still, they must have had the numbers. "Arthur, am I glad to see you. When I heard the arrests I thought-"

My face snaps to the side, my brain jolting as my legs weaken, and I stumble off to the side as I catch my balance. I raise my arms to block but his hand catches me by the collar, gripping it tightly as he tugs me towards him. "You piece of shit, did you tell them about the Warehouse?"

"I did." I raise my hands in surrender, there is no point in lying. "I thought I'd sic those Enforcers on Big Mouse, I was out of the picture so I assumed you guys canceled the raid. You did cancel the raid...didn't you?" I raise a brow.

He shoves me back and I catch my balance, fixing my vest before I approach him carefully. "They shot Nana." My eyes wide with surprise, heart wrenching with pain. We weren't particularly close but we effectively grow up together, everyone in The Gift are like siblings. We are one big family out here.

"I am an idiot." I slap both palms to my face, my plan had backfired. "Where is she?" I keep my voice low, fearful of what he might reply with. But the fact that he didn't kill me must mean that she is alive.

"Resting." His anger is apparent despite his low tone. "Why did the Enforcers show up here, Miche?" He turns to face me, staring intently with that cold dark green eyes of his. "Are you up to something that I am not aware of?"

"Me? Arthur you know I am not the man to be cooking up plans." I let out a nervous laugh, why was she here again? Right. The harbour incident, it's Percy that brought her here. That no good turncloak. "It was Percy, he's an Enforcer now."

"So he was here for a drink?"

"He was asking questions about the Harbour incident." I cross my arms, staring back at him as I must a blank expression, heart beating faster than usual. "I didn't say anything ofcourse." My brows furrowing. "Except a name that doesn't mean anything, doesn't lead to anything." A nervous smile escapes me.

"Maybe I should have just dumped those drugs into the water..." He sighs angrily.

"It's not your fault, as it was not mine." His eyes bore into me witha sharp gaze. "What I am saying is that both our plans backfired, we had not way of knowing the consequences...but is Ben dead atleast?" Even if Nana ended up injured, with the drugs confiscated and one of Big Mouse's top dogs out of the picture, I'll chalk it up as a win.


"Shit." I punch at the air, they only lost their goods and the small fries then. Too small a win. "What do we do now? Are we hitting the Blooming Rose next?"

"We're done. Evander doesn't want anymore trouble, and the Enforcers might be watching the Pit as well." Arthur turns his back. "Forget the Firelights operations, we'll see how things play out and move accordingly. Lay low for awhile." He walks away, and Emrys glances at me with a menacing gaze as he follows close behind him.

"We might find Enforcers on our doorsteps soon." Arthur glances at me over his shoulder. "The bodies you dump into the water surfaced, I am sure they'll put two and two together. If they find out you'll have arson and murders charged against you."

"Well they won't find out, won't they?" 

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