For The Country

By WolfInquisitor

11.6K 408 52

Ella is a good daughter. She'll gladly marry a prince from the wilderness if it guarantees a peace between Br... More

First Meetings
The Hunter and The Princess
Of Names
Secrets Revealed
Customs, Customs
Some tea, Lord Hunter?
Some coffee, Princess?
A Brief Rest
A Proper Date
Doctor's Orders
The Engagement Party
The Other One
Engagement Party, Revisited
Bittersweet Goodbyes
Epilogue: Challenge Shared

The Day Before

517 25 1
By WolfInquisitor

Once again, Kava had taken her onto a whole day date. Once again, she was having much more fun than a proper lady should while hire riding and hunting. The engagement day was hanging over both of them, but she was determined not to think about it today. Kava spoke up when they were making their way to park to eat lunch.

"What if, instead of going back to the palace to eat, I cooked our prey over the campfire? We have a lot of meat with us, it would be a shame for it to go to waste."

"Oh. That sounds fun." Ella smiled. "My servants can prepare the meat, and..."

"No need. I shall do it myself."

He directed them though the forest instead of turning to the park. They were still within the palace grounds, but the forest was dividing them from the palace itself and all prying eyes. The meadow they stopped at was right by a small lake, picturesque and discreet. She expected his hunters to help with setting up, but they hanged back as he lit up the fire and started preparing the meat. The hunters and her servants stayed slightly deeper into the forest, leaving them relatively alone.

With a knife Kava started taking the feathers from the pheasant. Ella watched his methodic moves, fascinated.

"May I... " She started hesitantly. "May I help you?"

Ladies weren't supposed to get dirty,they weren't supposed to get bloody. Kava didn't know that. Kava didn't care.

He handed her the knife.

Ella giggled as Kava showed her how to prepare the prey, and it took them probably twice as long as if he was doing it himself, but he didn't mind. He seemed happier with each question she asked and with each move she repeated correctly. She was up to her elbows in blood, but it was therapeutic. Nobody judged her here. She didn't need to be all proper.

The meat was on the fire, and now they were both dirty.

"We should clean up before we eat." Kava commented. "Blood and raw meat carry diseases. This lake should be fine to clean up. A small river runs through it, so it's not a still lake."

Kava handed her his hand and helped hoist her up. He got close to the lake, using the crystal clear water to clean his arms up.

The day was rather hot, and the water was wonderfully cold. Seeing Kava crouch over the water like that gave her an idea. She had no idea what was going on in her head, as it didn't fit for the princess at all, but she slowly creeped behind Kava. She put her hands on the wolf fur, pushing forward with her whole body. Kava made a surprised sound, tipping forward into the forest, but he had enough time to twist his body, grabbing Ella's hand to try and stop his fall, but ending up dragging her into the water as well.

Ella yelped when the water rushed over her body, covering her vision. She landed almost immediately. The lake there was shallow, but not that shallow. When the water stopped obstructing her vision, she realized she had landed straight on Kava, who was sitting on the lake bottom. Thankfully he was tall, so the water didn't really reach that high.

He looked incredibly funny. The wolf hide got soaked through, making him look like a wet dog and covering most of his face. She could see parts of his face and he looked startled and surprised.

Ella was completely soaked as well. Her wig slipped off her hair and was floating towards the middle of the lake, her make up running down her face slowly.

This was ridiculous and immature.

She started giggling.

Kava's expression softened and he started laughing as well, wolf fur sliding more and covering more of his face. Ella was straddling him like that, and it was indecent, oh so indecent, but they were hidden here. Just the two of them.

She couldn't stop herself, putting her hands on Kava's shoulders. They were muscular, hard to touch just as she had expected. Just as she had dreamed.

Kava became very quiet, waiting for her next move.

Ella leaned forward, connecting their lips in a kiss.

Kava's eyes were hidden behind the wet fur, but he responded eagerly, his mouth fitting perfectly with hers. It was short and sweet. She didn't want to push her luck.

How very indecent.

She leaned back, still sitting on him in that lake in the middle of the woods, knowing this was all so against the protocol.

"Lord Hunter." She breathed out when he remained very still, and very quiet.

Kava moved, cupping her chin and pulling her into a kiss again. It lasted an eternity, and also just a blink of an eye. When he pulled back the warmth remained on her lips.

He reached to swipe the fur from his eyes, but she covered them up when he tried.

She looked like Rose now. He couldn't look at her or it would be the end.

"Don't look, Kava." She breathed out. "This is indecent."

He chuckled, but didn't attempt to look again. She got off him, turning around to hide her face. Kava raised up, offering her a hand while still looking aside. He walked a few steps away, putting his hands under his headpiece and pulling it off.

Ella couldn't stop looking as for the first time she saw the fur removed. She could finally see the person under the wolf skin.

His hair was long, much longer than hers. She had always imagined him with a short cut, but when he freed his hair, the mane unveiled all the way to his kneecaps. The hair was dark brown, the same colour as his eyes. It looked majestic, even if he didn't have a hairdo. She wanted to braid it so bad, but she would never suggest it to the hunter.

He rinsed the water out of the hide.

She looked aside with a blush when he glanced over. They were both at a loss of words. Ella got out of the lake first.

"Thank you for the date, Lord Hunter. I will see you tomorrow at the engagement dinner."

"Yes, princess." He said, not looking at her. "Please rest well."

Ella was screaming in happiness into her pillow the whole evening. She couldn't wait to be officially his.

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