
Od Littlebitoffiction

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In her fifth year, Y/N Granger meets the new guy Mattheo Riddle. They get to know eachother and get closer an... Viac

Y/N Granger - Mattheo's POV
Y/N Granger
Care for a dance? - Mattheo's POV
Getting to know Mattheo
Hermione's sister
The Ring
First Date
LEAVE! - Mattheo's POV
Y/N... - Mattheo's POV
The Astronomy Tower - Y/N POV
Is that all I am to you?
You're an asshole - Mattheo's POV
Home for christmas
Home for Christmas - Mattheo's POV
Did you know?
Please believe me
I forgive you
Whatever it takes
The following week
Epilogue - Always and Forever

Bonus chapter: First time at Hogwarts

322 6 7
Od Littlebitoffiction

When I woke up this morning, I thought today would be just like any other day, but it was anything but. I just got woken up by an exited Hermione who was talking all about two letters that were delivered for us. 'What are you talking about 'Mione?' I asked groggily. 'There are two letters downstairs in the kitchen for us and they have these beautiful seals on the back with the name Hogwarts on it. Do you know what that is?' I had no idea what she was talking about. 'No, do you?' 'No, I have never heard of Hogwarts, I hoped you might've. But, come on. I'm curious to see what's in them.' I almost got pulled out of bed by Hermione and together we walked down the stairs. Because of all her enthusiasm, I got excited as well. What was this going to be about? When we walked through the kitchendoor I could see the letters already laying on the table ready for us to open. My parents were sitting at that same table waiting for us. They probably told Hermione to get me, so we could open the letters together. 'Goodmorning, Y/N.' Both of my parents said. 'Goodmorning.' I responded with also giving each of my parents a hug. 'Can we finally open the letters?' Hermione asked my mom and dad. 'Yes, honey, go ahead.' My father said. Hermione and I grabbed our own letters and started opening them.

Dear miss Y/N Granger,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

That's how my letter started. What?! School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? How is that possible? Is this a joke? Witches don't exist right? And I'm not one, am I? I looked over at Hermione who had probably read the same thing and was just as confused as I was. 'This is not real right?' I asked confused. 'I think it is, Y/N.' Hermione answered. We kept on reading and it told us about how we were witches and we would be attending Hogwarts for the next seven years. We would go there by train leaving the 1st of september at 11 am from Platform 9 3/4 at Kings Cross station and that we needed to buy our schoolitems at a street named Diagon Alley. The letter gave us directions on how to get to Diagon Alley and what to buy exactly. 'What do the letters say?' My mother asked us after Hermione and I both finished. 'Uhh...' Hermione started. 'It says, that we're... witches... like real witches.' I said it hesistantly not knowing how my parents would react. 'You don't say. That's wonderful.' My mother responded. 'What? You're not weirded out by this?' I asked her confused. 'No, your mother and I always had our suspisions something might be up with you girls. Ever since you were babies strange things would happen around you girls. Sometimes doors would open out of nowhere and other times things would start levitating. So, it doesn't really surprise us that you are witches.' My father answered. I turned towards Hermione. 'Oh my god, Hermione. We are witches.' After what my father said it dawned on me, that we really are witches. 'This is really strange, but so cool!' Hermione said. I couldn't believe it; Hermione and I are witches. 

The next two weeks we let everything dawn on us and we spend some more time with our parents, before we had to start preparing for Hogwarts. But, today was the day, we started preparing and so we went to Diagon Alley. I had no idea what I could expect, but this wasn't it. It was a long street filled with all kinds of shops. From shops where you could by animals, such as cats, toads and owls, to shops where you could buy cauldrons and wands. It was unlike anything I had ever seen. It was amazing. There were children from all ages running around with their parents. Kids, around the same age as Hermione and I, who were choosing a wand at a shop named 'Ollivanders' and others a couple years older than us buying their books at a store named 'Flourish and Blotts'. 

According to the list that was attached to the letter, we needed to buy a lot of stuff today. So, we went on our way to Ollivanders to buy our wands, we bought our books at Flourish and Blotts and bought our uniforms and robes. Our last stop was a shop name 'Magical Menagerie'. Here we could buy our pets. Hermione and I used to have a cat back home, but it had passed away a couple years ago. Now, we were able to buy a new pet and we were going to use this opportunity as best as we could. Hermione instantly went for a cat again, which she named Crookshanks. I, on the other hand, saw one particular animal that caught my eye. It was a blackfeathered owl. He was beautiful and it felt like there was an instant connection between us. I gave him a small pet on the head and I just knew I had to go for him. The owner of the shop got him out of his cage and the owl sat down on my shoulder. He was my new buddy with the name Loki.
Now, that we had everything we needed, we went on our way back home to get ready to leave for Hogwarts in the morning. 

This morning at 11am the train to Hogwarts would be leaving. We had just arrived at King's Cross Station. The train station was no strange place to us, but the platform we needed to go to, was a number we had never heard of, 9 3/4. That's not a normal number for a platform, so we needed to take some time to find it. We thought it should be somewhere between platform 9 and 10, but after walking the complete platforms, we still couldn't find platform 9 3/4. We were all at a loss for what to do, when a big family, all with ginger hair, came walking past us. I heard one of them say they needed to go to platform 9 3/4, before the train left at 11 am. 'Dad, that lady. She was talking about platform 9 3/4 and the train of 11am. Maybe we should follow her.' I told my dad, when I had noticed neither him, my mother or Hermione had heard the strange lady. 'Yes, that's a good idea.' My father responded. We followed the big family, including the lady, and saw they stopped at one of the pillars just past the middle of platform 9 and 10. 'Okay, everyone grab your stuff and get ready. Percy, you go first. Then Fred and George. Ron you next and I'll go last with Ginny.' The lady said to the group of kids surrounding her. The oldest kid of the group grabbed his stuff and ran straight towards the pillar. I heard my mom trying to warn him about running into the pillar, but before she could, the boy had dissappeared into the wall. 'What just happened?' I heard Hermione ask. 'I have no idea, sis.' I said back, baffled. I walked over to the girl that was standing there. She was the youngest of the group, but only maybe a year younger than I am. 'Excuse me, where did that boy go to? Is he going to platform 9 3/4?' I asked her. The girl turned around to look at me. 'Hi! Yes, he did go to platform 9 3/4. Do you need to go there too?' She responded ethusiastically. 'Yes, we do. Can you teach my family and me how to do it?' 'Ofcourse.' The girl just wanted to tell me how to get on the platform, but we were interrupted by the lady. 'Ginny, dear. We need to go. Your brothers are already on the platform. Who is this?' The lady had walked up to me and my family had walked towards us as well. 'Hi, my name is Y/N.' I answered. 'I saw those boys go through the wall and I heard you talking about platform 9 3/4 and I was wondering if you knew how to get there?' I added. 'Hello Y/N, nice to meet you. My name is Molly Weasley and this is Ginny. The boys you just saw were my sons. And ofcourse we can show you how to get there.' Molly was a very sweet lady and brought a immense calm with her. 'Nice to meet you too, Mrs Weasley. These are my parents and this is my twinsister Hermione.' 'What a lovely family. Two of my sons, Fred and George, are also twins. I think you will get along quite well. But, first, let's get onto the platform. What you need to do is just run straight to the wall and before you know it, you're on the platform. Don't be scared, but do keep running.' 'Okay, will do, Mrs. Weasley.' I looked over at Hermione and nodded at her, before I ran out towards the wall. Within a couple seconds, I exited the wall on platform 9 3/4. I stepped to the side, so I wouldn't be in the way, while observing everything around me. There were a lot of people around me trying to get onto this long steam train with the name Hogwarts Express on the front. While I was looking around, Hermione and my parents came through the wall. 'This is amazing.' I said to Hermione. 'It really is. How did we not know this existed?' Hermione asked rethorically. We both knew how we didn't know this, but we were just baffled by everything that has happened the last couple of days. 

Next thing we knew, it was time to say goodbye to our parents. We would be going to Hogwarts for the next few months and probably wouldn't see them again until Christmas. Hermione and I both gave our parents a big hug and we made our way onto the train. 'Are you ready?' Hermione asked me. 'No, you?' 'Me neither. But, we can do this.' Hermione said. 'Yes, we can.' We walked through the different compartments of the train, trying to find a place to sit, when we saw the boys that were with Mrs Weasley earlier. We knocked on the door of their compartment and opened it. 'Hi, you're Mrs Weasley's children right? We met her on the platform and we were wondering if we could maybe sit with you guys.' I asked the guys. 'Yes, that's right. And ofcourse you can. Sit down. I'm Fred.' Fred said. 'And I'm George. And these are our brothers Percy and Ron.' George added. 'It's nice to meet you all. Fred and George, you are the twins your mother was talking about. Sorry, umm, my name is Y/N by the way. And this is my twinsister Hermione.' 'Hi, everyone.' Hermione added. Hermione and I sat down and both started our own conversations getting to know all the Weasley's. Hermione started talking to Ron, the youngest of the bunch and the same age as us. I, on the other hand, started talking to Fred and George. They were about two years older than Hermione and me and had an amazing bond with eachother. They were a lot of fun and joked with eachother during the whole trainride. Next to that, they told me all about Hogwarts and the Sorting Ceremony. Apparently, all the first-years get sorted into one of the four houses; Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. All the Weasley's had been sorted into Gryffindor uptill now and I'm curious to find out in what house Hermione and I will be sorted. Fred and George kept on talking all the way through the trainride and I had an amazing time listening to them. 

After quite a couple hourse we finally arrived at Hogwarts, where we got introduced to the school by one of the professors. 'Hello everyone, my name is Professor McGonagall and I'm the head of Gryffindor house. In just a moment, we'll enter the Great Hall. This is the room where you we'll have your meals throughout your stay here and where you can hang out with eachother outside of your dorm- and commonrooms. When we enter the Great Hall  you will be waiting together until you get sorted by the Sorting Hat. The Hat will sort you into one of the four houses that represent the school. The houses are Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. After you have been sorted, you will join your respective houses at the different diningtables. Now, let's enter.' We all  followed professor McGonagall into the Great Hall and Hermione and I were both stunned at the beauty of the hall. It was an enormous room with long diningtables each filled with students from the four different houses. We walked all the way to the front of the Great Hall, where we waited to be sorted.

Hermione was the first of us to get called up to get sorted. Before us a lot of kids had been sorted into one of the houses, but I was still nervous to be called up next. From what I heard from Fred and George, I think Hermione and I will both be sorted into either Ravenclaw or Gryffindor. However, I didn't really care about which house I would be sorted into, as long as I would be together with Hermione. When Hermione sat down and the hat was placed upon her head, she almost immediately was sorted into Gryffindor. Okay, I was expecting that. Now, it was my turn. I sat down on the chair and the Hat was placed on top of my head. 'Ahh, another Granger. Another twin. What to do with you? You have great ambitions and will be a powerful witch. Better put you in... Slytherin!' What?! No! I can't be put in Slytherin. Hermione is in Gryffindor. How can I not be placed in the same house as her? I looked over at Hermione and she looked nervously at me. She was already sitting at the Gryffindor table and I was being led to the Slytherin table. I sat down at the end of the table, trying not to pull any attention to myself, since Hermione and I weren't the only ones who noticed that two twinsisters got put into opposite houses. 

After the sorting ceremony, it was time for the feast, which was really just a big dinner. I only ate a little. I was already nervous about going to Hogwarts and learning wizardry and witchcraft, but I thought I would do it all together with Hermione. And I know, we're still in the same school, but we're not together in the same house. I have to share a space with someone else for the first time in my life and it's scary. And since I thought it was all a bit scary, I didn't feel the need to eat a lot. I was glad when the feast was over, because this meant we would be taken to our commonroom and with that also our dormrooms. Which meant I got to finally have a moment to myself, without being surrounded by an enormous amount of strange people. The prefect of Slytherin house, let the group of first-years, that I was a part of, to the commonroom and to their dormrooms. I was supposed to share my dorm with some other girl, but I had no idea who it would be yet, since she wasn't there yet. So, I walked into the room alone and decided to unpack my trunk and bags. Just as I was about to finish unpacking, the door slowly opened and a girl walked in. 'Hi, my name is Pansy Parkinson. I'm your roommate this year.' The girl, apparently named Pansy, walked towards me with a lot of enthusiasm and held out her hand. I shook her hand and returned the smile she was wearing on her face. 'Hi, my name is Y/N Granger. It's nice to meet you.' 'It's nice to meet you too, Y/N. You are here together with your twinsister right? The one that got sorted into Gryffindor?' Ofcourse Pansy knew that as well. I know it was quite public that we were sorted into different houses, but I hoped people had already forgotten about it. 'Yes.' I said hesistantly. 'That must be quite hard for you. Having your sister with you at Hogwarts, but being sorted into different houses. And especially since neither of you probably have much experience with witchcraft. But, just know it'll all be fine. I think we're going to be good friends, if you want to ofcourse.' 'I'm sorry, how do you know, my sister and I don't have much experience with witchcraft?' I didn't know Pansy, so how did she know Hermione and I had no idea we were witches until a couple of weeks ago. 'Well, I never heard you guy's last name before and I know a lot of witches and wizards, because of my parents. And so I asked around and news travels fast here and I heard you were muggleborns.' 'Muggleborns? What does that mean?' 'Oh sorry, Y/N. It means a witch or wizard that was born out of two non-magical parents.' There is a name for what Hermione and I are? 'Does that mean much to others?' I asked Pansy. 'To most not. But, there are some people who care a lot about bloodlines. So, they want there only to be fullblood wizards and witches instead of half-blood or muggleborns. But, you shouldn't worry about that. Most of the times, they're just a bit mean about it, but I'll make sure noone will be mean to you.' Why was Pansy being this nice to me? She didn't even know me. 'Why are you being so nice to me?' 'Why wouldn't I? You seem like you are a nice person and we have to spend a lot of time together, seeing as we're roommates and I could use more girlfriends. I only have guy friends at the moment, so I could use a girl to back me up in arguments.' Pansy said while laughing. 'Well, that sounds reasonable.' I said with a laugh as well. 'Now, do you want me to give you all the intell about everyone in Slytherin and Hogwarts, including my other friends, who you need to meet tomorrow? Or do you just want to settle down and talk some more tomorrow?' 'Is it okay, to just settle down?' I asked carefully. I didn't want to seem rude and not go along with her enthusiasm, but I was also really tired. 'Ofcourse it is. I'm just going to unpack my stuff then. If you do want to talk some more, just let me know. I'll be here.' 'Thank you, Pansy.' I said before walking over to my bed and just settling down for a bit with one of my books. 

The next day, I woke up at first light. I was always someone who woke up early and being away from home didn't change that. Pansy, however was still asleep, so I just got ready and went to read some more. It got later and later and it was getting close to when we should go to breakfast in the Great Hall, only Pansy was still asleep. I was doubting if I should wake her up, but in the end decided to just do it. 'Pansy? Hey. I'm sorry to wake you up, but it's time for breakfast.' Pansy woke up a bit and the moment she heard me say breakfast she was sitting upright. 'Oh my god. What time is it? I overslept didn't I? I'll go get ready and then we can go. Sorry, for having to wake me up, Y/N.' 'Oh that's okay. And you still have ten minutes before we need to be there, so take your time.' I responded. I was glad she wasn't mad at me for waking her up, because that would've been a terrible first, well second, impression. 

After only a couple of minutes Pansy came walking out of the bathroom all dressed in the uniform we needed to wear. 'I'm ready.' 'Okay, let's go.' I said before walking in front of Pansy out of the door and through the commonroom. There were other students hanging out in the commonroom and Pansy said hi to some of them while walking past. We went out of the commonroom and towards the Great Hall, just like last night. This is the place where we would eat breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday, so I would get familiar with it soon. Once we entered, Pansy fastened her pace straight towards a group of guys sitting at the Slytherin table. She said hello to all three of them and waited for me to join her. 'Guys, this is Y/N. My new friend and roommate. Y/N, these are Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, but everyone calls him Theo and Blaise Zabini. The guys I was telling you about last night.' They were a nice looking bunch. 'Hi, it's nice to meet you all.' I said while being pulled down to sit by Pansy. 'It's nice to meet you too.' The guy, that Pansy introduced as Blaise, said. 'How was your first night with Pansy? Already sick of her?' Draco asked. 'No, ofcourse not. She's such a sweet person. I think I really got lucky with her as my roommate.' I responded. 'Nawwhh.. I'm the lucky one, Y/N.' Pansy said. 'Well, if you do get sick of her enthusiasm, just come find us and you can hang out with us.' Theo said. 'That's really sweet of you, thank you Theo.' 'Oh and before I forget, guys, I just want to say something before you try anything with Y/N. She will be my best friend, even if she doesn't know it yet, and if you ever hurt her, I will definitely choose her side, eventhough I know you guys longer. So, be careful or be hurt.' Pansy said. She was such a nice person, with a slight scary side when it comes to protecting others, and I could really see myself becoming good friends with her. I have only known her since last night, but something about her is just... I don't know... but, I'm just happy to have found her. And eventhough I'm still a bit nervous about going to school here, I think I'll have a great time as long as I have Pansy and the guys by my side. 

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