Belonging To Them (boyxboyxbo...

By thescene

2.3M 76K 18.2K


Belonging To Them (boyxboyxboy)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter Seven

103K 3.3K 720
By thescene

"Where are we going?" I asked him after a few moments of silence. Dominic just kept looking forward not saying anything, just ignoring me. We just passed where we're staying. "Seriously, where are we going!" I asked again. "I'll jump out." I threatened. All of a sudden I heard a click. This was so frustrating. This is considered kidnapping. I looking behind the car and noticed them following us. It's better if I stay in here with Dominic. Who knows what they are capable of doing.

"Listen Timothy, you will not be safe here. This might be Ellie's territory but that does not mean they will not come after you still."

"I'm so confused, what is all this territory talk? Why is it so important?" I questioned. That's all I've been hearing. Territory this, territory that. What is so important about it and why must they stay out of it.

Dominic sighed. "I think it is time you know."


Ellie's Pov: I laid in Vincent's arms as we finished our love making session. I always love every moment of it. "We actually chased Timmy out of the house." Vincent laughed. I chuckled along nodding. It was the truth. We always tend to be loud when we have our moments. And I was frustrated so it always helps.

"We sure did, though he's been gone for quite some time."

"Dominic is most likely watching him." Vincent told me. As much as I dislike Dominic, I know he'll always protect Timothy. Not only cause he's a client but he most recently discovered them to be mates. It came a shock to all of us. We had to remind Dominic that Timothy is a human who doesn't yet know who we are. My only guess though is that Timmy isn't human. A vampire is able to know who his mate is at first sight, but it took Dominic a few months.

Timothy must have been something a lot different. Who knows? "Don't worry about it. Not your problem. Okay?" Vincent told me. I glared at him.

"Of course he's my problem! He's my brother!" I hissed getting up from his arms. "You just wouldn't understand!" Vincent got up as well.

"Look I understand he's your brother and everything, but you also have to understand that he isn't a little kid anymore. He's been hurt by his own family, he's been hurt in both physically and mentally ways. I understand you regret not being able to be there for him but he's alive. He can protect himself. You just have to be his support." Vincent lectured me. I didn't want to listen to him at all. I knew coming back would be a bad idea. Our family, mom, dad and the pack. I should have known they didn't change.

Mom said they have but I clearly see they didn't. That's why I snapped. I couldn't take it anymore. I was meant to be Alpha, not those stupid, pathetic wolves. I turned my back on them just like they turned their back on me. "Ellie, it's alright. Look, if you want, Dominic told me where they are. Supposedly some people were following Timmy. You know who."

"I'm going to go give them my last and final warning." Vincent sighed but followed nonetheless. We got dressed and we were off. To my childhood home. I looked at the house, at the garden, at the windows. Everything is as it used to be.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Vincent asked. I nodded firmly and we were on our way. I knocked on the black door and it was opened by guards. I see they improved.

"Move out of my way you filthy dog." I hissed. He didn't move so with one hand I shoved him out of my way. I followed father and mother's scent. I kicked the door open.

"How dare you come into my home and-" he was about to slap me but Vincent grabbed his hand and slammed him into the wall left to us.

"Don't you try and dare lay a finger on my mate, you filthy dog." seemed like we have the same mouth.

"You tell your stupid son to stay away from my brother you female dog or you and they will have me to deal with. You got that? You're on my last nerve so you better get your paws of my land before sundown."

"You can't do that! I'm your mom!" this lady yelled. "What happened to my little baby!?"

"Don't you try. You betrayed dad for this stupid man just because dad couldn't full fill your materialistic needs. Then you turn your back to me and Timothy. You're pathetic." I spat. "Leave before sunset. Before you become at your weakest state or I will not hesitate to slay you all."


Timothy's POV:

"You're my what!? You're a what!?" I backed up until my back hit the living room wall. "Stay away you psychopath!" I screamed. "You're crazy, you want me to actually believe you're a-" This was all so crazy, he actually thought-

"I do not want to hurt you." Dominic said slowly. "I only want to be with you." I looked around for a way out but then I found myself being trapped with him in front of me. "Listen Timothy, if I was thinking about hurting you, I would have done it by now. I will not hurt you. I just want to protect you. It's been too long since the truth has been hidden from you-"

"Stay away!" I warned, even though I knew he was probably stronger than me. All I could do was kick my feet against his, so he wouldn't be able to come any closer. What was the meaning of all this, he actually expected me to believe him and him thinking he's some mythical creature. I didn't know what to think. He was talking crazy. He had to be. There is no way soulmates are real, I am dreaming. I had to be dreaming. 

"Timothy I just want to help you. I love you and I just-" this was all way too much. 

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