For The Country

By WolfInquisitor

12.9K 412 55

Ella is a good daughter. She'll gladly marry a prince from the wilderness if it guarantees a peace between Br... More

First Meetings
The Hunter and The Princess
Of Names
Secrets Revealed
Customs, Customs
Some tea, Lord Hunter?
Some coffee, Princess?
A Proper Date
Doctor's Orders
The Day Before
The Engagement Party
The Other One
Engagement Party, Revisited
Bittersweet Goodbyes
Epilogue: Challenge Shared

A Brief Rest

634 25 0
By WolfInquisitor

"A gift from Lord Hunter." Save'ke'im said while they were eating dinner the next day. He gestured for the hunters to bring forward a box. "He apologises for not being able to make it to the meal today."

Vasil's eyebrow twitched gently. He didn't like not knowing what the tundrians were doing, and every gift could be controversial.

Ella was excited. Her mood had not been the best since the previous day. She hadn't even seen a sliver of Kava, and he hadn't joined them in the dining room either. She was hoping he was fine.

The hunter handed her servant the box, and the servant gave it to Ella. It was nice, definitely Brivish made.

The contents weren't.

She barely managed to stay impassive as she saw the brown leather tunic inside. There were pants as well, and everything was connected with white fur. The only piece lacking was a headpiece, but she suspected she would earn it in a trial to wear it.

"Indecent... " She whispered to herself in awe. She cleared her throat, speaking up. "Please extend my thanks to Lord Hunter. It's a beautiful garment. I'm looking forward to wearing it soon."

"Perfect." The tundrian responded, much to her father's dismay. He couldn't say anything, because it was an official gift. It would be rude not to use it. "Kave'le'aha would like you to join him tomorrow for the whole day."

"It would be my pleasure."

It really would be.

"Great. I shall forward your message. Kave'le'aha will be waiting by the castle steps at dawn."


She shouldn't have, but she went out to seek him. She had no luck. He wasn't in the stables, and Rex was waiting there as well. She couldn't find him anywhere she had met him before.

She entered the palace in disguise, sneaking around. By using the less fequented corridors she reached the part of the palace reserved for tundrians. She didn't know which room was his,but after passing a few hunters group she spotted the wild king. She hid in the shadows, waiting as one of the hunters exited the room nearby. The king immediately stopped him.


"Kava is fine." The hunter waved his hand. "I would advise more rest."

"What of tomorrow?"

"Nothing taxing, but should be fine."

The king sighed in relief, but he was clearly irritated.

"I knew one of the fits would end like this. I don't want any accidents tomorrow, understand? Prepare calming herbs, potions, whatever you have. Tomorrow Kava will spend the whole day with the princess, or it's your head."

"You can't put it on me!" The hunter exclaimed. 

The king turned to him with rage, slamming him against the door. The hunter fell down, trying to catch his breath.


"Yes." The hunter managed to get up. "I'll prepare the solutions right away."

He entered the room again, leaving the door cracked open. The king left.

Against herself Ella cut the distance to the door when the coast was clear, slipping in.

The room was filledd with dividers, making it more claustrophobic. Hiding behind one of them, Ella couldn't see anything, but she could hear well.

"Show me." Kava said. He sounded strained. "What did he do again?"

"Nothing. Just pushed me around." That was the leopard headed hunter from before. Material moved and Kava sighed.

"That's what you said the last time, and you had a rib broken back then. Just let me see."

"Worry about yourself."

Another sigh.

"I wish he didn't punish you for my actions."

"He has to get his frustration out on someone."

"He thinks I can't be responsible for my actions. I can. He should be punishing me."

"Stop it, Kava. You can't get agitated now. The stitches won't survive an episode."

"I know. I'm calm. I just don't like this."

"You're lucky you even got to spend the day in bed. I was sure Savi would drag you out to show up anyway."

"He wouldn't. Right now I'm too improtant."

"But not important enough to spare you tomorrow. You'll have to entertain that Brivish lady for the whole day."

"I can take it."

"Just be careful, I'm begging you. No sudden moves. The stitches can tear."

"I'll move gently."

"I'll prepare the snuffs as well."


"Your father said—"

"Please. Don't make me. I won't be myself if you drug me. I have to impress the princess, and I can't if you snuff my whole personality with the drugs."

"If I don't make them, you might have a fit, and that would ruin the day even more. And then I would die at your father's hand."

"I'll be very careful."

"Sometimes it's not enough. There is no rhyme or reason to some of your episodes."

"If I feel one, I'll just excuse myself and hunt. And I'll be back in no time. The princess won't even know."

"She won't, but the king will."

"He won't. He won't find out. Nobody will tell him. It will be just you and Saras, and you won't tell."

"What about the Brivs?"

"I'll— I'll think of something. I'll just come up with some tundrian ritual or something. I'll take care of it. Savi won't know and he won't hurt you."


"Please, Dia. Don't drug me. I'll be nice tomorrow."

A beat of silence, and a box got closed.


"Thank you. I promise, it will all go well. I'll impress the princess, and— and no episodes. She won't know."

Dia gave an amused exhale.

"I believe you'll try your best. Now go to sleep, your body needs rest."

"Damned deer. If it hadn't attacked me..."

"You attacked it first, if I need to remind you. Maybe you shouldn't have tried to kill it with your bare hands."

"I almost had it."

"Of course you did. Now sleep. Or do I need to help you out?"

"No, no. Out, Dia. I'm going to rest. Thank you."

Ella sneaked back out, heading to her quarters.

Now she was determined to make the next day work. She would make sure tomorrow would go as smoothly as possible.

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