By jamessmultiverse

33K 919 328

when peter quill and his daughter are part of some crazy loving family cover by the amazing @Aliza_D_Nubby... More

act i.
act ii.
act iii.
act iv.


1.7K 46 12
By jamessmultiverse


Eleanor Quill was now 13 years-old. She was quite a lonely girl - her only real friend was her dad, so she spent most of her time reading and drawing whilst listening to music. But Eleanor didn't mind, she loved her life. She loved spending everyday with just her dad as they traveled around the different planets. She did have other family - Yondu, her blue adoptive grandfather, and his band of Ravagers - but were too boisterous for her liking.

She was currently sat cross-legged with her feet resting on the ship's dashboard. Her father had gone off to retrieve some purple rock thing - the Orb - from a random temple in the middle of God knows where (Morag). So that meant that Eleanor was left with the ship as Peter didn't want her to come along and potentially be in danger, and she was also a good person to be the lookout in case any other creatures tried to steal the Orb too.

However this meant that Eleanor was extremely bored. Even though she had been left with the large amount of cassette tapes - as Peter had only taken one with him - she didn't want to listen to most of them. She groaned out loud, even though nobody would hear her and grabbed the nearest tape and slotted it into the player. The soft music began to play throughout the ship and she started to sing along, drumming her fingers against her thighs along with the beat.

"There's a starman waiting in the sky. He'd like to come and meet us, but he thinks he'd blow our minds." She sang gently, drumming with her hands now.

The sound of a body hitting the floor made Eleanor look up. Her father was sprawled out on the floor, and a groan escaped his lips momentarily. "Oh, my God," muttered Eleanor, "Dad, you okay?"

"Great!" Peter replied sarcastically, hitting a button on the side of his head which made his mask disappear, "Turn this off and put your seatbelt on, bean."

Eleanor smiled at the nickname that her dad gave her when she was younger. She switched the music off, and strapped her seatbelt in. She spotted some aliens building some kind of boulder launcher, "Uhh, Dad. Who are they?" She asked.

"People who you were supposed to tell me about!"

She crossed her arms, "They must have arrived when I was getting a snack, then."

The ship started to rise into the air and Peter dodged one of their shots. Eleanor's head got thrown back into her headrest and she rubbed the back of her head tenderly. The ship started to fly away, missing all of the shots coming from the angry aliens.

Peter was laughing, and he glanced back at the aliens. "Goodbye, motherfu-" Eleanor screamed as the ship got thrown up into the air by a geyser. At that moment, she was incredibly grateful that her father told her to put her seatbelt on. Looking at her side, she noticed that her father wasn't in his seat anymore. Instead, he was squashed up against the window.

The ship started to fall. Peter got tossed to the back as Eleanor's old toys started to fall off the shelves. The ship was getting closer to the ground and Eleanor knew that she needed to do something. She unbuckled her seatbelt and before she got to Peter's seat, she got thrown backwards. Peter reached the seat and managed to pull the ship up. It stopped just before it hit the ground, causing Eleanor to hit the floor of the ship.

"Ow." She said, sitting up whilst rubbing her arm.

"Are you hurt, Els?" Peter asked, crouching down in front of her.

She shook her head, "No."

"Then what were you thinking?!"

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to die!" Eleanor crossed her arms, staring defiantly up at Peter.

"Peter?" came another woman's voice and both father and daughter jumped. A pink woman with messy brown hair popped out from a trap door. She was breathing heavily, "What happened?"

"Hey, uh..." Peter replied, glancing over at Eleanor for the woman's name but she shook her head quickly. She had also forgotten, "Uh... I..." he clicked his fingers together, and the woman gave him a look.


"Bereet!" Peter echoed, "Look, I'm gonna be totally honest with you. I forgot you're here, and I think Els did too. Otherwise I think she would've told me." Eleanor nodded.

Bereet pulled them another annoyed look and Eleanor smiled awkwardly at her. Peter hurriedly stood up and sat down in the driver's seat. Eleanor followed after him, seating herself into the passenger seat.

"What music, Dad?" She asked, as Peter made sure nothing was damaged.

Peter quickly answered, "How about 'A spirit in the sky'?"

Eleanor found the cassette from the shelf next to her and slot it into the player. The cheery rock music started to play as Peter flew the ship out of Morag.

"Scattered riots broke out across the Kree Empire today protesting the recent peace treaty signed by the Kree Emperor and Xandar's Nova Prime." Eleanor was sitting in the back corner, reading her book whilst listening to the radio.

A loud beeping drowned out the news, and Eleanor looked up from the book to see that it was a call from Yondu.

"Peter, you have call." Bereet said, and Peter turned around with a scared look on his face.

"No, wait, don't!"

Yondu's face appeared on the screen behind him, "Quill?"

Peter gave Bereet an annoyed look, "Hey, Yondu." he said, turning to face his adoptive father.

"I'm here on Morag," Yondu sounded angry, "Ain't no Orb, ain't no you, ain't no mini you either."

"Well, we were in the neighbourhood. I thought I'd save you the hassle." replied Peter.

"Well, where are you at now, boy?"

Peter pulled a face, "I feel really bad about this, but I'm not gonna tell you that."

"Well, where's Eleanor at?" Yondu yelled, "She'll tell me."

"Els is in the shower, right now," lied Peter, "You won't get anything from her."

Yondu glared at Peter through the screen, "I slaved putting this deal together!" he yelled.

"Slaved? Making a few calls is 'slaved'?"

"And now you're gonna rip me off!"

"We do not do that to each other," said Yondu, "We're Ravagers. We got a code."

Peter rolled his eyes, "Yeah, and that code is 'steal from everybody.'"

"When I picked you up on Terra... these boys of mine wanted to eat you."

"Yeah?" Peter gritted his teeth.

Yondu kept going, "They ain't never tasted any Terran before. I stopped them. You're alive because of me! I will find you, I will..."

Peter ended the call. Eleanor raised her eyebrows from the corner of the room, "He wasn't happy."

"Yeah, well..." Peter sighed, "You hungry? We'll grab some food when we get to Xandar."

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