𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐰𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧, the folk of...

By michaelises

4.6K 227 161

"𝒮𝒽𝑒 𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓇𝒸𝒶𝓂𝑒 𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝓌𝒶𝓈 𝓂𝑒𝒶𝓃𝓉 𝓉𝑜 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝓉𝓇𝑜𝓎 𝒽𝑒𝓇." (cardan... More

𝖒𝖆𝖉𝖜𝖔𝖒𝖆𝖓 🥀
𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓘
𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓘𝓘
𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓘𝓘𝓘
𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓘𝓘𝓘𝓘
𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓥
𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓥𝓘
𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓥𝓘𝓘
𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓘𝓧

𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓥𝓘𝓘𝓘

185 13 1
By michaelises


TIGHTENING THE NIGHT BOOTS SHE HAD ON IT WAS PAST DAWN. BRITHA OBSERVED THE OUTSIDE OF HER WINDOW. She needed to be sure their gatekeeper, Vrorok, wasn't in the way. Vrorok, was a large sized raspberry colored orge who had started working for the Longdales about ten years ago. He had ended up being in Ember Longdales' debt after a robbery gone wrong. Although overtime ended up caring for the family for real. Among the staff he got along with Zox the most. Mostly enjoying a peaceful lunch with her from time to time. As easy going as he presented himself. He took his job as gatekeeper and protecting the family very seriously. It was good Britha was careful on her toes, she was able to learn his nightly routine which helped her sneak out for meetings when needed. This time though she wasn't headed to a secret meeting but straight to Hollow Hall. She was weighing out a few options on how she can make it seem natural for being there. As her and Dains secretive and quite complicated relationship was not made quite public at all. Convincing the royal guards for visiting was going to be a hardship. Balekin was definitely out of the window.

So far the two options were.

Pretend to be a maid or.....Cardan

Suddenly she didn't want to go on this mission anymore. 

Well he wasn't an acquaintance or a friend. But he was a key to being able to visit the manor without any suspicion. Out of the brothers and being in the same class was an advantage. But what excuse could she use? He hated her, and made it every chance to make her and Jude miserable. What made her think he would be at her mercy.  Sitting on the saddle of one of her dark horses she didn't have time to think any more since Hollow Hall was right in her view.

Hollow Hall is a stone manor with a tall, crooked tower, the whole thing half-covered in vines and ivy. There's a balcony on the second floor that seems to have a rail of thick roots in place of iron. A curtain of thinner tendrils hangs down from it, like a scraggly beard. There is something misshapen about the estate that ought to make it charming, but instead makes it ominous. Britha remembers only stepping inside once. But that was when she was about nine so she hardly remembered. It was a revel where her father also attended with Caris and Nyathera. But she remembered them, her father specifically leaving the party not pleased. She wondered if maybe there was any altercation between him and Balekin, the eldest.

Having no time to stand there looking like a fool, she decided to approach one of the guards in her most polite manor. Straightening the wrinkles of her dress, one of the faerie guards go on alert once they see her. She made the mistake of peering to the side by the servants entryway, she thought she saw a whiff of familiar brown hair sneaking in.

What the hell Jude?

Before she could have time to look closely one of the guards stopped her as she was close.

"That is close enough...miss." One of them added the last part reluctantly with a hand out. Britha follows and stands diligently, offering a sign of no trouble.

"My apologies. I know it may seem very strange to be here at this hour. But I am here to attend Prince Cardan. I am only here to exchange a few words with him" She tries to be as polite and convincing as possible. Even so the guards won't budge.

"Prince Cardan is not attending to anyone at this hour. But I don't think he's in the mood to speak with anyone at this moment." Another adds rather rudely. It was obvious they could sense she was not fae. They were looking down on her. She didn't want to pull that card but if she had to, so be it.

"My father is Ember Longdale. He has a high position in the council of High King Eldred. The High King himself is quite fond of my father. Now he may not hold that much power but he does have an influence. It would upset him greatly if he hears his daughter has been mistreated by guards below him." She raises a hand up. "No offense. Of course I don't want to be rude. But we want to end this night on a good note don't we?" They look at each quite wary. They have heard the rumors about Ember, as well as his strong fire magic.

"It will only be a few minutes. If I worry you so much, you can be there while I talk to him. It's only school related as we are classmates." She pulls up a piece of old homework she managed to scramble last minute to make it seem more convincing.

After a moment of tension between the three. They decided to let up and lead her to the youngest Prince's chambers. She was relieved they didn't ask the Prince first before. She guessed they were probably tired and it's been quite a day. They stop by the dark wooden  double doors of Cardans chambers. Patiently they wait as they announce a visitor.

"Who?" The guards hesitate but Britha speaks before they do.

"It's me Cardan." She simply says. She figured he'd know just by her voice. And he seemed to as he came around fast with an accusatory look on his face. Narrowing his eyes he disregarded his guards and stared her down. Lips curled in disgust.

"Well look who decided to enter the lion's den? You know you're stupid for coming here right?" She rolled her eyes, he had no reason to act petty now. Immediately though the guards moved to take her by both arms, shooting their Prince an apologetic look.

"Deepest apologies my Prince. It seems you are not pleased with her here, we can escort her out if you wish." Cardan rolls his eyes. He lifts a hand.

"That won't be necessary." He meets eyes with her blank expression, staring back at him. "If needed, I will call. Or kick her out myself, it doesn't matter."

The guards still stay, not trusting her and that's when Cardan grew to be irritated. "Well? What is the hold up? Have I not made myself clear? Why don't you guys just go and wallow somewhere else! Out!" They quickly bow and leave. The witch raises an eyebrow at that.

"Didn't have to be so snippy. They were looking after you in their own way." Cardan scoffs.

"Will I have them come back then?" He brushes a bit of dust from his sweater. "Have them drag you by the arms like some helpless prisoner." Britha snorts.

"No, save me the trouble please." She says sarcastically. The youngest Prince then narrows his eyes again. He seems to be scrutinizing her closely.

"What exactly are you doing here? Obviously not expecting us to braid each other's hair and bond over tea?"

"Not unless it's rosemary." She adds. Cardan doesn't laugh, he sneers though.

"Funny." He says sharply. Britha decides to break the current rough patch they have as a way to spare time for Jude. She quickly was able to figure out as to why Jude was called as well, it was obvious Britha was the current distraction while the mortal girl snuck in to find some information, as it was her first mission Dain wanted to see how she fared.

He could have been more clear. Britha thought with a grumpy look on her face.

"Listen, I can't say what I have to say if I'm standing here with many of your servants and guards roaming around.....also it's rather chilly and I didn't bring something to cover up." This time it's Cardans turn to snort. He then noticed the rumple of paper in her hand.

"What's that?"

"Well I needed a good excuse for them to let me in didn't I?" She answered with no shame. Cardan shifts from the door and moves making some room for her to squeeze past. Her body brushes against the stiff tense lines of his. A warm and stiff feeling as her breath hitches. She thought she heard his breath hitch as well. But she stopped herself from thinking about it once she met the cool air of his room. She observes the space for a second. It looked regal, exactly fitting for a haughty prince like him. When she turned around she hadn't expected to meet his arrogant smirk he carried whenever he was ready to gloat.

"Let me guess." His eyes wandered before meeting hers again. "You came here to finish what you started. Or didn't, I should say." Britha gave him a look. He rolls his eyes.

"Come on from embarrassing me in front of everyone at the tournament. It's the least you could do. Beg, make it worthy of me." He repeats, his eyes glinting with mischief.

"One for dramatics are you?" She deadpans. 

"I'm not Locke." With that he purses his lips and moves over to his wine table filled with many bottles and goblets. He moves to pour himself one. It reminded Britha too much of her grandmother.

"Well, enough with the stalling." His eyes are void of the playfulness he displayed earlier now met with a more serious reaction. He leans against the table slightly. "Why are you here?"

Luckily Britha was prepared.

"What you did for Jude. The salt. That was kind of you." The Greenbriar prince seethed.

"That doesn't mean anything, I still mocked her like everyone else." Britha couldn't deny that. It was obvious that was probably the only good deed they were going to get from him. She wondered as to why he even cared to give her the salt in the first place.

"How do you even know about that?"

"It was Locke. He had the pleasure of visiting my manor this evening." Cardan whipped around so quickly to face her. "What?" He hissed.

"I'm just as confused as you are. But he's your friend, don't ask me." Britha wrinkled her lips for a moment as if she was disgusted. "A weird set of friends you have if I'm being honest."

Cardan didn't miss a chance to give her a somewhat offended look on his face.

"Feel free to leave now."  Britha tries not to smirk. "Speaking of. How are you feeling by the way?" He refers to her previous sickness.

"Don't tell me you were worried too?" But he stays silent. Britha doesn't realize this though as she continues. Instead she changes the subject. "You know I never realized how much the color of your room suits you." She observes the golden walls and onyx curtains that covered all of the room.

"Well it's the only time where I could choose what I want without anyone making the decision for me." He curled his lips in displeasure. Britha thought she saw a hint of sadness in his face. She didn't press further; it seemed like a touchy subject.

"My room is not exactly as big as this but I remember I hated the colors when I first witnessed them painting. They were yellow, it made me squirm. Didn't quite fit me but I was scared to tell my father. I didn't want to sound ungrateful." She thought aloud. Cardan didn't say anything as he listened.

"So I remember one day. I was so angry at my grandmother." Cardan snickers.

"Didn't know you could even get angry." Of course he wouldn't miss a chance to snark at her.

"Like I said, self control." She pouted a bit. " Let me continue will you?"

"I forgot what exactly I was angry about. But I ended up stealing my grandmother's wine glass of cranberry I believe or was it rose wine?" She pauses. "It was definitely rose wine now that I think about it." She makes a gesture.

"I ended up splashing the wine on my yellow colored walls. It was a petty temper tantrum and I most definitely deserved the punishment. But at that moment I didn't care. In front of me was the perfect set of color fit for my room. That rose red." She trails off, feeling awkward. Why was she even telling him this? It was pointless information.

"I feel like certain colors define our character. Don't you think so?" She asks him, her doe eyes were on Cardan as if awaiting an answer. It was earnest. It seemed he was really about to answer until one of the servants interrupted by knocking on the door. Cardan went to answer. He whispered, it seemed he didn't want Britha to hear his conversation.

"Now?" He asked them. Not pleased with the result. Sighing he holds his breath before letting it out. He turns around to face Britha.

"It seems my brother needs me right now. I'm afraid you'll have to leave." He grits his teeth looking at the floor. All of sudden everything was awkward between them as if they hadn't been talking like friends a bit. Britha doesn't question it. She understands and begins making her way to the door.

"Thanks, let's agree to not do this again." She ends as she hurriedly leaves the door, though she hears Cardan whisper. "Likewise." Feeling his eyes on her as she passes.

"Do you need somebody to escort you outside?" He calls out to her. But she merely waves.

"My memory is quite good. I'll make it out somehow."

DAIN WAS QUITE PLEASED WITH HIMSELF. HE COULDN'T HELP BUT GLOAT AS HE FACED BRITHA WHO MET HIM WITH AN IMPASSIVE EXPRESSION, ARMS CROSSED. It didn't take her long to maneuver around and sneak her way through the palace, on her way to his chambers. She had snuck through there so many times it was like easy homework for her now. He opened the door and quickly beckoned her inside, there she was met with Jude who looked quite breathless for a moment. They both froze as they stared at each other. But none of them spoke first. Dain decided to cut the silence once more.

"It's amazing how you both were able to work together. Able to do what I asked of you both." His eyes glint as he meets Britha. She however still looks displeased.

"It would have helped with a warning." She clears her throat. "Only at the last minute did I realize Jude would be there as well." Jude widens her eyes a bit.

"Yes but you were always so smart, I knew you were able to figure it out quickly and handle it." He stated, quite confident in himself. Still she's silent. Dain raises an eyebrow.

"There's no problem is there?"

What if Jude had gotten herself in danger? What if she was caught?

She so desperately wanted to call him out. But she knew how he felt when his subjects ever questioned the decision he made. So she simply shakes her head and answers him dryly.

"Of course not."

With that he leads his attention towards their newest member, who was awkwardly standing to the side. Jude approaches them, drawing out a folded-up note and smoothing it against the top of a cunning little table with carved bird feet for legs. "He came in while I was copying it. So it was quite a mess." She apologized. Dain squints to read the shapes of the letters past her smudges.

"And he didn't see you?" Jude shakes her head.

"He was distracted. I hid." It looked like she was telling the truth.

He nods and rings a small bell, summoning a servant. "Good. And did you enjoy it?" With that, Jude hesitates. It looks like she's trying to bring a jumble of words together. Uncontrollably she gives Britha a glance, wanting to see her expression. Britha looks calm as she stares at her. Judes eyes meet the ground again.

"I liked doing a good job." Finally finding an answer. Dain nods, he looks content with that answer. Shortly after her words does somebody else enter the room. Britha cranes her neck to see a goblin, knowing all too well who it was. With scarred, green skin, the color of ponds. His nose is long and twists fully around, before bending back toward his face like a scythe. His hair is a black tuft at the very crown of his head. His eyes are unreadable. Instantly faced with Jude he blinks several times as if trying to focus his full attention on her.

"They call me The Roach." He introduces, voice gruff. He bows at Dain and gives Britha a nod, in which she returns.

"At his service I guess we all are. You're the new girl right?" He waits for her to confirm.

"Am I supposed to tell you my name or am I supposed to come up with something clever?" Jude quips. This instantly brings a grin to The Roach's face. Looks like she impressed him greatly with that question.

"I'm supposed to bring you over to meet the rest of The Troupe." He explains. He then gestures to Britha. "Along with our Hawk here." Jude furrows her eyes a bit.

"Hawk?" She trails off to meet Brithas eyes again but the witch isn't looking at her this time.

"Don't worry about what we're going to call you. We decide that ourselves.  You think anyone in their right mind wants to be called The Roach." Britha couldn't help but let out a snort at that. Which unfortunately brought the rest of the three's attention onto her. She pales a bit and coughs into her fist.

"Sorry." She mutters softly.

"Great." Jude sighs. The Roach gives her a long look.

"Yeah I can see how that's a real talent. Not having to say what you mean." He glances briefly at Britha as well, while saying that.

He's dressed in an imitation of a court doublet. Except his doublet is made from scraps of leather. 

Dain decides to bring the attention back to the matter at hand. "So, he's blackmailing Queen Orlagh."  frowning over the letter. Nicasias mother, Queen Orlagh. She wrote that repaying a debt but knowing Nicasia, guessed a little nastiness wouldn't give her mother much pause. But the Queen of the Undersea is vast and mighty.

Yet Britha had said her father would have no problems taking matters into his own hands if he ever came in conflict with The Queen.

Jude wondered to herself if that was true.

Dain hands the letter to the Roach. "Do you believe he will use it before the coronation?"

"That's the smart move." The goblin replies. "Once the crown is on your head, nothing is going to get it off."

Britha lets out a hum of agreement. Jude however looks surprised. Dain notices as he turns to address her.

"We have never gotten along, my brother and I. He has always been too ambitious for that. Yet I hoped....." He trails off, it's not missed by Britha who eyes him. His expression, she so desperately wants to see slip. At least a hint. She adds in her input before Jude can notice the change of expression.

"Poisons are for cowards." She adds bluntly. "Simple as that. But I can't lie and say that it's not effective. Especially towards your intended target." Dain nods.

"What about Princess Elowyn?"Jude asks but she is met without an answer.

"Maybe Balekin plans on marrying her." The Roach suggests surprising all of them. He shrugs. "What? If he makes things too obvious. He's going to be the next one to get a knife in his back. And he wouldn't be the first Gentry to marry a sister."

"Doesn't make it any less disgusting." Britha says. Her heart already went out for poor Elowyn.

Dain laughs. "If he marries her. He'll get a knife in the front." Britha can see the change of emotion. He's eager, power hungry. It was obvious Dain was thinking he was doing a good deed, a better one. His lips curl upwards when he notices Britha staring at him. His silver gray eyes glinted. However she breaks their gaze when The Roach summons both her and Jude.

"Come." He begins. "It's time you met the others." They get ready to leave, Britha straightens and begins to follow them slightly behind. Jude thought is hesitant being in the presence of somebody she doesn't know all too well yet. She turns to see Britha right behind her, looking straight at the door. Both relief and nervousness fill around the mortal's stomach.

They are stopped when Dain heads over to them.

"Before you go. I promised none might compel you, save for me. But I am afraid I am going to have to use that power." Britha went rigid. "Jude Duarte. I forbid you from speaking aloud about your service to me. I forbid you from putting it into writing or into song. You will never tell anyone of the Roach. You will never tell anyone of any of my spies. You will never reveal their secrets, their meeting places, their safe houses. So long as I live, you will obey this." Britha feels that overwhelming feeling once more. She steps towards Jude, staring intensely at the golden prince before you. Her hand touches Judes lightly. She seemed to have noticed since she jumped slightly, but still said nothing.

"We can't keep the others waiting." She addresses Dain but is staring at Jude. "You know how impatient they get." She spoke out of turn but she didn't care, she simply wanted to get Jude out as safely as possible. If Dain noticed he didn't make it obvious, he simply grunts and begins to wave them off.

"Oh." He seemed to have forgotten something as he began to speak. Britha pauses her stride and clenches her fist. He gives her a look of hostility, satisfied once noticing her impatience. "One more thing, do you know what mithridatism is?" He asks Jude. Britha holds her breath. Why was he telling Jude this exactly? She knew the mortal girl would look into it given how curious she was.

"Look into it." He smiles that charming smile again. As if he hadn't threatened Britha with his eyes just a second ago. "And that's a suggestion by the way. Not an order." He adds.

As if that makes things any better. Britha thought bitterly. They were finally off but not before Britha gave the prince one more glance, she wasn't surprised when their eyes met. It seemed he had a message for her. One they could only understand.

I hope to see you later. His eyes spoke.

Britha closes the door.

Very very very sorry that this is so late! I wanted to start the new year in January with a chapter for you all! Hope you guys didn't disappear on me 👀 and hope yall are having a good start of the new year so far!


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