The Alpha Centauri Expedition

By doctorandrian

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In the 25th century, following the discovery of the ancient city of Atlantis in the Sunda Strait and the cons... More

Opening Page
1. Prologue: The Twenty-Fifth Century
2. The New City of Atlantis
3. The Palace of Awakening
4. The Valley of Grief
5. Antasena's Tomb
6. The Dimension Gate
7. The Interstellar Masterpiece
8. The Space Garden
9. Dilemma of the Heart
10. The Full Moon Stone
11. The Flight of Bimasakti
13. The Ganymede Calamity
14. Arjuna and Srikandi
15. Two Skies
16. Three Suns
17. The Orange Sky
18. The Celestial Belt
19. The Light Beyond the Horizon
20. The Divine Words
21. The First Touch
22. Epilogue: The Return of Bimasakti

12. The Europa Tragedy

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By doctorandrian

"Don't be sad, Gaya... Consider my experience as a life lesson for you. Who knows, your future husband might also be an astronaut. So, you should be prepared for those risks," said Dr. Sisca with a meaningful smile. Gayatri smiled along, but of course, she couldn't admit that she already feared those risks even at that very moment.


On Thursday, July 4, 2458, one day after Bimasakti took off, all the crew members had adapted to their new work and life inside the spacecraft. Since leaving Earth's orbit, Bimasakti had been traveling at full speed, 0.5 percent of the speed of light, towards Saturn's moon, Titan, to rendezvous with the Cakrawala I and Cakrawala II spacecraft, which were already there. Team One and Team Two took turns on duty, each for six hours. However, Bimasakti was flying entirely on autopilot, so during their shifts on the bridge, their task was mainly to monitor the flight's progress. The pro-G engines on the floor of Bimasakti worked continuously to create artificial gravity, allowing the crew to walk inside the spacecraft normally as they would on Earth.

Gayatri began to enjoy her routine on Bimasakti, and it was mostly because Rizki was with her. Their companionship during the six-hour shifts on the bridge always filled her with excitement. She cherished the moments when they sat together in the pilot and copilot seats. Now they didn't need to wear their spacesuits, since regular overalls were sufficient. Furthermore, the fact that Bimasakti was flying on autopilot made their tasks easier, leaving them with ample time to converse. However, they remained cautious and avoided discussing their romance, as all conversations inside Bimasakti were also monitored by the bioscanners. The only place free from bioscanner surveillance was their bedrooms. It was the only place where they still had privacy. Only in their bedrooms could they speak freely through UVA, as it was the only communication channel in Bimasakti not monitored by the bioscanners.

On the second day, at eleven o'clock in Atlantis time, Bimasakti had already passed the planet Mars. This meant they had flown over 130 million kilometers away from Earth. While Rizki and Gayatri were on duty on the bridge last night, the planet appeared in the front window like a reddish moon. But now, Mars had been left behind and disappeared from view.

"Did you often fly to Mars, Gaya?" Rizki asked, recalling what he had seen yesterday. Gayatri nodded her head.

"Yes, when I was a pilot on Jatayu, Mars was one of our routine destinations," replied Gayatri.

"Did you also go to Mars frequently?" Gayatri asked in return. Rizki shook his head.

"I rarely go to Mars, only a few times," he answered.

"Oh yes, I remember... You were on Pasopati with Marshal Haris, who always went far away, right? Mars is indeed too close for Pasopati," said Gayatri. Previously, Rizki was a pilot on the Pasopati spacecraft when Colonel Haris was still his commander. Pasopati always had missions to far-off places like the Kuiper Belt.

"Yes... That's why I seldom go to Mars... But I have sweet memories there," Rizki said.

"What are they?" Gayatri asked, somewhat curious.

"The commander of Mars II Station was my AI professor back in the academy... She never forgot my favorite food. Every time I visited there, she would make that food in the replicator, just for me," said Rizki. Gayatri appeared puzzled.

"The commander of Mars II Station, you mean AI Major Arimbi?" asked Gayatri. Arimbi was a female android officer assigned as the Station Commander of Mars II.

"Yes, that's right. She was my AI professor for one semester at the academy. She always paid special attention to me. Maybe because I was the one who asked the most questions in class," Rizki explained. Gayatri had met Major Arimbi several times at Mars II Station. Like other female androids of type D, she had a beautiful face and perfect physique. However, Gayatri never saw her at the Space Academy, as Arimbi had been transferred to serve as the commander at Mars II Station when Gayatri had just entered the academy.

"So, you're actually interested in androids, huh...?" Gayatri teased. Rizki grinned upon hearing that.

"Of course not, Gaya... I'm still a normal guy," he replied with a laugh. Since their conversation touched upon their time at the academy, Gayatri became curious about their past experiences there.

"Riz, back when we were at the academy, why did you always seem annoyed with me? Every time we met, it's like you didn't want to see me," asked Gayatri with a smile. Hearing that, Rizki furrowed his brows as he looked at Gayatri.

"It was actually you who seemed arrogant, Gaya. Because every time I saw you, you always looked away. I became afraid to meet you," said Rizki. Gayatri laughed. She never expected that Rizki had thought that way back then. So, it was all a misunderstanding that created distance between them during their time at the academy, preventing them from exchanging greetings or meeting again. After graduation, Rizki was assigned to the Pasopati spacecraft, stationed at the B. J. Habibie space base in Atlantis, while Gayatri was on the Jatayu spacecraft, stationed at the Yusuf Hanifah space base in Pontianak. But now, after three years of being apart, fate brought them back together in Bimasakti. A unique reunion that gave her first love. Bimasakti seemed to have become the vessel that brought her there. Now, she always longed for her six-hour meetings with Rizki on the bridge. And those meetings always felt like they passed too quickly. Just like at that moment. Unaware, it was already noon, and her shift on the bridge had ended. Team Two would take over.

"Are you still comfortable here? If so, we'll head back to our room," suddenly a voice came from nearby. Gayatri was startled, and when she turned around, Captain Bagas and Lieutenant Azis were standing behind her.

"Roger, Captain," Gayatri said, almost jumping out of her seat. Lieutenant Azis immediately took her place in the chair. Rizki also got up from his seat, but Bagas patted his shoulder.

"You're lucky, huh...? Having Gayatri as your copilot, so you want to stay here longer," he teased.

"Could be... but don't envy me...," Rizki replied, laughing. But before leaving, he reminded Bagas.

"Gas, don't forget to check the spacecraft's trajectory... We'll be entering the Asteroid Belt soon." In the Asteroid Belt, flight procedures required the spacecraft's trajectory to be constantly rechecked using quantum radar to ensure it was clear of any asteroids.

"Got it," Bagas replied shortly. Then Rizki and Gayatri walked away from the bridge.

Rizki immediately headed to the prayer room located on the first level to perform the noon prayer. Inside Bimasakti, they still used Atlantis time for their prayers. Meanwhile, Gayatri returned to her room to take a moment to rest. With Rizki no longer by her side, the fatigue from her six-hour shift as the copilot began to set in. She realized that Rizki had become a new source of strength for her. Everything would be very different if she had not fallen in love with him. Once in her room, before the fatigue overwhelmed her, she hurried to perform her prayers. She had intended to perform the shortened and combined prayers from the beginning of the journey. After finishing, a sudden longing for her mother emerged. Still wearing her prayer attire and kneeling on the prayer mat, she activated the UVA and tried to initiate a video call with her mother. At that moment, Bimasakti's quantum radio was still connected to AI-net on Earth, allowing her to make the call using the UVA. The quantum radio link would remain connected to Earth until they reached the outer regions of the solar system, as relay stations had been set up around the moons of Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus. However, once they left the solar system, the connection would be lost, and she wouldn't be able to use the UVA to call Earth anymore. Her heart filled with joy as her mother's face appeared on the UVA, even though the quantum radio could only display ordinary video images, not the 3D ones like on Earth.

"Assalamualaikum...," her mother's greeting sounded from Earth. The audio and video of her mother were still so clear, as if she was still on Earth, even though she was now more than 140 million kilometers away.

"Waalaikumussalam, mama...," Gayatri replied.

"How are you, Gaya? Are you doing well?" her mother asked from Earth.

"Alhamdulillah, I'm doing well, ma. We just passed Mars... How about you, mama?" she inquired.

"Alhamdulillah, I'm doing well too...," her mother answered. She then proceeded to tell Gayatri everything that had happened around her since her departure, including some journalists who came to interview her. Gayatri also shared her experiences on Bimasakti, especially her happiness in being with Rizki. Mira, her mother, was delighted to hear that. She advised Gayatri to remain patient and to always maintain her prayers.

Eventually, Gayatri had to end the call because she couldn't use Bimasakti's quantum radio channel for too long. But she felt relieved to have been able to meet her mother via UVA and see her in good health.

After the call, she originally intended to rest in her room. However, hunger began to bother her. She just realized that it was almost past lunchtime. Although there was a replicator in her room, she didn't feel like having lunch alone there. So she put on her overall again and headed to the dining area.

She noticed a few crew members sitting together, enjoying their lunch and chatting. She quickly approached the replicator and selected the food she desired. While waiting for her meal to be ready, she looked for a place to sit. Spotting Colonel Dr. Sisca sitting alone at a table, she decided to join her there.

"Good afternoon, Colonel... May I join you here?" she greeted with a salute.

"Of course, Gaya... Have you had your lunch?" asked Dr. Sisca.

"Not yet, Colonel... My food is being processed by the replicator," she replied, pointing to the replicator. She noticed that Dr. Sisca was enjoying a plate of bingu with peanut sauce, the same as she had ordered from the replicator.

"How's our flight going, Gaya? Any issues?" Dr. Sisca inquired. She always asked Gayatri this question every time they met. She knew Gayatri was the most intelligent and meticulous pilot when it came to the condition of the spacecraft.

"Alhamdulillah, everything has been smooth so far, Colonel... We are now entering the Asteroid Belt," she replied. Dr. Sisca nodded her head. There was not a hint of worry on her face. As an astrophysics expert, she understood that although there were many asteroids orbiting in the Asteroid Belt, the distances between them were vast, making the chance of a collision with the spacecraft extremely low. Moreover, the quantum radar was always monitoring the spacecraft's trajectory.

"Time flies, in four days we'll arrive at Jupiter...," she said as she took another bite of her food.

"Indeed, Colonel... Back when I was on Jatayu, it took twice as long to reach Jupiter," Gayatri shared her experience from her days as a pilot on the Jatayu spacecraft.

"With Pasopati and Nagasasra, it took longer as well," Dr. Sisca added. She had previously served on both of those spacecraft. Suddenly, the replicator made a sound, indicating that Gayatri's ordered food was ready. Gayatri got up to retrieve her meal from the replicator. Once she sat back at the table, Dr. Sisca glanced at her plate.

"Oh, you ordered bingu with peanut sauce too...," she remarked.

"Yes, Colonel... It's one of my favorite dishes," replied Gayatri. Dr. Sisca smiled.

"Great, Gaya... It's a healthy meal," she said. Bingu with peanut sauce was a dish consisting of boiled purple yams mixed with various vegetables, sliced tofu, and a delicious peanut sauce, reminiscent of gado-gado from the past. Gayatri then started to enjoy her lunch.

"Gaya, did you used to go to Jupiter often?" Dr. Sisca asked a few moments later, continuing their conversation about Jupiter.

"Yes, Colonel... Jupiter was indeed one of Jatayu's regular destinations. Once a month, we had to pick up personnel and scientists from Europa and Ganymede," Gayatri replied. The discovery of animal and plant alien life in the depths of Europa's ocean by previous generations had led to the establishment of space stations on two of Jupiter's moons, Europa and Ganymede. The Jatayu spacecraft was responsible for transporting personnel, scientists, and all their necessities to those moons. The Europa I space station on Jupiter's moon, Europa, was built to conduct research on the alien life found in the hidden depths of Europa's thick ice layer.

"Until now, every time I pass by Jupiter, I'm still overwhelmed with sadness... because I have extremely bitter memories on Europa," Dr. Sisca suddenly said with a melancholic tone as she took the last spoonful of her meal. Gayatri stopped paying attention to her own food and looked at Dr. Sisca's face. She immediately remembered the story from a few years ago about Dr. Sisca's husband, who died on Europa. She had heard the story back when she was still at the academy. Similar to Dr. Sisca, her husband was a scientist. He was an astrobiologist. Major Dr. Hari Tan, as he was then, was a science officer assigned to study the life in the ocean beneath Europa's ice surface.

"I heard the story about Colonel's husband when I was still at the academy... I feel sorry for your loss," said Gayatri with empathy. Dr. Sisca seemed to sigh deeply.

"Thank you, Gaya...," she said.

"That incident really struck me hard back then," she continued. Gayatri put down her spoon and fork.

"If I may ask, what actually happened, Colonel? Because back then, I only heard the news briefly," asked Gayatri cautiously. She was curious to know more due to Dr. Sisca's sad expression. Dr. Sisca nodded her head.

"I will tell you, but you don't have to stop eating. Continue with your meal," said Dr. Sisca. Upon hearing that, Gayatri smiled, and then she resumed her meal.

"My husband was an astrobiologist. He was a science officer assigned to study alien life in the oceans of Europa. On that fateful day, he and his team were conducting surface drilling with laser equipment to deploy an underwater drone into Europa's ocean. It was a routine task they had done many times without any issues. But for reasons still unknown to this day, the surface where the drilling was taking place suddenly collapsed, creating a deep hole. My husband and his entire team fell into it, and they all disappeared into the hole, never to be found...," Dr. Sisca paused, her eyes becoming teary. But then she continued.

"All efforts to find them were in vain because the hole was over fifteen kilometers deep, and there were no signs of their presence at the bottom except for ice debris. We don't know if they were buried beneath the ice or if they fell into Europa's ocean. Even if they were buried, it was impossible to evacuate them due to the depth of the hole... And the cause of the surface collapse remains unknown. That's why all personnel conducting drilling on Europa now wear anti-G suits, so if such an incident were to happen again, they wouldn't fall into the hole...," Dr. Sisca concluded her story, and tears were now streaming down her cheeks. Seeing her cry, Gayatri felt a sense of guilt.

"I'm sorry, Colonel... I have made you sad... Please forgive me...," said Gayatri with a remorseful tone. Dr. Sisca immediately wiped her tears and smiled.

"It's okay, Gaya... I wanted to share this with you. Because we have similar life stories. You lost your father on Titan, and I lost my husband on Europa... After that incident, I was devastated because I loved my husband deeply, to the point that I experienced severe depression. I even had to be under the care of Dr. Amalia for several months. But, thank God, I eventually accepted the reality with sincerity and was able to move on with my life... I realized that what I went through is a risk that comes with being the wife of an astronaut...," said Dr. Sisca, finishing her words.

However, her last sentence startled Gayatri. She realized that if Rizki became her husband, she would also have to bear the same risks as the wife of an astronaut, a life always filled with danger. Suddenly, a fear she had never felt before overwhelmed her. Could she handle it if something terrible happened to Rizki? Gayatri could no longer chew her food. She fell silent, and the meal lost its taste. She couldn't fathom what would happen to her if she lost Rizki after they got married. Even if it were to happen at that moment, she couldn't imagine the devastation she would feel. Dr. Sisca noticed the change in Gayatri's expression.

"Why Gaya...? Are you reminded of your father?" asked Dr. Sisca.

"Oh, no, Colonel... I was just lost in thought and saddened by the story earlier," she replied, lying, while trying to resume eating her food. Dr. Sisca chuckled.

"Don't be sad, Gaya... Consider my experience as a life lesson for you. Who knows, your future husband might also be an astronaut. So, you should be prepared for those risks," said Dr. Sisca with a meaningful smile. Gayatri smiled along, but of course, she couldn't admit that she already feared those risks even at that very moment.

"Thank you, Colonel...," was all she could say. Dr. Sisca nodded and prepared to leave the table.

"Gaya, I'm sorry I have to leave first... I need to go back to the bridge. There are some analyses I have to conduct," she said, standing up and tidying up her plate.

"Understood, Colonel," replied Gayatri while giving a salute. Now she was alone at the table, her heart still filled with turmoil due to Dr. Sisca's words. She had never realized before that if Rizki became her husband, she would constantly be plagued by anxiety every time he was on duty. She understood all too well the risks of being an astronaut, as she herself had experienced it. Would she be able to bear the constant worry when Rizki was on duty? How long could she endure such anxiety? Gayatri sat there lost in thought. The shadow of fear seemed overwhelming even though her relationship with Rizki had just begun. She couldn't finish her meal anymore.

Then her thoughts drifted away. Did Rizki also have the same worries? Had he ever thought about it, that if his wife were an astronaut, he would have to be prepared for the risks that Dr. Sisca had mentioned? If Rizki truly loved his wife, he would surely feel the same concerns. So, would he also be tormented by constant anxiety if his wife were an astronaut? Gayatri remained silent for quite a while in her chair. The thought kept bothering her until she felt tired and tried to forget about it. She immediately got up from the table while clearing the plates of food that she could not finish. Then she hurriedly left the empty dining area and headed back to her room. However, when she reached the corridor in front of her room's door, she hesitated to enter. Suddenly, she felt the urge to meet with Dr. Amalia. There were some questions she wanted to ask because she knew Dr. Amalia had been responsible for taking care of astronauts who had accidents and examining the bodies of those who lost their lives. But she didn't know where Dr. Amalia was currently located.

"Bimasakti, where is Doctor Amalia located?" she asked the AI.

"Doctor Amalia is currently in the clinic," the AI's response came through the speaker in the corridor. So, she immediately continued her steps towards the clinic located on the first level. Upon arriving at the clinic's entrance, she opened the door and saw Colonel Dr. Amalia sitting in front of the AIMED console.

"Assalamualaikum," she greeted, giving a salute as she entered the clinic. Dr. Amalia looked up and glanced at her.

"Waalaikumussalam. What's the matter, Gaya? Are you feeling unwell?" she asked.

"Oh, no, Doctor. Are you busy?" Gayatri inquired.

"No, I'm just conducting a routine check on AIMED... Please, have a seat, Gaya. How can I help you?" she asked kindly. Gayatri took a seat on the patient's chair in front of the doctor's desk. Dr. Amalia moved from the AIMED console and sat in front of Gayatri.

"What's on your mind, Gaya?" she asked, looking at Gayatri's face.

"I have something I want to ask... but I hope I'm not disturbing you, Doctor," Gayatri asked again.

"No, Gaya... I'm just conducting a routine AIMED check... You know, my fate is almost similar to that of the marines. They are responsible for maintaining laser cannons, even though they hope they never have to use them in battle. I am the same... I am in charge of maintaining AIMED, but I hope I never have to use it to care for the crew members. I want all of us to stay healthy and safe...," she said, looking at the two AIMED tubes located in the middle of the clinic. Gayatri also observed the two devices. AIMED was one of the technologies she admired the most. However, she never hoped to use it, let alone be inside it.

"Now, tell me what you want to ask," Dr. Amalia continued. Gayatri took a moment to compose her words. Then she recounted her encounter with Dr. Sisca in the dining area.

"Yes, that's true, Gaya. I once treated Doctor Sisca for several months due to her depression. Alhamdulillah, she eventually overcame her struggles and rose again...," said Dr. Amalia. Then she looked at Gayatri's face.

"I'm also grateful that you have now overcome your fear of Titan, Gaya... May you become even stronger in facing it," Dr. Amalia added. Gayatri smiled upon hearing that.

"Thank you, Doctor... It's all because of Rizki's help," she said. Dr. Amalia nodded.

"Yes, Rizki also told me about it...," she said.

"Now, what do you want to ask?" she continued with the question. Gayatri seemed to think for a moment.

"As far as I know, you are responsible for treating astronauts who experience accidents. I just want to know how often actually accidents happen to astronauts on duty? Because from what I know, not all accidents are publicized by the Space Force," Gayatri asked. Dr. Amalia looked at Gayatri, and she appeared to be pondering.

"Why do you ask that, Gaya?" she inquired. Gayatri fell silent, struggling to find an answer.

"Uh... I was deeply affected by Doctor Sisca's story, so I wanted to know how significant the actual risk is," Gayatri replied nervously. Dr. Amalia continued to look at her, but now she understood why Gayatri asked such a question. Gayatri had experienced psychological trauma when her father died. After hearing Dr. Sisca's story, she must be worried that the same trauma would haunt her again if a similar tragedy happened to her future husband, especially if he was an astronaut. However, Dr. Amalia didn't know who the astronaut close to Gayatri might be. She wondered if it could be Rizki.

"Gaya, are you and Rizki...," Gayatri was taken aback by the question. Before the sentence was complete, she quickly interrupted.

"N-no, doctor... This has nothing to do with Rizki...," she interrupted so nervously that she had to lie. Dr. Amalia noticed Gayatri's blushing face. She nodded and smiled. She understood what was implied behind Gayatri's blushing face and decided not to inquire further about Rizki.

"You don't need to worry too much... Our space technology is now very reliable, and scientists have a better understanding of natural phenomena in space. The possibility of accidents is very low. It's rare to encounter mishaps in space these days compared to five years ago. Over the past few years, I rarely receive patients from space accidents," Dr. Amalia tried to provide a reassuring answer. She went on to share examples of dangerous space missions that were successfully carried out.

"However, in the end, we still have to put our trust in Allah and accept whatever happens as fate," Dr. Amalia advised at the end of her meeting with Gayatri that evening.

After the meeting, Gayatri felt a bit more at ease, though the restlessness in her heart had not entirely disappeared. When she returned to her room, it was almost five in the afternoon. She had an hour left before she had to return to the bridge with Rizki. This thought renewed her enthusiasm, and she tried to put aside the remnants of her worries and rested for a while before starting her duty at exactly 6 PM.

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