It's Just Pretend, Right? (Cr...

De luvmisoooo

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WE REACHED 8K READS!!!!!!! AHHHHH U GUYS ARE AMAZING Craig and Tweek had some unknown drama once the asian g... Mais

Chapter 1 ||| Damn, today really fucking sucks.
Chapter 2 ||| Any Winter Plans?
Chapter 3 ||| bad
Chapter 4 ||| in my life.
Chapter 5 ||| soft breathing
Chapter 6 ||| You're on
Chapter 7 ||| tomorrow
Chapter 8 ||| thoughts
a/n 1(u dont have to read this)
Chapter 9 ||| everybody's waiting
Chapter 10 ||| disgusting
Chapter 11 ||| mess
Chapter 12 ||| as long as he was mine.
Chapter 13 ||| slumber
Chapter 14 ||| crazy.
Chapter 15 ||| giggling
Chapter 16 ||| pockets
Chapter 18 ||| Craig Tucker.
Chapter 19 ||| flirt
Chapter 20 ||| Fuck.
Chapter 21 ||| Homework could wait.
Chapter 22 ||| feelings for you.
Chapter 23 ||| I love you too.
Chapter 24 ||| dating.
Chapter 25 ||| good way.
Chapter 26 ||| this retard.
Chapter 27 ||| so excited.
what the skibidi

Chapter 17 ||| close call

489 14 59
De luvmisoooo


I looked around the empty field, searching for nothing in particular. The sky was clear, and there was nothing but grass around me. No bugs, no flowers. Just grass that seemingly went on for miles.

"APPLEJACK NO." A female voice yelled from behind me. I spun around, and saw my little fucking ponies. Applejack was shoving apples into her mouth, and twilight was trying to stop her. Meanwhile, rainbow dash and pinky were laughing their asses off and fluttershy was just watching. Rarity was helplessly trying to part her mane correctly.

"You there! Tell me, does my hair look alright?" Rarity asked, pointing to me. I felt surprised, but walked over to her, looking at her purple hair.

"Looks great!" I said, smiling at the pony.

"Oh, why thank you.." she trailed off, squinting her eyes at me.

"Kyle!" I replied. She nodded.

"Oh my Kyle! Do you like bunnies?" Fluttershy asked, turning to look at me. 

"Yes! I love bunnies!" I said happily, my face lighting up. She made a very subtle whisper, then dozens of small cottontails came popping out of the ankle-deep grass. I gasped and sat on the ground, hoping they would come over to me.

"Yes yes, you can talk to him. He is friendly.." Fluttershy whispered to the small bunnies, gesturing to me with her yellow hove. They then all hopped over to me, jumping all over me and sniffing me. I laughed as their little paws tickled me, jumping all over me. I closed my eyes, still giggling uncontrollably. 

When I opened them again, I was in a hospital room. I was confused for a moment, and looked around the room. It was dark, and not the same room I was in before. 

Oh right! I was in the hospital.

I looked over at the window lazily, seeing the sun shining through the glass window. For some reason, they didn't have curtains. 

I rolled my head to the other side, seeing a doctor sitting at a desk and typing on a large computer.

"Oh, Kyle! Good morning!" She greeted, smiling widely and walking to the side of my bed. "You were giggling quite a bunch for the past hour. Silly dream?" She asked, looking down at me laying on the bed. I blushed embarrassedly.

"Uh.. Yeah." I replied sheepishly, rubbing the back of my neck. 

"Okay! It's 7:30 am, so now's about the time we start waking patients up and feeding them." She informed me, handing me a paper that kind of looked like a menu. "That's what we supply here! The other side has drinks." She explained, smiling kindly. I slowly sat up, and smiled at her. 

"Thank you." I thanked her simply. She nodded, then sat back at the desk. She pulled out a phone, pressed a few numbers, and let it ring. Once it picked up, she spoke. "Kyle Broflovski, patient in room 502 is awake." She said simply, then put the phone back on the little phone stand. 

I focused on my menu, and rubbed my eyes. After anesthesia, I have a hard time reading or seeing. 

After a moment or two, I could finally make out words.

'Belgian Waffles + eggs, sausage, or bacon.'

'1-2 pancakes + eggs, sausage, or bacon.'

'French toast + eggs, sausage, or bacon.'

'eggs, bacon, and toast'

Those were my options. I wasn't too hungry, so I went with the last one. I flipped over the menu, scanning through the drink options.


'Orange Juice(NO PULP'

'Apple Juice'

'Grimace Shake'


Grimace shake? I heard that was a big deal at McDonalds or something. For breakfast I'm gonna say a hard pass for that.

I decided on water.

"Uhh.." I said, realizing that I didn't know how to tell her I wanted food. 

"You decided on breakfast?" She asked, smiling sweetly at me. Thank god, this was about to be so awkward.

"Um.. yeah." I said, looking over at her. She nodded, and gave me her attention. 

"May I get the eggs, bacon and toast?" I asked softly, making sure to be polite. 

"Sure thing! How would you like your eggs?" She asked, looking down at me.

"Um.. uh, I uh, s.. scrambled." I said, stuttering over my words. She giggled and nodded. "sorry, I'm so out of it right now." I muttered, looking down at my lap and scratching the back of my neck.

"You're perfectly fine! What drink would you like?" She asked, smiling kindly.

"Can I get a water please?" I asked, looking over at her. She nodded. "Thank you." I added, smiling at her softly. She nodded.

"Okay! I'll get those in for you, I'll be right back!" She said, smiling at me then walking out of the room, gently shutting the door behind her. I sighed, placing the small paper on the quiet yet large heart monitor on my left. I looked around, searching for my phone. I hadn't seen it since yesterday. I barely remember talking to the doctors before surgery, and anything before that is somewhat memorable.

I spotted it on the desk where the lady was sitting, and sighed again. That's 2 sighs so far today, and I'd been awake for a few minutes. 

I decided to just wait patiently for her to return, and looked out of the window. The golden rays of the morning sun were always so beautiful, I could watch every sunrise everyday for years. 

I was spacing out so hard that I hadn't even noticed somebody coming in the room. I was busy admiring the flocks of birds flying through the morning sky. The sky was orange and red, and the sun added that beautiful tint of yellow and mandarin orange on the trees.

"Kyle." A monotone voice spoke from the other side of the room. I turned my head so fast I could've gotten whiplash. I quickly relaxed when I saw Craig in his signature blue and yellow chulo standing by the door of my room, his arms crossed and a shitty smirk plastered on his lips.

"Craig." I said, the same way he said my name. We stared at each other for a moment, and the shit-eating look on his face made me burst into laughter. He scoffed playfully and walked towards my bed as I doubled over in laughter.

"What's so funny?" He asked through my fit of giggles. I wiped fake tears from my eyes and looked up at him, still grinning widely.

"That look on your face was so stupid, I couldn't help it." I said, still giggling slightly. He rolled his eyes and scoffed yet again.

"Wowww." Was all he replied with.

"Well, what's up? You're here early." I said, feeling suddenly curious and slightly concerned.

"I came here 20 minutes ago, and they said you were asleep. They told me you woke up a few minutes ago." He replied nonchalantly. My jaw dropped.

"So, you've been waiting 20 minutes to see me?" I asked, blinking twice out of amazement. He shrugged then nodded, seeming completely laid back. 

I froze for a moment, processing. 

"YOU WAITED THAT LONG? HUH?" I yelled, grabbing his shoulders and shaking them back and forth. He seemed surprised.

"Yeah..?" He said, confused by my amazement. 

"20 minutes is soooo long, why'd you wait?" I asked.

"Well, you're my boyfriend, are you not?" He said, playfully smirking at me. I blushed. "You get flustered so easily. I hope you know this encourages me to tease you all the time." Craig said, chuckling softly. I blushed even more, playfully shoving him away.

"Shut up asshole, or I'll break up with you." I said dramatically, looking away from him. He gasped dramatically, and put a hand over his heart offendedly. 

"How could you!" He said dramatically, batting his eyelashes together. I scoffed, and crossed my arms over my chest and raised an eyebrow at him. He raised an eyebrow too. I was trying way too hard not too laugh.


I could tell Kyle was fighting back a laugh. Honestly, I was fighting back one too. 

The golden rays of the sun reflected on his freckled skin, and he honestly looked beautiful. Scratch that, gorgeous. I was purely in love with Kyle, without a doubt in my mind.  

His red, wavy hair looked so fluffy and it fitted his personality and attitude perfectly. Sometimes his face could reach the shade of his hair. His green eyes, oh god don't even get me started. They're like emeralds worth trillions or fields that I could get lost in. The way they light up with any emotion he was undergoing was so adorable. The way they crinkled up when he laughed or smiled was just perfect. His voice was just mesmerizing. How gentle and soft it could be when you were sad, how perfect and soothing it could be when you were generally speaking, how intimidating yet adorable it could be when he was angry. It was all perfect. Kyle Scott Broflovski was perfect in my eyes. Tweek doesn't come close, not at all. Nor does anyone else. Kyle is like no other. I've never seen someone or something so perfect in my entire life. So beautiful. 

In other parts of my mind, he was hot or sexy, but we don't go there. lmao.

"How do you feel?" I asked, breaking our silly staring contest.

"I feel fine!" Kyle replied, smiling brightly at me. Oh, that smile. So comforting and welcoming. 

"That's good. Are you getting discharged today?" I asked, sitting on the edge of his bed. It wasn't the most comfortable bed I've been in. 

"Yup. Around noon today." Kyle replied, nodding. 

"Cool." I replied simply. He looked into my eyes, not breaking eye contact with me. If he stared at me for too long, I woul-

"Wait, don't you have to go to school?!" Kyle exclaimed, his eyes slightly widening. Oh yeah, it's monday.

"I can skip. I don't want you to be lonely." I replied, shrugging. 

"But-.. Won't you get in trouble?" He asked, looking genuinely concerned. I could just look at that face for hours.

"My parents don't give 2 flying fucks about what I'm doing as long as I'm not drunk or getting high." I replied, putting up a finger as I named both of the reasons. Kyle nodded, but his face kept that concerned expression. 

"Are you sure? I'm sure I'd be fine-"

"No, Kyle. I'm hanging out with you today until you get discharged." I insisted, putting my palm to his face. He was surprised for a moment, but gave in and nodded. I grinned at that.

"Well, what are you gonna do all day? I don't get discharged for another few hours." Kyle questioned, slightly shifting in his bed. 

"Talk to you." I replied simply, not really having any other ideas in mind. He blushed for a moment, and that made me smile internally. 

"Uh.. I uh.. O..kay-?" He stuttered, blushing even more out of embarrassment. 

"So, how did surgery go?" I asked curiously, scooting up further onto his bed. I noted that there were some balloons hanging from the rims of his bed.

"It went fine." He replied, shrugging. Then, a look of realization appeared on his face, and his eyes slightly widened. "How did you know I had surgery?" He asked, leaning slightly closer to me. I froze, and felt my face begin to heat up. 

"Oh. I have my ways." I said mysteriously. He looked disappointed as his shoulders drooped and his eyes half lidded.

"Okay, be mysterious." He said, squinting his eyes at me. I grinned. 

"Were you not bored yesterday?" I asked, breaking the slight tension between us.

"No. There was a little TV in the corner of my old room and I watched YouTube." He replied matter-of-factually. I nodded.

"Well, you have me now." I said, winking playfully at him. He giggled and laid back on the headrest of his bed. Cute.

"I'm not sure if that changes anything." He said sarcastically, grinning at me. I gasped dramatically as if I was insulted.

"Whaaaaattt? Are you saying I'm boring?" I asked, making an exaggerated tone. 

"110%." He replied, crossing his arms over his chest and grinning. I scoffed and turned my head away from him.

"My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is absolutely ruined. My feelings are truly hurt." I said, acting as if I was actually hurt. I glanced over at him and he seemed genuinely worried.

"Wait, you know I was joking right?" He said, concern laced in his voice. I turned to him, and immediately burst into laughter.

"I'm just fuckin' with you." I said after my laughing fit. He rolled his eyes and shook his head disapprovingly.

"You actually worried me, you know." He muttered angrily, looking out the window. 

"Aw, is my sweet boyfriend worried about mee??" I asked teasingly, walking to him and nudging him in the side.

"You wish, asshat." He said, looking up at me. I smiled and looked down at him. We maintained eye contact for a while, until Kyle got flustered and looked away again. I chuckled and ruffled his messy red locks.

"You're so adorable.." I whispered quietly, slowly pulling my hand away from his head. He looked up at me and slightly raised a brow.

"What did you say?" He asked innocently, clearly not hearing what I said. Wait, I said that out loud???? errmmmm

"Nothing, nothing." I replied quickly, patting his shoulder lightly.

Damn, that was a close call.

[A/N: omg pls dont come at me for making this chapter also kinda short. i was desperate to finish this chap bc i wanna write another fanfic raaahhhhhh

ik i warned u that this chap might be rlly long, but i cut it short(im sorry). ill probably split my ideas out into different chapters. 

im gonna warn you now, this fic is getting closer and closer to its end. i cant explain why bc that would spoil the book, but i hope u guys dont scream at me for it. 

i doubt this book will get to chapter 30. im going for 25 chapters, and once we reach that idk where this book will go. im still taking ideas or recommendations!! 

love you all, and ill work on the new fanfic once i post this(in 5 seconds.)]

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