Weasley and Krum (REWRITING)

By AiyaBookWrites

361K 7.5K 637

Weasley, Amora Adele. Molly and Arthur Weasley's gorgeous daughter, the youngest of the Weasley triplets, Fre... More

Introduction & Reminders
The Weasley Home
Crema De' Weazley
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54

Chapter 21

5.3K 122 5
By AiyaBookWrites

"You've learned Occlumency."

Amora's POV

"I've heard that you came across with..." Dumbledore paused and look at me carefullly, "Lord Voldemort being back,"

I tilt my head as I feel a slight pressure coming up to my head. I knew he was trying to get inside my head and see for himself but unfortunately for him, I taught myself both Occlumency and Legilimency. I also knew that its practically illegal to mind rape or read a minor's mind without consent.

I always knew something was off with Dumbledore. But never knew how deep it goes. While I could easily tell authorities about what Dumbledore did. I couldn't if Voldy only feared Dumbledore. And if Voldy is truly back, I knew the only way for Voldy to be away from the school is by Dumbledore. But I promised myself to start teaching my siblings, friends and everyone else who wants too for defense, against who? Anyone who will fight against them. Both Voldemort and Dumbledore.

He continued, narrowing his eyes, "You've learned Occlumency."

I nod my head, "And Legilimency."


"Tell me Headmaster. Isn't it weird that when Voldemort was defeated by Harry when he was a baby, there was no body found. Up until his appearances became more known when Harry started his first year here. Even though I may not be blood related to Harry. I care for him. I know when there's any obvious signs of abuse. And I see many on Harry. Sirius is innocent. And by the look on you're face, you knew that. For a long time. Yet, you didn't cleared his name even though you have so much power to get a trial for him. Harry could live with Sirius. But you didn't allow it. I care for Harry to be loved and nurtured. He can't get that when he's always being followed by trouble. This year, I intend for Harry, my little brother and Hermione not be followed with trouble. And I did it successfully. Also found out that Voldemort had basically 90% chance of going back this year. I don't know what you have planned for them, but please, they're children. They're not soldiers or pawns in a chessboard. Whatever you have planned for them, let me do it."

He fell silent for a while. I thought I went through his head then he started talking again.

"There has always been a prophecy about Harry and Voldemort.

The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches ... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies ... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not ... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives ... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies ...

I myself thought that Lord Voldemort died when Harry defeated him as a baby. Until I saw the scar on Harry's forehead that proved me wrong and I found out about the Horcruxes he made."

I look at him annoyed, "You found out that he had horcruxes made like 13-14 years ago and didn't once tried to find them or figure them out. No, you waited for Harry to comes into his 1st year. All those time, you could have used it for something that could prevent a second war to happen but didn't."

Dumbledore argued, "The prophecy has to happen. If it didn't something else may happen."

I snapped back, "Fuck the prophecy. That something could be different. Harry could've had his parents. He could've lived with Sirus. He would have been Happy. You let him raised to be a pig to be slaughtered."

"It was either him or Voldemort to die. The prohpecy stated that. 14 years ago, it didn't fullfill the prophecy because Voldemort had horcuxes. "

I laughed dryly, "If that is what you have planned. You could have atleast searched for those objects. And destroy them. Save the many sacrifices that needs to be done by the fucking prophecy."

I breathe heavily, I took a deep breathe before going out towards the door, "Remember this Dumbledore. You may plan whatever you want to fullfill this sick prophecy. But you can't stop me from helping them. They are children that you are teaching to be soldiers. You are sending them out without any warning, I will give them that. All of it. Spells, charms, potions, whatever it may be. I'll give it. I will also get a trial at the Ministry for Sirius name to be cleared. Something that I expected you to do since last year but never did. If Harry is going to be your lamb. I'll be sure to give him every opportunity to have his godfather with him. And you won't stand in between that."

The Meeting of the Krum Family

"Champions, please head to the Great Hall." I feel a smile pulled to my face as we came closer to the big doors.

"What's got you smiley Love?" Vik slips his hand into mine as we walk to the Great Hall together with the rest of the Champions and Iliana.

"A surprise."

Iliana opens the big doors revealing the Diggory's, Krum's, and Delacour's.

Me and Vik broke from each other as I stood beside Iliana with McGonagall. While the Champions went to their respective families.

It has been five minutes as I talking to both Iliana and McGonagall. Before Vik call me "Mora!" He gestures for me to come towards him and his family, who had big smiles.

I went towards them with a smile of my own and introduced myself, and giving a hand out, "Hi Mr. And Mrs. Krum, it's good to see- Oomph"

Mrs. Krum let out an excited squeal and brought me into a bone crushing hug, "Oh my! I knew something was going on between you two at St. Munggos! Stefan just wouldn't-"

Mr. Krum now I know as Stefan chuckles pulling Mrsm krum off of me, "I see it now dear, but I think you should let the poor girl have some air."

Mrs. Krum pulls back and aplogizes, "Oh I'm sorry-"

I shook my head cutting her off, "It's alright, I don't mind it." A smile breaks from her face.

"You may call me Daniella but for short its Dani." She gestures to her husband with a tilt to her head, "That's Stefan."

Stefan smiles, then looks at his son teasingly, "I wonder how my son, a quidditch fanatic, got a girl, I'm pretty sure he got that from me-"

Dani cuts him off, "Its from me."

Stefan looks at his wife, offended, "But I-"

Dani shook her head, "On our fifth year. You tripped on a clean and equaled level floor and asked me on a date."

"I still got you didn't I?"

"Because I felt bad for you,"

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