In Every Universe

By ImagineLove222

7.6K 669 235

Win and Bright meet for the first time under tragic circumstances. At least Win believes it to be the first t... More

About In Every Universe
Flashback: 1829
Flashback: 1969
The Beginning: 1
The Beginning: 2
The Beginning: 3
Flashback: 2019


340 39 16
By ImagineLove222

Win looks around the store, looking at the guitars, thumbing over the old vinyls, looking at cassette tapes beside a handwritten buy 1 take 3 sign.

He marvelled at the small space that seemed trapped in time - bubbling with old timey charm that completely made up for the cold glares the store's owner was shooting his way.

He makes it to the back corner haphazardly covered in a white curtain, some dusty boxes leaning against the wall. It was obvious no one has used the space in a while. But Win could see the potential.

He glances back at Bright who has been deathly quiet this whole time. It would be intimidating to a normal customer - but Win had the rare insight into the grief Bright must be going through, since it was similar to his. Plus Win technically wasn't a customer.

He clears his throat and Bright looks up from the stack of receipts he has rearranged for the hundredth time.

"My lawyers can draw up the papers by next week," Win says, running a hand over the white curtain. "If it's okay with you I'll have my contractors measure the space in a couple of days."

Bright's frown blossomed into a full on scowl. "I don't remember agreeing that you can have the space."

Win sighs loudly. "What do you mean you haven't agreed? It was your agent who literally gave my company an offer for store leasing. You signed it within the day of us sending a contract."

"I didn't know I was saying yes to you."

Metawin blinked. His aching heart hurt doubly upon hearing those words. He didn't know why, he was usually immune to what others thought of him. Perhaps it was because he has really poured himself into planning this little coffee shop already. Perhaps it's because Bright was saying no for reason at all to the one thing that has kept Win going these past few months. Whatever the reason was, the easy smile on Win's face finally erodes.

"I will sue you," Win says simply.


"I don't know why you hate me but Lord knows that every time I meet you I have been patient and empathetic. But enough is enough. You don't want to see me every day in this store? Fine. You'll see me every day in court."

Bright groans. "Why do you even want it here? No one comes here. Your cafe will fail."

"That's my problem. Not yours."

"It would be better for you to be far away from here."

"Far from you, you mean."

Bright doesn't even try to deny it. He simply goes back to tidying whatever imaginary mess is before him.

Win makes a small derisive noise. "You need the money, otherwise you wouldn't have put half your store up for lease. So unless you want to spend money you don't have on litigation, you will learn to tolerate having me here."

He turns on his heel and starts taking photos of the place, pulling out a small black notebook from his back pocket and taking down notes.

"Why do the gods hate me so much?," Bright mutters under his breath.

"You know, I keep giving you the benefit of the doubt but maybe you're really just a giant ass."

"I am. I truly am. I am insufferable and mean. And my store is cramped and dilapidated. So go somewhere else, choosing to spend your days with me in this stupid store stupid," Bright rants, pacing the small space behind the counter.

Bright expects his outburst to put Win further into defensive mode and push both of them into a fight. Instead, he sees that the other man has stepped closer and was silently watching him.

"What?," Bright says, brows furrowing deeper.

"When have you last eaten a home cooked meal? Or at all?"

"None of your business."

"I am not the best cook. But I've perfected the fried egg sandwich. And if you have a coffee maker, I make the best coffee too."

"Please just leave me alone."

Win's smile turns to wistful. "I'm always alone. I don't see what you like about it."

"It's better this way."

"I don't think your wife would like to hear you say that."

"You don't know Kulap."

"I don't. But if I loved someone, I wouldn't want them wasting away just because I was gone. I would like to see them finding happiness, moving on."

"I would want the same. So move on Win. Live your life somewhere else."

Metawin was too overcome by a flash of grief to dwell on how strange Bright's words were.

"But this was Kiet's favorite store," he says softly, leaning against the counter for support. His eyes well with tears that he was trying to hold in.

"Your brother?"

Win gave a small nod, turning away so he could hastily wipe his tears. "I don't know if you'd remember him. He's shy and quiet around strangers. But he has mentioned this store once or twice. He tells me it's a good place to practice new songs."

"I don't remember."

"I haven't even described him."

"No one like you has entered this store," Bright responds tersely.

Win is still turned away but his voice was clearly cracking. "I am adopted. He looks nothing like me. Tan skin, wavy hair, a really big grin..."

Bright remembers the kid. Hard not to when he was here almost every day. He was always excitable and eager to learn. He introduced himself as K and followed Bright around asking about chord progressions, Gibsons, and Taylors.

He closes his eyes, the world had too many tricks up its sleeve, he didn't have a fighting chance.

When he opens his eyes, he sees Win still turned away but so obviously wiping tears from his cheeks and his eyes.

Bright could not bear it. A thousand swear words pass through his mind, as he curses every motherfucking deity to exist. "Fine," he says, opening the flimsy door behind him.

Win looks up, confusion replacing his sadness.

"You said you wanted to make a sandwich," Bright says without emotion. "The kitchen is this way."

Win's smile returns to his lips. A small one but it was a start. "You have a coffee maker too?"

"I have instant. Take it or leave it."

"Definitely take it." Win squeezes past Bright and into the kitchen. "But next time, I'll bring you coffee I brewed."

Bright watches as Win enters his kitchen, his home.

Almost instantly, it was hard to imagine the space without the handsome man occupying it.

"Are you coming?," Win asks Bright - red splotched cheeks, sparkling wide eyes, rabbit smile in full display.

This was a mistake. Bright is making a mistake.

But it's Win. And he always had trouble resisting Win. 

Bright gives a small nod and walks towards him.

Win's smile grows bigger.

Bright exhales slowly. Just today, he tells himself. Just food. Then we push him back out of my life.

Bright knew even as he thought it, that he was lying.

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