By Kheliyesh

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[Originally a One-shot] Two Best Friends. Two important consorts. One King! Your girl is obsessed with Royal... More

Part 2
Truth 3 (filler)
Truth 4
Truth 5
Truth 6
Truth 7 (Angsty)
Truth 8
Truth 9
Truth 10
Truth 11
Truth 12
Truth 13
Truth 14
Truth 15
Truth 16 (You are gonna cry)
Chapter 17
Truth 18
Truth 19
Truth 20
Truth 21
Truth 22

Part 1

380 12 37
By Kheliyesh

King Taehyung had multiple concubines of both gender but he preferred to be with the males more than his female concubines. Even among the males he has two favorites Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook.

Jimin and Jungkook don't compete with each other to win the King's heart. Why? Well, they were both best friends even before they were added to the King's Harem. It wasn't their choice to be in the Harem they were sold off by their stepmothers.

Both Jimin and Jungkook lost their mothers at a very young age their fathers always treated them gently especially because they were omega's unlike most people their fathers weren't disgusted with their son's second gender just protective. However, when they had a second marriage their second wives tried to turn the fathers against their only sons but fortunately, they trusted their sons. When the fathers weren't around the step-mothers would abuse the male omega. One day both ran away to the secret lake no one knew about, and both ended up sharing their story and that was the beginning of their friendship. Their fathers were the king's warriors when they went to their posts, without the fathers' knowledge their stepmothers sold them off to the Harem in exchange for hundred gold coins.

The evil women didn't think their husbands would make it alive but to their luck, they came back in one piece.

After they came back from the battlefield Queen Seokjin asked for their presence in his hall.

"Your Majesty, Have we unknowingly offended you?" Both males kneeled before him in respect and stood up when ordered.

Queen Seokjin was a male omega as well.

He stood up from his place and ordered one of his attendees to bring the two new consorts.

"Are you aware of what your wives did?" He asked with his authoritative voice.

"Your Highness, we ask for your forgiveness for whatever they have done." Both said in sync

"Unfortunately, it is not I who can forgive you but your sons. While you were away on the battlefield your wives took it as an opportunity to sell your sons to the pleasure house."

Mr. Park and Mr. Jeon were now red with anger. They both knelt again and begged his majesty to get their sons out of that disgusting place.

Jin sighed before continuing, "Rise! Before those disgusting women could actually sell the innocent souls to the pleasure house I sent the king's eunuch to rescue them. The only way to help your sons was to buy them for the King's Harem. Though the King has a harem full of his concubines at least they wouldn't be used by a different stranger for his pleasure."

Mr. Park and Mr. Jeon were crying now after hearing what their sons went through. They will be the King's concubines they would have to please the king. That's not the future they saw for their beloved sons. As they belong to the King now they can't even take them out.

"Can we meet our sons for the last time?" Mr. Park said with a sniffle. Mr. Jeon who was full-on sobbing also agreed, "Please let us meet our sons one last time." Jin nodded.

No male is allowed near the Harem. So, Queen Seokjin asked his attendee to bring the newer concubines to his hall.

"Father!" both male omegas ran to their fathers' embrace as soon as they saw them.

The fathers talked to their sons and hugged them for the last time. "We only have one piece of advice; Be on the King's good side. Without a doubt, we know that you will never dare to offend the King, but Sons it's a Harem where absolute monsters are born, be sure to never let them win." Mr. Park advised both Jungkook and Jimin.

That was the last time they could have their sons so they spent a good time together with the Queen's permission, of course.

The two soldiers went back to their homes and kicked their wives - ex-wives out. They were so heartbroken, they did not think they were so heartless.

The King was also on the battlefield, he came back and slept for a whole 3 hours. When he woke up his mother himself came up to his bed chamber to invite him for dinner. They went to the battle for a year. So as a mother, he wanted to spend as much time as he can with his son.

"Eat the Japchae, I know you love it." Jin passed him the bowl with Japchae in it. They were at the dining table now for their dinner.

"No, eat the Samgyeospal." Said Yoongi, a Royal Consort of Kim Namjoon. Kim Namjoon had promoted his favorite consort to a Royal Consort's position after Royal Consort Jin was crowned as the Queen. Royal Consort Yoongi was also an omega but he wasn't a royal blood, so he couldn't be crowned only a royal blood could be promoted to a Queen's position. Kim Namjoon was in love with Consort Yoongi, however, Royal Consort Yoongi did not mind the rank he was only jealous when his Alpha spent his nights with the Queen.

Yoongi also loved Taehyung as much as he loved his own Son Yeonjun. Jin glared at Yoongi, "Eat the Japchae." Yoongi looked straight at Jin's eyes and said, "The Samgyeospal." "Japchae" "Samgyeospal" "ENOUGH" Taehyung shouted

Both The Queen and Royal Consort stopped and gulped, Where they loved Taehyung both of them were scared of his anger as well. "I can eat both, you know? Now stop fighting like children and eat, otherwise, I will go to the harem."

They stopped bickering and obeyed, "How is Father's condition now?" Taehyung asked both omegas sighed at the question sadly. "He has not woken up since."

Three years ago, on the spring festival, everyone was gathered in the palace to celebrate like they do every year.


The Palace was decorated with different shades of Pink and Yellow flowers to symbolize the arrival of spring.

Everyone is enjoying it. King Namjoon was in his office to prepare for his speech. Queen Seokjin was choosing what to wear. Crown Prince Taehyung like always went to the Harem. Upon his arrival, all his consorts came running to his arms while giggling.

"Calm down, calm down." Taehyung sat on the high platform made in the Harem. All the consorts also sat down. Some of them were beside him. "I bought each one of you a dress for the festival."

"Thank you, Alpha!" could be heard all over the Harem.

Prince Yeonjun was playing with a kite with his friends and his secret boyfriend.

Royal consort Yoongi was ordering the maids around to decorate everything properly. He was about to go in the Harem to get the crown prince as he also needs to prepare for his speech but stepped on something and almost slipped but his attendee grabbed him before he could fall.

"Are you alright? Your Majesty." the attendee said while helping Yoongi stand properly.

"Your Majesty, I think you slipped on this paper. It has His Highness's name written on it." Another attendee who found the paper said.

Yoongi took the paper immediately from her and read it. He widened his eyes at what was written in it. No one is allowed to read the King's letter without his permission, not even the Queen but he found the letter in the middle of two Harems. On the left is King Namjoon's Harem and on the right is Crowned Prince's Harem, He read the opened letter because he thought it was from one of the King's concubines.

Forgetting about why he came here in the first place he ran to find the King. "Where is Alpha?" He asked the guards when he noticed his Alpha was not in his office. "His Highness is in the Queen's chamber." Yoongi rolled his eyes in Jealousy.

"Royal Consort, How many times have I told you to not disturb us when I am with the Queen?" Alpha Namjoon said to the Royal Consort.

"I am sorry Alpha but this is important." Jin rolled his eyes Yoongi always comes barging in and the important matters end up not being important at all.

Namjoon was about to say something but Yoongi spoke before him, "I know Alpha, I always do this but this time it really is important, the kingdom is in danger." Yoongi passed the letter to the King.

Jin snatched the letter while glaring at Yoongi because he still didn't believe him. "Should we call the celebration off?" Jin spoke.

"We can't call the celebration off now. You both get the Princes in the palace. I will talk to Royal advisor Hoseok"

The Royal consort and the Queen both bowed their head when the king left.

Royal consort curtsied the Queen before leaving as well to find Yeonjun.

Royal consort Yoongi went to his chamber and through that to his balcony. He looked all over the kingdom and prayed to Moon Goddess to protect it from evil.

He ordered someone to get the Prince and his friends inside the palace.

Only Royal Consort Yoongi, Queen Seokjin, King Namjoon, and the Royal advisor Hoseok knew about the threat. They did not want the whole kingdom to be panicked at this time.

The festival went on as it was planned except the security was increased on the borders of the kingdom and the palace itself. It was too late to call the celebration off.

It was time for Alpha King's speech. He was unable to proceed when out of nowhere an arrow came in contact with his chest.

"ALPHA!" shouted Jin and Yoongi who were standing on his right, "FATHER!" Shouted Taehyung and Yeonjun standing on his left. The brothers grabbed their father before he could fall to the ground.

The physician who was already standing behind the Royals in case of emergency, immediately came forward to check on him. She saw the king's face was getting purple and gasped in horror, "It is a poisoned arrow."

They took the King in his Personal Chamber as soon as possible and the Physician started her work.

Sometime later she came out to inform the king survived but he is in a coma and she does not know exactly when he will wake up.

Flashback ends.

Jin wiped his tears away before putting a comforting hand on Taehyung's shoulder, "He is not in as much pain anymore we are just waiting for him to wake up soon."

Crowned Prince Taehyung was immediately promoted to the King's Position in the absence of King Namjoon.

Yoongi was also heartbroken of course but he did not like the gloomy expression of the current King. So, he spoke, "I heard two beautiful omegas were added to the Harem." knowing how much he loved spending his time in the Harem away from all the responsibilities.

As expected he turned to Yoongi immediately wanting to learn more about the two omegas. "They are male omegas. Please be careful with them they both are so innocent." Jin spoke explaining the situation. "Oh my, That's horrible! Poor Kids." Yoongi who just heard the story said in disbelief.

They were done with the dinner. Now, they were in the entertainment room. Taehyung was in the middle, Yoongi was sitting on one side of the King and Jin was sitting on the other side.

The dancers were dancing their moves kind of anxious that they might mess up in front of The Royals.

"Where is Prince Yeonjun, I haven't seen him all day," Jin spoke concern lacing in his voice.

"You know that lover boy very well, Your Majesty. He sent a scroll he will stay the night with his lover." Royal Consort Yoongi answered, "It could be dangerous for him, he is a Prince!"

In the Harem the two best friends were sitting with each other kind of scared of all the consorts of His Highness. They were looking at the two males as if inspecting them. "So, You are the new omegas. Hmm, You guys are pretty the King will definitely like you. He has a knack for pretty omegas preferably male omegas." A pretty girl spoke.

"Oh let me introduce myself, I am Kim Jennie one of his Highness's consort as well. You don't have to worry about me at all. I do not wish to be a Royal Consort. I am just happy to have a roof over my head and fresh food. I was living on the streets and The Queen found me. He took me in his care."

Jennie and the two males quickly become friends. A few hours later the Eunuch came to the Harem, "His Majesty, King Taehyung will be arriving here soon to see the new omegas."

Everyone started cleaning the palace and Jennie helped the boys in looking presentable.

The Eunuch was standing just outside the Harem to announce The King's arrival. As soon as the announcement was heard all the consorts stood in the curtsied position to greet His Highness.

He entered the Harem and looked around squinting his eyes to search for the new omegas. Jennie who understood the expression coughed to get His Highness's attention, "Oh consort Jennie do you have a cough." King Taehyung lifted his one eyebrow, "No, Your Highness. I believe you are searching for the two omegas. They are standing beside me. He is Park Jimin and His Best friend Jeon Jungkook." "Greetings, Your Highness." The two males said in Unison.

"Aww they are beautiful." The King squealed shamelessly causing the two omegas to blush. "He is sho cute, my baby." King Taehyung said while squishing Jimin's cheek and making baby sounds. Jimin was tomato red by now while Jungkook held back his laugh.

"This one is like a cute bunny! You love carrots, don't you? I'll fill the entire Palace with carrots just for you." The King patted Jungkook's head this time Jungkook was blushing with embarrassment while Jimin held back his laugh.

The first few months were awkward for the two best friends but after that, their innocence also flew away from their souls.


Today is Alpha King Taehyung's birthday he is again in the Harem.

Jimin and Jungkook were half lying on each side of Taehyung. They were feeding him fruits. Jungkook was feeding him grapes while Jimin was feeding him the strawberries, another omega was massaging his head.

Taehyung enjoyed his time very well, He spent his night with Jimin.

"Beautiful" Taehyung whispered looking at Jimin in a pretty Pink Hanbok

"I won't touch you without your permission. I want you to be ok sharing your body with me." Taehyung said after kissing Jimin's beautiful plump lips. Jimin felt butterflies erupt in his stomach, "I am all yours Alpha."

"You sure?" Jimin nodded his head shyly. Then one thing led to another and they made love.

Jungkook who was applying his skincare routine was interrupted by another male omega, "Aren't you Jealous of consort Jimin." Jungkook frowned at the question, "Why? Why should I be Jealous of my best friend?"

"Well, You know. Alpha asked for his presence to spend his night. So many friendships had been broken in this Harem because of the same reason yet you are the only one who seemed to not care besides consort Jennie." The omega explained.

"We all are his Highness's consort I don't see any reason to be Jealous we all have a right to him as he has on us. I am not Jealous but Just worried for Consort Jimin. What if he refuses will the King Punish him." Jungkook answered calmly, and the omega beside him smiled, "No, Alpha may be the typical King who loves his Harem and loves having many consorts but he cares about consent. If Consort Jimin refuses he won't touch him in a way he is uncomfortable."

"That's a relief!" Jungkook sighed

"You know what Consort Jungkook, I wish you were my sibling instead of Monica."

"Why, What's wrong with Monica?" Jungkook questioned.

Monica tried to kill her brother because King Taehyung spent time more with him than Monica. He was more into guys. "Oh"


Two months have passed now King Taehyung got busy with his duties. He got the letter from the soldiers on the border about a sudden attack, them being out of men and they also ran out of food.

They need the energy to fight their opponents.

In these two months, Taehyung and Jungkook also spent some time alone. Jungkook wasn't ready to share his body yet so Taehyung did not touch him that way. There were kisses and make-out sessions but they did not go further than that.

Taehyung got to know about Jungkook's love for archery so he prepared a special garden for Jungkook to Practice his skills. He observed Jungkook's skill as he was impressed he appointed Jungkook to occasionally give archery lessons to the new warriors. No, there was no discrimination against Omegas being on the battlefield at all they were also given roles according to their skills but as Jungkook was the King's consort he was to be protected instead of him protecting the King.

Jungkook has Just finished training the new recruits. Usually, King Taehyung is also present to observe the beautiful omega giving lessons because he looks so cute while focusing on his target with his lips jutted out in a pout. Today he was busy coming up with a plan to defeat the enemies.

"Consort Jungkook.... Consort Jungkook" one of the maids of Harem came running to him. "Consort Jungkook, Consort Jimin passed out he is with the Queen and Royal Consort at the moment." "What? Let me wash up real quick then I will go. I am all sweaty."

A few minutes later.

Jungkook was present in front of the two authorities. He greeted them as soon as he arrived, "Consort Jungkook, Your best friend passed out as soon as he came here. I have called the Royal physician to check up on him but I am concerned as he looked exhausted. Is everything okay in the Harem?" Queen Jin it was. "Everything is good in the Harem, Your Highness. Consort Jimin has been feeling sick for a few weeks now, but he keeps denying it"

Royal Consort Yoongi has a feeling about what's going on but he didn't say anything.

"Your Highness, there is nothing to be worried about. In fact, it is good news Consort Jimin is Pregnant with His Highness's child."

Jungkook widened his eyes in shock. The Queen and Royal Consort looked at each other with a bright smile. "Go tell the good news to The King" Jin excitedly told his attendee who bowed she was about to go but was stopped by Yoongi's voice. "Only tell this to His Highness. There is a chance someone would try to Harm Consort Jimin out of Jealousy." The attendee nodded before leaving.

Jungkook could not believe his ears. It all makes sense now why Jimin threw up after eating his Favorite food saying it was nasty when it wasn't. Why did he stop using his favorite perfumes? He started craving his Alpha more than the other consorts. He finally smiled at the realization his best friend was pregnant. Would Jungkook be an uncle or a stepmother? he frowned at the thought.

Jimin soon woke up, he was about to stand up but was stopped by the Queen, "Stop Just sit comfortably or lie if you, please. You are pregnant with Alpha Taehyung's child." Jin was so excited, Jimin immediately put his hand on his stomach, tears pooling his eyes, "Am I really?" Jimin looked up to see his best friend, Jungkook nodding his head with a smile.

In a few minutes, Taehyung arrived at the Place too. He was so happy to hear the news, the first thing upon entering the Queen's chamber he did was hug his beloved Consort, "Thank you so much."

He ordered to immediately prepare a separate Hall for Jimin as he is with a child he needs to be comfortable with. Also as he is the first to carry his child he shall be promoted to his Royal consort's position. He did not have any official wife Just consorts who are also referred to as concubines Jimin is the first to become his Royal consort hence, settling his position of an official wife to a King.

Jungkook and Jennie were the only trusted Consort of Alpha Taehyung as well as Jimin's friend, So Royal Consort Yoongi suggested they shall also have their chamber halls beside Jimin to check up on him.

Jimin was overwhelmed by the situation but he was happy indeed.


Another few months Passed, and Alpha Taehyung has gone on the battlefield by then.

He left Prince Yeonjun in charge in his absence.

Prince Yeonjun has been getting very close to Jungkook lately. He admires him for his talents, and Jungkook is his role model. He enjoys archery with Jungkook as well as many other things.

Royal Consort Yoongi wanted to spend some time alone with Jungkook. They were having tea when suddenly he felt sick.

"Get the Physician," Yoongi ordered his attendee

The physician was testing Jungkook the Queen also came to the place, as a Queen taking care of The King's consorts was his responsibility.

The physician gulped before whispering, "He is pregnant, it has been two weeks" Jungkook sat straight, "No, I am not! Your Highness, I am being framed!"Jungkook pleaded.

Queen Seokjin the current luna glared at Jungkook, before slapping him hard across the face, "Calm down he is pregnant." "Exactly! Exactly Royal Consort Yoongi. He is Pregnant. He is Pregnant for two weeks but the King has been gone to the battlefield for a few months now!"

Yoongi kept quiet afterward. Yeonjun who was informed by the Eunuch about what happened came running in.

In this time period, the punishment for committing adultery was the death sentence.

"The Child is mine. Consort Jungkook is carrying my child, you can't harm him." Yeonjun exclaimed, Yoongi almost passed out at the confession. Jin was red with anger, "You are to be sent to the Cold Palace." Jungkook's eyes widened




Jungkook was now sent to the cold palace, with no heater and no proper food, it was his punishment.

Yoongi who was in his chamber was looking at the dagger in his hand, it was gifted to him by Kim Namjoon when he was still a Prince.

"Mother." Yeonjun called as soon as he arrived at Yoongi's Chamber, "Do not call me mother" he then proceeded to put the dagger on his neck. "Tell me you lied about getting consort Jungkook pregnant or I will cut my throat." "Yes, I lied! I did that to Protect him"

"Are you telling the truth?" "Yes, I can never think of betraying Hyung, I would never backstab him." The dagger in Yoongi's hand fell on the floor, he immediately hugged Yeonjun, "I knew my son could never do something disgusting."

If someone else had framed Yeonjun, Yoongi would never believe them but Yeonjun himself confessed so it broke Yoongi's heart a little.

"Son, I don't think Consort Jungkook is actually pregnant. There are certain things that can indicate false pregnancy, we need to find the person behind it. I trust Consort Jungkook, he is the most loyal after Jimin."

Jimin heard about what happened to Jungkook he couldn't believe his ears. Monica was spreading rumors about Yeonjun's and Jungkook's secret love affair.

He went to meet Queen Seokjin. He requested for Jungkook to be released from the cold palace but Jin was being stubborn, "I also believe he is being framed but if Prince Yeonjun's confession is really true it gives more reasons to not send Jungkook to the cold palace."

Jin sighed at that before he could answer Jimin Royal Consort Yoongi and Prince Yeonjun came in. They were gathered in Queen Seokjin's Personal hall. "Why are you here Yeonjun? Don't you have any shame? I loved you like my own son, Taehyung loves you dearly and this is what you do to him?"

"Jungkook is not pregnant! and my son is innocent. Yeonjun loves advisor Hoseok's son Soobin." Yoongi defended both males.

Yoongi told someone to come in, it was another male omega. Jimin immediately recognizes him to be Ji-hun, Jungkook's new friend.

Ji-hun told them about his sister and her deeds, it was her plan to frame Jungkook because she was Jealous of the two best friends, Alpha Taehyung had immediately taken a liking to them and had also given them separate Halls yet she has not been picked by the King even though she and Ji-hun are the oldest consorts.

"Who is your sister?" Royal Consort Yoongi asked, "Monica, Monica is my sister, I don't even know if I should call her that. She tried to kill me in my sleep because his highness picked me over her." Ji-hun explained.

After hearing Ji-hun, Jin ordered that Jungkook's punishment is officially over. He summoned the Royal Physician again to know about such herbs.

The physician apologized for making false results of the test. Even though it wasn't his fault, he tested Jungkook again and now there was no pregnancy symptom.

They decided to get Monica the next morning as it was late at night. Jimin needed rest too as he is carrying a child, he requested Jungkook to sleep a night in his chamber.


The next morning, Monica was being dragged out of the Harem. She was struggling but the hold on her sides was firm. Everyone was gathered around gossiping. None of them felt bad for her rather relieved she will finally be out, she has been bullying everyone by playing 'I am the first consort' card. Which doesn't mean anything in the royal hierarchy at all.

She was presented in the Queen's court. She was forced to kneel in front of the Queen and the Royal Consort. "Royal consort, I give you the right to choose her punishment as the crime also involved false rumors about your Biological son."

"I wish to strangle her but we have to follow the law, She shall be banished from the Kingdom with no food, no gold coins she is all on her own." Yoongi declared

"Have at least some mercy?" Jin said more like questioned

"No mercy shall be shown to her when she did not have any while accusing two innocent souls of a sin they never committed" Yoongi spat


Taehyung has finally come back, he didn't even notice one of his consort is missing he was happy with the special two.

He was also excited to become a father.

Jin and Yoongi decided to not tell Taehyung about the things that took place in the Palace in his absence as it was already dealt with.

Jungkook was with Jimin helping him when suddenly his water broke he immediately informed Jimin's attendee who informed the Queen who then called for the physician to deliver the baby.

Jin, Yoongi, Yeonjun, Jungkook, and Taehyung were standing outside Jimin's hall, Taehyung was holding Jungkook's hand in nervousness Jungkook rubbed Taehyung's arm to calm him down.

The loud cry of a baby could be heard, the physician came out to inform them of Jimin's condition, and the Baby, "Congratulations, You have a healthy baby boy."


Word count 4559

Date published 03/30/23

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