Marvel vs Capcom. New Champio...

By CrossoverGeek

419 26 0

Chun-Li's and Li-Fen are peril. Now it's up to Chun-Li's son Dorai Buchanan Rogers to recruit a band of misfi... More

The Great Escape
The New Champions. Bug on Roxxon
Spidey x Pool
A Guardian Devil
The Supervisors strike back.
Rise of The Golden Sable
USS Byron. Way to Naydipoor
The Liftoff. The Extremis App
Back in Action. Next NOMAD vs Kraven
Clash with the Supervisors
Final Battle. Dorai Rogers vs Johan Petrovich

A family reunion. A man without home

16 2 0
By CrossoverGeek

Morgan Stark splits from the Champions's group and arrives to the USS Byron Taylor where the man with War Machine gear was apehended and C.Viper had recently sent the Supervisors after the Champions

Lauren Sunee held Morgan at gunpoint while saying to her -Tell me one good reason why shouldn't i ventilate you along with your Japanese/French f**k boy right here and now-
Morgan responds while moving at warp speed away from Lauren's line of fire and appearing behind her - Because STARK enterprises is still the number 1 tech and guns provider in the United States Armed Forces and because the Champions and I are saving the people in the world from an AI virtual fentanyl app that's about to launch as soon as Naydipoor falls in the hands of Roxxon and his CEO Johan Petrovich-
C.Viper said to Morgan - We all know about your trial about the BLECE tech STARK enterprises acquired, but i gotta say, it's amazing that you made an Iron Man Suit that runs with the people's bio-energy -
Morgan says -Before anything, please release my partner NATO Colonel Neil Kazama and...-
C.Viper says - I already sent my Supervisors to kill the Champions and...-
Morgan seemed annoyed with someone that was on her terminal and says - That Lieutenant over there is playing the old Vulgus video-game!... He thought we didn't saw her, but we saw her. My late father was right. You lack something that Fury has-
C.Viper says -You know something, Stark. What is it? -

Morgan responds - You need to have your Both eyes opened! The Champions will try to keep more Supers from being created into this world. Does that interest you?-
C.Viper says - I'm listening

Morgan tells C.Viper what she knows while Neil Kazama sees the lieutenant playing videogames in her screen again.

Meanwhile the heroes arrived to Naydipoor. They decided to enter Naydipoor High Town through Old Nayshall's Low Town district to scale the mountainside.

Miles was amazed on how several cultures lived together in old Nayshall. Suddenlyn someone gets near Dorai and grab something of his neck. It was his childhood promise necklace that he zealously guarded since the day he parted ways with his childhood crush Hyo Sonn Han.

Dorai and Miles spit from the group and gave chase to the thief. Suddenly Miles was stopped by another Spider-Man while Dorai kept pushing forward

Miles sees the other Spider-Man and says - Pavitr Prabhakar. It's been a while-

Pavitr says to Miles - I'm sorry, but Freedom Phantom must see his family alone -

When Dorai finally could catch up the thug and recovered his necklace. Then the thug whistles in the air and several thugs appeared out of nowhere to challenge him .

(see fighting video)

After defeating all of the thugs, Dorai then dodge what it seems to be a bladed Captain America shield variant. The shield returns to the arm of a man that Dorai knew.

The man says - It's been some time, Xiǎo xiōngdì-
Dorai says - Dàgē (big bro)? Ian?

Indeed it was Ian Rogers, son of Dr. Zola and Captan America's step son. A man without country. The original NOMAD.

Ian stashes his shield and adopts a fighting stance similar to Luke's. Ian says to Dorai - Show me what you have learned! -

Both of them exchange hits, but Ian gets the upperhand and pushes Dorai with a low stance hit that sends Dorai to a nearby wall. Ian tries to finish him with a Super Soldier Punch, but Dorai makes a Power Drive parry and counters with a takedown technique that leaves Ian to the floor, but this one gets up and went back into action. Both of them trade swings until Dorai performs his Hyakuernko technique followed by a Rising Uppercut that sends Ian fly8ng, but he makes a controlled fall, equips his shield and toss it right at Dorai. He knows that he cannot Drive Parry a bladed Captain America shield, so he uses a special Dark Hadou technique that makes him see everything slow, so he could manage to dodge and grab the shield.

Ian was surprised by his younger step brother's prowess and laughs

Ian says - You're no longer a mama's boy, huh? You've grown quite strong-
Dorai responds - And you... always in the hotspots, brother-
Ian says - There's a chance to keep JP from spreading his digital garbage if you manage to get your team to rescue President Yua, Chun-Li and destroy all of the Nuform generators that fuels the Extremis app frequency arrays with Kalima's help. Don't do anything until Roxxon's forces notice me-
Dorai asks - How will we know when's that? -
Then Pavitr appears and says - It's going to be very noisy-

After that boyh Patvir and Ian disappeared

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