Fracturing Your Mind

By TheHubby1

20.1K 31 0

Fantasy/reality involving BDSM More

Part 2
Part 3

Fracturing Your Mind

9.6K 15 0
By TheHubby1

If the world did exist where I could do as I pleased, where the breaking of a woman was not illegal or frowned upon, the fun that would bring. Perhaps some loophole exists currently to this, whether through contract or agreement, where a woman could submit herself to the process, allowing someone to irreversibly break her mind.

It would start simple enough, a small room, barely enough room to stand, a cold concrete floor beneath your feet. You notice the collar poking into the flesh on your neck, then realize it is the only thing you are wearing. The dim lights make your eyes squint as you reach around in the near darkness, feeling out the room around you. You discover nothing. Only four walls, the grates covering the little light in the room, and a few others, you have no clue what they are.

And this is where the fun begins, well, at least for me. Suddenly, the lights become blindingly bright,  I see your eyes blinking as they try to adjust. You hear an automated voice slowly begin to speak. "Welcome. We will now begin your training. For this stage of the training, the rules are simple. There is only one rule. Do not sleep. The purpose of this exercise is to completely break your mind and make you compliant. To erase your identity. Good luck." The speaker suddenly cuts off. I can see you looking around in bewilderment, wondering what is about to happen.

The speakers cut on, uncomfortably loud. Mantras repeating over and over, binaural beats throb in the background. What do they say? I can see your head tilting, trying to make out the words. The sudden realization on your face is priceless. "You are not a human. You are a toy. Your worth is only the pleasure you provide your masters. You are worthless. You can be replaced." The speaker drones on and on, over and over.

I watch you curl up in the corner, hands pressed against your ears, tears begin to stream down your face. You realize how vulnerable,  exposed, and afraid. You have no idea how much time has passed. All you know is you are incredibly tired, and your eye lids begin to droop.

I stand there, watching the monitor, getting ready to savor these next few moments. You see, the collar you were fitted with serves two purposes.  To measure your heart rate and deliver a painful shock. When the collar registers that you are falling asleep, it simply shocks you. Each time you try, it increases in strength.

I watch jolt awake, your body arching as the current passes through you, I see your mouth open as if you're screaming. I grin to myself.  The system is in place. Maybe I'll come back in a few days and check on you. We'll see how broken your mind is than we can begin with your programming.

After the first 48 hours of my little experiment,  I begin to see the changes in your mind. Of course, you have no idea how long it has been. All you know is you're exhausted, your mind numb from the repeated mantra, the dehydration making the process faster. You begin to wonder who you are, as if the world is an abstract place, becoming disassociated from your own personality.

Suddenly, you hear a new sound. The grate behind you slides open, and a bottle of water rolls in. I watch from the monitors as you primally rip the lid off and drink as fast as possible to quench your thirst. You slump back into the corner, a look of relief across your face as you begin to nod off, forgetting the singular rule you currently have.

The crackle of the collar's shock is audible as your body writhes on the floor. You're awake again now. "Good girl," I say to myself, "No use in you dieing on me.". I slowly walk out of the monitoring room. Just maybe I'll come back tomorrow.

96 hours since you were placed in the room, never sleeping, never having a moment of silence, and your brain is wrecked. No long can you distinguish reality, the hallucinations becoming stronger, drool begins running from the corners of your mouth. You no longer care or realize you are still completely naked. Slowly becoming mindless, controless, and susceptible to being reprogrammed.

I open the small grate and roll another bottle of water in, then watch a you slowly crawl over to it. Your body is not responding quickly, clumsy and with weak movements.  You still drink it as fast as you can. Little do you know, this bottle has been dosed with shrooms. A very strong dose. I watch your eyes begin to twitch, your mind ablaze with hallucinations.

Good, maybe tomorrow we can begin your reprogramming. I begin to prepare the VR headset, making sure the locking mechanisms are in place, the screen is clean and ready, and the speakers working clearly. What type of programming should I do, I ask myself. A pet? A bimbo slut? A fleshlight or a service slave? So many options to ponder....

It's been 5 days since you slept. After your episodes on the shrooms, it is clear your mind is breaking, almost no trace of who you were, memories or experiences exist. Your mind is so far gone, you no longer feel the aching pain of hunger. All you can think about is sleep.

You barely notice, or even care you hear a door opening as you lay on the ground. You feel something being wrapped around your wrists than being pulled up by them.

As I stand there after pulling you up, assessing your state of mind, looking at your state of filth, examining your body. I reach behind me a grab the hose, adjusting the fire noise to a full, powerful and stinging stream.

You feel the ice cold water hitting you, but you are too exhausted to struggle against it. You feel as the stream passes over your body, time after time. Finally it cuts off, you dangling, soaking wet and freezing.

I walk up to you, roughly grabbing you by the chin, looking deep into your blank eyes. You attempt to utter something,  but the words will not form. I pull your head close and whisper in your ear, "Good girl. We can begin your programming now.". I place the VR headset over your head, pulling the collar tight and locking it into place.

All you see is darkness, hear silence and feel the collar tight against your skin. You fall to the floor as your hands are freed. A few moments pass and then the screen flashes to life. You see a room around you, and hear a voice begin to speak. "Welcome to the second stage of your programming. Today we will begin to replace your lack of identity and begin to form you into the perfect object, a full service slave." The screen goes dark. You start to hear something, faint, as if it is your mind playing tricks, then slowly growing louder. The screen flashes back on. You've seen this before. What was it called? Hypnosis. You can feel the words imprinting on your fragile mind, the visions of naked bodies and words and sex burning into your soul....Two days have passed since the VR headset was locked to your head. Your mind numb from the repetitive trance you have been in. You lay on the floor, barely able to move, weakened by starvation and lack of sleep.  Your mouth hangs open, a puddle of drool on the floor. And yet, as all this is taking place, it visibly evident you are aroused,  your thighs wet as your cunt leaks constantly.

I stand watching you on the monitors,  waiting for the signs of your programming being completely embedded upon your mind. I can see your pussy juices glistening,  I know it is beginning to work. A grin cracks along my face when I see your arm move, slowly guiding your hand between your legs.

You can't believe what you are doing. Why? Why after all this am I so aroused? But your fingers feel good as they begin rubbing your clit. Lightly at first, then harder, faster as lust fills your body. You begin uttering "This slave is made for pleasure, for it's masters pleasure. It must always be wet and ready". An expression of shock comes across your face as you realize you're repeating it again and again,  but it feels right to you. You begin breathing heavier, deeper breaths as you continue, the phrase coming out in gasps. Your body begins to shutter, your back arching, legs begin to spasm.  What feels like an eruption drenched your hand, you let out a powerful moan, your mind goes BLANK as the pleasure crashes in waves across your body.

I watch, seeing your body fall limp afterwards, short shallow breaths barely escaping your chapped lips. Good, it's about time I think to myself. I open the door and slide in a mattress against the wall. I kneel down in front of you and slowly pour some water in your mouth. I gently pick you up and place you on the small mattress. You hear a click as the collar unlocks. You feel your arms being bound behind your back, but are far to feeble to resist. I whisper gently in your ear, " Good girl, time for the next stage of your programming. ".

You feel something being inserted in your pussy then your ass, a large bump against your clit. What is it? What is he doing to it now? The door closes. The VR headset dims, but still visible, the headphones much more quiet now. You think to yourself that you can finally sleep. Just then you feel it. It starts slowly, building in intensity until it's almost to much vibration, than crashes down suddenly.  Over and over it goes, each wave making your clit throb, more intense each time. "How am I going to sleep?" you ask yourself. But your body takes over, the exhaustion finally winning...Two days have passed since the VR headset was locked to your head. Your mind numb from the repetitive trance you have been in. You lay on the floor, barely able to move, weakened by starvation and lack of sleep.  Your mouth hangs open, a puddle of drool on the floor. And yet, as all this is taking place, it visibly evident you are aroused,  your thighs wet as your cunt leaks constantly.

I stand watching you on the monitors,  waiting for the signs of your programming being completely embedded upon your mind. I can see your pussy juices glistening,  I know it is beginning to work. A grin cracks along my face when I see your arm move, slowly guiding your hand between your legs.

You can't believe what you are doing. Why? Why after all this am I so aroused? But your fingers feel good as they begin rubbing your clit. Lightly at first, then harder, faster as lust fills your body. You begin uttering "This slave is made for pleasure, for it's masters pleasure. It must always be wet and ready". An expression of shock comes across your face as you realize you're repeating it again and again,  but it feels right to you. You begin breathing heavier, deeper breaths as you continue, the phrase coming out in gasps. Your body begins to shutter, your back arching, legs begin to spasm.  What feels like an eruption drenched your hand, you let out a powerful moan, your mind goes BLANK as the pleasure crashes in waves across your body.

I watch, seeing your body fall limp afterwards, short shallow breaths barely escaping your chapped lips. Good, it's about time I think to myself. I open the door and slide in a mattress against the wall. I kneel down in front of you and slowly pour some water in your mouth. I gently pick you up and place you on the small mattress. You hear a click as the collar unlocks. You feel your arms being bound behind your back, but are far to feeble to resist. I whisper gently in your ear, " Good girl, time for the next stage of your programming. ".

You feel something being inserted in your pussy then your ass, a large bump against your clit. What is it? What is he doing to it now? The door closes. The VR headset dims, but still visible, the headphones much more quiet now. You think to yourself that you can finally sleep. Just then you feel it. It starts slowly, building in intensity until it's almost to much vibration, than crashes down suddenly.  Over and over it goes, each wave making your clit throb, more intense each time. "How am I going to sleep?" you ask yourself. But your body takes over, the exhaustion finally winning...You finally wake up, feeling like you have slept for an eternity.  The VR headset still playing dimly, the mantras still humming in your ears. As the fog clears you realize your arms are still tied behind you. And just like that, you feel the wave building again, your clit sore and swollen, the feeling of being full. You start to panick, trying to stand, you don't know who you are, where you are or what is happening.

As I watch through the monitors I begin to chuckle at the panicked movements I see. Laugh at you falling over, stumbing around trying to regain your balance, knowing you have no idea what is happening.  A few keystrokes later and your VR headset is turned off. I see you freeze, than slowly tilting your head, trying to hear any possible sounds.

You hear a metallic click and then the sound of a door opening.  Fear grips your body, you unable to move. You feel a hand softly touch your shoulder followed by a firm voice, "Hold still, do not move and I will take this all off of you. The second you move, you will regret it.". You feel the lock click and the modified chastity belt slowly being removed, you feel the large dildos sliding out of your cunt and ass. You breathe a sigh of relief as they come out, your pussy and ass never being filled that long before. You feel the ropes loosen around your wrists, your arms burning as the fall to your sides. Next comes the headset, your eyes squinting against the bright light. As you your eyes adjust, you see someone standing there, vaguely familiar, but you can't place him. Definitely taller than you, salt and pepper hair with a fairly athletic build.

I see your eyes darting around, looking at me, then noticing the open door behind me. "I wouldn't suggest it. It would quite painful if you tried." I state. "Not to mention, where would you? Do you even know who or what you are?".

Fear passes across your face. "Who am I?" You ask yourself. You know you had a name, you had a life, you know something happened. But what was it? You try to remember,  but can't,  growing more frustrated by the moment until a voice rips you out of your thoughts.

"You've been asleep for almost two days. You are dehydrated and on the verge of starvation.  Here, drink this. It has protein and some calories in it." I say as I extend the bottle to you. I watch as you hesitantly grab it and begin to dream, peering at me cautiously over the bottle.

As you slowly drink the thick mixture, you feel some strength returning. You eye the man in front of you and the door behind him. A plan forms in your mind. You may not who or what you are, but you're going to get out of here. You tense your muscles, preparing to escape.

As I stand there watching you, I see something in your eyes, I know I have at least partly succeeded, but the reprogramming needs some work. Out of the corner of my eye, I see your muscles tense. "Great. She's really going to try me?" I think to myself. Just then, the bottle is in the flying towards me, you lunging for the door.

You see me duck, thinking now's my chance you lunge with all your might, the door just now inches away! But then, you wonder why you're in the air and falling backwards. You hear part of a dull thud, then the world goes black.

I catch you by the neck as you pass me, knowing you weren't going to make it. Your momentum easily carried you off your own feet making it easy to knock your head off the cement floor. I stand and shake my head. "Looks like I'll have to train this one the old fashioned way." I reach down grabbing your hair and drag you through the doorway.

Your head feels like it is splitting in two, throbbing, your mind racing trying to remember what happened.  Something else isn't right,  what is it you wonder. You try to move your arm, then your legs, but they won't move. Am I paralyzed you begin to wonder. No, you can feel something cutting into your skin, holding you tight, what is it?

I stand off to the side as I see you return to consciousness. I admire your ass, bent over and exposed on the bench. Your arms and legs firmly bound. I move in front of you and squat, pulling your chin up and look you square in the eyes. "Welcome to the second part of your reprogramming. This is where we establish the rules, your role in this harem, punishments and rewards. The first fact you will come to understand is this is your home. Your name is "it". You will never leave this home. Do you understand?" You look at me, your eyes begin to tear up as you slowly nod yes. "You tried to leave your home earlier "it", you will be punished for that. Now, tell me why you're being punished "it"?"

Your mind races, you know why, he just said it, so why is he asking me? You slowly open your mouth, beginning to speak carefully, "I am...." Your head flings sideways, your cheek burning, your eyes blur as tears fill your eyes. "You are "it", not her, not she, not I. You are an object. Do I make myself clear?" You hear the firm, raspy voice state. You nod your head yes frantically.  "It tried to leave the house, that is why it is being punished" you manage to utter.

"Good" I say as I stand up and walk behind you. Looking at the belts along the wall determining which one I should use. I pick out a worn, black leather belt about two inches wide. A nice, thick leather belt that leaves wonderful marks. I double the belt over, picking out a target on your exposed ass, than swing. I hear you scream as the belt makes contact, a deep red welt forming quickly on your exposed skin. "One" I say out loud, winding up to strike again...

Your ass is throbbing and stinging, no idea that a spanking could be so horrific. The welts ache, everything you adjust in your small cage, you can feel them, especially if you inadvertently brush them against the bars. You ask yourself how after a week could it still be so tender? How could it hurt this much? It seriously makes you reconsider any thoughts at freedom. You're broken from the self reflection by the sounds of foot steps approaching.

"Good morning "It"", you hear my firm and steady voice. "I trust it slept well last night. Today we'll continue some of your conditioning and programming. It is going to crawl out of the cage and lay flat on the floor, arms and legs spread, face down. Understand?". I see your head nod slightly and I unlock the cage. You comply, doing exactly as instructed for fear of being punished again. "You have proven that it may try to leave the house, so I will be ensuring that does not happen again." I continue, "hold still and do no move while these measures are implemented. If it does, you will further regret it.".

I open a nearby cabinet with various hardware, tools, rope and implements. Ah, that looks to be the perfect size. I grab some rope and an anal hook with six balls starting from the size of thumb nail gradually increasing to the size of a tennis ball. I kneel down next you as I tie the rope securely to your knotted hair. I spread your ass cheeks apart, luring your ass hole roughly with my thumb, shoving it all the way in to the knuckle. I feel your body quivering, likely due to the lack of ass play you have had. I slide the first two balls of hook inside you, than grab the rope pulling your back to an uncomfortable arch and secure them together.

Your ass is on fire, between being severely belted and know your tiny hole being stretched is almost unbearable for you. How will this keep me from running you wonder? How will this help me? Fuck it hurts! You want to move, but you now know better than to do anything other than what you're told, at least while he's paying attention. At last you hear me speak, "It will be difficult for you to see where you are going it. The way your head is arched makes it damn near impossible. However,  there are six balls on the hook, all getting larger than the last. If you desire to see, all you need to do is move your head down. The further you go, the larger the insertion. The choice is yours.".

I grab a shaft of bamboo, bending your arms around it, behind your back under your hair. I then attach shackles to your feet, only allowing your feet to move eight inches at a time. This will definitely slow you down. I grab the piece of bamboo and pull you to your feet. "Follow me, we'll begin the next stage of your programming. ".

We arrive in small office, bare except a desk with a computer, a pivot point on the ceiling, a cabinet in the corner and a nice recliner opposite it. Your eyes are straining from trying to see down, you begin to pull your head down. "How bad can it hurt?", you ask yourself.  You decide to go with a fast approach. 1, 2, 3.... you let out a scream. "Holy fuck! Fuck! Fuck! That hur.." SMACK! Your face is on fire, you trip stumble and crash into the floor unable to stop yourself.

"You will not speak unless directed to, It". You hear the annoyance in my voice. You're yanked roughly back to your feet. A collar is attached to your neck, than to the eyelet on the ceiling. The balls of your feet barely touching the ground. You feel a harness being attached to your waist, and than some kind of plastic pressed and secured against your clit. A few electrical leads are place on your chest, like an EKG. You wonder what the hell this is all for.

I turn on the computer making sure everything is on and running. I turn to face you, "This system will flood your system with your own hormones. We will be using it to further train your mind. The way it works: The wand pressed against your clit vibrates increasing in intensity until you are about to climax. The computer reads this through the leads and then shuts off the vibrator. The cycle repeats. This is also known as edging or gooning." I can see the panick in your eyes. "Time to begin, I will check on you later this evening."

A few keystrokes click, and you feel the wand begin. You see me then disappear from sight. "Oh God" you wonder to yourself. I wonder how long this is going to last. The first build up to climax comes faster than you expected. Everything stops. You think, no, I needed that, why? The frustration builds as the wand turns on again....

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