Make Us Play Forever? Conan G...

By IrisMadrigal11

25K 525 1.4K

Conan Gray x female reader. When y/n is stuck during a blizzard after her idol's concert, Conan Gray takes he... More

First, I'll Say
Sippin' On A Half-Cold Coffee
That's My F*ckin' Best Friend
Won't Sleep 'Cause It's Easy to Hurt
(S)He's Got You Mesmerised
Together We Can Be People Watching~
✪ I interrupt this for a y/n x Conan playlist ✪
He's In Love!
No Red Light
Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo
Standin' At The Exit
I Know the Perfect Way To Waste Our Time
My Screen Shining Blue and Green
HEY FELLOW CONEHEADS (author's note)
Winner! **UPDATED**
Music On the Radio
Kinda Hope You're Followin' Me Out (PT 2)
The Potential Of Us Was Keepin' Me Up
I Want You To Need Me
The TV's On, the Woman's Blonde
*Chime* VECNA?!
It's A Love Story
The Movie's Always Running In My Head
I Can Breathe Inside Your Arms
This Town Will Never Change
We Are the Dumb, the Wild, the Free
Take A Bow
stupid author on crack
From Saturn to Mars
I Want to Be With the Bourgeoisieses
All This Love Is Suffocating
The World We Are Busy Buildin'
We Shared the Moscato and Laughed
I'm the Only One At the End of the Day
Let's Just Trust the Night

I'ma Crawl Out the Window Now (PT 1)

576 15 25
By IrisMadrigal11

Your Outfit (but instead it is a darker purple and a bit longer. Maybe a tulle flare-skirt instead of the pencil-fit) This is to fit the story/party aesthetic :)

Conan's apartment is filled to the brim with people and furniture. It's funny because I haven't been back here since the night we met, but it looks so different dressed for a party. To start, half of his plants are on the balcony and there are significantly more fairy lights around. I slide through the doorway and am enveloped in a tight, warm hug. It shocks me a little, and I let out an 'oof' but I relax upon realising that it's Ashley.

"Hey, gorgeous!" she smiles, pushing up her glasses as she pulls apart from me, "I'm so glad that you came!"

"Thanks, Ashley," I mutter nervously, glancing around at everyone. There aren't many people I know here, at least not that I've ever spoken to them. They're all so pretty, and some of them ridiculously famous. I keep wishing that I could've brought Layla or Jayden along, or at least Caspian. They'd know how to party or make small-talk with celebrities that never in my life did I think that I'd meet, especially not at a party that I was INVITED to.

"Hey," Ash whispers soothingly, "You'll be okay. Just stick with Conan, okay? He'll introduce you to whomever you want. These girls... and guy, don't bite, I promise. Besides, Conan's been talking non-stop about how he's super excited to see you again!"

"It's been like... a week," I chuckle, and Ash's eyes grow wide with humour,

"That's my point! Coney-Woney's just a bit obsessed, but then again, just look at you! You look fabulous! He's just in the kitchen fixing some drinks, and I would show you the way, but I'm aware that you know your way around," she smiles, turning into the bathroom and locking the door. 

The kitchen. I can do that... just a few steps until familiarality. I will my feet to move, and they make their way over to the kitchen slowly. I can feel eyes on me but I keep focused on the ground until I reach the end of the carpet and the beginning of the tiles. Looking up, I'm immediately greeted by a head of long, luscious, dark chocolate curls. I clear my throat, and he whips around. His eyes change as they meet mine, a hint of nervousness mixed with joy in them. His pillowy lips turn up at the corners, and he looks me up and down. He's wearing dark, tight purple jeans and a matching glittery vest. His stomach, collarbones and arms are on display, much to my enjoyment. 

"Hey Teddy Bear," he says softly, reaching for my hand. His hands are strong and soft, but the tips of his fingers are calloused, "I'm glad you could make it."

I lean in to press my lips to his cheek, and he wraps his arms around my waist, his eyes searching my face. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I smile back at him,

"Me too. It's really pretty in here, I like what you've done with the place!" I comment, looking around. 

"Hmm, glad you like it. I always like this place better at night- I think it's the lighting. It's a perfect place for a party~" his eyes don't leave mine, and it feels like we're drifting closer.

"Ahh! OMG!" A voice calls excitedly, a slightly Swedish accent surrounding it, "The infamous y/n! Hi!" A blonde-haired girl with fair skin and soft blue eyes wraps me in a hug.

"Y-you're the girl from the Disaster music video!" I realise, "Doris?"

"OMG, you're so cute!" She giggles, turning to Conan, "Isn't she?" 

Conan nods slightly, 

"Yes. Doris, this is y/n, as you already know," he says, his eyes darting between us. 

"Lovely to meet you finally, y/n. And yes, I am in Disaster. Conan's talked about you a lot!" I blush at this but I'm sure that it's all entirely platonic, "I'm sure you already know but-"

"Doris!" Conan warns loudly with a cold, panicking tone. I'm shocked at the volume and clearly, Doris is too,

"Right..." she mutters, picking up her drink from the counter, her shadows casting over her face as she looks down, avoiding eye contact.

**AN!!! As I was writing, my necklace came ahhhhhhhhh guys I wanna marry an inanimate object!!!

"I better go, but it was lovely meeting you," she says quietly, then moves away to talk to Ashley.

Once she's out of earshot, I pull Conan out of the kitchen,

"Conan!" I scold, "What was that for?"

"Sorry," he says timidly, lying, "She was just about to reveal something about a music video! I want it to be a secret! She's terrible at keeping them, that's all!"

I can tell that he isn't telling the truth. It's obvious. He's gnawing on his lips, his fidgeting, his glitter-lined eyes are averting my gaze. But, I decide to ignore it.

"Okay. Well, who else is here? Can you introduce me?"

"Uhm, well... it's mostly my female friends heh... but Daniel is here for a bit. He's keen to meet you," he points to a few people that I recognise from his interviews or social media posts. 

"Heh- you're getting all the girls hey Conan?" I joke,

"Hah! Yeah baby, I'm a player~ all the hotties want me~" Conan winks and the both of us burst into laughter. He puts a hand on my shoulder to keep himself stable, almost tripping over himself with laughter at how absurd he sounds. 

"I mean- I want you and I'm pretty hot!" I joke back, and he blushes slightly, his eyes widening. 

"Heh... yeah. Erm, so I can introduce you to anyone you want really. Billie was going to be here but she's super busy, and Jennifer is on the other side of the globe currently so obviously, she can't be here, but-"

"CONAN!" a voice interrupts, panting as the owner stumbles in between us. Upon seeing me, the girl calms down, "Oh hey... y/n, right?" She's gorgeous. She's practically a carbon copy of Conan, but with straight hair that's tied into a half-up bun. The rest hangs around her shoulders. Her eyes are lined with only the slightest amount of eyeliner and mascara. The rest of her face is plain yet glowing. Her shirt is covered in tiny purple stars, and her plain black linen pants reach her ankles. She looks effortlessly gorgeous, and it's driving me insane.

"Right..." I reply, as she hurriedly whips back around to talk to Conan.

"Conan! I'm so sorry, but I gotta go! Julietta just sent me a message and she's in labour!" the girl announces,

"Right, uhm, cool... why are you leaving though? She won't be having the baby for a few hours girl..." Conan looks at me confused, like 'Aren't you a uterus-bearing person? Like am I not correct in saying that?!'

"Yeah but Darius, her boyfriend is in Japan! She isn't due for like three weeks, and he is coming back next Saturday. She's asked me to fill his place as her birthing partner!" 

"Oh... cool. See ya soon I guess..." he says as she grabs her bag and disappears through the door on the other side of the room.

"Erm, who was that?!" I ask, and he smiles at me,

"That's my sister, Alyssa," we both chuckle.

"Makes sense! She looks so different!" I point out,

"Yeah..." he says absentmindedly, his focus pinned on me, "Erm, Olivia is keen to meet you, Do you wanna?"

"Yes!!!" I shout, a little too excited, and Conan giggles adorably.

Pt 2 out in a few hours

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