To Be The Greatest Heroes / I...

By JesseLikeAFox

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This story follows the coming of age of superhero Mark Grayson / Invincible, a Viltrumite and first-born son... More

Character Info
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 16

Chapter 12

499 12 3
By JesseLikeAFox

Next Day

At Grayson's Household

Jesse wakes up in Mark's bed seeing he was not with her. "Right, I spent the night over here." Jesse said to herself while she plays with the amulet around her neck that she doesn't take off. Jesse looks at the amulet that was glowing in her hands. "You're wake." Jesse hears someone making Jesse turn around to see Mark in his Invincible look. "And were are you going?" Jesse asks him as Mark sits on the bed. "Well, I have to go training with my dad. Would you like to join us?" Mark asks her while Jesse sits up. "No, I think you are going to keep your eyes on me and not what your dad." Jesse said to him as she pulls up Mark's mask on. "I will not." Mark said to her. "Well, I am going to see Olga and see how she is going." Jesse said to him. "Oh, Red Rush's wife." Mark said to her making Jesse nod a little. "Yep." Jesse said to him. "So, I will see you later then." Mark said to her. "Yep." Jesse said to him with a smile. "Our first day as a couple and we are not even spending a day together." Mark said to her playfully. "Drama Queen." Jesse said to him. "Will you be here when I get back?" Mark asks her hoping Jesse will be here. "Sure, I will been here waiting for you." Jesse said to him making Mark smile at her. "That's good to hear." Mark said to her and the two share a sweet kiss. "You ready, Mark?" Nolan calls Mark from outside his room. "I'm on my way." Mark said to him then he kisses Jesse's cheek before leaving. Jesse lays back on the bed and she looks at the amulet again thinking about the voice she heard last night from it.

Later by a desert, Nolan and Mark was flying over the sand but Mark was flying a little to low. "Gain some altitude! You're messing up the desert." Nolan said to Mark who turns to see that he has created a big cloud of sand. "Huh? Uh...sorry." Mark said and he flies higher. "And pick up the pace. You need to push yourself if you want to build speed and endurance." Nolan said to him as Mark flies over to him. "I can't believe I still have to exercise." Mark said to him. "What, you thought being a Viltrumite was easy?" Nolan asks him then he does a spin away from Mark. "Show off." Mark said then he tried to do the same move, but lost control making Nolan look at him. "Whoa!" Nolan screams as he free falls pass his dad but he but he takes control again of his flying. "Okay, okay, let's take a break." Nolan said to him. "Now you're talking." Mark said to him as he turns to his dad. "Last one to Mount Everest does the dishes for a week. Go!" Nolan yelled then he flies away from Mark with speed. "Yeah!" Mark yelled liking that idea then he laughs. "Wait...where's Mount Everest?" Mark asks as he flies over to his dad. "It's the high one!" Nolan yelled and the two race to Mount Everest. 

Nolan reached Mount Everest first then Mark who falls into the snow behind Nolan. "Take deep breaths, buddy. The air's thin up here." Nolan said to him as Mark stands next to him. "No...kidding..." Mark said to him as a hiker reached the summit and was surprised to see them both there. "What the fuck?" He yelled as Mark pulls his hand out for him. "Hi. Sorry. It's okay. I'm..."

"Sometimes, I forget how beautiful this planet can be. Too bad the human race is hell-bent on destroying it. Good thing they got us, right?" Nolan asks Mark while turning to his son. "Huh. Yeah, I guess. So, is Viltrum that different?" Mark asks him. "Oh, it's very different. We've ended wars all over the universe, brought peace to thousands of galaxies, lifted alien races out of the mud and into the future. It's why I'm here on Earth. It's why you're here." Nolan said to him. "I still can't believe you left everything to come help a planet you'd never even seen before." Mark said to him. "I told you, I was part of the..." Nolan said making Mark cut him off. "World betterment committee. Yeah, I know, but that's still not a reason." Mark said to him making Nolan look away from him. "Well, when your grandparents died, I was lost for a long time. They were the only family I had. Coming here felt like a chance to build something new." Nolan said to him. "You mean, like with Mom?" Mark asks him. "Yeah, your mom changed everything. She turned this place from a job to a home. Then you came along and changed it all again." Nolan said to him. "Huh. I don't know if I could do that." Mark said to him. "Do what?" Nolan asks him. "Leave everything behind." Mark said to him. "Hey, keeping the universe safe, living up to our people's heritage, it takes sacrifice, Mark. That's what I'm trying to teach you." Nolan said to him. "Sure. I get that." Mark said to him. "Okay. All right, one more round, huh? Last one home takes out the garbage for a month..." Nolan said then Mark takes off before he could finish and got a head-start. "Ha, ha, ha!" Mark laughs as Nolan looks up. "Ha..." Nolan said then he takes off quickly passing Mark. "Ah, man..." Mark said to himself. 

At Olga's House

"Lies! The GDA are snakes. They don't care about us, or my poor Josef." Olga said to Jesse and Debbie. "Olga..." Debbie said to her. "No Olga. I am Russian, my dear, I know how governments work, and yours is no different." Olga said to her. "Cecil's searching for the killer..." Jesse said to her. "Is he? No one is in jail. No one is on the news. They know who did this, and they don't care." Olga said to her not convinced. "Why wouldn't they care?" Debbie asks her. "I don't know, but I can tell when people are lying, and people are lying about this, which is why I'm moving back to Moscow, to my family. You can help me sell my house." Olga said as she holds Debbie a folder. "Uh, yes, absolutely." Debbie said to her as she takes the folder. "Olga...Did Josef ever lie to you?" Jesse asks Olga. "Of course, all heroes do, but I only made the mistake of believing him once. When he told me everything was going to be fine." Olga said to her making Debbie look away thinking about Nolan. 

Debbie looks over the folder while Jesse walks around the house with Olga. "Josef, always told me that he wanted a kid like you." Olga said to Jesse as the two walk into her room that had boxes in the room. "I don't think your kid would be like me." Jesse said to her as Olga picks up a picture of her and Josef. "He wanted his first kid to be friends with you even if you will be older then them." Olga said to her as Jesse walks over to her. "But the world had other plans for him." Olga said to her then she turns to Jesse. "If you find out who killed him and the others, I wanted you do whatever it takes to take them down." Olga said to her making Jesse nod. "I promise." Jesse said to her making Olga smile at her. "You a good kid, Jesse." Olga said to her before she walks out of the room leaving Jesse in the room alone. 

As Jesse glances around the room, the amulet suddenly begins to glow blue, turning the space completely black. "Okay, this is different." Jesse said to herself. "I know right." Jesse hears someone making her turn to see Josef making her jump. "What the hell?!" Jesse yelled as she jumps away from him. "Don't be scare, I know this is something you don't see everyday." Josef said to her. "I hate magic." Jesse said to herself as Josef walks over to her. "My soul and the others' souls were deposited in that amulet by Damien's power." Josef said to her. "And another reason why I hate magic because it doesn't makes sense to me." Jesse said to him making Josef laugh a little. "The amulet is immensely powerful, but as we all know, people may get controlled by power." Josef said to her as he looks away from her. "Who killed you guys?" Jesse asks him making Josef look at her. "So I can get justice for you guys, you didn't have to die like that." Jesse said to him making Josef place his hand on Jesse's shoulder. "I can't remember." Josef said to her. "What? How can you not remember?" Jesse asks him. "I don't know, all I can remember is pain in my head." Josef said to her making Jesse think for a minutes. "When they find you guys, your head was..." Jesse said to him.

"Jesse, what are you doing?" Jesse hears Debbie making her turn to see the room was back to normal. "Nothing, why?" Jesse asks her. "You were simply standing there with blue eyes." Debbie said to her. "It was nothing." Jesse said to her with a smile. "Oh, okay. I am going back home now and I will see you there." Debbie said to her making Jesse nod then Debbie leaves her alone. Jesse looks at the amulet that stop glowing blue, then Jesse jumps out of the window and she flies into the sky.  

Jesse perches on a rooftop after soars to one of the city's buildings. Though she was responsible for protecting people from all the evil in the world, Jesse glances down at the city's streets, watching everyone enjoy their day.

That Night

At Grayson's Household

Debbie makes it home, grabs a bottle of wine, and starts working. She enters private browsing mode and looks up Damien Darkblood, who is described as a freak who could not even save his own soul, but turns out was a good detective. "What you doing?" Debbie hears someone making her up and she turns to see Jesse standing there. "Working." Debbie said to her making Jesse look at the laptop. "On Darkblood." Jesse said to her. "How well do you know him?" Debbie asks her. "Well, I would say when I was a little girl. When my dad was out doing his hero thing, I would spend time with Darkblood. I knew that everyone thought he was a someone who only cares about himself but he does what it takes to shed light on the truth." Jesse said to her making Debbie look at her laptop again. "Is something wrong?" Jesse asks her. "I think Nolan is hiding something from me, from us." Debbie said to her then the two hear a whoosh sound from the outside making Debbie gasp. 

Debbie closes the tabs as the door opens and the two can hear Nolan chuckling. "Boy, I am going to love not taking out the garbage for a month." Nolan said to Mark as the two enter the house. "Yeah, yeah, quit rubbing it in." Mark said to him as he walks over to Jesse who gives him a smile. "You lose again." Jesse said to Mark who gives her a kiss on the cheek. "Don't you start." Mark said to her. "So, I spent all day teaching our son to break the sound barrier. Turns out the only motivation he needed was getting ready for a hot date." Nolan said to Debbie making Jesse look at him. "Wait what?" Jesse said to him. "A date? Hold up. Tell me everything." Debbie said to Mark. "Yes, please tell." Jesse said to Mark as she removes his mask. "It's not a date. I just hanging out with you." Mark said to Jesse with a red face. "Hanging out? Wow. Try not to sweep the girl off her feet too much." Debbie said to Mark who looks at his mom. "Guess where they're going? Out." Nolan said to his wife. "Ooh, out. Every woman's favorite destination for a romantic evening." Debbie said to Make who gives them a look. "I wanted Jesse to pick a spot to go tonight." Mark said to them as he looks over at Jesse. "Oh, a take-charge girl. I like that." Debbie said to Nolan making Jesse giggle a little. "Are you both finished? 'Cause I have six time zones to wash off." Mark said to his parents then he looks at Jesse. "Pick a spot and we will go when I am done." Mark said to her. "Okay, sounds like a plan." Jesse said to him making Mark smile at her before walk up the stairs. "What say we go out, too, huh? Can't let a couple of teenagers show us up." Jesse hears Nolan making her turn to Nolan and Debbie. "Olga wants me to sell her house. Ah, the poor woman's barely holding it together. She thinks there's a conspiracy around the murders." Debbie said to him. "Ah, she needs to quit drinking." Nolan said to her then he drinks some wine. "Nolan..." Debbie said to him making Nolan look at her. "What? You remember last year's Christmas party. She was a wreck." Nolan said to her then he walks away up the stairs to go to their room. Jesse walks over to Debbie who had a suspicious look on her face. "You notice that?" Jesse asks her making Debbie look at her. "He didn't care about how Olga felt losing Josef from the massacre. It's like he doesn't care less about it." Jesse said to her making Debbie look away from. "Just try to enjoy your night with Mark, okay." Debbie said to her making Jesse nod a little.

Later that night, Mark and Jesse were walk through the street where there were a market was going on while sharing a dessert. "Mm...This is, like, all the best desserts in one." Mark said to Jesse as the two walk down the street. "I know right? I ate way too many of them in the Philippines last summer." Jesse said to him making Mark look at her. "What were you doing there?" Mark asks her. "Well, I and my dad were there for an holiday or what he like to call it daughter and father holiday." Jesse said to him. "Sounds fun. Did you enjoy it?" Mark asks her making Jesse nod. "Of course, we did a lot together." Jesse said to him. "Was your mom there?" Mark asks her making Jesse stop walking. "I never seen your mom before does she live in the Philippines?" Mark asks as he turns to Jesse seeing her sad face. "Wow, those are cool..." Mark said as he pulls Jesse to one of the market stands. "Oh, my God, look at how cute those are." Mark said as he picks up one of the items. "Those are rice separators." Jesse said to him. "And so reasonably priced." Mark said to her making Jesse chuckle. "Just imagine all the rice you're gonna separate now. What exactly do you separate it from?" Mark asks her. "It removes coarse, fine, and light impurities." Jesse said to him. "What?" Mark asks her making Jesse laugh a little at him. "I will get it for my mom, she will like it." Mark said to her. "I'm sure she will love it." Jesse said to him and she kisses Mark. "Thank you, Mark." Jesse whisper to him. "You're welcome." Mark said to her with a smile.

Later Jesse was in the girls' room fixing her hair when she sees her breath on the mirror. "Jesse." Jesse jumps hearing a voice from behind her making her turn to see Darkblood. "One day, I am going to be holding a knife and I will stab you." Jesse said to him. "Nolan, deicide to take a stop by my office." Darkblood said to her. "You have an office." Jesse said to him as Darkblood walks closer to her. "He knows, I was in his house saying I frightened his wife." Darkblood said to her. "Did you tell him that he murdered seven people?" Jesse asks him making Darkblood nod. "He thinks people will believe everything he says, he also said that I was in his house to finish the job I started with the Guardians because I am the demon after all." Darkblood said to her. "We can't give up. Nolan, is hiding something and I want to find out what." Jesse said to him. "He can't hide truth for too long. Wife already suspects. How long until son does, too?" Darkblood asks her making Jesse think about it. "If anything happens to me..." Darkblood said making Jesse look at him. "I want you to follow my lead and don't give up." Darkblood said to her making Jesse nod. "I will." Jesse said to him.

 Later That Night

Jesse and Mark walks back to Grayson's household while holding hands. "That was the best night of my life. I mean, no one's done a study yet, but I feel safe going out on a limb here and..." Mark said making Jesse look at him. "Too much?" Mark asks her making Jesse chuckle a little. "Yeah...but I like it. I expect to feel the same way next time. When you plan the date." Jesse said to him as the two stop by the front door. "That...sounds like an idea." Mark said to her as the two lean in for a kiss before walking into the house.

The two teens find Cecil in the kitchen with Debbie and Nolan. "Hey...Uh, what's going on?" Mark asks them as he and Jesse walk over to the kitchen. "NASA's about to launch the first manned mission to Mars." Cecil said to them. "Yeah, I saw that. It's cool." Mark said to him while Jesse leans on the table. "I need your father to shadow the mission and make sure nothing goes wrong. Only, he won't do it." Cecil said to Mark making Nolan look at him. "I'm busy training my son, Cecil, and with the Guardians gone, I'm needed here on Earth. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were trying to get rid of me." Nolan said to him. "It's because of the Guardians' massacre that I want you on this mission. The planet needs a win right now, and this is it." Cecil said to him. "You think people are gonna care about Mars if there's an attack on Earth, and I'm not here to save them?" Nolan asks him. "I think they're gonna care if the first four people to walk on another world end up dying there." Cecil said to him. "My priority is to my family and this planet. End of story." Nolan said to him. "Geez, you sound different." Jesse said to Nolan who looks at her. "I will do it." Jesse said to Cecil who nods at her. "I guess this is the part where I volunteer?" Mark asks Cecil who looks at him. "I mean, that's what happened last time you came here asking Dad to go to space." Mark said to him. "Yeah, that was the moon, Mark. That hardly counts as space..." Nolan said to him. "You were just teaching me I've got responsibilities. Isn't this one of them?" Mark asks him. "Your responsibilities are bigger than four astronauts, and Cecil didn't ask you to go. He asked me." Nolan said to him. "If the kid wants to go, he'd be doing humanity a favor." Cecil said to him making Nolan look at Debbie. "Debbie, help me out here." Nolan said to her. "I don't like Mark missing school, but I can't think of a better reason than keeping people safe." Debbie said to him. "How much school am I really gonna miss? I can zip up to Mars and be back tomorrow." Mark said to them. "Huh..." Jesse said to herself. "The fact that you don't know how far away Mars is, is exactly why you shouldn't be missing school." Nolan said to him. "It's a two-week mission." Cecil said to Mark. "Two weeks? Dad's right, I'm not ready." Mark said to them. "Sweetheart...Lots of people are going to tell you how to use your powers, but it's up to you to make these decisions. You need to decide what kind of hero you want to be." Debbie said to him making Mark think about it for a few minutes. "I'll do it." Mark said to them making Jesse smile at him. "Well, pack a lunches', kids. You two will leave tomorrow." Cecil said to Jesse and Mark. 

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