The Selection (Kriss)

By hi_my_name_is_riley

14.1K 189 72

Kriss Ambers wishes that she had never met her (ex)boyfriend of three years. I mean, wouldn't you if you knew... More

The selection (Kriss)
Chapter 2 (finally!)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5: Meeting the crowd

The Selection (Kriss)

7K 82 26
By hi_my_name_is_riley

If I could, I would go back and change it all. All of it. I would make sure never to meet him. I don't care. I can't take it knowing it was all my fault. He was dead, and it was all my fault.

I bet your very confused on what I'm talking about. I would be too if I was you.

My boyfriend of 3 years just died. All because of me. We were kissing in my room one night, and got caught. Less than 3 minutes later, officials were there taking him away. I knew the punishment of this type of action was death. It was a given since all my life I had been told this.

We were in love. Big time. There was no denying it.

How could I have let this happen to him? It's all my fault. If I had just remembered to lock my door when he came through my window, he could have snuck out before my mother walked in.

I need to forget about it. And I knew there was only one way to forget about it all.

I need to sign up for The Selection.

If you don't know, The Selection is where, when the King and Queen of Illea have a son, once he comes of age, he needs to get married. I had heard about it yesterday. I knew I needed to sign up and get my picture taken now before everyone else does. I needed to be one of the 35, and there was no denying it. I have to find something to get my mind of of him. After 35 girls are chosen, they are taken to the palace and kind of like "fight" for the prince.

I wouldn't really call it fighting, but I heard the competition does get pretty tough and a couple of slaps get passed around every now and then...

Ok anyways back to what The Selection is. After a while The Prince, Prince Maxon, cuts a couple of the girls from the selection and they are sent home as 3's no matter what. Well, unless they are in a better caste before...

Any ways, the prince gets rid of the girls until he gets down to The Elite, which are the top six. After this he needs to narrow it down to three, then he chooses who he wants to be his wife and future queen.

It's probably very hard to do. I mean with all of these beautiful ladies there, why would he want to get rid of them if he usually doesn't have many girls in the palace except for staff most of the time? If I was a guy I surely wouldn't!

It's been a couple of days since I turned in my entry. I made sure to look as pretty as possible for the picture to guarantee to make the selection.

But I so don't do fairytales, so I dressed up in nice clothes, but nothing TOO nice.

Don't want to look like a slut now do we?

Well uh, duh no. I'm not some slutty two, why would I want to be one of those when we already have enough of them as it is. *Fake coughs* Celeste.

Sorry, not sorry. Most of the people anyways are only signing up for the crown and title rather than the man behind it.

Yes I know her don't start freaking out. She's just a model for a very high classed fashion magazine. She's nothing special.

She's always been heavy on the whole boy thing. She always has one on her arm anywhere and everywhere she goes. I wouldn't be surprised if she makes it in The Selection and then gets chosen as the queen.

Yes, she may be pretty, but she's probably dumber than a rock, and that's saying something considering rocks don't breathe, eat, talk, walk, or even have brains.

Sorry, but I don't want that as my princess and queen of Illea {A/N: its a capital I then two lowercased L's.} I bet the rock could do better.

I just hope Prince Maxon isn't like all the other guys and just goes for the one who is voted prettiest and flirty. Hopefully.

If not, goodbye. I'm leaving. See you in Antarctica when you can't take all the stupid fashion shows either.

Just kidding. I wouldn't go to Antarctica. It's too hot there! Who would want to live there? (A/N I know it's not hot there. I'm not stupid. Remember this is in the future and I can do whatever I want.)

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