Sprinting Fox: Unwritten

By SprintingFox

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A few one-shots and character summaries for OCs I didn't write a full-length fic for. . ​​​​​​​I do not at an... More

OC x Enzo St. John
OC x Vincent Griffith
OC x Tyler Lockwood
The Unwritten: Other Fandoms
OC x Otto Hightower (HotD)
Lannister OC (DARK HotD AU)
OC x Jon Snow (GoT)
OC x Jacaerys Velaryon (HotD)
OC x Daenerys Targaryen (GoT / Vikings)
OC x Daemon Targaryen (HotD)

OC x Aegon Targaryen (HotD)

197 9 7
By SprintingFox

A/N: Hello everyone! This was a very random idea that burst out over the past several weeks, so enjoy. The following 2 chapters (all in this same page) are part of an untitled short story with a House of the Dragon OC paired with Aegon Targaryen. You can expect the usual Game of Thrones themes to be referenced or written explicitly, including but not limited to: abuse, miscarriage, traumatic childbirth, underage marriage, violence, incest, etc. I am basing this off of Season 1 of House of the Dragon. Additionally, Aegon is not going to be a piece of shit who assaults people! That would be horrible. For reference, the OC's face claim is Meltem Akçöl.



King's Landing, 124 AC

Another brother.

Being surrounded by boys was starting to drive her mad. How she missed her cousins.

She shouldn't have been upset. She didn't need to be. He wasn't her brother, not really, and if she'd had a sister, it wouldn't have been her true sister, either.

The man who was telling her this news, the man she called 'Papa Laenor,' was her cousin, not her father. The woman who had borne the babe, the woman she called 'Mama Nyra,' was a more distant cousin, made nearer only by the marriage her mother had had with another cousin that might have been her father, had the wedding between Daemon Targaryen and Rhea Royce been fruitful in any way. And the girl cousins she adored were the daughters of Daemon and Mama Laena, both her cousins, which meant Baela and Rhaena weren't cousins as directly as she wanted to believe.

This family confused her.

Her brothers were overjoyed at the news. They liked each other, liked being brothers. This was something pleasant for them, it meant another boy to roll in the dirt with.

She was much happier in the castle with Helaena, even if it meant she had to endure the sensation of small feet crawling on her palm. She'd yet to grow fond of bugs, though she calculated that it wouldn't be long before she became indifferent.

Brothers were in abundance within the Red Keep. There was Aemond, who was only a brother because he claimed she was the sibling Helaena dreamed of having. Daeron would tell the people of Oldtown he had two sisters. Then came Rhaenyra and Laenor's sons; three boys had become four. How was she meant to survive?

Maybe it would have been wiser to move to Pentos. If only she'd known that when she chose Rhaenyra over Laena.

"Rhaelyn, have you heard what I said?"

She glanced up at Laenor, hugging the dragon's egg in her palms to her chest. "A boy," she confirmed. "Mama Nyra had a boy."

"Yes," he said, beaming. "Would you like to see him?"

The two lads beside her leapt up. "Yes!" cried Jacaerys. "The egg is ready, just for the baby!"

She thought of the singular egg she'd been keeping for the child, with the intention of bestowing it personally upon who she imagined would be a sister, out of respect for Rhaenyra's wishes. Rhaelyn didn't want to share but if it would please the Princess, she'd do anything. It couldn't only be her egg.

"Yes," she decided. "I suppose this one will have to do."

(She hoped her dragon would lay another if Rhaenyra grew pregnant again. It seemed to happen often for the Princess. With the dragon, less frequently. This was the first egg she'd laid. Would there be more?)

She couldn't quite remember the day she became Rhaenyra's first child. She had memories of sounds and shapes, colors she saw for the first time when Daemon Targaryen walked in unannounced to the wedding of Rhaenyra Targaryen and Laenor Velaryon.

"Here, sit," said Daemon, placing her beside Lord Royce, who immediately brought the girl to his lap and began to feed her from the dining table. "Wait for me."

The wedding had been a disaster. The right thing to do would have been to wait, to let the sensation of fear and chaos die down before he revealed this. Her.

At his brother's request, their houses gathered, watching as the girl continued to eat several helpings of pie while Daemon explained what Lord Rhylan Royce had revealed to him before they returned to King's Landing together for the festivities.

"You are being deceitful, cousin," whispered Rhaenys in disbelief. "That simply could not be."

"It is," said Rhylan. "She is the late Lady Rhea's daughter."

"When I went to bury my lady wife, I found her there," Daemon said, pointing at the girl, who stopped eating immediately. "Hugging a maid and crying for her mother. The Lady Rhea birthed her."

"She is your daughter, then," insisted Viserys. "She must be."

"I assure you," said Daemon tightly, "she is not. She knows who her father was. Tell them, byka mēre." (T: little one.)

Rhaelyn swallowed the last of the pie before beginning, "Papa's name was Aemon."

"What happened to Aemon?"

"Papa died." She poked at the tablecloth. "Accident, like Mama."

"And what did your father leave you when he passed?"

She giggled, clapping her hands in delight. "Vermy."

Daemon carefully watched the reactions of those around them. "And who is Vermy, Rhaelyn?"

She held her palms in the air. "His dragon!"

"This is absurd!" said Rhaenys. "My brother disappeared long ago, I refuse to believe she could be... that he was..."

"It's the truth, Princess," said Rhyland. "I know of the tale, of how he vanished without a trace. Prince Aemon was alive this whole time. We simply didn't know who he was."

King Viserys stood. "Tell me how this can be. Aemon, son of Prince Aemon Targaryen and Jocelyn Baratheon, was thought dead."

"He was not, I tell you. He fled to the Vale after his mother's death. The boy was five and ten, Your Majesty, he was thinking rashly. My Uncle Yobert took him under his wing because he gave him a false name. Claimed to be a squire named Vince!"

"My brother always was a wild spirit," whispered Rhaenys, reaching for her husband's hand. "He did not like to follow tradition, he did not feel as though the life of a prince was suitable for him. Far too many rules. His egg never hatched, and after I claimed Meleys, he felt he had nothing left for him. I recall he wished so dearly to be part of the Kingsguard, to be the sworn sword of my father, had he not perished in Tarth. My mother's death tore what was left of his heart apart."

"And he came to us," said Rhyland. "To Runestone. Where he met the Lady Rhea, well-aware of her recent marriage to Prince Daemon. He confessed his love to her within a year of meeting her, told her who he truly was. And then that egg hatched. My cousin believed that because he was truthful, owning his identity, the dragon saw fit to reveal itself to him. A beautiful vermilion he called Vermithrax after one of the Valyrian beasts, believed to be an egg of Dreamfyre due to its similarities to Meleys and Caraxes." He gestured to Daemon, "He knew Prince Daemon would discover who he was if he saw the dragon. So he left with it."

"When he returned," continued Rhyland, "Vermithrax was the same size as Ser Prince consort Laenor's dragon. And it has continued to grow since it graced Runestone again. Remarkably well behaved. The bond he had with his dragon was like no other. No one knew he was there, save those of us who lived within the castle. He and my late cousin became lovers. The girl was born two years ago. Aemon took her on dragonback when she was only a day old, as the beloved Princess Alyssa did with you, my King, and you, my Prince. He loved his daughter dearly.

"But Aemon was aged, nearly forty when she was born. He'd labored so many years, his youth was not preserved. He was plagued with pains on his legs and back. Riding a dragon posed no challenge with his saddle, however, getting into it became a challenge. One day, Vermithrax returned with Aemon in her jaws, dead. The saddle had broken. We surmised his body had been too stiff to allow him to repair it. He fell to his death. I doubt Vermithrax could have saved him, though I've no doubt she tried.

"My cousin was left to raise the girl alone until her death. She fell from her horse, cracking her skull upon a stone. Rhaelyn sat at her bedside for nine days until she felt better. She took her little girl's hand and began to walk around the castle and..." he stared sadly at the little girl, who was tugging at her dress, "collapsed and died within an hour of rising." He straightened up. "I will hold the seat of Runestone until such a time when Rhaelyn comes of age."

"That is," said Daemon, "unless we believe it best that Rhaelyn continue to be raised here. With the Targaryens. Vermithrax awaits in the Vale. I've no doubt Rhaelyn will wish to mount her when she is of age. A dragonrider cannot live there. If she decides to take the seat once she is older and wed, she may do so. This child comes from a direct lineage of Targaryen Kings, nearly all the firstborn sons. Aegon Targaryen, Aenys, Jaehaerys, her grandsire the late Prince Aemon, and her father Prince Aemon. And her great-grandmother through the Baratheon line is Alyssa Velaryon."

Seeing the sad look in her eyes, Rhaenyra went to sit beside Rhaelyn, offering her hand. She knew what it was like to lose a mother, and couldn't imagine how someone so small could understand it. The little girl wiggled off of her seat, crawling onto Rhaenyra's lap instead.

"She has a great deal of dragon's blood," agreed Laenor, watching as Rhaelyn rested her head on Rhaenyra's chest. "Even if she looks more Royce and Baratheon than anything."

"The people of the Vale will believe she is your daughter," murmured Corlys to Daemon as Laenor offered Rhaelyn his cloak to keep her warm. "You must decide where she goes."

Daemon shook his head. "I brought her here because she is your niece." He nodded to Rhaenys. "She is not my daughter but she is your blood more closely than she is mine."

"One of us could adopt her," reasoned Laena. "She is our cousin, we must keep her with us if she will not be in the Vale."

"Corlys and I could take her," offered Rhaenys. "Let her grow on Driftmark, somewhere peaceful for her to have her lessons with the intention of her becoming Lady of Runestone when the time is right."

"She's such a darling," said Laena, eyes flickering to Daemon. "If you kept her, my Prince..."

Laenor cleared his throat and spoke quietly, "I believe we ought to consider what Rhaelyn might prefer." He gestured to where the little girl had already fallen asleep on Rhaenyra's shoulder.

Viserys looked at his daughter, who was definitely not opposed to adopting her. "She is a beautiful little thing," the Princess whispered.

Daemon considered it. Rhaelyn looked right at home in Rhaenyra's arms. The girl wasn't his daughter, and it wasn't like he'd been fond of Rhea in any way. He had no desire to take her just to maintain appearances. He gave a firm nod to his brother.

"Then it will be so," said the King. "Lady Rhaelyn Royce, henceforth Princess Rhaelyn Targaryen through her parentage by Prince Aemon and by being thought daughter of Prince Daemon, will be raised here by the Princess Rhaenyra and Ser Prince consort Laenor, as Lady Jocelyn Baratheon was raised by King Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne. Until such a time when my daughter has a child, Rhaelyn will be her heir. In the event she must ascend as Princess of Dragonstone following Rhaenyra's coronation, the seat of Runestone will pass to Lord Rhyland Royce's chosen heir. The girl's desires will be taken into account when she is of age. If she wishes to rule Runestone, she will be matched with a suitable husband. If she wishes to separate herself from it, she will remain a Princess and be wed to one of the heirs of the Seven Kingdom. I believe the young Lord Cregan Stark may be close enough in age for an agreeable match."

Daemon agreed. Viserys placed a hand on his shoulder, "And should you decide you wish to claim her as your daughter, you need only ask if she would like it. She may be fond of Rhaenyra but she came here with you. Now... bring her dragon. If she allows herself to be brought."

Rhaelyn didn't accompany her siblings to the castle to meet the baby. A septa walked her to the Dragonpit, where her beautiful vermilion beast had been saddled and prepared for her.

Vermithrax was a stubborn girl. She'd refused to follow Daemon and Caraxes to Dragonstone, much less to the Dragonpit in King's Landing. After Daemon wed Laena, he abandoned the efforts of bringing the obstinate dragon with him. He wondered how Vermithrax had ever been considered well-behaved. She seemed like a drama queen, even more spoiled than Syrax.

Lord Rhyland Royce had invited Rhaelyn to visit Runestone when she was six years old, right after Prince Lucerys Velaryon was born. Vermithrax had recognized Rhaelyn immediately, and following several days of goat and pheasant offerings, allowed Rhaelyn to ride her, strapped to her back with a saddle Lord Royce had made for her, much stronger than the one her father had used.

After that, Vermithrax lived in the Dragonpit, refusing to go anywhere if Rhaelyn wasn't with her. She was a right terror to the other dragons, often causing all sorts of trouble with Sunfyre, Tessarion, Vermithrax, and Arrax. It seemed Vermithrax didn't think the Dragonpit big enough for all of them; she wanted it to herself.

She only seemed to enjoy sharing if she were in the company of Dreamfyre, Meleys, or Caraxes, who she never bothered. Maybe she was afraid of them because they were much older than her, or maybe the theories were true and she, Meleys, and Caraxes were from the same clutch of eggs laid by Dreamfyre.

"There there, ñuha jorrāelagon," said the thirteen-year-old girl, caressing her face. (T: my love.)

The dragon trilled, head shaking as if she could sense Rhaelyn was feeling mildly upset. The girl laid her cheek against the dragon's, whispering, "Yes, I do miss my cousins, too. It has been quite some time since we visited my cousin Laena and Prince Daemon."

She'd grown up adoring her cousins Rhaena and Baela, though she never could shake the sadness she felt thinking that if Laena had been more insistent, if Daemon had hated her mother less, she might have grown up with sisters instead of brothers. The Prince treated her like she was his child, as much as he could given she looked almost exactly like Rhea, but it never felt like enough. She loved Rhaenyra and Laenor too much to beg him to take her with him and he preferred life without a constant reminder of his unhappy marriage. Gifts every time he visited seemed to suffice for the both of them.

Vermithrax lowered herself fully to the ground, allowing Rhaelyn to kiss the top of her head (or as close to it as she possibly could). "Do you miss Caraxes? And Vhagar? We will see them again, in time. I'm quite tired of being surrounded by boys."

"I ought to make my way back to the castle, then."

She grinned. "Speak of the devil and he will come!"

Aegon made toward Sunfyre, lips twitching into a smile. "Another ride today, cousin? Surely you know by now that if we must speak of devils, we ought to start with a talk about your ill-behaved beast."

"Vermithrax is a darling," countered Rhaelyn, caressing the dragon's cheek affectionately. "Aren't you, Vermy?"

The she-dragon sat up, large head making toward Aegon, snorting as a warning that he ought not get any closer.

"Ivestragī ziry sagon," warned Rhaelyn. "Issa iā raqiros." (T: Let it be. He is a friend.)

"You are eager to be in the skies," he observed.

"I always am," replied Rhaelyn. "It's better than the castle. Join me?"

He noted the way Sunfyre leaned away from her dragon as she blew a column of fire into the air. "Will yours be kind?"

Rhaelyn reached out, caressing the dragon's neck. "There, girl, Sunfyre is a friend. Come now, Vermithrax, don't be rude."

The dragon huffed, lowering herself for Rhaelyn to mount. She ascended, purposely roaring in Sunfyre's direction and spewing a column of fire that nearly singed Aegon's head before she flew ahead, daring Sunfyre to catch up.

He did with ease, much swifter being slightly smaller than Vermithrax. Aegon and Rhaelyn flew side by side, smirking at one another and deciding to have a race.

Perhaps there were good things about the castle.

Truly, she loved it there. She did care for her brothers, and she loved Helaena and Aemond to bits. Even little Daeron was pleasant when he wasn't in Oldtown. Her parents loved her, they did. Laenor adored her and Rhaenyra always enjoyed getting to spend time with her little girl, often fearing she'd be the only one she'd manage to have (especially now after three boys).

"Sunfyre may be beautiful, but he is painfully slow," said Rhaelyn as she and Aegon dismounted in the Dragonpit, watched by their brothers who were arriving for their lesson.

"Don't let what she says get to you," said Aegon, patting Sunfyre's head affectionately. "She's jealous that Vermithrax is an ugly old beast."

Vermithrax let out a snort, making Lucerys giggle. "How is the baby?" asked Rhaelyn, letting the Dragonkeepers guide Vermithrax underground where Dreamfyre napped.

"He's very small," said Lucerys, holding his hands out in an approximation. "Mother and Father named him Joffrey."

"A sweet name for a sweet boy," she said, ruffling his hair in much better spirits. "Have a good lesson."

Aemond got in her way, her face falling when she realized what she wanted. "I'm sorry," she said. "Vermithrax's only egg is Joffrey's now. But I promise the next one is for you."

He managed a weak smile. "If there is a next one."

"If not," said Aegon with a smirk, "you could run off to Runestone and fall in love with a pretty maiden. They don't need dragons in the Vale. You could be Lord in Rhaelyn's stead."

Rhaelyn grinned at him over her shoulder. "You ought not advise him to be like my father. Besides, he'd have to marry me to be Lord of Runestone. And I do not intend to marry anyone."

The world had other plans.

"The Queen rejected my proposal," said Rhaenyra tiredly, breastfeeding the tiny Joffrey beneath a blanket as she spoke to Rhaelyn about the meeting of the Small Council. The girl had chosen to stay inside after a morning under the sun watching the four Princes practicing with their swords. She had watched Ser Harwin Strong nearly beat Ser Criston Cole to death; enough excitement for the day. "Despite the King's enthusiasm."

Rhaelyn was staring at the floor. "He would have wished for me to marry Aegon and for Jace to marry Helaena?"

"He was delighted with the prospect of uniting our house. I know you enjoy your time with Aegon and was sure Helaena and Jacaerys would find much in common. Unfortunately, this does not satisfy the Queen. As such, it is my intention that you should be betrothed to Jacaerys."

She reached over, caressing Rhaelyn's face and coaxing her to look up. "You were my heir until his birth, sweet girl. Though you were not born of my body, you are my child. In another world where your grandfather became heir, where your father and the Princess Rhaenys were chosen above Prince Baelon, you might've been the heir for much longer. I have always felt you chose me for a reason. You were meant to be my heir as much as Jacaerys was. In this way, my two eldest may rule together. Jacaerys receives his birthright, you will still be honored as Queen, a role I know you will fill perfectly, as it was decreed when my father made you my ward. He had faith you could be a good ruler, or he'd not have named you my first heir. Jace could use someone like you to guide him. Perhaps it is ambitious to believe you could be as Jaehaerys and Alysanne were?"

She shrugged, but nodded her head in respect. "And what of Runestone?"

"Your eldest child would rule after you and Jacaerys, but any children after that will be free to do as they please, and perhaps one may be glad to take the seat in Runestone. Lord Rhyland has not produced heirs; you will still have a say in all the matters of Runestone while being the Queen, until such a time that one of your children becomes Lord or Lady of Runestone."

She remembered how often her aunt, the Princess Rhaenys, spoke of duty. A duty her father had abandoned to have her, to follow adventures with Vermithrax and to be happy following all that he'd lost. She knew she had no real choice unless she fled, which she had no intention of doing.

She knew she had to do this for Rhaenyra. She wanted to. It was no secret to her or Aegon, the eldest of the bunch, that tensions were high between the Queen and the Princess. If this arrangement had been made, it was for a reason.

"When will we be married?" asked Rhaelyn, trying to hide her disappointment. Choices. Freedom. Perhaps her father had had the right idea...

Rhaenyra was neither blind nor deaf. "My sweet girl... please know you may tell me what you feel before I make any such announcement. Though this match is ideal I would not condemn you to such a thing. You were born because of unhappiness in an arranged marriage. I will not force you into one of your own if you do not consent. Would you like to be matched with a Velaryon? Lord Corlys has nephews that may be nearer your age. Or perhaps we could consider one of the eligible sons of the other lords in the Seven Kingdoms."

The girl shook her head. "If it would please you, Princess, I will marry Jacaerys. I will do what must be done, as you did. When will it happen?"

Rhaenyra smiled sadly. "When he is eight-and-ten, if no other matches have been arranged."

She snuck back into the Dragonpit the next evening, toying with the folds of her dress. The day had been difficult. Whispers followed Rhaenyra everywhere after Harwin Strong's departure to Harrenhal to assume his duties as acting Lord; they'd followed her even before he left. Rhaelyn knew why, everyone knew why. The Princess was done there, she wished to leave for Dragonstone at once.

"You'll like it there, Vermy," said Rhaelyn, cuddled up to her dragon's belly, listening to her gentle breaths as she pretended to sleep, though her wing twitched like a cat's to let her know she was alert. "Some wild dragons but I doubt they will bother you. Vermax, Arrax, Syrax, and Seasmoke already know how to stay out of your way. You'll be happy, my girl, and I hope you will lay more eggs so that we may send Aemond a present."

Vermithrax trilled, turning on her side as Rhaelyn tickled her scales. "I will miss it here, too. I won't see Helaena anymore. I won't see Aegon."

"There is such a thing as letters, cousin."

"I wasn't aware you knew how to write!" quipped Rhaelyn, standing up as Vermithrax sneered, warning Aegon to stay away. She walked up to join him, letting him lead the way out of the Dragonpit.

Aegon rolled his eyes. "If I recall, the Septa had a far more difficult time teaching you than she did teaching me."

"I write like a Princess."

"Like a Princess of Ravens, perhaps, writing with those awful feet."

She smacked his arm lightly. "What is it, then? Why have you come to find me?"

He offered her a piece of parchment. "The Lady Laena has died in childbirth. We may see each other soon."

"How awful," said Rhaelyn sadly, holding the scroll. "Perhaps I ought to be more appreciative of all the healthy brothers the Princess gives me. Poor Baela and Rhaena."

He took her hand, opening it and placing something within. "Do not open it until you arrive in Dragonstone after Driftmark," he asked.

"Then why would you gift it to me now?"

"When will I have time to give it to you otherwise? Do keep an eye on that dragon, cousin. Lest she eat Vermax and Arrax."

Rhaelyn stopped in front of him, closing her hand around the small package on her palm. "Make sure to tell me in your letters how much more beautiful Sunfyre gets, cousin." She kissed his cheek. "I will see you in Driftmark."



Her stone coffin looked nothing like her.

"It's as if the one who carved her face never knew her," whispered Rhaelyn to Aegon, standing between him and Laenor as they watched the coffin be lowered into the sea.

Laenor, on the other side of her, motioned for her to be silent as Vaemond Velaryon spoke, "Īlon imazumbagon tubī rȳ se Dēmagon hen Embar naejot commit se Riña Laena hen Lentor Velaryon naejot se jorrāelagon iēdar, se dārion hen Merling Dārys skoriot kessa amīsagon zirȳla syt mirre se tubissa naejot māzigon." (T: We join today at the Seat of the Sea to commit the Lady Laena of House Velaryon to the eternal waters, the dominion of the Merling King where He will guard her for all the days to come.)

It didn't seem right to lock Laena away in a box and toss her into the water. Where no one could truly visit her.

"Hae ziry gōviāragon naejot embar syt zirȳla mōrī aerēbagon, se Riña Laena tēmbi lanta drēje-āzma talas va se rāenion." (T: As she sets to sea for her final voyage, the Lady Laena leaves two true-born daughters on the shore.)

Baela and Rhaena were clinging to their grandmother tightly, while Daemon stood protectively beside them, glaring at the pin Otto Hightower was adjusting against his chest. Under mysterious circumstances, Lord Lyonel Strong and Harwin Strong had born been burned alive in Harrenhal, meaning the Hand of the King was once again the traitorous Otto.

"Rhēdessiarza pōja muña kessa daor āmāzinon hen zirȳla aerēbagon, kessi mirre umbagon grozilla hēnkirī isse ānogar." (T: Though their mother will not return from her voyage, they will all remain bound together in blood.)

Vaemond seemed to glare at Rhaenyra, eyes flickering to Rhaelyn as he said, "Lopor gōviāragon rȳ Velaryon ānogar. Īlvon dakogon qumblie. Īlvon dakogon drēje. Se īlvon ēdruta dōrī vasrie." (T: Salt courses through Velaryon blood. Ours runs thick. Ours runs true. And ours must never thin.)

Daemon let out a laugh so dark and cold that Rhaelyn reached out to grip Aegon's hand. She knew what Vaemond meant, she knew why he looked at her. Those who knew her true parentage argued she was a truer heir than any of Rhaenyra's children. She had more Velaryon blood than they did.

"Ñuha rāpa niece, valonqranna se jelmior sagon hae kostōba hae aōha arlī, aōha embāzma hae gīda hae aōha gīs, se aōha ampa sagon hae lēda hae aōha prūmia. Hen se embar īlon māstan, naejot se embar īlon kessa āmāzinon." (T: My gentle niece, may the winds be as strong as your back, your seas as calm as your spirit, and your nets be as full as your heart. From the sea we came, to the sea we shall return.)

"Come with me," whispered Aegon as the coffin was dropped in. "I have something to show you."

They waited for the crowd to begin moving into the castle, the two sneaking through the hallways to where the servants were carrying trays of food and drink out to one of the upper balconies. He motioned for her to stay put, slipping in behind a servant girl and emerging with a small cask of wine, motioning for her to run.

"Where are we going?" she shrieked, holding up her skirts and following the hallway as far as it went. "I do not know this castle very well!"

"Anywhere," said Aegon. "But hurry, this is not as light as I expected it to be."

They walked up the stairs until they reached an empty bedroom, choosing to set their cask down and making use of the goblets left behind so they could serve themselves something to drink.

"We won't be able to stay here long," said Rhaelyn, accepting her first cup of wine. "Oh." She cringed. "It tastes very bad."

"I like it," said Aegon with a shrug. "A bit of fun after all that misery."

"Laena was your cousin, too."

"She was, but I hardly knew her. She never visited us, she visited you."

She leaned back in the armchair she'd settled into. "Now who is jealous, cousin?"

"I am not jealous."

"It certainly sounds like you are."

"I do not care who she came to visit. I simply mean that because of her choice, I hardly spoke to her. She cared for you and for Jace and Luke. Never me and my siblings." He snorted, downing the rest of the first cup. "I expect as much. Daemon loathes my mother."

"She is a harsh woman," murmured Rhaelyn. "She despises us."

"She does not despise you."

She took a tentative sip of the wine. "The Princess wished to betrothe us."

"I know. And now Mother wishes me to marry Helaena once she is three-and-ten."

"That isn't very long from now. Three years. We will be five-and-ten."

He hummed. She added, "Your mother rejected her proposal, despite the King agreeing."

"You know why," said Aegon. "Everyone knows why. No one believes you are Daemon's daughter. Those of us who know that Prince Aemon was your father know that the truth is that you, too, are a bastard. As are your brothers."

"It is unkind and untrue."

"Do you mean to tell me that Jacaerys, Lucerys, and Joffrey are not Harwin Strong's sons?"

"They aren't. To discuss it is treason. I am a bastard, this I know, but it does not matter. I was made a Princess by King Viserys."

"And would you rather be Lady of Runestone?"

"I do not know what I would rather be. I simply wish to live somewhere that Vermy won't fight anyone. I wish to live where nothing is asked of me. So I may not be tempted to abandon my duties."

He poured them both a second cup. "You're betrothed to Jace."

"How do you know that?"

"You have just told me. I assumed as much, given Rhaenyra is desperate after what my mother did. She does not dislike you. She simply does not think you fit to marry me."

"Because I am a bastard."

"Because she wishes for me to be King."

"You won't be."

"I don't wish to be. I don't wish to be anything. I want to ride Sunfyre, drink when I feel like it, have no one make demands of me. I don't wish to marry Helaena. I don't wish to be King. What sort of brother steals his sister's birthright? My father has named Rhaenyra his heir. That will not change." He paused. "If we were married, you could claim your seat in Runestone. Jacaerys may carry his birthright. My mother may have no choice but to wed him to Helaena."

She giggled, the second drink making her feel much fuzzier than the first. She felt warm. Comfortable. "You would be happy in the Vale?"

"Enough room for Sunfyre. No one to tell me what I must do. No Aemond to criticize me and tell Mother what I'm up to. No Helaena with her ridiculous spiders."

"Helaena is sweet. We all prefer different things."

"She is strange."

"She is your sister."

"And I do not want her to be my wife."

She finished the rest of the second cup. "I didn't wish to leave King's Landing. After tonight we will return to Dragonstone and it may be a very long time until we see one another again. I will write to all of you. The next time I see you and Helaena, you will be wed."

"You may be wed as well," Aegon murmured.

"Not until Jace is eight-and-ten."

"Jaehaerys and Alysanne married much younger."

"I am four years older than Jace, it would not be pleasant if he were still less than eight-and-ten. I don't want to marry him."

"Then don't."

"Then don't marry Helaena, either." He considered it but did not respond. "Will you forget me when I go, Aegon?"

"I could never forget you, Rhaelyn," he replied. "Here–" he poured a third cup. "Keep at it until you no longer feel upset. That is what I do."

"I've only ever had a small sip at feasts," said Rhaelyn, hand unsteady as she watched him pour. "I don't know what that feels like. Besides, doesn't it make you sick after some time?"

"Then you simply ought not let it get to that point," said Aegon.

She set the cup down without drinking, letting him gulp down his portion. She reached into her bodice, startling him, and withdrew a small pendant with a vermilion stone hanging at the end. "Your gift to me."

"You were not meant to see it yet," he murmured.

"My curiosity got the best of me. Why?"

"It reminded me of Vermithrax and of you."

She offered it to him. "Will you help me put it on?"

He set his cup down to help her, fastening it to her neck as she pulled her hair to the side. "We truly could marry," he said. "We could say we consummated it without doing so. No one could force us to wed someone we didn't wish to."

"It's a silly idea," she said awkwardly. "It would go against our duties."

"And what does duty matter if we'll be miserable? Rhaenyra's children may be bastards but at least they were born of love. My mother despises me. My father never looks at me."

"Don't say such things, Aegon."

"Even if they are true?"

"It is treason."

"It isn't treasonous to talk about freeing ourselves the way others have. Think about it." He offered her cup back to her. "Let us finish this and find our dragons. Perhaps we can take a ride."

They didn't make it. Rhaelyn was stumbling, and Aegon wasn't well enough to hold her steady; he could hardly walk upright himself. They collapsed against a balcony, giggling and swearing that the shapes they saw in the dark sky were their dragons, but they clearly weren't because not one of them came to lift them up. Surely Vermithrax or Sunfyre would have landed to check on them. Could they call out to their dragons in this state?

"Prince Aegon!"

Rhaelyn giggled into his chest as she heard Ser Criston Cole running up. "Shh," she said, covering her eyes. "He won't see us."

They were yanked to their feet by Ser Criston and Otto Hightower, the two of them looking highly disappointed. They both knew what the men were thinking as they separated them. They knew what accusations they'd make.

Apparently there was someone behaving worse.

"How could you allow such a thing to happen?" said King Viserys angrily as they were pulled into the Great Hall of Driftmark, where a Maester was tending to Aemond, blood dried over his face. Lucerys was nursing a broken nose, and the other children looked both angry and terrified. "I will have answers."

"Luke!" said Rhaelyn, rushing toward him and Jacaerys when she saw they were injured. "What happened?"

"The princes were supposed to be abed, My King," said one of the guards shakily.

Rhaelyn pressed her sleeve gently to Lucerys's nose as Jace tried to whisper to her what'd happened.

"Who had the watch?"

"The young prince was attacked by his own cousins, Your Grace."

"Is this true?" asked Rhaelyn as Jace pulled Luke into a hug.

"He hurt us first!" whispered Lucerys.

"You swore oaths to protect and defend my blood!" spat Viserys, looking to where Alicent was crouched beside Aemond, who whimpered in pain.

"I'm very sorry, your Grace, the Kingsguard has never had to defend princes from princes."

"That is no answer–"

Alicent interrupted, "It will heal, will it not, Maester?"

The man sighed. "The flesh will heal. But the eye is lost, Your Grace."

Alicent stood up, turning to Aegon, who she smacked across the face. "Where were you?"

Aegon cried out, "What was that for?"

"That was nothing compared to the abuse your brother suffered while you were drowning in your cups, you fool!"

Rhaelyn stood immediately, standing protectively in front of Lucerys, motioning for the twins to join her.

Lord Coryls and Princess Rhaenys arrived from upstairs. "What is the meaning of this?" he demanded.

The Princess rushed to her granddaughters. The doors behind them opened, letting in Princess Rhaenyra and Prince Daemon; no one knew why they had arrived together or why Prince Laenor was the only one absent from the gathering.

"He's hurt, Princess," said Rhaelyn, turning Luke to face Rhaenyra.

"Who did this?" demanded Rhaenyra.

"They attacked me!" shouted Aemond angrily.

"He attacked Baela!" argued Luke.

The children began to shout at the same time, something about how Aemond had broken Luke's nose, how he'd claimed Vhagar before Rhaena had a chance, how they started calling each other names, all things that made no sense. Rhaelyn should have been there. Aegon should have been there.

"Enough!" said King Viserys, ignored the first and second time.

"He was gonna kill Jace!" Lucerys was screaming.

"It should be my son telling the tale!" argued Queen Alicent.

"SILENCE!" yelled King Viserys.

Jace leaned down to whisper at Rhaenyra, "He called us bastards."

Rhaenyra stood immediately, her look of fear replaced with one of anger. "Aemond," said Viserys, limping toward him. "I will have the truth of what happened. Now."

"What else is there to hear?" said Alicent. "Your son has been maimed. Her son is responsible."

"It was a regrettable accident," said Rhaenyra defensively.

"Accident? The Prince Lucerys brought a blade to the ambush. He meant to kill my son."

"Luke is too small to have killed Aemond even if he tried!" said Rhaelyn, astonished that she could jump to such a conclusion.

Rhaenyra motioned for her to be silent. "It was my sons who were attacked and forced to defend themselves. Vile insults were levied against them."

"What insults?" asked Viserys.

"The legitimacy of my sons' birth was put loudly to question."


"He called us bastards," said Jace.

The hall was silent. Aemond seemed to smile, while Aegon's eyes flickered to Rhaelyn.

"My sons are in line to inherit the Iron Throne, Your Grace," said Rhaenyra. "This is the highest of treasons. Prince Aemond must be sharply questioned so we might learn where he heard such slanders."

Alicent seemed offended. "Over an insult? My son has lost an eye."

This time, Aegon looked at his own mother.

"You tell me, boy," said Viserys. "Where did you hear this lie?"

"The insult was training yard bluster," Alicent tried to intervene. "The lot of boys, it was nothing–"

Aemond seemed afraid as Viserys demanded, "Aemond, I asked you a question."

Alicent was now trying to stop the conversation altogether. "Where is Ser Laenor, I wonder? The boys' father? Perhaps he might have something to say in the matter?"

"Yes, where is Ser Laenor?" asked the King.

"I do not know, Your Grace," said Rhaenyra. "I... could not find sleep. I had gone out to walk."

Alicent's voice was laced with malice, "Entertaining his young squires, I would venture."

"Mourning his sister," said Rhaelyn, much louder this time. How could anyone stand there and listen to her speak this way when it was becoming so obvious why she was deflecting from the situation at hand?

"Aemond," said Viserys yet again, "look at me. Your king demands an answer. Who spoke these lies to you?"

The scared boy looked at his mother first; everyone saw it. Then, he said, "It was Aegon."

Aegon was surprised. "Me?" Yes, of course he'd been speaking of it with Rhaelyn; she was his witness. But the two of them never spoke of what they knew in front of the boys. Never.

Viserys seemed to believe Aegon was responsible. "And you, boy? Where did you hear such calumnies?" He shouted when the boy didn't respond, "Aegon! Tell me the truth of it!"

The boy cringed, startled. "We know, Father. Everyone knows. Just look at them."

Rhaelyn knew he couldn't point a finger at his mother. But she wished he would.

"This interminable infighting must cease!" yelled the King. "All of you! We are family! Now make your apologies and show good will to one another. Your father, your grandsire, your King demands it!"

Alicent was near tears. Tears of fury, frustration. "That is insufficient," she said as the King began to walk away. "Aemond has been damaged permanently, My King. 'Good will' cannot make him whole."

"I know, Alicent," said the King, "but I cannot restore his eye."

"No, because it's been taken."

"What would you have me do?!"

"There is a debt to be paid." She faced Rhaenyra. "I shall have one of her son's eyes in return."

Lucerys slid behind Rhaelyn. "My dear wife," said Viserys calmly.

"He is your son, Viserys," cried Alicent. "Your blood."

"Do not allow your temper to guide your judgment."

She straightened up. "If the King will not seek justice, the Queen will. Ser Criston, bring me the eye of Lucerys Velaryon."

"Mother," said Lucerys shakily.

"He can choose which eye to keep!" said Alicent. "A privilege he did not grant my son."

"You will do no such thing!" argued Rhaenyra.

"Stay your hand," Viserys warned Criston.

"No!" snapped Alicent. "You are sworn to me."

Criston hesitated. "As your protector, my Queen."

"Alicent," said Viserys. "This matter... is finished. Do you understand?"

She wouldn't understand, not something she refused to see the truth in. Not something that went against her wishes.

"And let it be known," continued the King, "anyone whose tongue dares to question the birth of Princess Rhaenyra's sons should have it removed."

"Thank you, Father," said Rhaenyra gently. She made to lead her children away.

Alicent would not have it. She grabbed the knife in the King's belt, storming toward Lucerys. There were several screams, Rhaelyn knocked both boys over as they shouted in trying to shield them, Aegon nearly fell onto Helaena when he attempted to pull Rhaelyn away, and Rhaenyra burst forth to grab Alicent as Daemon and the other Kignsguard stopped Criston from advancing.

"You've gone too far!" said Rhaenyra in disbelief, struggling to hold the blade away from her face.

"I?" shrieked Alicent. "What have I done but what was expected of me? Forever upholding the kingdom, the family, the law. While you flout all to do as you please!"

"Alicent, let her go!" demanded Viserys.

"Where is duty?" cried the Queen. "Where is sacrifice? It's trampled under your pretty foot again."

"Release the blade, Alicent," said Otto in a warning tone.

She wouldn't. "And now you take my son's eye, and to even that, you feel entitled."

"Exhausting, wasn't it?" challenged Rhaenyra. "Hiding beneath the cloak of your own righteousness. But now they see you as you are."

Alicent snarled, swiping the knife down. Rhaenyra staggered back as Viserys took hold of the Queen. The Princess dropped her hand, blood leaking onto the floor as Lord Corlys held her steady. The Queen let the knife clatter to the floor.

No one could believe what had happened.

"Do not mourn me, Mother," Aemond tried to say. "It was a fair exchange. I may have lost an eye. But I gained a dragon."

"This proceeding is at an end," said the King. There was no punishment for Alicent, who only stared at Rhaenyra as Aemond leaned against his mother.

Rhaenyra was going to be alright, and so was Luke. Aemond would live, though blinded in one eye. The strife had only worsened, and Alicent seemed determined to have her way no matter what it cost.

Rhaelyn was miserable in Dragonstone. Rhaenyra and Daemon had wed after the sudden death of Ser Laenor, and while it meant she now saw Baela and Rhaena on a daily basis, it didn't fill the gap that Aegon had once fit into. She missed Laena, she missed Papa Laenor, she missed the life she'd had in King's Landing and the parents that she hardly remembered.

Letters weren't enough. Helaena was the only one who replied at length, telling her all about how Aemond was growing as a swordsman, how afraid she was for her wedding, how drunk Aegon often got.

She was tired of the anger, tired of whatever Alicent continued to hold against Rhaenyra. She wouldn't have it.

Aegon flew to Dragonstone on Sunfyre the eve of his wedding to Helaena. Rhaelyn had stolen the robes that Rhaenyra and Daemon wore during their secret Valyrian wedding, and she'd paid a handsome sum to the Valyrian priest that officiated it, with only Jacaerys and Baela as their witnesses; Daemon and Rhaenyra never would have permitted it.

But when it was done, it was done. There was no bedding; Rhaelyn didn't feel ready and neither did Aegon. There would be time for that once the chaos had died down. The only one who might be pleased would be King Viserys. He accepted Rhaelyn's desire to become Lady of Runestone, he accepted that Aegon wanted to follow her.

The throne was Rhaenyra's. They didn't want it. And if anyone else tried to take it, they'd stop them.


A/N: Hope you liked it! :) Comment your thoughts!

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