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By CareBear012

43.3K 1K 298

Mystic Falls, is a place where nothing bad happens. OR Mystic Falls, is a place where everything bad happens... More

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945 20 7
By CareBear012

The Sun Also Rises

♥ ____________________ ♥

♥ ____________________ ♥


Elena and Jenna are sitting on the ground. Jenna is clutching at her head, "Oh, what's wrong with my head?"

"Do you remember what happened?" Elena asks.

"You called me. Oh, ah, I should have realized that it wasn't you. The second I walked out of the house, someone grabbed me. A vampire." Jenna gasps.

"Klaus. It was Klaus."

"He's acting out... Amber's death is making him ruthless." Jenna realizes, "He made me drink his blood. And I don't...I don't remember anything after that. Where are we? What happened?" Jenna cries.

Elena tries to grab Jenna's hand but Jenna tugs her hand back, "We're at the quarry. He brought us here."

"Why can't I remember anything?"

"Jenna, do you remember...When Josh told you how someone becomes a vampire?"

"Yeah, if you die with vampire blood in your system, it's... Oh, god. He killed me." Jenna gasps again and starts freaking out. "I'm a vampire?"

"And I bet you're hungry." Greta walks over to them. Jenna and Elena look up at her from the ground. Elena sees a sharp rock nearby and rushes to grab it, but, with a wave of her hand, Greta sends Elena flying backward. Elena lands painfully in the dirt. Greta waves her hand again, creating a circle of fire around Elena. Elena stands up and rushes toward the flames, but finds that she can't escape. "Don't bother trying to get through. I spelled the circle. You're trapped. No matter what you do."

"Greta...Please, just- just let her go." Elena cries.

Greta slices her wrist open with the sharp rock. Blood drips from her wound. Jenna looks at it, hungrily, "Klaus chose her."


Greta lowers her wrist towards Jenna, "Drink it."

"Jenna, don't!" Elena shouts.

"I can't." Jenna tries to resist.

"Let her go! Hey!" Jenna stares at Greta's bloody wrist and finally sinks her teeth in, "No!" Jenna closes her eyes as the warm blood enters her mouth. After a few moments, Greta pulls his wrist out of Jenna's grip and Jenna falls to the ground.

"That's enough." Greta grunts.

"Jenna. It's going to be okay." Elena cries.

Greta flicks her wrist and another circle of fire surrounds Jenna. Jenna retreats from the flames, looking terrified, "I just want Amber." Jenna cries, "I just want Amber."

Old Witch House

Jeremy and Bonnie have joined Kaylee, Amber, and Sam all going through some grimoires. Jeremy looks at Amber, "Are you sure you're ready for this?"

Amber nods, "I'm done with Elena. I'm done sacrificing not only myself but my family for her."

"Hell yeah." Sam cheers.

"Amber..." Josh runs into the room.


Alaric walks into the room, "You mind if I have a second with Jeremy?" Everyone walks out. Amber looks at Josh.

"What's going on?"

"Follow me." Josh gently grabs her hand and leads her upstairs.

Elijah and Stefan were upstairs and Elijah sighed, knowing this would hit Amber. "Josh? Stefan? What happened?"

"He took Jenna..." Josh reveals.

"What?" Amber asks.

"Klaus took Jenna and turned her."

"Into a vampire?" Amber clears her throat.


"He's using her?"

"We saved Caroline and Tyler-"

"Tyler?! What happened?!"

"There's a lot. I'm so sorry." Elijah apologizes.

"This is because of me. Because I 'killed' myself. He's doing this because he has no hope." Amber starts breathing heavily.

Sam grabs her shoulders and turns her to face him, "Hey! We still have our plan, right? We can save her. I promise."

Amber nods, "Yeah. Yeah." Her breathing returns to normal.

"I'm going to 'offer' myself. Give you guys enough time." Stefan nods.

"Are you sure?" Amber asks.


♥ ____________________ ♥

Bonnie looks at Amber, "You got this."

Amber nods, "I got this."

"I'll be by your side until the end."



"Amber?" A voice calls from upstairs.

Amber widens her eyes, "No... No... Why is he here?"

Bonnie shakes her head, "I don't know."

"I can't... Please... Get him to go."

"Amber..." Tyler says behind her.

Amber shakes her head, "Go away."

Bonnie kisses Amber's hand, "You have five minutes, Tyler."

Tyler nodded and thanked her before turning back to Amber who still wasn't facing him, "Amber... Please. Five minutes. That's all I want."

Amber shakes her head again, "No... I need you to go away. Leave."

"Please let me talk," Tyler begs.

"Fine," Amber whispers without turning to look at him.

"I'm sorry for leaving... For ending it. For leaving you behind. For not answering any of your calls or texts. God, I can't believe how worried you must've been. I'm sorry for breaking you. But I still love you."

"Don't." Amber's voice was stern, "Don't say that." She finally turns around, "You can't come back and just say that! Your minutes are up. I have to go." Amber nods and walks past him, upstairs.

"We'll be back," Bonnie says to Jeremy.

"Wait, what do you mean? No, I'm coming. I need to be there. I need to make sure you guys are okay." Jeremy argues.

"And who's going to make sure you're okay? We don't know how dangerous Klaus is right now." Bonnie denies.

"I've got my ring. Look, I'm not taking no for an answer." Bonnie kisses Jeremy goodbye. She pulls away and Jeremy smiles at her. Suddenly, Jeremy looks at her, confused, and starts to fall to the floor. Josh grabs him and leads him back to a chair.

Josh looks at John, "Take care of him."

"I'll look after him." John nods his head.

"It's time," Elijah announces, watching Tyler storm out of the witch's house. Damon and Bonnie walk out together while Josh, Amber, and Sam look at John and Jeremy.

"What are you planning?" Amber asks John.


"She's not stupid, answer her." Josh crosses his arms.

"Nothing, I swear."

"So you're really on board with this whole killing your daughter?" Sam furrows his eyebrows. John nods.

Amber steps closer to the man, "If she's alive and it's because of you, I will give you a world full of hell." Amber then turns and walks out of the house, following both boys.

Elijah walks out the doorway. Alaric follows behind him but when he tries to exit the house, he finds that an invisible barrier is blocking him in, "Bonnie? Amber? What is this?"

Amber sighs and turns to look at the man, "I can't put anyone else at risk."

"I can't stay here with Jenna out there!"

"We'll save her," Bonnie reassures.

"You can't do this! Damon?"

"Sorry, buddy. They're right." Damon nods.

Kaylee joins the group and they all start walking.


"Stefan..." Jenna cries.

"I have to do something. This can't happen. None of it." Elena freaks.

Klaus and Stefan have come down from the cliff top and approach Elena and Jenna, "Quite the predicament. You know, it's funny, all this talk about preserving family, and here's Stefan, granting your wish."

"Stefan..." Elena whines.

Stefan looks at Jenna, "It's okay."

"Who's it going to be, Elena?" Klaus points the stake at Stefan and then Jenna.

"No." Elena shakes her head.

"Oh, don't worry. There's actually no choice," Klaus vamp speeds around Stefan and stakes him in the back. Stefan screams in pain and crumbles to the ground.

"No! Stefan! No!" Elena screams.

"Stefan!" Jenna shouts.

Klaus rips the stake out of Stefan's back, leaving a sizable chunk of wood in his back, "I have other plans for your boyfriend. I want him alive. But for now..." Klaus snaps Stefan's neck causing Stefan to fall, disgracefully, to the ground. Elena gasps in shock. "Whenever you're ready, Greta." Greta begins chanting the next part of the spell which dispels the ring of fire surrounding Jenna. Jenna looks on, frightened.

"No." Elena cries.

"Your turn." Klaus looks at Jenna.

"No, Jenna, no!" Elena attempts to get to Jenna, but the fire around her flares up. Jenna looks over at her.

"It's alright Elena. I know what I have to do. For Amber." Jenna looks back at Klaus. She sees the emotion in his eyes before it quickly fades away. She knew the plan. She knew what she had to do and she knew she'd make it out of there alive. After a moment of shared silence between Jenna and Elena, Jenna vamp speeds up to Greta and ferociously bites her neck. Greta screams. Klaus vamp speeds over to Jenna and stakes her in the back, pulling her off of Greta, who has fallen to the floor. Jenna gasps and Klaus releases her. Jenna falls to the ground. Elena starts to cry.

Jenna looks at Klaus when he flips her over, "She wouldn't want this. Klaus..." Jenna cries.

"I can't stop." Klaus whispers, "I'm sorry." Before Klaus could stab Jenna in the heart, he was thrown off of her. Everyone looked over to see Kaylee, Sam, and Bonnie chanting.

"Phasmatos Infero Eseri Gratas, Disasustos Vom, Mas Pro Je Ta Sue Te. Victamas Veras. Phasmatos Tribum, Niha Sue Exilum, Disasustos Vom, Mas Pro Je Ta Sue Te. Levam, Mina Sue Te, Disasustos Vom, Mas Pro Je Ta Sue Te. Phasmatos Veras. Fes Matos Tribum, Mas Pro Tes Unum. Victas Ex Melam, Phasmatos Vanem. Mas Pro Je Ta Sue Te." They then stop.

"No!" Klaus groans and speeds back over to Jenna.

"Klaus!" A shout rings throughout the forest. Everyone pauses. Jenna slightly sighs in relief. "Let. Her. Go." Amber's voice demands.

Just then Amber steps out from behind a tree and walks over to the group. Klaus slowly lets Jenna go. Kaylee runs up to the woman and helps her down to the others. Klaus slowly jumps off and looks at Amber. He slowly walks up to her, "No... You were dead."

Amber looks away from him and then at Elena, "I made a mistake. I trusted someone I shouldn't have." She then looks back at Klaus, "Be better."

"I just want this curse gone." Klaus closes his eyes and looks down.

Amber grabs his face and makes him look at her, "And I will help you. Just not my aunt. Not my family. Not Stefan." Klaus nods. Amber slowly lets him go before looking at her brother and nodding. Sam whistles and out comes Josh with a random girl.

Josh pushes the girl to the floor, "She's someone who was hunting me for years. I got the upper hand. Have fun with her." Josh spats before walking over to Stefan and ripping the stake from his back. Stefan sighs in relief. Klaus looks at Amber who nods.

Klaus grabs the stake from Jenna who had walked over. He grabbed the random vampire and stabs her in the heart with the stake. Greta nods before continuing her chanting. Everyone turns to Elena when the fire around her disappears.

Elena looks at Amber with pleading eyes, "Please, Ammy. I'm so sorry about everything I've done to you. Please, don't let him take me. I don't wanna die. I'm not ready. It's not my time."

Amber clenches her fists and digs her nails into her palms slightly making them bleed. Jenna smells the blood and steps in front of Amber, blocking Elena's view from her. Josh grabs Amber's hand to make her stop while Bonnie grabs the other. Klaus looks back at Amber who was looking at Elena. "Amber," Klaus says. Amber looks at him and softly nods.

Klaus smirks and grabs Elena, "Thank you, Elena."

"Go to hell!" Elena grits. Elena stares out, blankly, as Klaus sinks his fangs into her neck and starts to drain Elena of her blood. Klaus holds Elena tightly as his eyes start to sprout more veins. Elena's eyelids flutter and her eyes roll into the back of her head and she dies. Klaus releases her and Elena falls to the ground. Blood drips from Klaus' mouth and the flame in the bowl is extinguished. Elena's body lies lifeless. Klaus breathes heavily and walks down the stone steps.

"I can feel it. It's happening."

"Give him privacy." Elijah nods to the group.

They all leave, Amber's eyes lingering on Klaus before being pulled away.

Lockwood Residence

Amber knocks on the door and Tyler opens it. "I wanna be with you. I do. But I'm scared to give you my heart again."

Tyler nods, "I know."

"So let's start over? Please? I still love you Tyler. And I wanna get through all of this with you by my side." Tyler nods before grabbing her face and kisses her lips. Amber wraps her hands around his neck and deepens the kiss. The two missing the wolf staring at them from the trees.

Gilbert Residence

Amber walks into the house and looks at Jenna, "Jenna, I'm so sorry." Amber cries. Jenna shakes her head, getting up from the couch and hugging her niece.

"It's not your fault, Flower." Jenna shushes, kissing Amber's head.

Amber pulls away slightly, "I have a spell... If you still want to be human."

Jenna smiles softly, "I would love that."

Amber nods, "Okay. Sam, can you help?"

Sam looks up in surprise but quickly nods, getting up.

♥ ____________________ ♥

It's been a few days since everything went down. Amber and Tyler were back together. Caroline and Matt had broken up. Sam moved in with Kaylee. Jenna broke up with Ric and was currently packing to move to New York. And sadly, Elena was still alive, thanks to John Gilbert. But no one knew that.

Amber looked into her mirror and flattened her black dress. She didn't want to do this but she knew she had to. She had to go and see them eventually. She looked at her dresser and froze when she saw the necklace. The necklace she used to wear all the time. The necklace she hasn't worn for five years. Her mother's necklace.

She softly grabbed it and admired it. It wasn't much, it was just a simple flower necklace, but it mattered so much to Amber. When her parents passed, Liz had gotten permission to have to the necklace and Liz gave it to the little girl. Little Amber never took it off until five years ago. It hurt her too much to wear it. To think about her parents. To see pictures of them. It hurt her too much to wear it.

"Do you need help?" Tyler's soft voice asks from the doorway, wearing a black and white suit.

Amber looks up at him in the mirror and softly nods. Tyler takes soft steps towards her and gently grabs the necklace from her. He puts it around her neck and she lifts her hair up. She clips the necklace together and she lets down her hair. "Thank you." Her soft voice says.

"Anytime." Tyler nods, wrapping his arms around her waist, "Are you sure you want to do this? We don't have to, everyone is ready to call quits."

Amber nods, "I have to. I have to do it eventually, right?" Amber's voice cracks. Tyler nods and turns her around, bringing her into a tight hug.

Mystic Falls Cemetary

The whole friend group walks across the graveyard. Tyler has his hand on the small of Amber's back and leads her to the gravesite of Miranda and Grayson. Amber has four roses clutched in her hands. She kneels and places two roses on a grave plot. She brings her pointer and middle finger up to her lips and kisses them before lowering her fingers to the stones.

She lets out a shaky breath before Tyler helps her up. Sam looks at his sister and she nods. Sam shakily sighs before going to his parent's graves. Taylor and Christian Lawrence. Loving parents. Loving friends. Loving people. Sam kneels and puts two roses on the graves. His hands shake as he stands up. Kaylee walks over to him and hugs him. She kisses his temple before walking to the graves.

She kneels and puts the roses down, "Your kids are amazing people. You raised them right even if you weren't physically here. I miss you both." Kayla stands and walks over to the ground. Caroline looked at Amber who was looking at the graves.

Amber makes eye contact with Caroline and shakes her head, "I can't... I can't do this."

Caroline nods her head, "Yes, you can."

"We're right here," Jenna says.

Amber lets out another shaky breath before kneeling in front of the stones. She shakily puts the roses down. She lets out a quiet sob making Sam and Jeremy go over and help her up. Amber leans into Jeremy's arms while Sam rubs her back. Jeremy slowly leads her away, everyone following behind.

Damon is standing some distance away from the rest of the group. Stefan approaches him, "We're going to head back to the house."

"I think I'll skip the coffee and tea cakes," Damon says.

"Damon, she needs us right now. All of us. You mean a lot to her. She means a lot to you."

"And then what's the plan, Stefan?"

"I have no idea..." Stefan sighs.

Damon turns around to look at Stefan, "We need to get an idea. Fast. What's Klaus going to do next? Is he actually a good guy? Where's Elijah?"

"I'm not going to let Amber lose anybody else." Stefan shakes his head, "She doesn't need that."

"I wouldn't make any promises, brother."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Tyler Lockwood bit me." Damon grimly says. Damon pulls up his sleeve and shows Stefan the bite, which has gotten even worse. Stefan walks over to him with a look of anguish on his face. "It's actually more of a nip, really, but there it is."

"We'll find something.  A cure. Amber has new spells. She turned Jenna back into a human!"

"There's no cure, Stefan."

"She healed Rose!"

"I'm sorry... I won't allow her to do that." Damon shakes his head, "I deserve this."

"I'll find another way. We found the way when there was no way. Hey!" Stefan says making Damon look at him, "I will do this."

"You want to do something for me? Keep this from Ammy. Last thing she needs is another grave to mourn. Especially mine." Damon grips Stefan's shoulder, gingerly, and walks away. Stefan watches him as he leaves, his left-hand fidgeting. The look on his face filled with torment

♥ ____________________ ♥

What a chapter! One more chapter to go before Season 3!!! I cannot wait to write Season 3! I have so many thoughts.

Thoughts On:

Klaus using Jenna in the sacrifice?

Tyler saying he still loves Amber?

Klaus and Amber's moment?

Amber and Tyler getting back together?

Damon wanting to keep his bite hidden from Amber?

Word Count: 2988

♥ ____________________ ♥

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