Young justice x Sasuke Uchiha

By kxd106

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This story is based around Sasuke Uchiha in the young justice world. The Uchiha clan was the most powerful fa... More

Sasuke Uchiha origin
Sasuke meets Superman
What Now?
4 years later
Itachi Uchiha Of The Sharingan
Twin terror
Alpha Male
Injustice League
Sasuke meets Zatanna
Double Date??
The Genjutsu Master pt 1
The Genjutsu Master pt 2
The Unknown Partner
Usual Suspects
Auld Acquaintance
The Ghost of the Uchiha pt 1
Battle of Brothers pt 2
Let's end this pt 3
Final Valley
Young Justice X Sasuke // Q&A
Happy New Year
World War 3 pt 1
Madara vs Hero Alliance
It's all over
Salvage/The Truth

Itachi vs Sasuke Uchiha

636 16 8
By kxd106

Itachi: It's been a while hasn't it Sasuke, you've gotten taller.

Sasuke: And you haven't changed at all, your eyes are still pure evil. You have no idea how much hatred I carry for you in my heart. And just how strong I've become because of that hatred.

Itachi: Oh and what happened to all your friends?

Sasuke: There gone, out of my life. I had no choice but to go it alone in order to get to this point.

The two brothers locked the sharingan eyes on each other until suddenly the both struck each other, although they both blocked each other attack

Itachi quickly pulled out his kunai sending it towards Sasuke luckily sasuke countered the attack by blocking it with his own sword.

Itachi quickly kicked Sasuke in the face sending him flying backwards to the ground

Sasuke got back on his two feet fast enough before itachi could land another blow. He quickly does his hand signs and gets prepares his lightning attack

Sasuke: Chidori

Itachi jumps in the air in order to u sasuke attack which worked but Sasuke saw this coming and gets to the top of the ceiling quicker than itachi does and with this he stabs itachi in the heart.

Itach(pain): You've.. gotten.. strong

Sasuke(smiling): Listen itachi i have one final thing to say to you

Itachi: So.. do.. I

Itachi raises his two fingers towards sasuke eyes and points them towards the Uchiha thrown chair. Sasuke looks confused as to whats itachi doing but then when he turns his head he sees...

Itachi sitting on the chair comfortably without a scratch on him as if there fight hadn't even taken place. When he looks back at the other Itachi on the floor he sees him turn into crows

Itachi: You didn't think it was going to be that easy did you

Sasuke: Listen to me Itachi you bastard. You told me back when you slaughtered our entire you told me there was another person who awakened the mankegyou sharingan. Who was it ?

Itachi: And why would you care about such a thing?

Sasuke: I need to know

Itachi: Who else but our father. Madara... Uchiha.

Sasuke: I don't understand how is Madara alive? He died the day i was born, he was killed by Superman at final valley i know the story between them.

Itachi(smiles): Oh Sasuke there's so much you don't understand. Dad was the first perosn to obtain the Mangekyou Sharingan, he was Superman greatest rival and best friend. He was the leader of the Uchiha clan but the Uchiha clan started to lose faith in our father after he started to show more loyalty to the Justice League and Superman than his family. As such to prove himself he told the clam he would expand the borders of our village but of course the government weren't happy about that . So Superman had to step in and that's the day Madara died at his best friend hands.

Sasuke: I know all this but what i dont know is why is the Mangekyou Sharingan so important and powerful.

Itachi: This eye is special, however the problem with this is that the more you use this power your vision begins to get worse over time. Until your completly blind, the only way to fix this you must find new sharingan eyes from another uchiha. Madara took his dead brother eyes once he obtained these new eyes his vision was restored and he obtained the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan.

Sasuke: The Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan ??

Itachi: And you Sasuke i will take your eyes from you and obtain the eternal Mangekyou sharingan that is the reason i left you alive all this time in order for you to get stronger and take you sharingan eyes

Sasuke(Sigh): I will use my own power to turn fantacy into reality and your reality. Is death

Itachi rose from this chair and walked slowly towards his younger brother once the two eyes locked they knew that from now on things get serious.

They brothers began throwing their ninja weapons they obtained from the League of Assassins at each other but both of their attack we're countering each other neither of them could land a solid blow. As the two continued dueling it out someone could be seen in the shadows of the temple were the fight was taking place.

Klarion(hidden in the shadows): Oh that was close i thought i would miss this.

Teekle: Meow

Klarion: Yeah i know i shouldn't have left Madara alone but i told him i'll be right back there was no way i was gonna miss this fight. Plus He's busy fighting the New gods and that's gonna take a while you dumb cat

Teekle: Meow

Klarion: Of course itachi gonna win, this has been a busy day for the uchiha family.Haha this is gonna be great. Now shush the fight just getting good.

Back With Itachi and Sasuke

Itachi punched sasuke into a wall this gave itachi the opportunity to take sasuke eyes from him. Sasuke attempted to fight back but couldn't because itachi had put him under a genjustu preventing him from moving. Itachi ripped out sasuke right eye.

Sasuke: Damn it no. This cant happen

Itachi: It's over sasuke

Klarion: No it's over already, itachi has won this

Teekle: Meow(don't be so sure)

Sasuke: It not over yet.

He says confidenly then suddenly marking from Sasuke body begin to glow as he starts changing form the wings on his back start to sprout out. Itachi stares with confusion and when he looks back at sasuke his right eyes comes back too him but instead itachi eyes is the one thats been taken from him

Itachi: You- you break out of my Tsukuyomi !?

Sasuke(out of breath): I told you my eyes arent the same as they once were your genjustu wont work on me anymore

Itachi: What have you done to your body

Sasuke: This is the power of the Lazours water.

Itachi: Dont you know that, it will kill you

Sasuke: Idont care if i die as long as you die too.

With this being said Sasuke sends a lightining bolt directly at itachi which lands sending itachi out of the temple towards te roof of the building. The two brothers are now fighting outside

Klarion: Looks like were going up

Once they both stand back on their two feet, itachi sends a fireball diectly at sasukle which e quickly blocks by encasing himself in his own wings. Howver this cuased server biurn around his body

Sasuke: These wounds wont slow me down

Itachi and Sasuke: Firestyle fireball justu!!!!!

The clash of fireballs are evenly matched neither of them are out performing the other but itachi uses this optunity to end the fight.

Itachi: It's over. Amertarsu

A black flame is sent Sasuke way and this flame alone was putting out the others.

Klarion: Itachi fought fire with fire

teekle: Meow(with that power)..

Klarion: Yeah itachi can burn through anything and theres no way to put out the flame. if Sasuke didnt dodge it he would have been done for.

Itachi: I swear i will kill you, amatarasu

Itachi send multiple black flames at sasuke, which causes him to run away and attempt to dodge them all but once flame hits the back of his wings burning them away

Sasuke: Shit that hurts

He quickly retract his wings in order to stop the flame spreading around the rest of his body

Itachi stops the flames as over using it is straining his eyes causing them to bleed. Itachi eyes couldnt take any more making his vision begin to disappear

Itachi : No not now.

Klarion: It looks like Sasuke might just win this.

The sky then suddenly turn dark and thunder noises start to be heard by everyone on the battlefield they all look up to see Sasuke preparing his next attack.

Klarion(shocked): Ohhh this might just be the end

Teekle: meow

Sasuke: You die now Itachi this attack is called kirin and its something i picked up in these 5 years.

Sasuke: Goodbye Itachi

Sasuke send the massive lighting storm down toward itachi and this attack successfully his him causing itachi too finally fall to the floor.

Sasuke: It's done its finally over. Sasuke falls to his knees complety out of energy and drained of power.

Klarion: Is.. is itachi dead??

Once the battlefield is silent a familar voice is suddenly heard.

????: Is this the death you had planned for me Sasuke.

Sasuke(scared): No

They all look up to see itachi back on his feet and encased in orange armor

Itachi: I think its time to reveal my final trump card. The Susanoo

Sasuke quickly gets back on his feet even though his body cant take much more of this. Just when all is lost for Sasuke the lazours pit water comes to his aid and complelty take over his body encasing him snake skin

They all stare at the snakes that our forming around sasuke body while itachi looks on at Sasuke, itachi uses his susanoo o form a blade that cuts down all the snakes aorund sasuke body

Itachi: This power of his is going to kill him

teekle: meow(what's that blade itachi using to kill the snakes)

Klarion: it's called the totska blade.No doubts given to him by Ra's a ghul. Its the only thing that can completely drain the lazors water from a person body

Itachi continues to cut down the snakes that sasuke using to attack him but now he uses the sword to steal this power of sasuke and free him from the lazor water

Itachi (smiles): Now your fully drained of your cursed powers

Sasuke begins to return back to normal and once again drops to his knees.

Klarion: Oh itachi won this.

Sasuke gets back on his feet and slowly walks backwards as itachi walks towards sasuke smiling

Itachi: There my eyes now

Sasuke: No please no.

He pleads for his life but then theres no where left to walk he back into a wall. With a bloodlsuted itachi inches away from him.

itachi raises his two fingers at a terrified sasuke, ready too take his eyes from him, sasuke body shakes in fear as blood rushes down both there faces

Klarion: Oh boy here it comes

Itachi: There mine!

Itachi fingers are at sasuke eye balls as his finger touches his eyes itachi smiles and instead he pokes sasuke forehead

Itachi(smiles): Until next time sasuke. These were his last and then he falls to the ground leaving Sasuke and Kalrion in complete an utter shock

kalrion: Wait what? He's he's dead???

Sasuke tries to regain his breath but he collapes to the ground as the fight has ended, rain begins to pour from the sky covering the destroyed battlefield

Itachi Uchiha has died.

A/N: Hey guys sorry I've been gone for so long I've been dealing with personal matters. But I'm back and I'll try and make more frequent chapter releases. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, comment your thoughts and like!!

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