Something Great

By arenfrow

8.2K 280 60

A LITG S2 rewrite. Angst, smut, and a lovely slow burn. This story follow's Maddi: a young, sweet, excited mu... More

1. A management consultant and a musician walk into a villa...
2. Cheeky cheeky
3. You little shit
4. I fancy you, I fancy him
5. Well then, Mr. Right
6. Tequila-kinda girl
7. In awe of you
8. Something something... strawberry!
9. Everything goes dark
10. Oh Priya, my Priya
11. Once upon a time
12. I want to
13. Stop loving you
14. fucking Bobby
15. This is bullshit
16. That was intense
17. Couple of green beans
18. Man-stealing hands
19. Nice moves
20. Lead on, Gaz
21. We ready
22. What about Noah?
23. It does things to my tummy
24. Are we in High School Musical?
25. She's royally fucked everything up
26. What the hell is going on with pineapple
27. That's Love Island, baby!
28. fresh start?
30. Cocktails with the girls
31. I want, I want, I want
32. Such soft cheeks
33. I'll breathe again
34. Edgar Allan Koh
35. What's going on?
36. An afterthought on the show's Wikipedia page
37. I want you. I want this.
38. Oh. Well. Then. Fine.
39. Mean Tweets
40. Trust me
41. This is a long chapter...
42. Whatever it takes.
43. "Finally!"
44. getting involved
45. Stay out of this, Priya!
46. Suncream, tea, and spicy cologne
47. At least someone is
48. Actions speak louder than words, and all that
49. a whole thing
50. It happened last night
51. Except that he is
52. The recoupling!
53. My two worlds collide
54. Operation Nope - Part 1
55. Operation Nope - Part 2
56. Ministry of Sound

29. Me or Noah?

104 3 6
By arenfrow

"What's going on, guys?" Maddi asks cheerfully as she sits on the edge of the daybed across from Lucas and Noah. She doesn't want them to know she's nervous as fuck for whatever conversation is about to happen.

"Maddi, do you still have something going on with Noah?" Lucas asks, eyeing her.

She furrows her brows and looks to Noah, who's sat there expressionless. "No. As of last night, Noah and I aren't anything."

"Did he end it or did you?"

Maddi feels her cheeks turning red. Why is she being interrogated like this? It's humiliating.

"He ended it, Lucas."

"I see," Lucas says, closing his eyes. "Are you okay with that?"

Maddi bites her lip, "Can we have this conversation in private?"

"No," Noah says, "I want to be here for it."

"Why?" Maddi gives him a pointed look.

He shrugs, "I'm tired of being the last to know about how you feel."

Lucas looks at Maddi, "Be honest with us here, okay?"

Maddi nods.

Lucas sighs, "Do you want to be with me or Noah?"

Both of them are eyeing her, waiting for her answer, but she honestly just feels shocked. Why on earth are they interrogating her like this? Making her choose on the spot. Also, Noah LITERALLY ended things last night, so why is he sat here waiting for her answer? She feels like running away.

"This is stupid," Maddi huffs. "I was trying to figure out my feelings last night when he," she points at Noah, "ended whatever we had going on."

Lucas nods along, "So if he were to tell you that he wants to be with you, you would choose him?"

"No, that's not what I'm saying at all," Maddi is getting antsy. "Last night my head was spinning. I hadn't made a choice. He made the choice for me. I don't know what I would have chosen on my own, but for me the decision is made. Lucas, you're the one that I want. I'm here," she puts her palms facing up in front of her, "putting all my eggs in your basket."

"Because Noah ended things with you?" Lucas asks.

"No!" Maddi shouts. "Jesus, Lucas. Listen to what I'm saying. Maybe him ending things did push me to you faster than what would have been, but the fact is, I want to be with you."

"So," Noah says, "let's say I reopened the door, right now. You would choose Lucas over me?"

Maddi looks Noah directly in the eyes as she says, "Yes. I'm choosing Lucas."

Noah's face falls, "Good thing I'm not opening that door, then."

Maddi rolls her eyes then looks to Lucas, "Anymore questions? Or am I free to go?"

"I'm sorry for interrogating you like this," Lucas says softly, "I just needed to know where I stand with you."

Maddi gets up from the daybed, "Yeah," she waves them off as she walks towards the Villa.

"Maddi, don't be upset," Lucas calls after her.

"It's fine, Lucas. I just need some alone time." She walk through the garden door and plops down on her bed.

Why does everyone need to know what she's feeling all the time? She doesn't even know half the time. Things with Lucas had been going good, couldn't he see that?

"Maddi," Lucas softly says as he opens the door.

"What?" Maddi groans as she remains flopped on the bed.

He sits next to her, "I'm sorry... I went about that the wrong way."

Maddi peeks an eye open and sees his regretful face, "I just don't understand why that conversation needed to happen."

He sighs, "I was feeling insecure. Ibrahim mentioned to me that Noah was buzzing about your kiss in the challenge and that it got him doubting his decision to end things with you."

She doesn't say anything. What can she say? She's not going to run into Noah's arms just because he might regret ending things. She wants to be with Lucas. Not to mention Noah has kind of been a dick to her all day.

"Does that change things for you?" Lucas asks anxiously.

Maddi sits up next to him, "Not even a little. I genuinely want to get to know you, Lucas. I might have some feelings for Noah, but frankly, after the way he's been acting today and last night... I don't see us ever working out."

Lucas doesn't try to hide the smile taking over his face, "Good. Because I don't want to keep you from your own happiness... but I also really only see myself with you at this point..." he glances at her.

Maddi smiles and kisses him on the cheek, "Can we just move on from all this Noah stuff? I just want to focus on me and you."

Lucas pulls her into a hug, "Deal."

"Alright," Maddi says as they pull away, "I'm going to grab Priya and get ready for tonight."

"Sounds good," he says as they stand up. "But before you go," he pulls her in for an intense kiss.

He grabs her face and pulls her up towards him and she has to hold on to his waist to steady herself. The kiss is greedy and needy, and when they pull away they're breathless.

Lucas doesn't let her go, he rests his head on hers and says breathily, "I've been dying to do that all afternoon."

Maddi giggles and kisses him on his nose, "You're cheeky."

As she turns around to go out the garden door, Lucas smacks her on the ass, making her jump. "Only for you, love."

She blushes, "I'll see you in a bit."

She rushes out the garden door and makes her way to the  decking in search of Priya. She sees her in the kitchen with Lottie and skips over.

"Hey girls," she says cheerfully.

Priya beams at her, "You seem happier than when you left."

"Lucas make everything all better?" Lottie teases.

Maddi sticks out her tongue, "As a matter of fact, he did."

"Good," Priya hugs Maddi from the side. "It looked like things got heated on the daybeds. Noah sulked off somewhere after Lucas chased after you."

Maddi bites her lip as she looks over at him chatting with Ibrahim in the gym, "Can we talk about that? On the terrace?"

"Of course!" Priya exclaims. She grabs her water bottle and starts to head that way before turning around. "Lottie, you coming?"

Lottie looks to Maddi, "If that's alright."

Maddi takes her hand and pulls her along, "I'll need all the help I can get on this one I think."

Lottie smiles, "I'm here for you, babes."

The three girls make their way up to the roof terrace and take their respective seats around the corner of the bench. Maddi sits in the middle, ready to dish out the drama.

"So what's going on?" Priya asks excitedly.

Priya and Lottie are looking at her expectantly, ready for whatever tea she's about to spill. She thinks about her conversation with Lucas and Noah, trying to remember all the details.

"So," Maddi starts, "Lucas called me over and the first thing he asks me is if I still have something going on with Noah."

"What?" Priya's face twists in confusion, "But you've literally been on him all day. When would you have time for Noah?"

"Is it because of the challenge?" Lottie asks. "You almost kissed Noah, and then his kiss with you was really full on."

Maddi furrows her brows, "I don't know. But either way, he basically interrogated me in front of Noah about my feelings. It was so awkward I just wanted out of there asap."

"What are your feelings?" Priya asks.

"Erm," Maddi giggles anxiously, "it doesn't matter what feelings I may or may not have for Noah. He closed the door on us, and I'm putting all my eggs in Lucas' basket."

Priya and Lottie both have surprised looks on their faces.

"Should I not?" Maddi questions.

"I mean," Lottie starts, "do whatever you feel is right. I'm all for loyalty, and I admire you for being all in on one boy... but what happens if a girl walks in and Lucas fancies her? What you have is still so fresh, can you really trust him?"

"Not to scare you, hun," Priya adds. "We just don't want to see you get hurt anymore."

Maddi closes her eyes and turns her face to the sky, "I'm just tired of trying to figure things out with Noah. Maybe I've been so back and forth because deep down I know we won't work. He needs someone more mature."

"That's a pretty mature thing to say..." Priya teases. "Whatever you choose to do, you know me and Lottie have your back."

"Yeah," Lottie says, "Girl code, Cheeky. You'll always have us."

Maddi brings them both in for a hug, "Thanks, babes. I love you both so much."

"We love you too!" Priya giggles.

"Oh!" Maddi says, "Lucas also informed me that Ibrahim shared some gossip on Noah." Priya and Lottie are watching her with wide eyes. "Apparently, our kiss was so good, he's rethinking closing the door on us."

"Oh my days!" Priya laughs. "That boy can't make up his mind to save his life!"

"Honestly," Lottie sighs in disbelief, "Noah is a hot mess. Like just make a choice and stick with it."

"I think he wants to be with you more than anything, but is afraid of getting hurt," Priya states.

Maddi bites her lip, "We're all afraid of that, aren't we?"

"I know I am," Lottie spills. "But you can't let the fear keep you from what could be something great."

"Yeah," Priya starts, "It's all a part of love. That's why trust is such a big deal."

Maddi sighs, "He'll figure it out. But I'm done with the games. I'm focusing on Lucas."

"Good for you, babes," Priya smiles. "Stick on him like glue tonight so he's not so insecure."

"We should go get ready for tonight," Lottie says. "Maddi you need to dress to impress. Show Noah what he's missing out on!"

Maddi laughs, "I'm sure he knows. That's why he keeps closing the door only to open it back up the next day."

Priya laughs, "That's so true. He literally 'dumped' you or whatever, then confessed his feelings, then dumped you again. Tomorrow I'm sure he'll be down on one knee before breakfast is done."

"Oh boy," Maddi giggles, "That would make pieing him off even easier. I'm not ready for another engagement anytime soon."

"So do you want to get married one day, or are you closed off to that after what Christopher did?" Lottie questions as they head into the dressing room.

"Um," Maddi thinks. "I guess it depends on the guy. It would take a lot for me to trust someone that much again. After Christopher broke me, I don't know if I'll ever get to that point again where I trust a guy with my whole heart." She pauses to think through her next words, "I want to, don't get me wrong. That's why I'm here. But I don't see it happening."

"Aww, Berry!" Priya hugs Maddi tightly. "We can always just marry each other and live happily ever after with your dog."

Maddi laughs, "If only you were into women!"

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