Knowledge is love

Par JH_Studios

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Growing up, I always heard people telling my dad why is he teaching me about survival. What's the point? Thos... Plus

Part 1: Unlikely friendship
Part 2: School dra- what's going on?
Part 3: The Stone World
Part 4: A new companion
Part 5: A familiar face
Part 6: New mem- God Damn Old Timer
Part 7: Suflar and confession
Part 8: Grand Bout Begin
Part 9: Let the first rounds begin with a bang
Part 10: Getting hot in the arena
Part 11: New Chief is who?!?!
Part 12: Tales from the past
Part 13: Lost means war
Part 14: Playing dirty
Part 15: Sweet Treat
Part 16: Merry Christmas and surprise
Part 17: Saved by the gem
Part 18: Spelunking adventure
Part 19: Surprise
Part 20: Back to phones
Part 21: Glass, heat, batteries
Part 22: Message from past
Part 23: Prepare
Part 24: Plan to see you hell
Part 25: Enemy territory
Part 26: Captured by an old friend
Part 27: So we finally meet
Part 28: Ally by song
Part 29: Prison break
Part 30: Welcome back and you brought an ally
Part 31: What is he to you?
Part 32: Stone Wars
Part 33: Terms of alliance
Part 34: Backstabber and bloodshed
Part 35: You can't die on me
Part 36: Cold sleep and panic attacks
Part 38: Finding our new Captain
Part 39: New life with currency and wedding?
Part 40: Let's fly
Part 41: Reunited and map making
Part 42: Bread, Butler and Pictures
Part 43: Oil sailing
Part 44: Lets mine
Part 45: Winter boat troubles and campfire singing
Part 46: Getting closer as a couple~
Part 47: Set sail for adventure
Part 48: Treasure Island
Part 49: Distraction by any means
Part 50: Scars and beauty
Part 51: Infuriate enemy territory
Part 52: The power of a father's will
Part 53: Striking back with old comrades
Part 54: Progress with Medusa
Part 55: Old allies, new threats
Part 56: Drones, guns and planning
Part 57: The beginning of the second Stone Wars
Part 58: Foe turned to ally
Part 59: Flicker of hope turned to doom
Part 60: Science v Medusa
Part 61: Next Steps
Part 62: New project, allies, connections and home
Part 63: Beyond the new world
Bonus: Punches and ramen
Bonus: Movie night
What if: Y/n joined the spy team
What if: Y/n got petrified
Valentine's day Special

Part 37: You'll walk again, I promise

830 24 2
Par JH_Studios

Ukyo backed up as Senku kneeled in front of y/n. One of her hands was on her chest while the other was resting on her side. Senku gently took the hand that was on her side and placed it on his cheek as he placed his other hand on top of her other one. The feeling of his touch was helping y/n regain control of her breathing.

"It's okay, you're safe," Senku said softly. "Just take nice slow and deep breaths, you're okay."

Slowly but surely y/n's breathing was slowly going back to normal as she slowly opened her eyes.


"There you go, y/n, continue taking deep breaths for me," Senku said softly.

Y/n slowly took a deep breath in and slowly let it out. After a while, she managed to calm down her breathing and relaxed. She looked around to see Kohaku, Gen, Ukyo and Senku with relieved expressions that she was okay.

Y/n was about to say something but she groaned in pain as the cut of her stomach started to hurt. Due to the cut on her leg, she couldn't stand so Kohaku and Senku helped her back on her feet and back to the bed.

"How long was I asleep," y/n asked softly.

"Three days," Gen answered.

"I see...Guys -I um-"

Senku pulled her into a hug as she tried to find the words to apologize.

"We're glad you're finally awake but did you really have to worry us like that," Senku said softly.

"I'm sorry," y/n apologized.

"I was scared," Senku said. "I thought you were dead and then I came here to see you were having a panic attack. I swear you're gonna give me a heart attack."

"I'm sorry for making you worry," y/n said.

"Y/n, what were you dreaming about," Ukyo asked.

Y/n flinched a bit as Senku let go of her, waiting for her to answer.

"I dreamed that Hyoga killed you all and I couldn't help," y/n said as she clenched her fist and started to shake a bit. "It felt so real."

"Don't worry, Hyoga and Homura are both in secure captivity," Gen reassured. "They'll not be hurting anyone anytime soon."

Y/n sighed as she was relieved to hear that. She then played with her finger to notice something. She looks at her hand to see her ring is missing.

"The rings were lost when we were in the river," Senku said.

Y/n then noticed that Senku didn't have his either. She frowned a bit as that meant they no longer had their wedding rings. But at least she knew everyone was okay so at least there was that. So in a way it was kind of like a fair trade.

Gen gestured everyone to leave so y/n and Senku could be alone. Kohaku and Ukyo follow him out of the cave but Ukyo takes one more glance at y/n before leaving.

"Does it bother you," Gen asked. "The fact that she no longer needs you?"

Ukyo stopped in his tracks. "What are you talking about Gen?"

"Well from what I've heard, you and y/n were very close until you mysteriously left her. And given your reaction, this isn't the first time she has a panic attack. But unlike last time, you couldn't help this time," Gen stated. "Instead it was Senku who helped while you were helplessly watching. In a way, this was her unintentionally showing you that she doesn't need you that way. If I were you, I'd be heartbroken to see that."

Ukyo lightly chuckled. "That's an interesting observation but too bad you're off. It doesn't bother me since I knew that would happen which is why I sent Kohaku to get Senku. I know she doesn't need me anymore and Senku is the most important person to her. But that doesn't mean I won't stop trying to help and protect her. After all, she's my friend and friends help each other."

Ukyo then continued walking but Gen noticed that he was slightly shaking when he said that.

"I tip my hat to you Ukyo," Gen said. "Not many people can take heartbreak as mature as that."

Meanwhile, Senku was sitting next to y/n's bed as he told her what her condition is. Her wound on her stomach is still fragile which means she shouldn't move much in risk of opening it. As for her leg, it was healing faster than her stomach one but it was still pretty bad. She didn't like hearing this since it meant she was gonna be stuck in bed for a while.

"You okay," Senku asked.

"To be honest, I hate this," y/n said. "I'm gonna be stuck in this bed unable to help you guys."

"Well, we have enough manpower to go around since we got Tsukasa's guys with us," Senku said.

"I know but still. I feel like I'm useless just sitting here," y/n admitted.

"Well, you're not," Senku reassured. "You have already done enough work for now so you just need to focus on resting and healing."

Y/n sighed as she appreciated him saying that but it didn't really change that she wished she could help. Senku then placed his forehead on her and she felt herself relaxing. She then took his hand into hers as she just liked feeling his warm touch. It helped her feel at ease and safe.

Senku slowly moved back but kept holding her hand. He then put his free hand up on her cheek and just stared into your eyes with a soft expression.

"Y/n you have no idea how happy I am to be touching you and talking to you like this again," Senku said.

Y/n gave him a soft smile. "I might have an idea."

Senku chuckled. "I love you y/n."

"I love you square," y/n said.

Senku froze for a second as he comprehended what y/n  just said. When he realized what she just said, he started to laugh a little.

"Did you really just say that," Senku asked as he was still laughing a bit.

"What do you not like my little science-math pun," y/n asked. "I thought it was clever and something you like."

"I'm not gonna lie, I do like like," Senku admitted. "But I hope you know, I will now only be accepting that response."

Y/n lightly chuckled. "Yeah I figured."

The pair shared a smile as they saw that he was slowly struggling to stay awake. Y/n figured based on the eyebags forming under his eyes, that Senku hasn't really been sleeping. She then asked if he could stay with her tonight because she didn't want to be alone tonight, especially after that nightmare but also so she knew that Senku would get some sleep. Senku liked that idea as he was tired and he didn't want to leave her after that little panic attack and her 3-day coma.

After a few days, y/n's stitches fully dried up but that led to another problem. Due to the cut on her leg and the hits she took from Hyoga, she couldn't really move her legs at all. However the only good thing was that she still had feelings in them which meant she wasn't paralyzed. But that meant that she now had to do some physical therapy before she could get back to her normal schedule.

Senku being her genius and caring husband and the guy he is, obviously was gonna help her. So with the crafts team help, he made her parallel bars to help her get back to walking and all that good stuff. Y/n appreciated his help but she did feel bad since she knew that she was interfering with the new goal of the kingdom of science.

To try and find the source of the petrification beam, the Kingdom of Science was going to sail across the ocean. So the new project for them was a ship. And to convince the people to help them the Kingdom of Science had a little stage play which was followed by a design contest for the ship's design. The contestants were Yu, Magma and of course Senku. Magma had a pretty well designed design while Yu had a sad model that was supposedly the finished product but of course they went with Senku's amazing sailboat design.

A little while after y/n woke up, Senku told her what he did to Tsukasa. In order to save his life, Senku killed Tsukasa with cold sleep. By the look in his eyes and the tone of his voice, it was clear that was a very hard thing for him to do. Y/n felt bad that he had to do that because she couldn't even begin to imagine how painful that would be. Not to mention, that she wasn't there to help him and instead she was in a deep sleep herself.

As for her physical therapy, it was a pain in ass. It was a lot harder than she hoped but being the stubborn person she is and with the help of the others, she was making it through. Even though she wanted to heal her legs quickly so she could help the others and make finding the source a lot faster, she knew better than to push herself. In the state she was in, she had to listen to her body and its limits more closely at risk of injuring or reopening her wounds. But she did have help.

Even though he would have preferred to stay with y/n through her entire physical therapy, Senku had to help with making the ship. So he trusted her in the hands of Taiju and Ruri for her physical therapy. Ruri was definitely the kind nurse she needed for this while Taiju was her hype man encouraging her through the whole thing. Y/n appreciated Ruri taking care of her and making sure she was okay while Taiju did the same thing but making her laugh while doing so.

This little duo definitely helped y/n get through physical therapy and after a little over a month almost two, y/n was back on her feet walking around. She wasn't allowed to do too much since her legs were still kind of weak but at least she could walk around with no help. Everyone congratulated her on her recovery and was so glad to see she was now healed. With y/n's recovery, the Kingdom of Science can do their work without any distractions. 

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