Viva La Wayne {Book 1, Short...

By TruthIzMe

839 20 12

"I'm assuming you're hopeless?" She had a light grin on her face when she spoke, but I snorted. "Actually", I... More

0. Something Goes Here Right?
1. My Head is a 'Magic' Song (The Story)
3. 'Walk The Moon' Is Like Life Science
4. 'Of Monsters and Men', I'm the Mouse
5. The One That Ruined Me
6. My Trouble is the Record of A 'T. Swift' Track
7. The One where BTR Actually Made things Fine "24/7"
8. "You've Got a Friend In Me" Like No Other Kind
9. Back When '1975' Almost Killed Me
10. The Part Where I Break It Down

2. #RDC (The Explict to Non-Explict Version)

94 2 0
By TruthIzMe

Parker and I have known each other since freshman year, but we've never really been friends. We'd talk to each other, sure, but...see....
I don't believe in what you call, "friends" or "best friends". I know it seems kind of irrational, but I remember my dad always telling me that friends often "come and go as they please".

So, ever since then, I've never claimed or called anyone my "friend" or "best friend". Sure, I'd let my mom call Parker and Cole my "friends" and consider us "best buds"--- but that's bull. Besides, who uses the term "buds" anymore? It's a damn shame that I can't correct her in the terminology uses that are frequent today since she'll go on and on about how 'old' she's getting.

Repeat: old.
Definition: When a mother feels as though her terminology uses are ancient when her sixteen year old son corrects in the format use.
Example: [Continued...]
- B.Son: Mom, I'm studying at Parker's tonight.
- Mother: (coos) Aww. You two are such adorable buddies.
-B.Son: (cringes) "Buddies", mom? No one says than anymore.
- Mother: (looks completely and humiliatingly distressed at her son's way of correcting her. Damn, now she's fucked up and feels old)
- B.Son: Mom?
- Mother: Oh.

So, in analysis, my mother will result to feeling nothing but old and shitty. Yep, those two things do end up being her basic frame of mind when she doesn't understand the terminology of our generation. I guess Rubin wouldn't be caught dead trying to give her tips, and dad didn't really care about what we said, as long as we didn't swear. Especially in front of them.
I swear at school and other places where they're not around. So, who cares?


STAVE III: Parents Just Don't Get It


Now, remember before when I told about Cole and Parker being my "best friends" and all? Yeah, well, I just wrote those things since I didn't know if my mom was going to read the book. I mean, yeah, it's true I spent time with both of them and met Cole since middle school. That still doesn't mean we're "best friends".

Oh, shit. I forgot to mention Cole.

Well, I talked about him earlier rather than Parker. So, I'm good.

Anyways, when I arrived inside the school building, I went straight to the boys' lavatory. I say this since it is a part of my morning school routine to fix my hair, even though it appears that nothing is wrong with it. You see, my father has always told me that "looks are step one to a first impression". So, my looks where my step one to an amazing first impression.


STAVE IV: IT IS always winner takes all

I say that since it always true. No matter where you go, you must always try to impress in order to get and receive the best. I almost wanted to cry out of frustration since people took things so seriously, but now, I could clearly see as to why they did. You'll never know whose watching. It's stupid, but true.

I figured that the day was going to be something quick since it it usually is, by the way. We always get out at around 2:15 and the teachers at are sometimes slow. I don't mean they're teaching is slow. No, I mean their dumb slow.
Shame we can't afford the best teachers in the state.

Fuck this shit.

I see Parker only twice today, and that was during Chemistry and lunch. He and I had only spoken a few times today, and it was mainly over Coldplay. We liked Coldplay.
We liked other things too, but Coldplay was our core music group.

He was basically like: "You hear their song 'Ink'?"

I responded with a, "No, I didn't."

He said to me, "It's on my iPhone." Then, he took out his earbuds and his iPhone 5S. He let me one of the buds as he used the other.
He played the song for us both to enjoy and listen to. We were in lunch and in front of other people. Normally, they'd consider this situation as "flirtatious". Even Cole would consider us the "ideal flirt".
To be frank, I wouldn't mind them joking around that stuff with me. But Parker would take high offense to things such as that. I figured it must have been due to his father being so homophobic, but Parker wasn't. If his dad knew that, his dad would beat the shit out of him.

Sad story.

I'm just okay with the fact that Parker isn't as hostile, compared to his dad. Especially with Cole since their basically like brothers in a weird way.

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