To Be The Greatest Heroes / I...

By JesseLikeAFox

11.8K 262 56

This story follows the coming of age of superhero Mark Grayson / Invincible, a Viltrumite and first-born son... More

Character Info
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 16

Chapter 11

528 10 3
By JesseLikeAFox

Next Day

At Grayson's Household

William and Amber find out that Jesse was coming over at Mark's house so they were over to make sure Mark's room look proper. "This has gotta go." Amber said to them as she looks at the paper on the wall. "Hide this. Toss this." William said while throwing a toy at Mark. "What? Stop. Hey, being a geeks is cool now, okay? So, maybe Jesse likes comics, too. You thought of that? Ya dick." Mark said to them. "We are not talking about the comics, Jesse doesn't mind them." Amber said to him. "We are talking about the dirty clothes, the dishes, the tissues." William said to him making the two look over a the tissue box. "Uh..." Mark said as he quickly toss it in the trash can. "Better." William said to him. "Let's hope she doesn't look in there." Amber said to herself. "It's just a study date, not a first date." Mark said to them. "Mark, every date should feel like a first date." William said to him. "And it's with my girl so you better be ready." Amber said to him then the doorbell rings. "Mark! Jesse is here!" Debbie yells to him making Mark toss all of his dirty stuffs outside the backyard, his toy and the can. Then Mark takes Amber and William to the door. "Go! Out the back way." Mark "You can thank us later when you call us, and tell us exactly how it all went." William said to him as the two leave.

Jesse enters Mark's room and she sees it was clean out. Mark closes the door while Jesse walks around and she sees dirty clothes and she sees a kid's toy. "Jesse." Mark calls her making Jesse look at him. "Is it just me or is your backyard in a mess." Jesse said to him. "I don't know what you are talking about." Mark said to her making Jesse make a portal and she jumps thought it. "Jesse?" Mark said then another portal opens and Mark's stuff fall out of the portal then Jesse. "Were you trying to clean your room for me?" Jesse asks him as she walks over to him. "Yeah." Mark said to her as Jesse makes a portal under the things and puts it out of the way. "That's nice of you." Jesse said to him as Mark sits down on his bed. "I just wanted to make it clean for you." Mark said to her as Jesse sits down next to him. "You didn't have to do that." Jesse said to him then she sees comic books. "You're into comics." Jesse said to Mark who looks at her. "Is it that obvious?" Mark asks her as Jesse picks up a comic book from the floor and it was a superhero comic book. "What's your favorite?" Jesse asks him. "Oh, man, I can't pick a favorite, but..." Mark said as he stands up and walks over to his other comics. "Ooh, this one is about a guy who's an underwater welder." Mark said to her making Jesse give a sad smile. "You okay?" Mark asks her after seeing the sad smile. "That just reminds me of Aquarus." Jesse said to him making Mark sit down next to her and he gives her a hug. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you sad." Mark whisper to her while running his fingers thought Jesse's hair. "It's okay." Jesse said to him as she tears up a little. Mark holds her close before he looks at her and he hands her a comic book that had her dad on it. "You can have it." Mark said to her while Jesse looks at the comic. "My dad never understand the point of comic books." Jesse said to him making Mark look at the book. "Maybe there is no point to it when there is real heroes out there." Mark said to her making Jesse look at him. "I know right." Jesse said to him with a smile. The two observe each other while they move closer to each other to share a kiss.

"Sorry to break your moment."

The two hear someone making them turn to see Ceil. "Christ almighty!" Mark yells when he sees him. "Woah." Jesse said to herself while Mark stands up. "Oh, what are you...Are you spying on us?" Mark asks him. "You wanna be a super hero, right? Fame, glory, get the pretty gal?" Ceil asks Mark. "That's sexist." Jesse said to him. "Well, then, the whole concept of personal privacy or me time? That's out the window. When the world needs you, you answer it." Ceil said to him. "I don't even work for you!" Mark yelled while throwing his hands at him. "And you never will, not unless you show a little respect, and decide if you want to be a superhero or not." Ceil said to him. "Right now?" Mark asks him. "Yes, Mark, right now." Ceil said to him. "Okay, yes. I want to help." Mark said to him as Jesse stands up. "What's the problem?" Jesse asks him. "Rogue supervillain. Public in danger." Ceil said to them and he tosses the two earbuds each.  Here, so we can talk on the go." Ceil said to them. "Where is this at?" Mark asks him. "Mount Rushmore." Ceil said to him. "Okay." Jesse said to him as she puts on the ear piece. "What state is that again?" Mark asks him. "What do they teach you kids in school these days?" Ceil asks him. "It's South Dakota." Jesse said to Ceil who looks at her. "You got it." Ceil said to her and he teleports away. "It looks like this date have to wait." Jesse said to Mark. "Yeah and our kiss-" Mark said making Jesse look at him. "I mean out talk!" Mark said to her as he laughs embarrassingly. "What?" Jesse said to him. "Gotta change! We will meet here!" Mark yelled as he runs out of the room. "Okay." Jesse said to herself.

Later the two were changed and were flying to South Dakota with Cecil talking to them on the earpiece. 

"I wouldn't be asking for your help, but Omni-Man's dealing with a kaiju ten time zones away, and the new Guardians are a shit show, so here we are." 

"So mean." Jesse said to herself. 

"Target is Doc Seismic. He has a Ph.D. in seismology, so the doc thing, that's legit. Problem is, he made himself a pair of earthquake gloves."

"What's he want?" Mark asks him as he flies next to Jesse.

"Even he doesn't seem to know. Working theory says brain damage from a side effect of those gloves. He basically gets a concussion every time he uses them." 

"So we are dealing with a mad scientist deal." Jesse said to them.

"Have fun, kids, and try to remember, that's a national treasure down there."

While at the hills everything was shaking and the buildings near the hills start to collapse. The ground starts to break and trees falling while people start panicking as lava underneath start to explode and all of this was caused by none other than Doc Seismic himself. "You've come to pray at this obscene monument?" Doc said to the people as he points at the statue heads of the four presidents of the United States. "They were oppressors! Racists! Slave owners! I give you a new god worthy of worship! Bow before Doc Seismic!" Doc yelled then he turns to the statue heads. He then activated his earthquake gamma gloves and it emit them and it creates a huge loud earthquake wave in mid air, destroying trees and boulders making more people panic. "Hahahahah! The great emancipator? He'll emancipate you...from your lives! Hahaha!" Doc said as one of the faces were about to smash and kill the people below while the Doc starts laughing.

Suddenly, Mark comes to the rescue and catch the statue face with his strength. "Wow, man, I'm still working on my one-liners, but that one is really bad." Mark said to him then he flies over and he places the face back where it was while being watch by the people who was going to be smash by it. "Ha ha! That's how you get ahead in life. See, it's not quite there, it's not there." Mark said to him. "No argument from me. Now die!" Doc Seismic yelled and he emits another earthquake shock to Invincible making him fly away but Jesse catches him from behind. "Ah, thanks." Mark said to her. "Anytime." Jesse said to him as she flies next to him. "We need to take out his gloves." Jesse said to Mark while looking at Seismic. "Those aren't gloves. Gloves have fingers." Mark said to her making Jesse look at him. "They're more, uh...earthquake bracelets? Ha! You're wearing earthquake bracelets!" Mark yelled making Jesse laugh a little. "Aright, enough with the jokes." Jesse said to him then she flies to the Doc Seismic. The amulet gives Jesse some threwing knifes and she starts threwing them at Doc Seismic. Doc Seismic uses bracelets and he using the earthquake waves to float him away from Jesse. Jesse starts chasing him while threwing the knifes at him. Doc Seismic stops and he faces Jesse who lands on the ground. "You should be on my side! We could tear down the old power structure, build a new order! I mean, look at the costume they've got you in." Doc Seismic said to Jesse who looks at her outfit. "My dad designed my costume, and I thought your doctorate was in seismology?" Jesse asks him while Mark picks up a stone. "Undergrad in sociology and women's studies." He said as he sees the stone that Mark throw at him. "I had a minor in African Dance, but enough politics!" Doc Seismic yelled then he uses his bracelets to stop the stone from hitting him. Jesse and Mark gasp as he destroys the stone then he emits a hug earthquake wave and he points it at the ground. The ground start to shake and wind wave blowing hard having Jesse and Mark having a hard time standing. Until suddenly the ground breaks making lava erupting from the floor. Jesse sees a family were going to fall into the lava but before Jesse put a portal under them. Doc Seismic hits her with a wave making her fly into a tree but Mark rushes towards them and he uses his speed to catch them. Mark then takes them to a safer place while Doc Seismic tries to stop him but Jesse stops from by threwing knifes at the bracelets taking it out for good. Doc Seismic turns to her and he uses his bracelets but it doesn't work it sends him flying down to the lava. Jesse flies over to him to save him form the the lava. 

Mark flies back not to find Jesse anywhere. "Jesse!" Mark calls her while he flies away until he sees Jesse fly out of the lava. "Jesse, you okay?" Mark asks her as he lands next to her. "Yeah, I'm fine." Jesse said to him. "Good, where is the Doc Seismic?" Mark asks her. "He...well...he got toasted." Jesse said to him. "Ouch." Mark said to himself. "Guess our job is done here." Jesse said to him as she walks away. "Wait, Jesse?" Mark calls her making Jesse look at him. "Are we still on a date?" Mark asks her. "You mean the study date? Of course we are never forgetting that." Jesse said to him with a smile.

The two fly back home while Jesse talks to Cecil about Doc Seismic being no more. The two arrive back at Mark's house where Nolan was home. "Hey, you two." Nolan said to the two. "Cecil asked us to save Mount Rushmore." Mark said to his dad while Jesse watch them. "Jesse, can you give me and my son a moment to talk?" Nolan asks her. "I wait in your room." Jesse said to Mark before she walks up the stairs. "So, I know you two were studying before you guys flew off to deal with a crisis." Nolan said to Mark who nods. "Good. I mean, not good for your guys studies, but good. That's the tricky part of the job, balancing what you wanna do, with what you need to do." Nolan said to him. "Mm-hmm, mm-hmm." Mark said to him while nodding. "Remember, you're not just a superhero, Mark. You're a Viltrumite. We have...responsibilities that normal humans don't." Nolan said to him. "Right. Yeah, thanks." Mark said to him. "Do you understand?" Nolan asks him. "Yes and also you got a" Mark said as he walks back to his room while pointing at his dad's cape. 

Mark enters his room again to see Jesse was in her normal clothes again. "You fast." Mark said to her while closing the door. "What can I say." Jesse said to him as she walks over to Mark. "And I was thinking about..." Jesse said to him as she removes Mark's mask. "Where we left off." Jesse said to him making Mark smile at her. "Yeah, I was just thinking about that." Mark said to her. "No, you weren't." Jesse said to him teasing him as Mark places his hands around her. "I was." Mark said to her and the two share a passionate kiss. As Mark holds Jesse tightly, Jesse runs her fingers through his hair while the two kiss each other for the first time. After a few minutes, the two pull away from their kiss then Jesse starts to laugh a little. "What?" Mark asks her still holding Jesse. "Nothing." Jesse said to him as she walks away from him. "What? Did I kiss you wrong?" Mark asks her while walking over to her. "It's nothing." Jesse said to him while laughing making Mark hug her from behind. "You laughing for no reason." Mark said to her making Jesse nod as she leans into Mark's touch. "You can stay here tonight if you want." Mark whisper to her. "Sounds like a plan." Jesse said to him with a smile.

Later that night, Debbie was up doing her work until she starts to feel that house was getting cold for some reason. Debbie sees her laptop's screen freeze up slowly somehow then she sees Darkblood behind her making Debbie jump. "My apologies. Didn't mean to scare." Damien said to her. "What are you doing in my house?" Debbie asks him. "Yeah, what are you doing?" Debbie hears Jesse who was standing behind Damien. "Seeking...information. Clues. Answers." Damien said to them. "Answers to what?" Debbie asks him. "The massacre." Jesse said to herself. "Still not clear to me." Damien said to them. "I don't know what you're talking about. You need to leave now." Debbie said to him while Jesse watch them. "Seven dead. One alive. Your husband. Was hoping you could make that piece fit." Damien said to Debbie. "Well, you'll have to ask him." Debbie said to him. "He did." Jesse said to Debbie while walking over to Damien. "Answers were...unsatisfactory." Damien said to her. "Why do you care?" Debbie asks him making Jesse look at Debbie. "Escaped from hell. Seek justice for others to save own soul." Jesse said to her. "Husband told you nothing? Not a whisper to soothe your fears?" Damien asks Debbie. "No. He didn't say anything." Debbie said to him. "Hmmm..." Damien said to himself then he looks at Jesse. "Open your eyes and ears open." Damien said to her making Jesse nod a little then Damien looks at Debbie. "You have a lovely home." Damien said to her. 


The three hear Nolan then the lights were turn on. "You all right? I thought I heard something." Nolan said to her making Debbie turn around to see that Damien and Jesse were not there. "I'm fine. I was just coming to bed." Debbie said to him as she grabs her laptop before heading upstairs to their room. Nolan starts to see her being a bit unsettled somehow, he looks around and takes a breathe to see the frost coming out from his mouth and he knew who was in his house and who was talking to Debbie. Nolan walks up stairs then Jesse walks out of the shadows. Jesse then sees her amulet starts glowing red making her hold it then she hears a voice. 

"Be careful, Jesse."

Jesse gasp when she hears that. "Darkwing." Jesse whisper to the amulet that stops glowing in her hand.

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