EphemeralTale:Book1 "Connecti...

By AerwynaSunflower

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I am Frisk Eld ,my father name is Grillby,mother-Muffin and sister -cel also their .... monsters ,I have b... More

Chapter 1 "what??!"
Chapter 2 "Love of game"
Chapter 3 "Make a way"
chapter 5"Sprite week"

Chapter 4 "snap !"

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By AerwynaSunflower

Our parents didn't hold any hated towards the humans ,they simply didn't care as so long it wouldn't infear with our lives ,ironically   my father would be the one into our lives.......

That summer night was the first I have ever met an human .The tiny creature in the basket did not appear to be cold vicious killing destroyer.She was small very and defenseless, skin soft as dough that mama makes and although everyone described of humans were wayyyyy off  but the one thing they got right was humans are wrinkly young and old .although this human baby wrinkly are cute ! ,especially those tiny hands little did I know the grin those hand hold till she grab my feet hair.
"Ah! ,NO!,NO!,No! LLET GOOO!!! BABY !!!"while I was panicking she was happily giggling . "Please!,please! ,gotta  be clam...be clam .....be..... Clam !" .I'm too scare to open my eyes but I hear no crying ?....OH NO! .Did I kill her !?!?!. Peeking out through her tiny fingers she saw the humans baby unharmed ."She's ...she's okay an-and no  burn marks ?".

Feeling unreal and unsure of what happened here ,she knew one thing for sure that this little human was special
"I'll keep your secret",she whispered in the baby small ear making her giggle.

"Since I'm keeping yours .......wanna know mine?".


A month has pass since sans and I had the arugement .He's been using his teleportation maigc to get to school rather then using the school bus and I  hope to talk to him ,work it out but  figures if he's using his magic to avoid me then it is very unlikely sans would  talk .So i decided to do my own thing ,after the fourth week of school teachers had everyone go to the gym to see and choose which  school activities  the students will like to join .I was excited when I frist  heard of this ,seeing these events in high school movies is much better when you experienced it .Happily poking around different stations there's was a chess club ,cooking club ,robot clubs and Anime club .Listening  to what we would do if decide to join their club and trying out a few examples they had papered for the students .All of it was great yet there is only one club I had my   heart set on ,Photograph club !.

"Welcome to the photography/yearbook club it's great to see old and new faces .I am Mr.Turnabout been running this club for 5 years  I teach kids how to take pictures and no you don't just push a button there is much to learn .One is getting a good angel ,two lighting and thrid creativity once you master all three you will be able to take pictures in your own style and for the year book".

"Each of you will be sign to different Topics like sports,clubs and other things but for today I will show you how the creams works".


"So this is a human creams ?".

"Yep it's pretty cool!. We get to take it everywhere with us but Mr.turnabout said if we break it we have to pay it".

"How much ?".


"Yeahhhhh , I'll just put this down".

"So have you see Sans?" .

"I have however he still doesn't want to talk to me".

"He will come around".

"Do you think the Echo theme is a bad idea?".

"Well no it's good idea it's just not for an high school dance .Echo day is a special event in our culture so in sans view seeing it being use in a school dance .A HUMAN school wouldn't set well  especially to the royals since the late princess".

"And he couldn't said something like that instead of yelling and storming off".

"You can always count on sans to stir one up".

"I was throwing ideas and he wanted to throws mean comments.......I'll think of something else. It could be easy if he help",leaning against her back sister "why couldn't he just say that instead of yelling".Still working on her home work cel eyes glance back "Sans has his reasons",  "that's all I been hearing form you ,dad and mom what reasons?!".Falling back on the bed, frisk stare up at her sister,  "how about this" taking a 5 dollars out of her small red wallet with a picture of their family  "what's this for ?","this my trouble sister is your way to get your answer".said cel handing  the money to her little sister ."Sans take bribery?!?". "No !" ,  "your going to buy ketchup as a peace offering".Taking her set back on her bed and resumed homework . "Okay but why ketchup?".

"He loves to drinks it".

"Really ?".

"Yep!.Now go before it's gets more late".

"it's only 5:00pm".frisk responsed ."It's a good walk to sans house " taking out a pen and pencil processed to write something down the. Hands it to frisk "this is sans address it's goes more deeper into the forest". "Thanks cel". "if you really wanna want to  thank me then you can washes dishes tonight"."Ha!,nice try !".hurrily runs out her sister with the paper in hand

Walking out from her sister room ,frisk put her brown boots on and walked out .Monsters turn to look half curious and the other in hate but of course none apocha her I guess it's safer to do so that way they wouldn't offend or hurt the new princess chara friend.Frisk made it to the store still having eyes on her she counties carful looking through all the sail and tracking back almost miss the ketchup. "There you are !". Takes the glass ketchup bottle then went up to the cashier it was tall orange cat monster that has eyes remakes the sky "that will be $3.14".She said with a tried expression the cat monster must be workin alone seeing there no other employe ,I handed the money ,got my change and left .Cel was right it the walk was long but I made it to the wooden house it has Christmas lights on the roof and something on the door .I gave a few friendly knocks suddenly lound sounds of pots falling and footsteps running ,the door open and reavers a very tall Skelton his skull is shaped in a more straight and geometrical structure ,he wore a pink apron, that said kiss the cook .

"Hi,hi , my name is Frisk I go to school with-".

"Welcome frisk !! I am the Great papyrus sans younger brother come in take a set ,Would you like a drink or have you eaten? ".He shook my hand and pulled me into the house then sat me down not giving a  me chance to refuse .

"Thank you ? but I'm good".

"Well would you like to help me make dinner for my family".

"You want my help ?".

He tilted his  head to the side ;puzzled by my question then smile a real warm friendly smile
"Why wouldn't I?".he said to me ,the whole time I step into his house papyrus has only expression his joy of me being here ,the only one besides my family who's been accepting ,is Papyrus really sans brother ?.

"........nothing ,yeah I would love to help !".
Frisk awkwardly  stood up and follow the tall friendly skeleton to the kitchen.

" You will cut the tomato's ,onion a bit of pepper"placing the cutting bored along with the knife and the vegetables .

"I'll heat the water and add the pasta" as he does it,he counties the talk with me "so what brings you here human frisk?".

"Oh I came to apologize to your brother ".

"What did Sans do?!".

"No,no,no he didn't do anything!".

"So he said something without thinking ,didn't he ?".

"I don't know if it was without thinking but ....".

"Was he being mean to you?".

"Kinda but it was mostly my fault".

"What happened!?....".

After 30 minutes I finished explaining the situation and we got dinner done ,moving on to the slade I put last remaining luttce in the wooden bowl "Human you did nothing wrong the fault lays with how my brother reacted to your idea but please due forgive him and know he does feel guilty "

"Sans does ?".

"Don't we all ?,see that green couch".

Her gaze went from young skeleton to the living room where the old green couch is sitting "yeah?".

It's  like a safe spot for sans whenever he feels guilty or is trouble he lays on that very couch and sometimes even sleeps on it .He came home that day no hellos or puns he went straight to the couch".

"Why that couch?" ,I asked genuinely curious before facing back to him , noticing he
paused at my question before reaching for the bowl of spaghetti then play again ."Mother ....our mother would read to us on the couch , have pillows front and if one of us got sick she lay us there next to the fire place and sing to us or tells us stories about her time in the royal guard". "Your mom was in the royal guards!".proudly walks to the table ,head up high ,wayyyyyy too high ."NEh!, she wasn't just a guard she was the captain! And one day I'll join then-". Slipping on a socket papyrus fell on his butt  but since the spaghetti  oulent define gravity it landed  on his chest ,frisk taking a knee next her new friend asked if he was alright however she didn't get an answer because they both became shock seeing her floating in the air .

"The hell did you do to him!".

Turning to the meniscus voice and frisk heart drop seeing how the short skeleton face held such an expression at her "w-what ?".Unsure what he was talking  about,frisk felt his magic crushing her ,head dropped down that's when she noticed the knife in her hand . Does he think I was going kill papyrus ?!.

Jumping to take action Payps runs to Sans
"Brother please release frisk ". He pleaded as he tried to put his arm down to cancel the spell .

"papys get a guard and tell them to come


"Better listen to your brother sans !".

"Cel ?!".

"How did you ?".

"Put my sister back on the floor  or I'll make a Third degree burn look like a joke ".

Putting his hand down which disconnected the magic that held frisk up .She drop but thankfully was caught by papyrus expect she's wasn't moving ,panic was filling up the room when ."Can someone explain why the floor looks like a crime  scene!?".Sans whinced at the thrid voice knowing very well what will happen next . "Father !!!,I'm so glad to see you !,we need help !,please the human isn't moving!!!" .

Immediately Gaster went to serious mod and moving quickly "What happened to her ?".He said examining  her  ,on beat Cel answered her uncle "Sans is what happened!".

Is this how a paper feels when being crushed up?,oh a new face he looks more older maybe a older brother ?,."Father look she opened her eyes" said pyprus as his dad examined me . So the thrid skeleton is their father sans brother denfinly  got both the height and head  shape from him.Haha !,I almost got crush and I'm thinking about the traits they have, well when you have been sheltered your whole life you pick up the habit of observing.

Gaster takes off his lab coat and had his younger son take her to the couch while he gets ice from the fridge then the frist aid ket

"Not there !".

"Sans ...".

"Your kidding ?!??".Cel spin her head back eyes to eyes with sans  filled with concern and fury "After what you just pulled !,you don't even have a say in any of this !!!!".

"I don't care that human is not going to lay there !!".Spit back at the girl who maigc is fire and can burn pretty much anything if she choose too.
Frisk shaking hand reach her sister shoulder tugging on her short sleeve and with a sore throats she spoke .Cc...cel it's........ okay ..I... can sit on a chair orr.....we can go home".

Gaster signed and gesture towards the stairs "She right,let's go to Sans room".

"Yeah !.wait!,wait!,wait ! ,why not your room ??".

He got no response from any of them not even a glance as they asendin up the staircase .Ten minutes pass when the sound of  sans room door opening .Sans peek out from the kitchen where he got a good view of the stairs " hey papys how's the stray ".

"What stray?".

"The human ?".

"Her name is frisk and she is fine but there's a lot of bruises down her armes  and neck".

"Well at least her legs works fine". he said as he drank the bottle of ketchup.

"Sans ! Frisk came to give you the ketchup bottle your holding right now as a gift but really you should be the one apologizing.



"Thank you Mr.Gaster".

"It's no problem frisk , although healing isn't my area of expertise I can do very little but nothing like the power of of ice to easy the bruises".Place the ice bag on her arm before
the skeleton man gather his things ,leaving her and cel alone ."Thanks for getting here but How did you get here so quickly?".

"Welp secret out",she said sitting on the edge of the bed . "You know those bracelets dad gave us". "Yes?". "He had Unlce Travis charm it ; if we were stuck or need to escape this can teleport out or to each other".Frisk trace the bracelet with her hand in awe and a bit hurt ,she understood it was to protect them but wish her father could have at least told her . "And how many times can we use it". " For me only twice and since you know  now I'll tell you the word needed too use . "Pepper" is the word to active it  and when you do you will need a clear picture to who or where you want to go too". Scanning her bracelet frisk nods in understanding . " I will give my thanks to Travis "

"Well as soon as i master fire teleportation ,we won't need these ".

Koncks at the door interrupted the two girls conversation"who is it ?".

"The person who's room you are occupying".

Cel snap back at frisk knowing her sister she would want to talk to the monster who hurt her "No!".

"Cel !".

"Frisk please for once just be  angry,yell at that idiot !".

"He misunderstood!".

Papyrus wasn't even danger in the frist place and you couldn't harm a fly to save your life but frisk don't tell me you didn't see the way he looked at you with no ......mercy".

"Cel !.please let him in".

Reluctant she open the door to see sans leaning on the wall cross from them "well come on".the monster skeleton walk pass her saying "can I have a minute alone with her".Cel eyes went to frisk and back to me ,looks like she weak against her so called sister .

"Fine,shout if you need anything ".
Leaving the two alone didn't feel right to me but argh!,sometimes I wish had some kind of mind reading maigc  could guess what she thinking of!.

"Celisa!!".Overjoy Papyrus came out from a room ,picking up cel spinning her around.

"Whao!!!!,Payps  !,haha yes I am happy to see you too".

"Today is wonderful indeed I got to meet a human who's your sister and I got to see you old friend".

"I have you miss you as well ,now can you put me down",

"Oh yes,yes,yes,yes".He gently place my feet back on the floor,then informed me that his father wanted to talk .I agreed and followed papyrus down the hall .

"You know I pass  by one of the classes the other day and saw you".

"Really ,why didn't you come say hi".

"Tops said the same thing ,I guess I was scare to see if you hated me too".

"CELISA ELD!,how dare you assume that of me".

Papyrus doesn't get easily angry but when he does it catches everyone off guard especially when he yells now that's rare ."I'm sorry payps I shouldn't have thought that little of you .........that was wrong  please forgive me oh great papyrus ?"

"You are forgiven because the great papyrus forgives all".

"Thank you".

We stop at Uncle Gaster office door ,i was about to knock when the voice on the other side of the door side," Cel and papyrus come in".I forgot he did that .

"Welcome Cel so happy to see you again".

"You too uncle Gaster".

Son can you please get some refreshments for cel and frisk "

"Of course father I'll be back"
closing the door papyrus lound footsteps faded away into the hall.

"Sooooo will we stare at each other uncle? ".

"Sorry it's just you grew up a lot ,I feel sad for missing it ".

"You wouldn't have if you stood by us ,like true family would ".

"Celisa please understand that we were shock to find out your father".

"We !".

"All you  were hiding a human".

"But after the shock was over I reach out".

"I remember .......... made dad really happy  seeing you show  up with ingredients to make breakfast".

"your father loves to cook so I thought why not".

"Or another way to get a free meal".

"I can cook".

"No uncle gaster you can't".

The memory brought such amusement to the monsters slowly trying to stop themselves.Gaster sit his back straight and held in the rest of laughter that trying to break out.

"But I do get it ,you were reasonably scare and to stay away and even Papyrus and Sans "

"You know papyrus he would never leave his brother behind ,that's is why he didn't come with me".

"I see that's good of papyrus .......I have ...tried talking with sans ,we all know how that went".

"You both are talking now".

"Threatening each other is call talking?".Said the young teen with an expression that's hold retreat and sadness wishing thing went down differently.The office door open revealing papyrus holding a trace of drinks "I think what my father means is this an opportunity to patch things up".

"Wish he would be willing to talk?".

In due time l and Celisa Know that even when I wasn't by your family side , i made sure no one would dare harm anyone one of you.

"Of course i know plus I heard what happened at the restaurant.kids talk ".


After Cel left  the two didn't say a word well more like they didn't know how to start .Good thing the person who put frisk in this state  started the conversation .

"My brother told me you came to apologize with a ketchup bottle ?".

"Cel said you like drinking it".

"I do however the ketchup from your dad restaurant is better none the less ...um........thank you  and I'm...sor-sorry for hurting you" .Okay that hurt more to say then I thought  he said to himself .

"Did it really pain you to say that ?"

"What ?,don't like how I did it ?,you want me to bow or something?!,hell you humans are demanding."

"Your words don't match your um bony language?,Argh !.It is clear you hate me for simple being born a human .Sans  you said monster don't have a future  you are right yet your wrong too ".Frisk moved her legs off the bed ."The only way our people can have a chance is by working together so please .Sans........ help me start the begging of a better future".She look at me in such a seriousness matter ,taken back by this I try averted my eyes somewhere else however I can't blocked out her words that began to burn in my mind .Those eyes .what is  it ?,that makes you so...confident ??.No it's not confident,it's determination ,this stray really is determin huh ?.We will see how long that last but I'll go on this Joy ride till it crashes  .With out warning i take both of her hands no surprise she didn't fight me but did jump a little.

A blue aura surround  Frisk arms and a cool feeling washing over her ,felt good like drinking a cold water bottle in the hot summer . "Done!."said sans letting go her hand when he did the cold sensation disappear as well. "what was that ?".Walking to the door he turned  ."Just used my magic to heal ya bruises"pointed next to the mirror on his door.Trace her arm up and down even gave it a squeeze,I didn't feel any pain "Amazing !,thank you sans"

"Yeah well couldn't have ya go to school like that or go home  ,as my brother would say looking your best is important!"

"So does this mean ?".

"I will help ya stray".

"You gotta drop that name ".

"Hmmm nah".

"Sooooo  will I see you on the bus tomorrow?".


They both walked out where the rest were waiting for them with Papyrus still holding the trace that had only two glasses cup on it .Before any said anything Mr.Gaster asked this youngest son to escort the girls back home.

"Bye and thank for everything Mr.gaster".

The tall skeleton crouch down to be somewhat eye level with his new nieces "That's uncle gaster for you too frisk". Said gaster smiling warming to the little girl as she too returned a happy smile ."Bye uncle gaster".

As soon as they left both father and son went up statutes into a study room . "Dad if you were there you would have done the same- . "No sans I wouldn't because my emotions are undercontrolled". "Sorry I don't have a stone heart".

"You could have made things much worse".

"I had her just right and if things got worse then I -".

"Kill her ?!".

"You think killing it easy boy !!!".

"Humans do it all the time".

"Too eat ,to denfened themselves".

"To do it because they can !".

"Sans that night didn't go down as you saw it".

"I know my own mind old man  ! I known what I saw !and how it happened!!!".

"Sans she is not your enemy and not to mention we to need to see the capability of her powers".

"I doubt that stray has".

"Wheater she does or doesn't we will still need to surveillance her".

"Is that why you allow the stray to call you uncle ?".

"No because I am her uncle and yes because frisk needs to feel accepteds with her calling me uncle is one of many steps .it would also help if you start accepting her".

"Why ?,won't be long till that stray realize she doesn't belong here and leaves".

"Eough!,i will not tolerate you bad mouthing one of my closest friend daughter"


"Grounded for two weeks".

"For saying the truth!".

"Three !"

"You know mom life was perfect she didn't need you ,she had us and we had her .Things were peaceful before you fucking appeared !".Sans turned around and walking out slamming the wooden door behind him . "If i were just like you Alix then maybe everything could have been peaceful from the start ".Gaster whispered tho his voice was ready to break ,he breathed and pick his pen back up and continued to write .


A week has pass since sans been back on the bus and everything feels like clock work I said my good morning to joe who is finally using his words instead of nodding and sans went back to his usual stares  tho this time his eyes were different more .... focus.When lunch came Lucas and  Laura were surprised and happy to see sans joining us except taliesn ,he and sans eyes meet .I thought I would have to stop  a fight but from the looks of it it didn't seem necessary.Taliesen broke the ice" Took you long enough I was  about to find a new monster to become friends with". 

Sans noticed the playful ton in Tali and return it with on of his "Like  that can happen you stuck with me for now"taking his sit across a distracted frisk.

Frisk journal
Anyway I found a new theme for the dance with help from the royals ,it's called "Dancing lights .Where everyone will be wearing and have their face painted with glow in the dark ,we're going for the Waterfall look that's back home . Alora was really exhilarated when I told her about the idea immediately she was writing down everything we will be needing "this homecoming is gonna be great!,we'll feather the things and begin to sit up on October 12.Also more news I was assist to take pictures of all the school club with Thomas and Jackie this is their third year of being in yearbook club making them pros and -

"What are you writing in there ?".asked Lucas

"Recording everything that's been going on  or at least I'm trying too I don't have much of a writers touch".

Laura added while finishing up her homework "I don't think any of us do".

"Speak for yourself I have flawless paragraphes".Talisan claim as he held his pass work with the letter A stamp in red on the top right corner .

"Of course you do pretty boy"

Sans joined in in the conversation guess this pole his interest "Why are you writing about everything?"

"One day the everyone will wonder what it was like for the frist exchanges students from mountain edit to have gone to this school and
what we did".

"If they care".

"Really sans".

"I said I'll help with whatever but never said I'll stop speaking my mind".

Not wanting another argument one member of the group quickly change the topic "Speaking of school ,have you pick any clubs?"asked Taliesin .


This halt everyone movement ,head's turning and staring .Waiting for sans to continue on ""Sans the skeleton is in the club ?!","I bet it's chess"
,"Nah with his laziness it's definitely book club"

" club did you decide"

"Cooking club".

"Cooking club !"all shouted in unison,not what they imagined him doing for a school activity but who doesn't love a surprise.

"Yep it be nice to learn since my father is terrible at it and paps only ever  eat spaghetti"

"Who's papys ?,your brother ?".

Sans wonder for a bit if it was okay to let them know a little about himself?,Not like he'll see them again when the year is done "He's my younger brother but is way taller then me........soooo do any of you have siblings?"

"No I'm an only child but I do have a baby cousin he was born a month ago " response Lucas .

I got a few brothers too said Taliesin taking out his phone to show the group. "This is my brother Sam the second oldest and I don't have a present picture of my older brother but here's one in his serinor  year of high school" .The first picture showed a boy with forest green eyes and black hair in a faux hawk haircut ,trying to eat his mac & cheese in peace .The second one has the older brother in his white graduation gown holding a diploma while smiling at the camera. "Where did your brother sam go after school now asked Laura

"Sam went to college in German".

"In German !,that's amazing what's he majoring in?".

"Business and law.He's coming  back for winter break".

"I have two older sisters  who are married and live in different places already and a younger brother in the 5th grade "added Laura. "What about you frisks ?".

"I have a older sister".

"What's your sister like ?".

"Cel is beautiful she takes after our mom but her hair is like our father,she also very righteous,kind and helpful .

"Don't forgotten she very hot headed and when that's happens people can't decide if they want to melt or evaporate"

"I think that happens when you get on her nerves".

"I think that bus is here for you".

"Thanks for waiting with us till our bus came".

"No problem".

"See you it's tomorrow".

Waving bye to my friends I step in the bus "sorry for getting here late"said the driver joe . " it's okay" I reassured  him with my smile then went to take my seat cross from sans we sat in silence for about 5 mins till I broke it "so I came up with another theme for homecoming". Holding my breath I waited for anything really ,last time we ended up arugering but I want him to know that I found something everyone would like "what's the theme about ?"he asked not looking at me (rude but oh well). " it's called the Dancing lights I thought we could do a glow in dark that resembles WaterFall.........." .

Now the skeleton was looking right at me and said "It sounds fun,you must have really put thought to it".Sans voice wasn't sarcastic just surprised.

"Well yeah the royals and I really wanted to show a part of our home".

"Wait?,you went to the royals for help".

"Yep ,when I told them about it they agreed it is a good way for humans to know a little about the city".

"Uh Huh so your friends with their daughter chara the creep ?".

"Yes,have you meet her?".

"A few times when I go to my father lab ,she would come to say hellos to him  and she's stay talking with my father for a bit during break but her and I never had a conversation tho she seems ....nice .So did ya talk about who would go first ?"

"We agreee I would".

"But why?.Sorry stray but it doesn't make sense?".

"The queen and king say she's the princess but why isn't this chara doing her job as one".

"I don't know it just became that way because I lost".


"What do you mean !".

"Sans I can".

Teleport right next to her pinned her back on window "Was it a game the winners stays and loser go to the human school".frisk didn't answer ,couldn't even turn his way and that was all sans needed to know .This so called princess chara use a game to decide who will go to represent us ,to establish a bond or whatever.

"I'm sorry ".

"For what ?".

"For getting you anergy".

"Your not the one I'm piss at ,plus you weren't the one to suggest it".

"What do you mean ?".

"I have learned a few things from our  last conversation .That.You. don't back down .You stay determin and I'm guessing its the same reason that lead to doing a game ,right?".

Your on point ,I didn't like how she demanded
me to go first .So I threw logic at her face however she did the same but with emotion told how going back to the human world is
terrified for her .maybe, maybe she was making me feel pity and it worked so here I am .

"So your not as navy as I thought"

"Thanks ?".

"Anyway she a human what could she be afraid of "

"Just like my biological parents left me to die by the mercy of the horrible creatures that lived in the mountain.Little did they know they became my new family".

"Point is ?".

"The point is humans can do unexpected cruel things even when we're the same species .the serious expression sans had quickly became shock then guilt "that's human alright"

From the whole way home they sat together in moving bus till it came to their stop .cel was waiting for frisk on the rock when she saw the bus the spider monster got up and out came her little sister

"Hey you know you didn't have to wait for me".

"Of course I do"Her big sister said as she eyed the skeleton down ."How it hanging cel "sans trying to light the mood was horrible

Rolling her eyes at him , Cel takes her sister hand and walks away" Let's go frisk".

"Come on Celisa ye not still made about the whole misunderstanding?".

Cel halt taking a step back before fully facing her so called friend."Yeasterday was the first time we saw each other ,let alone talk since 4 fours years and what I witness wasn't the sans I knew ,then again no one is sure who you are since your mother dea-

"You don't have the right to even mention anything about my mother not when you lie to me ,Tops and your own kind !".

Frisk wasn't the one who killed your mother and since we are talking about LIES .IN YOUR OWN WORDS YOU SAID .....you said you would have my back and Tops but that day .......using your magic to prevent me from getting to MY SISTER!.

"What?,cel you said you were too far away".

"I was however the day the soldiers came ,I hadn't master my fire magic so my only option was to tell sans and Tops about you .Tops freaked the most ,thankfully he wanted to help but Sans was furious said let them take you ,I didn't waste a single breath after those words left his teeth instead I ran off .Unlike me Sans mastered his blue magic and lifted me from the ground as our other friend tried to reasons with him ......didn't work ,it wasn't until we saw the soldiers leave ,that he put me down .I ran home only to find it in ruins and you gone".

He muttered under his breath "Work out didn't it".

"We lost a almost 2 years with her !".

"Just make up the lost time".Sand spat back not a care in the world about the words she said.

Cel normal hair fire color change to deep blue and began to also cover herself in flames like their father , "Your right because at least she stills breaths".

The smiling skeleton was no longer smiling.Both eye socket now dark and the froce of his magic surrounded the girls like a tornado yet frisk was unfazed ,the Skelton noticed this he looked into her eyes and only saw sympathy.She then turned to her sister giving her a huge and whisper, something that seem to help calmed Cel flames and returning to her former self .This action also made sans surprise and a bit glad ,not wanting to  fight with an old friend yet he would if she ever said something like that again!.

"Sorry about that frisk and......you too sans, we should talk about it but properly next time," said Cel even tho the anger was clear in her voice she also sounded afraid. The oldest started the walk home first as she did, Sans hurriedly responded back "Yyyeaaahh okay we should and I'm.....sorry too".The skeleton was sorry but mostly confused of what just happened,not looking at young

"You known this doesn't change anything,you will still help".


"Surprise?" she smile .

"No ,that's not what I'm surprised about stray".

"Good then .I sign you up to help with the decorations for the homecoming dance,great !,awesome see you tomorrow bonehead ".

With that both girls walked away leaving the skeleton stunned at what just happened did the stray know she has abilities?,can she control monster with a word ?.No ?,if that were the case the little stray would have been already using it but what's more interesting is the fact that the human didn't get burn by cel when she went all fire on them and-wait did the stray volunteer me to help with homecoming? also did she just called him a bonehead?.


"Here's my secret"

"I want another sibling .With you here it feels complete,I'm gonna help you to walk ,Pick your outfits .Oh! and take you to my favorite places we're gonna have so much fun..........."

"My little sister "


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