By _setirwijom

9K 590 94

šŸ“ - wherein haechan was abducted out of a sudden and for all he knows, he's already in the hands of a mafia... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine


1.1K 45 13
By _setirwijom

javelin group is just one of the deadly mafia groups there is out there. they have few rumors going around such as kidnapping elite people and killing some to keep their members safe.

their known members are jaehyun, johnny, mark, yangyang, chenle, renjun, jaemin, taeyong and taeil. they're just lurking out there like how normal people do it.

well, also because they had to in order to plan something out. just like now.


❝my dear students, i have to say goodbye now!❞ i wave them goodbye.

the kids looked at me with sad eyes.

❝i promise i'll be back, soon!❞


❝bye, bye, teacher haechan!❞

❝okay, bye!❞ i got out of the room and finally breathed out.

it's been so long since i met them and now that i'm leaving again, i feel so sad. but surely, there is a next time is there?

these kids don't deserve it here. if their parents were just responsible enough to take care of them, they wouldn't be in such poor place.

i'm finally walking out of the place because i had to get back to my friends whom i live with.

i'm a student and an orphan. i've lived in that same place that the kids live in for sixteen years of my life. i decided to leave because i don't feel mentally safe there anymore.

i'm more secure on my own and on my way to searching for a new home, i found a few friends—jeno, jisung and ten. they're my greatest treasure in life.

❝hey, haechan!❞ jeno waved a hand. he's busy throwing clothes in the basket.

meanwhile ten is out in front, feeding his cats. and jisung's just nowhere to be found. i'm guessing he's in his room again, just like always.

❝how was it?❞

❝terrible because i had to leave.❞ i complain while removing my shoes off. ❝i just hate those people who left their children out there. now they have no choice but to stay in a place they don't even like!❞

❝still that place keeps them alive, chan.❞ ten tapped my back.

but they should be given more!❞ i huff. ❝i hate their parents so much.❞

and yours too, right?❞

i nod. ❝right.❞

i was told that i was found at their doorstep. i was abandoned in the cold and had nothing on but a paper with my name written on it. of course they named me haechan and now i'm suffering life.

it's just so hard.

well, how about you come with me? i'll have to buy something for dinner.❞

i said yes since i had to keep my mind away from hatred anyway. so i put back my shoes on and locked arms with ten.

we sway together while we walk towards the wet market. it has been our tradition to go together and he buys me something that i like. that's why i love going there.

you're turning 18 tomorrow, right?❞

i nodded. ❝my fake birthday.

it's still your birthday. what do you want to have?❞

i grinned at him and said, ❝kimchi chiggae!❞

❝okay, you got it.❞

❝thank you ten! you're so good to me. you're like a real parent to me now.❞ i sigh.

i've been taken good care of since i left because he's here. he gives me something more than financial support but also emotional and physical. ten is just something that i truly treasure with all my heart.

jisung would love this.❞ he grabbed the crab and paid for it. he bought corn too for jeno and then he bought the recipe for kimchichiggae for me too.

i look around and find the wet market very noisy but the noise soothes something in me. i didn't like noise before but now that i'm finally out of that orphanage, i liked the noise. because it means i'm out and i am free.

unlike in there, we were told not to make any single noise. not one kid is allowed to play outside. they're stuck with books and maths. that's very cruel for children, you know?

that's why i left. but i did wait long enough to finally be able to come out from there. i mean, i tried sneaking out many many times but they just gave up when i turned sixteen.

chan, do you want this?❞ ten pointed at a snack and i nodded. then he paid for it.

he's not even that rich. but still he's more than willing to pay so much for me, for us. well, jeno helps him with the bills and all. but to even think about how he offers so much when he doesn't even know me and we don't share the same blood at all. it's amazing.

i brought everything that he was bringing and said, ❝this is the least i can help.❞

he smiled and patted my hair. i wait for him to finish and he's finally done a minute after.

we silently walk back together, admiring the beautiful view outside and the noise of the people from here. i've grown attached to this place since i don't know a single thing about a place outside.

❝how was the kids earlier, by the way?❞ ten suddenly asked.

well, i taught them things again. like english and math. but the most beautiful part is i sneakily played with them in their room.❞

he laughed so hard at that. ❝you're such a weirdo!❞

they enjoyed it a lot.❞ i smiled. ❝when i finish college, i will work hard and i will get them. i will raise them like my own.❞

that's a way to go, chan.❞ he ruffled my hair once again.

and i will hunt down their parents and kick their asses.❞

he laughed loudly again. ❝okay, okay. whatever you want to do.❞

❝i will make them safe. just like how you do it for me.❞ i linked arms with ten again and inhaled his warm scent surrounding me. ❝thank you so much for doing that, ten.❞

❝you're always welcome.❞ he tapped my arms.

when we reached home, jeno started cleaning the crab. jisung boiled water for the crab and then ten started to mince the spices.

chan? can you go grab some onion from the garden? i need two.❞

i immediately stood up and ran, ❝okay!❞

i move to our garden at the back which jeno cultivated and picked out onions. there were already many but i should let them grow more.

i found berries so i grabbed some of those too, to eat on the way back. i happily munched on them and thanked jeno inside my head.

a van pulled aside while i was walking upstairs. i think it might be ten's friends from work so i called him.

wait...❞ he replied.

i ran towards the van and smiled at them. oh, they're men in black and shades. they look beautiful too.

❝he didn't even gave us a hard time.❞ one man laughed and then the others started grabbing me making me shout immediately.

ten—❞ i was covered with cloth and the last thing i know, i was already fast asleep.


do you have him?❞ sir asked hurriedly.

i replied a quick, ❝yes. he's in the backseat.❞

❝did you hurt him?❞

❝not at all. he was fast asleep a second into the car.❞ i comforted him with that fact. ❝should we bring him to the mansion? or the hide out?❞

❝the mansion.❞ he replied.

got it, sir. we'll be there an hour from now.❞

❝keep him safe, no matter what."❞

❝got it.❞ i sigh afterwards.

i didn't even sweat in that.❞ jaemin chuckled and looked at the boy we have now. ❝he's adorable, isn't he?❞

don't even think about it.❞ chenle warned. they repositioned the boy towards the center and tied him up incase he wakes up soon.

should i drive, mark?❞ taeil asked. i shook my head and replied that i'm fine i  here even though i've been driving for hours now.

i dislike to be near that boy, that's why. i just don't like being too close with the people we're abducting, even when they're still sleeping. or i dislike new people at all.

you've been driving for hours.❞ taeil replied.

i'm really good here, hyung.❞

❝okay, whatever you say.❞ i focus on driving after he said that.

the night is slowly eating us up, which means i should focus more on driving. meanwhile the people at the back just had to be loud and singing.

the boy might wake up soon.❞ i remind them.

well, that wasn't a lie. he did wake up thirty minutes later and now he's looking so lost and scared. i disregarded him and drove our way out of here.

t-ten...❞ he sobbed on his palms. ❝i thought... you guys are his friends.❞

we don't even know who that is.❞ jaemin laughed.

❝yeah, you're the only one whom we wanted.❞ taeil said.

let me go, please? i'm... i'm still having dinner with them—❞

❝oh shut up, we'll buy dinner on our way out.❞ i yell at him. which made him sob even more.

mark!❞ jaehyun beside me, who just woke up too, slapped my arms. ❝we're not supposed to hurt him.❞

❝i didn't! i was just... speaking!❞

❝l-let me out. please? i'm not gonna tell anyone. i-i'll just walk back home... just please?❞ he pleaded while crying.

i looked at the mirror and found him with red cheeks and flowing tears. everyone that we've kidnapped did this but he's different. because this one is not someone we would torture. this one is an heir.

we're going out of your city, boy❞ i uttered sternly. ❝just hold it. i don't like noises while i drive.❞

come on mark you're being too harsh.❞ jaehyun warned me again. i just shrug him off.

this is what i do to everyone.

❝i-i still have the onion.❞ the boy cried so much. over the onion he has in his hands.

this has made everyone in the back laugh out in pure shock. even i couldn't believe that he's more concerned with the onion.

let me go.❞ he started pushing jaemin away and this is when he has to stop.

jaemin tightened the rope. chenle put a cover in his mouth and in his eyes. that doesn't hurt but sure it stirs up nervousness.

we're not gonna kill you.❞ taeil said to him. ❝we're just gonna bring you somewhere.❞

the words he was speaking were not clear but they didn't remove the cloth off of his mouth. we just left him crying there, taking in his emotions.

should we turn to drive thru?❞

jaehyun nodded. ❝let the boy eat. he's been crying since we had him here.❞

hey, what do you want?❞

jaemin removed the cloth and he yelled, ❝no. let me go!❞

❝don't try me. i will ask you one time—❞

❝i want the kimchichiggae! the one ten is cooking for me! i want that!❞ he cried in fear. ❝he bought that for me for my birthday. now i-i can't... even eat it. because you... did this to me. l-let me go!❞

❝we should've just let him sleep again.❞ taeil groaned in his seat.

chenle shook his head in disbelief.

but my heart was tingled.

we'll buy kimchichiggae.❞ i spoke quietly.

poor boy. he can't even have his birthday dish because he's here. but what else should we do? someone needs him. he's turning 18. he should've been trained by this time but he wasn't.

jaehyun pays for the kimchichiggae and he hands it to the back. the one serving food made him break down to tears, he couldn't even eat it.

poor boy.

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