Angel Who Has My Heart (canon...

By SvetlanaAlexandria

244 10 4

Ok, so this was originally posted in my Star Wars Imagines book. The story is based on a request that Allison... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 7

15 1 1
By SvetlanaAlexandria

Many years later, a ship was trying to escape from a Star Destroyer with stolen plans for the Death Star base that the Empire had constructed. As the Star Destroyer drew nearer to the ship, Leia picked up the plans and grabbed her sister Eirian and their friends Altheria Organa and Caelestis Kenobi and led them into an unused corridor. Going over to R2-D2, Leia gave him the plans and a message to give to her mother before telling him to go. After R2 left, a group of stormtroopers came into the corridor. As soon as they saw the group, they instantly surrounded them and led them to Darth Vader. "Lord Vader. We should have known that you would be involved in this somehow. We are on a diplomatic mission for the Imperial Senate. If our parents find out that any harm has come to us because of you, they won't be pleased. Especially my mother," Eirian said. "Who might your parents be, then? I'm sure that they won't be any match for the Empire," Vader said, smirking underneath his mask. "Caelestis is the son of Duchess Satine of Mandalore and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Altheria is the daughter of Bail Organa and Queen Breha of Alderaan. I and Leia are the daughters of Princess Alazne Kilaeon of Lullacaath. And I can assure you, she will not be forgiving. My mother will hunt you down through every corner of the galaxy if she must," Eirian replied. "Take them away," Vader said before walking away. As soon as he got to his room, he took his mask off and threw it on the floor. He sat in his bed and thought, "What have I done?" Meanwhile, on Alderaan, Alazne, Satine, Obi-Wan, Bail and Breha had just heard about the capture of Caelestis, Altheria, Eirian and Leia. They were all worried about what the Empire would do to them. R2 told them that they had managed to give him the plans for the Death Star before they were captured. "Thank you for getting them here safely, R2," Alazne told him with a smile. R2 beeped sadly.

"It wasn't your fault, R2. You didn't know that this would happen," Satine told him, knowing that he was worrying about them. "I think that I know of someone who might be able to help us. If he and his co-pilot are willing to help, I'll go and rescue Caelestis, Altheria, Eirian and Leia," Obi-Wan said, holding Satine's hand. "Are you sure that your plan will work, old friend?" Alazne asked, worried. "I'm sure that it will," Obi-Wan replied. "And I'm going to help you," they heard Luke say from behind Alazne. "And how are you going to do that?" Alazne asked, looking at her son. "Because I'm going with him. I want to help, Mom," Luke told her, his blue eyes sparkling with determination. "At times, you remind me so much of your father. Now being one of those timers. You have his stubbornness and determination to help others. But, if you go, I want you to promise me that you'll be careful and do whatever Obi-Wan tells you to do. understood?" Alazne asked. "I will, Mom. I know that you're worried about the others. I am too. That's why I want to help," Luke explained. Alazne smiled as Luke spoke. At times, so much of Anakin shone through when she looked at Luke. He was just as stubborn and determined as Anakin was. But also, just as kind-hearted and willing to help others. It made her miss Anakin a little. But he had chosen his path. However, there were still times when she wished that he could see how well their children had grown. "OK. You can go with Obi-Wan. But you had better be careful, Luke," Alazne told him. "I will be, mom. I'll make you proud," Luke replied as he hugged her. After they left Alderaan, Luke and Obi-Wan made their way to Tatooine. "Why are we here, Uncle Ben?" Luke asked as they walked through Mos Eisley. "We're here to meet someone who can help us. and this is the best place to start looking for him and his co-pilot," Obi-Wan replied, leading Luke towards one of the bars in the area.

As they walked inside, Obi-Wan led Luke to one of the tables in the corner of the bar and sat down. After introducing themselves, Obi-Wan explained the situation to Han and Chewbacca, and they both agreed to help. Han and Chewie led Luke, R2, C3-P0 and Obi-wan to the Falcon. Once they were all onboard, they made their way to the last known locations of Caelestis, Altheria, Eirian and Leia. As soon as they got there, the Falcon was caught in a tractor beam and taken aboard the Star Destroyer. Once aboard, they came up with a plan. Luke, along with Han, Chewbacca, R2 and 3PO would go and look for Caelestis, Altheria, Eirian and Leia. Meanwhile, Obi-Wan would try and find a way to disable the tractor beam. As they went their separate ways, Luke was worried. He wanted to help his siblings and best friends but was worried about what the Empire might do to them if they were caught. Once they got to one of the control rooms, R2 went to one of the controls and told Luke and the others where Caelestis, Altheria, Eirian and Leia were being held. He also said that there was an order for the four to be executed. Once Luke heard that he started to panic. After a while of persuasion, Han and Chewbacca agreed to help him. After a while of looking, the trio managed to find the cell block and helped Caelestis, Altheria, Eirian and Leia out of their cells. As once as they were released, Luke hugged his siblings tightly and they happily returned it. As Han, Luke and Chewbacca led Caelestis, Altheria, Eirian and Leia back to the Falcon, they hoped that Obi-Wan had managed to disable the tractor beam. As they got to the Falcon, they saw Obi-Wan fighting with Vader. Seeing the fight, Caelestis tried to go and help his father, but Altheria and Leia stopped him. They knew that Obi-Wan could handle it. Just then, they saw Obi-Wan lose his left hand.

Before Vader could strike the final blow, Obi-Wan used the force to push him back before picking up his lightsabre and running towards the Falcon. Once they were all aboard, Han and Chewie flew them away from the Star Destroyer and set the course for Yavin 4. As they waited to arrive at their destination, Caelestis hugged his father. "Once we get to Yavin 4, maybe I can build you a new hand, Uncle Ben?" Luke offered. "He could, Dad. You know that Luke is good at building things. You've said so yourself. He could build it for you and then we could get one of the medical droids to fit it for you," Caelestis added. "I'll gladly take you up on that offer, Luke. But we must get to Yavin 4 safely first," Obi-wan replied. Luke agreed with a smile, happy to be able to help his uncle. Once they arrived on Yavin 4, Caelestis, Altheria, Eirian and Leia went to see their parents whilst Luke started building a new hand for his uncle. A few hours later, Alazne found him placing the finishing touches on it. "Obi-Wan told me how you offered to build a new hand for him," she said as she sat down next to him. "I did. He lost his hand fighting Vader, and I thought it would be nice to build him a new one. It was only fair as he risked his life to help us," Luke replied. "Well, that's very sweet of you, Luke. And I know that he appreciates you doing this for him. We were just about to look over the plans for the Death Star and I said that I'd come and find you," Alazne told him. Luke nodded in acknowledgement before following his mother, picking up Obi-Wans new robotic hand as he went. After listening to Alazne and Mon Mothma talk about the plans and how to destroy the Death Star, the fighter pilots got ready to attack the Death Star. Luke and Caelestis decided to join them. Before they could, however, Alazne wanted to talk to Luke whilst Satine and Obi-Wan wanted to talk to Caelestis. "Luke, are you sure you want to do this?" she asked, worried about her son.

"I'm sure, Mom. And I know that you're worried about me. But I'll be fine, I promise," he replied, hugging her. Wrapping her arms around him, Alazne couldn't help but feel her worry get worse. "OK. If you're sure, Luke. But be careful out there," Alazne said, looking her son in the eyes. Luke smiled, hugging her again before running off to give Obi-Wan his new robotic hand. When Luke learnt that Han and Chewie were leaving, he felt sad. He had become quite good friends with the pair in the short time that he had known them. But he knew that they had their reasons for leaving. Before Luke got into his X-wing, Han wished him luck. As the pilots made their attack on the Death Star, Luke saw that many of his fellow pilots had been shot down. "Luke, be careful. You have Vader and some of his cronies are on your tail. I'll try and hit as many of them as I can but no guarantees," Caelestis explained. "OK. Thanks, Caelestis," Luke replied, making his way towards the exhaust port on the Death Star. As Vader tried to shoot Luke down, the Falcon arrived and helped Caelestis to knock all the ships out of the way. With no distractions from people trying to shoot him down, Luke was able to shoot a torpedo into the Death Star and Luke, Caelestis and Han flew off before the Death Star blew up. Once back on Yavin 4, Luke, along with Caelestis, Han and Chewbacca were awarded medals for their heroism. They knew that the Empire would strike back. They just hoped that they would be prepared for when they did. 

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