By SachinAnthony_08

45 3 0

An old folktale that was just a bedtime story to many children who love the taste of murder-mystery or fear... More



19 3 0
By SachinAnthony_08

               The day is always enthusiastic to the people of Brightbury, as they let their inner spirit of confidence on jogging. It's 21st May, a normal morning walk for Eddie as usual with his close friend aka dog, called Markus. They were out for a morning walk near the paved road which takes to two routes, one is towards the woods which has a dark secret and another is to visit the magnificent waterfall named St.Louie.

                He was not aware that what he was going to witness will destroy the record of happiness of the town and no one can expect it as he witnesses a body of a child strangled to death, and it was a perfect art of crime as the body has been dismantled everywhere. Witnessing the event of a crime, was unexpected to Eddie and he calls Sheriff. There we go, the first murder in the town which was ranked as the safest town in the UK last week, and now I guess it's just a disaster to them.

                   A whole team of police was deployed near the crime scene and Sheriff John Lawson, an ordinary person whose secrets are hidden in the tombstones on the outskirts of town arrives magnificently with a cigar in his hand.

                Assistant Deputy Maria Ramirez was an enigmatic figure in the sheriff's office, quietly operating under the radar with an air of mystery that left many curious about her past. In her mid-30s, Maria possessed an unwavering determination and a keen intellect that matched her commanding presence. With a sharp mind and an eye for detail, Maria's role as the sheriff's assistant went beyond mere administrative tasks. She was the backbone of the operation, meticulously organizing and managing the sheriff's affairs, ensuring that his dark secrets remained buried deep within the shadows.

                    Maria had a complicated history, shrouded in whispers and speculation. Rumors suggested that she had once been an undercover agent, skilled in the art of deception and gathering intelligence. Her past experiences had honed her instincts, making her an invaluable asset to the sheriff. Her loyalty to the sheriff was unwavering, and she had a deep understanding of his motivations and objectives. Maria was a trusted confidante, privy to the inner workings of his illicit empire. She possessed an uncanny ability to anticipate his needs, discreetly manipulating situations to his advantage.

                 Despite her reserved nature, Maria's presence commanded respect. Her calm demeanor and exceptional problem-solving skills made her an integral part of the sheriff's dark operation. She kept her secrets close to her chest, a master of hiding her true intentions beneath a professional facade. In the town of Brightbury, Maria Ramirez remained an enigma—a figure whose past remained obscured, yet whose loyalty to the sheriff and ability to maneuver through the shadows was undeniable.

                   Sheriff said, "Maria, pull an autopsy report of this freak on my table tonight and call their parents. It's time to invoke Plan B and notify Mayor Edward and I don't want any media to uncover the fact of murder" She smiled, "Duly noted, Sheriff. By the way, what about our witness Eddie?" He laughs maniacally, "You know what to do!" She tells her colleagues to exit the crime scene, called Dr. Elizabeth Anderson who's her best friend for life or should I say, her fiancée.

                 Dr. Elizabeth Anderson was a highly skilled and renowned forensic pathologist, entrusted with the responsibility of conducting autopsies for the sheriff's office. With her sharp intellect and unwavering dedication to her profession, she became the go-to doctor for unraveling the mysteries concealed within the lifeless bodies that crossed her examination table.

                    Dr. Anderson possessed a commanding presence and a discerning eye for detail. Her expertise extended beyond the realm of medical science; she had an innate ability to extract information from the silent testimonies left by the deceased. With each autopsy, she embarked on a meticulous journey, meticulously documenting her findings to bring justice to the victims and closure to their families. Her calm demeanor and unwavering professionalism instilled confidence in the sheriff and his team. Dr.Anderson understood the importance of her role in the pursuit of justice, and she carried out her duties with precision and integrity. Her dedication went beyond the confines of her office walls; she made herself available at all hours, ready to assist the sheriff with her expert insights and testimony in court.

                    Dr. Anderson's reputation extended far beyond the sheriff's office. She was recognized as a leading authority in her field, often sought after for her expertise in high-profile cases. Despite the grim nature of her work, she maintained a compassionate approach, treating each body with the respect it deserved. In the dark underbelly of the sheriff's investigations, Dr. Elizabeth Anderson stood as a pillar of truth, striving to unravel the secrets hidden within the deceased. Her commitment to justice and her unwavering pursuit of truth made her an invaluable ally to the sheriff, as together they worked to bring closure to the victims and to shed light on the darkest corners of the human experience.

                        She exclaims, "This is evil. A pure satanic cult or some fan of Netflix who can do like this fucking crime" Maria smiles, "Honey, this is just an act of exaggeration I guess, but Sheriff exclaims for an autopsy report and he needs it by tonight" "Tonight?" asks Elizabeth who's confused as she knows that the autopsy report for the illegal encounter by Sheriff is covered like 5 days later. She continues, "Is he crazy?" "You know my boss! He's always crazy and it took me a year to come out of his stupid mediocrity for the crimes he committed has not been revealed yet. I just hope I can kill him and become Sheriff" said Maria. "You will! The body is departed to abode, a place where they can investigate further.

                    Simultaneously, four friends called themselves Emily, David, Mark, and Sarah. These four friends who hail from Oxford University enter the town with a bright notion to complete their assignment. The condition is to write a novel by visiting one of the towns in London. The theme is said to be teen fiction or horror.

                        Emily and David's relationship bloomed amidst the vibrant campus life, their hearts entwined in a tapestry of youthful love. Sparks flew as their laughter filled the hallways, and their shared intellectual curiosity sparked endless conversations. They explored the world together, from impromptu road trips to heartfelt late-night conversations under starlit skies. Their love thrived on mutual support and encouragement, celebrating each other's achievements and offering solace during moments of doubt. With every stolen glance and gentle touch, they discovered a profound connection that transcended the boundaries of college life.

                    Mark and Sarah, two college students, shared an exquisite secret bond hidden from the world. Their hearts entwined in a clandestine dance, their stolen glances igniting a symphony of emotions. In the crowded lecture halls, they sat side by side, their fingertips brushing in whispered reassurance. The library became their refuge, where hushed conversations and shared secrets painted the canvas of their love story. Amid the chaos of exams and deadlines, stolen moments in secluded gardens and moonlit walks became their cherished treasures. A delicate veil of secrecy enveloped them, adding an intoxicating allure to their forbidden love affair.

                 "Are we in the right place?" asked Emily. "I'm sure, this is it" replied Mark. "I hope they afford the best rooms and as discussed, I and Emily will share the room, but I don't know what you guys planned?" replied David. "We know that you're lovebirds. I and David will share the room, and remember we're just friends" said Sarah. "The next day, we could comment on Friends with Benefits" replied Emily. "Savvy joke, where's your friend? The one with spectacles who said will help us!" asked Mark. "What's his name?" asked David. "Sam" smiled Emily.

                   Who's Samuel? His intellect shone like a beacon, adorned with kindness that flowed like a gentle river. He possessed a quiet strength, a master of concealing emotions. Behind his calm facade, a secret lay dormant, veiled from prying eyes. He never let his guard down, the weight of his past silently shaping his every move. Yet, his genuine warmth touched the lives of those around him, like rays of sunlight breaking through stormy clouds. Deep within, a reservoir of untold stories waited, locked away by walls built to protect fragile scars. His enigmatic presence left others yearning to unravel the mystery of the unshed tears.

                    I am Samuel, who has unraveled the mysteries of town, but no one takes me in, because of Sheriff John who suppressed my rebellion, my truth. In other words, I knew Emily since kindergarten but since my parents passed away, I was adopted by Trevor and Elise. But, how do we know each other yet? Well, I had a picture of Emily where I used to play with her cups, a cup date. One of the pictures taken by Mom, buried in my secrets is still safe. Later, I searched social media and there we go, we became best online friends through Instagram.

                      A ping in my phone as I was working at Núevé Café, the best café nestled within the heart of the town, the café exuded an irresistible charm. Its entrance is adorned with intricate vines and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafts through the air. The cozy interior boasted rustic wooden tables and comfortable armchairs, inviting patrons to sink into their warmth. Soft, ambient lighting danced across the walls, creating an intimate ambiance. The menu featured an array of delectable treats, from flaky pastries to rich, velvety lattes. The café hummed with conversations and the clinking of cups, a haven where stories unfolded and friendships bloomed. Time seemed to slow, as the outside world faded, and tranquility enveloped every sip.

                   This is the café where I met the love of my life. She's so beautiful that her beauty can't be compared to others. In other words, she's gifted with words of poetry and an act of kindness. Blessed with lovely parents who never say anything about us, who knew my past, always welcome me with a smile.

                    She is Sabrina, my girlfriend, and was a kaleidoscope of captivating qualities. With her radiant smile and eyes that held galaxies, she possessed a spirit that danced with endless enthusiasm. Her laughter echoed like sweet melodies, effortlessly brightening even the darkest of days. Her heart overflowed with compassion, embracing the broken and soothing their souls with unwavering kindness. She was a pillar of strength, providing unwavering support, and a safe harbor amidst life's storms. Her intelligence was a beacon, inspiring minds and igniting conversations. In her presence, I felt seen, understood, and loved. Sabrina was my muse, my confidante, and the love that set my world ablaze....

                                      PING!!! That's a notification alert from Emily as I think they are here. Took out my old hoodie, and walked across the pavement where the crime scene has been totally erased away. But as I was walking, I saw a kid's watch which was broken but I guess it could be useful for my investigation as I love adventure, a taste of spy or could I say, I was blessed with a gene of spy. I shared with them the park location and I was happy to see Emily for the second time as the last stop was Christmas. I embraced her with a cheek kiss, and I know it'll make David jealous but he was cool.

                     I wavered each other with a smile, and as I came from the café, a few cupcakes could be an answer or gesture of welcoming them to town. They loved the cupcakes, and I said, "So, a novel project as I heard from Emily. I guess, the University thinks that we all are adventurers of the world" "Friends, that's Sam, my kindergarten friend and also my online comforter" smiled Emily. I was flattered, "Well, thank you, Emily. So, I guess you all are ready for big adventures" "This guy talks a lot!" whispered Mark to Sarah. Sarah giggles, "Well, I guess we should buy a plaster of Paris or we could just drown him in the river". David was smiling at their silly comments as he walks towards me, "So, Sam! Old hoodie isn't it? I guess, café is your abode, orphan!" It disturbed me, but it was all right as I was bullied from childhood and I knew Emily will help out but instead she was laughing and it did hurt me.

                   I smiled, "Well, I don't understand...But, here are the room keys to my lodge. I hope you guys enjoy the stay and wish you good luck with your novel. Remember, the town has its own secrets and I suggest you and your friends, not be outside at late night or you'll end up in hell" Mark laughed, "Thanks for the tip, orphan!" I was emotional, so without further delay of sadness or tears, I said, "Well, I'm nearby the lodge but just 2 blocks away. Anything you require which is helpful, you can call me" and I walked away towards the café.

               Meanwhile, Dr.Elizabeth along with Maria pulled out the astonishing report, the report which couldn't be described or put in perfect words. Thus, the body is identified as a child, named Peter Jules of Grade 5. The report says,

Name: Peter Jules

Age: 10

Grade: 5

Date of Death:

Preliminary Findings: 05/21/2022

The autopsy was conducted on the body of a fifth-grade child who tragically lost their life under mysterious circumstances. The deceased's body exhibits several anomalies that warrant further investigation. Notably, the cause of death appears to be consistent with a violent encounter, suggestive of external trauma.

Physical Examination:

Upon examination, the body displayed various injuries consistent with a struggle. Deep lacerations and contusions were found across multiple regions, indicating a vicious attack. The severity and pattern of these wounds suggest an assailant of considerable strength and agility. Strangely, peculiar symbols and markings of unknown origin were etched onto the victim's skin, adding an eerie dimension to this already perplexing case.

Further Investigation:

Given the nature of this case, an extensive investigation will be conducted to explore the alleged involvement of the mysterious creature called Slender Man. Collaboration with paranormal experts and law enforcement agencies will be crucial in unraveling the truth behind this tragic event.


The death of this fifth-grade child is shrouded in mystery. Further analysis and investigation are necessary to uncover the full extent of this supernatural phenomenon and shed light on the circumstances surrounding this disturbing tragedy.

Disclaimer: This report is confidential and intended for official use only.

                        "So, you are saying that this is not a coincidence of the town's history?" asked Maria. "I hope so. The poor child who lost his soul but had a bright future ahead" replied Dr.Elizabeth. "Since you ruled out it's a supernatural phenomenon. Do you think our Sheriff, the main antagonist will accept the fact?" asked Maria. "I don't know, honey! But, I just hope further investigation is carried out before it misleads to more murder" said Dr. Elizabeth. Maria kisses her farewell, took the autopsy report, and walked over to the car with a beautiful smile on her face. Dr.Elizabeth being happy, bids farewell and closes the center, exactly almost at 9 pm.

                    Meanwhile, I was disturbed by the fact of being called an Orphan by her friends and moreover, felt the betrayal of Emily, who knocked on the door of my house. Isabella 'Bella' Thompson, who was dressed up for a date, opens the door....

                      'So, Isabella 'Bella' Thompson, with her infectious laughter and sparkling hazel eyes, brings vibrant energy wherever she goes. At the age of 17, she possesses a magnetic personality that effortlessly draws people in. With cascading chestnut curls that frame her face, Bella exudes an effortless charm and natural grace. Her compassionate nature is evident in her interactions, as she always lends a listening ear and offers genuine empathy. A talented artist, Bella's creative spirit shines through her expressive paintings, capturing the essence of emotions and translating them onto the canvas. Beneath her gentle demeanor lies a determined spirit, ready to conquer any challenge that comes her way. Moreover, she's not my step-sister but indeed a sister to me who also lost the same parents.'

                    I call her Bella and she sensed my emotions, "So, you're called an Orphan right?" "Good thinking! I'm not ready to talk about it! Leave me alone!" said Sam. She smiled, "Very well, I'm on a date with George and we're going to visit a café and will go to the park." I replied, "You know the lockdown rules, it's not safe at night" She sighs, "Brother, I'm the same as you, so you better man up and move on." As she leaves me, I enter my room and my mom shouts for dinner. A quick facewash, amidst the pain, a smile on my face, and sat on the chair for dinner. My parents didn't ask anything because they don't know about it but we were talking each other, just another family casual talk.

                        Meanwhile, Dr. Elizabeth on her way back home, her mind still occupied with the mysteries she had unraveled that day. As the clock struck 10 pm, an unsettling presence enveloped the air. Suddenly, a chilling figure emerged from the shadows—Slender Man. With long, slender limbs and a faceless countenance, the creature advanced with unnatural grace, targeting Dr. Elizabeth. Paralyzed with fear, she felt a surge of adrenaline, but it was too late.

                  Slender Man's tendrils wrapped around her, suffocating her cries for help. As the life drained from her, her vast knowledge and expertise vanished, leaving a void in the world of forensic pathology. Dr. Elizabeth's tragic demise serves as a haunting reminder of the terrifying forces lurking in the darkness, ready to claim even the most brilliant minds.

                        Bella and George, excited for their evening stroll in the park, held hands as they walked down the moonlit path. The air was filled with anticipation and the scent of blooming flowers. However, as they approached a secluded section of the park, an eerie silence settled upon them. Their footsteps slowed, sensing something amiss. Their eyes widened in horror as they discovered a lifeless body lying motionless on the ground. The tranquility of the evening shattered in an instant. Bella's hand flew to her mouth in shock, while George instinctively reached for his phone to alert the authorities. The body, pale and lifeless, bore haunting marks of violence. Fear and disbelief washed over them, forever changing the course of their peaceful date night.

                      While I being the eldest one, knew that Bella is in danger and the authorities were being alerted. I take my hoodie and left the house without a proper talk to my parents since I was in a hurry. I can sense that she may exhibit supernatural powers since last witnessed when our parents died.

                          While, Maria who was unaware of the situation, was in the Sheriff's office handing over the autopsy report to him. They were discussing and wanted to end up with a big conclusion if the report is true to its fact or just another mystery. But, distress call from Bella & George ended up to their office. Her heart sank as she recognized the address—the place where her beloved fiancée, Dr. Elizabeth, resides. Panic gripped her as she rushed to the scene, praying for a different outcome. As she arrived, the flashing lights of emergency vehicles illuminated the night, casting an eerie glow. With trembling hands, Maria pushed through the gathered crowd, and her worst fears were confirmed. There, lying lifeless on the ground, was Dr. Elizabeth, her body still and cold. Tears streamed down Maria's face as she knelt beside her, unable to comprehend the cruel reality before her. Her grief mixed with a fierce determination, vowing to find the truth and bring justice for the woman she loved.

                        Witnessing another mysterious murder, Sheriff John was worried about his honor. While, I who arrived at the right moment, sighed to relief that they were safe. I embraced Bella, "So, wanna go out?" She laughs and embraces me, "Not again, Sam!" George was confused, "Hi, I'm George, the boyfriend of Bella. I said, "Well, George I hope you enjoyed the evening but I suggest you better return home, and don't worry, you'll go on multiple dates." He bids goodbye to Bella with a kiss, totally acceptable as I laugh in tears but fear grips me as I was sure that this mystery should be uncovered again and maybe me being back on track of finding the answer.

                       An unsettled spirit of fear has holdtight in the towns, where the grip of reality is far believing than making it alie, thus without further ado, the question of doubt in the minds of people isfaithless. All we can expect is that how did she die? Do we find the criminaland will her death bring justice to town as well as the mysterious child deathcan be revealed or not? 

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