Tales of the alien hero (Disc...

By Karnage_kult

61.9K 1.4K 567

Unlike the rest of humanity, Izuku didn't unlock his quirk at the age of 4, but instead, at the age of 10. A... More

Izuku's bio
Harem pt.1
Sound Vs Liquid
10 months to be a hero
Ultimate beat'em up
Ultimate forms pt.1
First day + new batch
Second batch
The hunt
Looks like you've seen a ghost
Getting to know them
U.S.J smack down
Meeting Azmuth
Harem pt.2
The Festival begins
The shining prey
One is many
Beat Fire with Fire
Festival cut short
Put a name to the face
Old man wisdom
The phantom in hosu
Class adjustment and fusion power

The watch

4.5K 90 33
By Karnage_kult

"Sorry for your loss, kid." The teacher told Izuku, handing him his test score. '22/90...' Izuku thought with a depressed look and sighed, then left the class. Ever since his dad died, everything had been rolling down hill, his test scores, his relationship with his mother(not like that).

He walked along the route he occasionally took to get back home. Unaware to Izuku, something was entering the Earth's atmosphere and was barrelling straight for him."Target: Izuku Midoriya". The sound of a whistle rang in Izuku's ears, but he ignored it until something flew past his eyes, and he then heard...


A crater was left in front of him, and Izuku loomed over the crater as he looked into it. He saw a metal ball. Suddenly, the ground under him collapsed, making him fall into the crater. The metal ball opened, a green luminouscent glow emitted from it, and Izuku stood up and looked inside the ball. "A watch?" Izuku said, raising an eyebrow and putting his left hand into the ball to get the watch out, but the watch suddenly came to life and wrapped around Izuku's wrist.

Izuku freaked out. He waved his arm about trying to get it off but stopped when he heard a voice coming the watch. "Greetings, Izuku Midoriya. I am Azmuth, one of the smartest beings in this universe." Izuku looked at the watch. A hologram was projected from it, and the thing that was on it, Azmuth, looked like a human toad. "The device this message is recorded on is the Omnitrix. It is a DNA bank that allows you the ability to transform into over a million aliens. Now, the reason why I am giving it to you is because of your father. Hisashi was... a very dear friend." Azmuth said with a grieving look on his face, and the hologram disappeared. Izuku looked at the watch he was still confused and freaked out.

Izuku pressed a small button, and a hologram shot up from the symbol in the middle. It was an alien with four arms. "Wonder what'll happen if I..." Izuku pressed down on the hologram as a green glow encased Izuku.

As quickly as the green glow appeared, it was gone, and so was Izuku, but in his place was a four armed goliath. "This feels... Cool!" Izuku said, flexing his bulky arms, and he walked out the crater in his new alien body."Wonder what I should call you? Four arms? No, that's too simple. How about Goliath!" Izuku said as he walked through the streets until he heard the screeching tires of a van turning a tight corner.

A van was charging right towards him, and almost on instinct, Izuku put his rams in front of him and...


The sound of something breaking alerted Izuku, believing it to be one of his arms, but when he looked down, he saw that it was the road that had been broken. "Woah, Goliath's strong and durable." Izuku muttered with a small smile as he finally realised something, he could finally do it. He could finally be a hero.

The driver of the van burst out from the car holding his head in his hands. "Sir, are you alright? Didn't mean to hurt you if I did." Izuku said and attempted to put his hand on the driver, but he then heard someone shout out,"Put Hand Up!" Izuku thought the officer was talking to him, so he shot all 4 arms into the air, but the driver ran away. "Not you, the driver!" The officer shouted."Ohhhhhh." Izuku said and quickly grabbed the driver with no effort."Here you go, officer!" Izuku said with a smile and put the driver in front of the police car.

"Thanks, uh, kid?" The officer raised an eyebrow at Izuku. He couldn't tell if he was a teen or not because Izuku was even taller than he was. "Yeah, I'm a kid." Izuku said and left the officer and the arrested driver and went back to getting home. "Wait, how do I get out of this transformation?" Izuku questioned himself, looking around his body and then at the symbol on his chest."Maybe if I press this?" Izuku wondered and pressed the symbol, the same green glow that encased him before covered him again, and he was transformed back into his normal human self again.

"Thank god!" Izuku said and went on his merry way back home. Once he got back home, he saw his mom in the kitchen and immediately went up to her and hugged her. "Izuku? You haven't done that in a while. Did something good happen?" Inko asked her son with a look of surprise, Izuku had always been in a depressed mood. This was rare. Izukku nodded and said, "Watch this." He turned the Omnitrix on, and the Goliath's hologram popped up."Wait a second!-" Izuku transformed into Goliath, and Inko stared at her son's transformation in amazement and shock. "So, what do you think? Pretty cool, huh?" Izuku asked her."Yeah, pretty cool. Who gave you the Omnitrix?" Inko asked her son.

"Well, Azmuth did- wait, how did you know what the Omnitrix was called?" Izuku asked his mother. She looked like she was about to cry. "It belonged to Hisashi. He showed me so many wonderful things with it." Inko said as tears began to roll down her face. Izuku pressed the symbol and transformed back to his normal self. "Do you think that's why Azmuth gave it to me?" Izuku asked her."Probably, and I know he made the right choice because you had the same look as he did on his face when he showed me the Omnitrix for the first time." She said with a grasping voice, choking on her tears. Izuku embraced his mother again. Inko embraced him as well, and although they didn't speak to each other at that moment, they understood each other.

Chapter end

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