Fighting for The Eradicator

Por Casanova702

21.6K 656 15

Cassandra is the daughter of the famous Triple H. As she works as Director of Creative for WWE. This is where... M谩s

Check Mate
Date Night with the Nightmare
Not Finished
Fight for us
What about Us
Thoughts and Prayers
Life away from home.
A Reminder
Fixing us
bad things comes in threes
I need you
Believing you
Dying Wish
Your Rubber Band
Don't Let Me Fall
Teasing and Jealousy

Meeting Her

2.5K 46 0
Por Casanova702

Cassandra POV
    For the past 3 years I have worked in the WWE universe next to my grandfather Vince and my Father Paul or well known as Triple H. I'm currently running creative with my dad but mostly I am the one running things as my dad wants to retire from creative. I was currently running behind as I got stuck in traffic. It's currently Wrestlemania 37 and I'm supposed to be running the whole thing and I'm running behind, what a great first day. Once I reach my Office, I quickly throw everything on my desk as I run to change into my new suit. I look at myself in the mirror as I look over the new blood red suit that I had custom tailored for me. I run back out to the main part of the office, trying to place my red bottom heels on, jumping around in the process. As I am doing this I hear a laugh coming from the entrance of the office. I whip my head to look over, seeing a very tall, muscular , blonde hair woman standing in my doorway. I stood up as I got my shoe on and walked over to my desk as she walked into my office. " I'm sorry I'm usually not like this, what can I do for you?" I smiled as I looked into her bright blue eyes as she smiled in return. " Oh nothing, I just wanted to come here and introduce myself to you as I dont think Ive formally met you. I'm Rhea Ripley, But you can call me Demi if you'd like." She held out her hand for me to shake. I grab her hand to feel the roughness of her palms and the softness of her back hand. "I'm Cassandra, but I go by Cas. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. My father talks highly of you. This is your first mania right?" She nods her head in agreement, as you can see the nervousness radiate from her. I looked over her gear as she was also wearing alot of red and she had Ripley running down her pant leg. " I have to head to the gorilla, walk with me?" I ask her as I grab my phone and tablet off of my desk, shooting her a quick look. "It would be my pleasure Cas." She smiles at me as we both walk out of the office and down the long hallway. "So tell me, who is Rhea Ripley?" I nudged her shoulder as I asked her, receiving a light heartful laugh coming from her. "Well I'm 24 years old and I'm from Australia. I started wrestling when I was very young and fell in love with it. I was a huge fan of WWE growing up and your father was one of the biggest inspirations for me to continue. But I went to the May Young classic , moved on to NXT UK where I was the first women's champion, from there I went to NXT where I was also a title winner, And now I'm here. Tonight I have a big match with Auska for the Raw Women's Championship. I also have two dogs ,Barry and Luna ,and a lovely cat back home." She told me as she then pulled out her phone to show me her little family. I smiled at her as we continued making conversation, her hand brushing against mine a few times. It felt like sparks everytime she grazed the back of mine. " So what about you, how is the life of a WWE director?" She shot me a smirk as I rolled my eyes at her. " I love it honestly, to be able to travel all over the world is truly the dream for so many people. Working with my family is another thing, I love my dad and being able to run everything but you guys sure know how to make everything stressful. I'm the eldest daughter of Paul and Stephanie, I'm 23 years old and I currently have one dog at home, his name is Zeus." I turned on my phone to show her a picture of my dog. "Oh my goodness he's such a huge shepherd." I chuckled at the thought of Zeus, he's the sweetest dog there ever could be. As we walked into the gorilla I was pushed towards Demi, who caught me in her arms as she just smiled slightly down at me. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be shoved when I walked in." She just smiled as she let me pull away from her. " It's not a big deal, I'll catch you anyday." she winked at me as she walked away and over towards the other wrestlers here. I blushed as I turned around to see no one other than Bayley and Sonya. I put on a fake smile as I tried to walk around them to look over the monitors, But I was stopped when Bayley put her hand around my wrist tightly. " What was that all about Cassandra, I thought I made it clear on my feelings for you." I looked at her as anger was the only emotion displaying in her eyes, as I then shot a quick look over at Sonya who gave me a sorry look. I knew that Sonya only followed Bayley around because of the storyline my father gave them and that Bayley is basically a bully. "Bayley, I understand that you have feelings for me and I respect that. But I made it quite clear where my feelings stood on you. Now please let go of my wrist, you're hurting me." She just looked at me with now rage in her face as she gripped my wrist tighter, causing me to wince as I tried to pry her hand off. "B, that's enough come on, you're hurting her," Soyna tried to reason with her as she placed her hand on Bayleys shoulder. Bayley was about to say some when an arm was placed around my shoulder tightly as it pulled me into them. I looked over to see a very pissed off Rhea standing next to me. "Is there a problem here? Because I think I heard Cas over here saying to let go Bayley." Dominance filled Demis' voice as she stood over Bayley with her jaw locked in place.She looked intimidating but also extremely hot as I watched her stare down Bayley. Bayley raised my wrist and let it go in front of Demi's face. It must have pissed her off because Demi quickly let me go and got right into Bayleys face as Bayley got right into hers. I quickly grabbed Demi's hand as I tried to pull her away. "Come on Dems, It's not worth it. Don't fight out here, take it out in the ring against Auska." Demi squeezed my hand in return, not letting it go as she walked back over to who she was talking to, dragging me alongside her. "Ill be back for you Cassandra, and Ripley watch you fucking back." Bayley yelled over at us as I watched them leave, Sonya mouthing "Im Sorry" at me as she waved. I felt bad for her because I can tell Bayley is making her life absolutely miserable. I looked down at my hand to see that Demi is still holding it, rubbing soft circles over the backside of my hands. She breaks her conversation with Drew, as she leans slightly over to me. "I'm sorry that I got into her face, I just saw how she was talking to you and then how she didnt listen when you asked her to stop. I couldn't help myself but get involved." She gave me a sympathetic smile as her bright blue eyes went a shade darker as she talked to me. I smiled at her looking into her eyes as I'm sure my eyes were a shade darker as well. " No need to apologize to Dems. She's been acting like this for a while now. She told me a few weeks ago that she was head over heels for me and wanted to take me out. I don't share the same feelings for her. She's just also not the type of woman I'm attracted to. So she freaked out on me and every woman that has ever talked to me or anything, she gets all jealous and scares them away." Demi stood there as she listened to what I was saying, she looked at me like I was the only person in the room. "Well good thing I walked over when I did, I don't back down. So if she isn't your type then what is?" She raised her eyebrow at me as I stared at her running my tongue across my teeth. Iwalked up to her so close that if she moved an inch, our lips would touch. I flicked my eyes up to hers , back to her lips , and to her eyes again. "Maybe if you stay around long enough you'll find out. Good luck on your match Ripley." I quickly kissed her cheek as her moment to walkout on stage was now. I quickly pulled away and stepped to the side as she looked at me with wide eyes. She ran towards the curtain as she heard New Years Day start playing her music. I walked over to the curtain as she shot me one more before she went out. I smiled as I waved at her, she smiled brightly at me, shooting me a wink.

I had to go and handle a few things as Demi was still out in her championship match. Of course I had two wrestlers get injured so I had to go and see what happened. As I was walking down the hallway my phone went off, as I looked down, someone shoulder checked me. I looked up to see no one other than Edge looking at me with disgust on his face. "Watch where the hell you are going next time, you ran right into my injured shoulder. Actually better yet how about you leave this profession and bring on someone who is older and can actually do their job right." He was right into my face as I stood my ground. I don't know what I did to this man but he has never liked me once I started to have power in creating storylines and in matches. " How about you actually start winning some matches and proving that the hall of famer that you are deserves to still be here. Now get out of my face before I suspend your ass." He rolled his eyes at me one more time as he pushed me against the wall before he walked away. "Fucking Asshole." I mumbled under my breath as I walked back towards the gorilla. I walk in to see on the monitors that Demi has Auska pinned. "1,2,3. And here is your winner, and new Raw Women's Champion Rhea Ripley!." I smiled proudly as I watched her hold the title above her head as she screamed with the crowd. She looked so happy and proud of herself. A few minutes pass and she walks into the gorilla as the other wrestlers cheer for her as she celebrates back here. We make eye contact as she smiles over to me and waves, I smile back. "Ahh so You and Ripley huh." I jumped as Becky stood next to watching everything that just happened. I laughed as I crossed my arms and looked at her. " She's just a friend, Becks, Nothing more and nothing less." Becky rolled her eyes at me as she looked at me once more. " Yeah, sure. That's like me saying me and Seth are just friends. Admit it you find her attractive. She's your type after all Cas. Why not give it a shot with her?" I bit my lip and looked back over at Demi, who was talking to Liv Morgan. She looked beautiful, even with her blonde hair all messed up and her lipstick was smeared. But her muscles looked huge and she looked like a real champ right now. "Alright you win Becks, I find her extremely attractive. But I don't even know if she's openly gay or if she's gay in general. Which in question, how did you know she was my type?" Becky placed her hand on my shoulder as she looked at me with a smile on her face. " I actually didn't , but I sure do know now." With that she walked away from me and over towards Demi. I shook my head as I bit my lip, knowing that I fell right into her trap. I looked over to see that Demi was making her way to me as she smiled softly at me. "Congratulations Ripley, Or should I say Champ." I pointed at the title she had laying over her shoulder. She laughed as she looked at the title and back at me shrugging her shoulders. " Oh you mean this old thing, I guess. But You know what, Champ does sound good coming from you." I blush slightly at her response as we both turn to head over to photos so we can announce the win. "I meant to say this earlier but um somebody decided to distract me, but you look absolutely beautiful tonight Cas." She says to me as she smiles down at me, causing me to blush even more. " Thank you Demi, I could say the same thing about you. But I didn't want to distract you more than I already did" I nudged her shoulder as we both walked into the room where the pictures were being taken. She rolled her eyes hard at me as she was called over to take new renders for the website. I will say that a title looks good on her, like she was born to have one on her at all times. I guess I was lost in thought when I heard Demi call for me. I looked over to her as she gave me a confused and worried face. "Yes I'm sorry, I was lost in my own thoughts for a moment." Demi shook her head as the photographer smiled at me. "Get in here," I set down my things as I walked over to Demi as she held the title in one hand and stretched her hand out for me. I reached for hers, which she then pulled me closer to her as she placed her hand around my waist pulling me tightly to her. After we finished taking pictures , we both walked back to my office. The walk was silent but it was a comfortable silence. I thought alot about what Becky said to me earlier and how I should just take the chance with her. I mean I think that she is at least Bi as she held my hand, allowed me to kiss her, and has been openly flirting with me all night. I got lost in my thoughts again because Demi placed her hand on my bicep as her thumb rubbed across my skin. "Hey Cas are you okay?" I looked at her as her eyes were so blue and they held something in them. I just could read them. "Would you like to go on a date with me, I understand if you aren't interested or that you don't even like women but I thought I would at least '' Before I could even finish what I was saying, she pulled me into her , crashing her lips on mine. It took me a minute to realize what was happening but I quickly began to kiss her back. It was like everything was slow motion between us,how our lips moved like magic. It felt so perfect between us, as she held my waist and my hands caressing her face. "Yes."

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