The Untamed Series 3: Love Af...

By Adrianne_Quinzel

771 19 1

Can two identities coexist in harmony, or is there a deeper, more mysterious connection at play? " We like ea... More

Chapter 1: Abandoned
Chapter 2: An Ally
Chapter 3: Unmasked
Chapter 4: Sunshot Campaign
Chapter 5: Cold Cave
Chapter 7: Unexpected Encounter
Chapter 8: Affection
Chapter 9: Moments
Chapter 10: Truth and Lies
Chapter 11: Unmatched
Chapter 12: Deception
Chapter 13: Double
Chapter 14: Suspicions
Chapter 15: Together
Chapter 16: Suibian
Chapter 17: Selfish Desires
Chapter 18: Want
Chapter 19: Another shard
Chapter 20: Obsession
Chapter 21: Rumors
Chapter 22: Complexity
Chapter 23: Distraction
Chapter 24: Friendship
Chapter 25: Lutos Pier
Chapter 26: Visit
Chapter 27: Letter
Chapter 28: Defiance
Chapter 29: Our End?
Chapter 30: Talk
Chapter 31: One Step Closer
Chapter 32: Missing Shard
Chapter 33: Strange
Chapter 34: Attempt
Chapter 35: Chase
Chapter 36: Tears
Chapter 37: Repercussions
Chapter 38: Life for a Life
Chapter 39: Disappearance
Chapter 40: Guests
The Untamed Series 3: Love Affair

Chapter 6: Dismay

42 1 0
By Adrianne_Quinzel

Third Person POV

After a week

As the sun began its descent, casting a warm golden hue over the landscape, Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji found themselves standing on a cliff, overlooking a serene vista. The gentle breeze danced through the trees, carrying with it a sense of tranquility and contemplation.

Turning to his younger brother, Lan Xichen's voice held a mix of curiosity and concern. "Wangji, have you ever wondered where Wei Wuxian might be now?" he asked, his eyes scanning the horizon as if seeking answers from the vast expanse before them.

Lan Wangji, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon, took a moment to reflect on the question. Memories of their shared battles and Wei Wuxian's departure weighed heavily on his heart. With a soft sigh, he replied, his voice filled with a blend of longing and determination.

"Brother, Wei Wuxian is a free spirit," Lan Wangji began, his voice tinged with a touch of fondness. "He follows his own principles and continues to fight for justice in his own unique way. Wherever he may be, I believe he is on a journey, protecting the innocent and seeking to make a difference."

Lan Xichen nodded, his eyes reflecting a deep understanding. He had witnessed firsthand Wei Wuxian's unwavering dedication and the profound impact he had on those around him.

In the tranquil silence that enveloped them, Lan Wangji's gaze remained fixed on the horizon, a steely determination shining in his eyes. The beauty of the landscape mirrored the bittersweet emotions that filled their hearts. They found solace in knowing that Wei Wuxian's journey continued, even if their paths had temporarily diverged.

As the colors of the sky deepened, Lan Wangji whispered, his voice carrying a heartfelt promise, "If ever the need arises, I will not hesitate to call upon his name. Wei Ying, my dear friend."

XiChen smiled warmly, his hand gently patting his brother's shoulder. "Let's head back," he suggested, turning towards their uncle who was engaged in conversation with one of the disciples.

Together, they made their way, their hearts filled with a sense of hope and the knowledge that their paths would cross with Wei Wuxian's once again.

As the night descended, Jin Guangshan, the cunning Clan Leader of the Jin Sect, found himself deep in thought inside a dimly lit room. The flickering candlelight cast shadows across his face as he contemplated his next move. The recent victory over Sect Leader Wen had given him a surge of confidence, and he saw an opportunity to further his ambitions by hosting a grand banquet.

Jin Guangshan envisioned the banquet as a celebration of their triumph, a chance to gather all the clans and bask in the glory of their victory. But deep down, his true motives lay in seizing the opportunity to claim the coveted role of Chief Cultivator, the ruler of the Cultivation World. He believed that the time was ripe to assert his dominance and secure his place at the pinnacle of power.

Little did Jin Guangshan know, however, that his aspirations were nothing more than an illusion. Unbeknownst to him, the other sect leaders had already made their decision, and his chances of becoming Chief Cultivator had already slipped away.

Now that the Wen Sect had been vanquished and Wen Rouhan was no more, Jin Guangshan believed it was their time to ascend and govern the so-called foolish Cultivators.

With a devious smile, he dispatched invitations to all the prominent sects that had taken part in the war. Among them were the Qinghe, Yunmeng, and Gusu sects. Jin Guangshan had a special mission in mind for his trusted son, Jin Guangyao. He wanted him to travel to these sects, spreading the word of the upcoming banquet and furthering their influence.

The grand banquet hosted by Jin Guangshan was a sight to behold. Cultivators from various sects gathered to celebrate their hard-won victory against the Wen Sect. The atmosphere was filled with a mix of excitement and relief, as they had finally brought an end to the dark reign of Wen Rouhan.

Jiang Fengmian, the esteemed Clan Leader of the Jiang sect, engaged in a lively conversation with Lan XiChen, the respected Clan Leader of the Lan sect. They discussed the battles they had fought together, reminiscing about the challenges they had overcome.

Meanwhile, Master Lan, the wise uncle of Lan Wangji and Lan XiChen, observed the crowd with a discerning eye. He exchanged nods and smiles with familiar faces, acknowledging their contributions to the war effort.

Jin Zixuan, Jin Guangshan's son, found himself caught in a conversation with Jin Guangyao. They exchanged pleasantries, discussing the future of their clan and the potential opportunities that lay ahead.

As the banquet progressed, Jin Guangshan took the center stage, his voice carrying authority and confidence. He expressed his gratitude to the cultivators for their efforts in the war and spoke of the Jin Sect's deserving role as the next Chief Cultivator.

However, before Jin Guangshan could finish his speech, the room fell into a sudden silence. All eyes turned toward the entrance, where Lan Wangji stood, a figure of quiet strength and determination.

Lan Wangji, known for his unwavering principles and exceptional cultivation skills, had already been chosen as the Chief Cultivator by the cultivators. It was a decision that had been made collectively, a testament to Wangji's integrity and leadership qualities.

Jin Guangshan's face contorted with frustration and disappointment, realizing that his aspirations for power were shattered. He tried to maintain his composure, but the weight of defeat was evident in his eyes.

The cultivators, recognizing the true essence of leadership, erupted into applause and cheers for Lan Wangji. They admired his unwavering dedication to justice and his ability to inspire others.

Jiang Fengmian raised his cup in a toast, his voice filled with admiration. "To Lan Wangji, our Chief Cultivator! May he lead us into a new era of peace and prosperity."

The room echoed with the clinking of glasses as the cultivators joined in the toast, expressing their unwavering support for Wangji. It was a moment of unity and shared purpose, as they looked toward the future with hope and determination.

As the banquet continued, Jin Guangshan's mind churned with new plans. Despite knowing that his chances of becoming Chief Cultivator were nonexistent, he saw an opportunity to secure his clan's position through an arranged marriage.

With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Jin Guangshan cleared his throat to capture the attention of the cultivators. As the room quieted down, he voiced his proposal for an alliance between the Jin Sect and the Lan Sect, through the marriage of his son, Jin Xuanyu, to Lan Wangji, their esteemed Chief Cultivator.

The announcement caused a stir among the crowd. Whispers and murmurs filled the air as the cultivators exchanged surprised glances. Many had not anticipated such a proposition, especially considering the recent victory and the celebratory atmosphere.

Nie Mingjue, the imposing leader of the Qinghe Nie Sect, raised an eyebrow, his expression skeptical. Lan XiChen, ever the diplomat, maintained a calm demeanor, though his eyes held a hint of curiosity. As the banquet continued, Jiang Fengmian, the esteemed Clan Leader of the Yunmeng Jiang Sect, watched the unfolding events with a discerning eye.

The room buzzed with speculation and anticipation, as the cultivators contemplated the potential implications of this arranged marriage. They weighed the advantages and disadvantages, considering the political and strategic ramifications.

Lan Wangji, who had remained silent throughout the proceedings, regarded Jin Guangshan with a cool gaze. His voice, when he finally spoke, held a firmness that broke no opposition.

"I appreciate the offer, Clan Leader Jin," Wangji began, his tone measured. "However, decisions regarding my personal life are mine to make. I will not be swayed by political alliances or external pressures."

His words echoed with determination, resonating through the hall. The cultivators watched in awe as Wangji asserted his autonomy and independence, refusing to be bound by the whims of others.

However, Jin Guangshan remained adamant, refusing to agree with Lan Wangji. He insisted on the arranged marriage, determined to see his plans come to fruition.

"I have never met your son, Clan Leader Jin," Wangji began, his voice emotionless and his face impassive."If you truly insist on this arrangement, allow me to talk with him, alone. After that, you'll get your answer. However, I must warn you not to expect too much."

Jin Guangshan, determined to see his plans come to fruition, reluctantly agreed to Wangji's request. He understood that Wangji's words held a certain power, and he hoped that this conversation would sway the Chief Cultivator in his favor.

However, Jin Xuanyu, the son in question, was not present at the banquet. Jin Guangshan had sent him away on a mission, unaware of the growing connection between Xuanyu and Wangji. Wangji, realizing that Xuanyu was not there, expressed his desire to meet with him as soon as possible.

Wangji requested Jin Guangshan's assistance in arranging a meeting, emphasizing the urgency of the matter. However, Jin Guangshan explained that Xuanyu's absence was due to his mission and that he could not be present at that moment.

Wangji listened attentively, considering the circumstances. After a moment of contemplation, he sighed, realizing that he could not meet with Xuanyu at that particular time. He understood the importance of his duties and the need to focus on perfecting the Cultivation World.

With a sense of finality, Wangji looked at Jin Guangshan and spoke with determination, "Given the circumstances, I must prioritize my responsibilities. There will be no marriage alliance between our sects at this time."

Upon seeing Wangji's decision, Jin Guangshan sighed, feeling defeated. He understood that Wangji's resolve could not be swayed, and he reluctantly accepted the outcome. However, he harbored secret plans to ensure the success of the marriage alliance, determined to find another way to achieve his goals.

As the night progressed, the banquet continued, and the cultivators immersed themselves in discussions and celebrations. Wangji, burdened with his duties and the need to perfect the Cultivation World, focused on his responsibilities, leaving the matter of the arranged marriage behind for the time being.

After a week-long mission, Xuanyu wearily returned to the Jin Sect, his mind still filled with the details of his successful mission. After, reporting to his father. As he traversed the ornate hallways of the Jin Sect, his mind filled with thoughts of rest and reflection, he found himself unexpectedly intercepted by his brothers, Jin Zixuan and Jin Guangyao.

"A-yu, we've been waiting for you. Please, come with us," Guangyao said urgently.

Puzzled by their tone, Xuanyu followed them into his room, where the atmosphere grew solemn. They settled into a comfortable space, ready to delve into deeper matters.

As they sat together, Jin Guangyao and Jin Zixuan recounted their experience at a recent banquet. Their father, Jin Guangshan, had boldly asked for a marriage alliance between the Lan Sect and the Jin Sect. However, they witnessed how Lan Wangji refused the proposal, much to their father's dismay.

"But Father insisted, refusing to give up on the alliance," Jin Zixuan explained.

Jin Guangyao nodded in agreement. "That's when his Excellency decided to meet you, A-yu. He wanted to talk to you and get to know you before making his final decision."

Xuanyu's eyes widened in surprise. "But I wasn't able to make it back in time due to my mission."

Guangyao sighed. "Unfortunately, Hanguang-jun made his decision. He vowed that no marriage alliance shall happen."

The room fell silent as the weight of the situation sank in. Xuanyu couldn't help but wonder what could have been if he had been there to meet Lan Wangji and change his mind.

'I wish I had been there. Maybe I could have convinced Wangji otherwise'

Their conversation took a lighthearted turn as Jin Guangyao, ever inquisitive, probed further into Xuanyu's discussion with their father.

"Anyway, what did you and Father talk about?" Guangyao inquired, a curious glint in his eyes.

Xuanyu's smile widened as he looked down briefly, contemplating the words he was about to share. "Actually, it was about the arranged marriage... Father never disclosed to me that Wangji had refused. Now that I know Wangji's decision, it all makes sense why Father asked for my assistance in his plans..."

Zixuan, his brow furrowed, sought clarification. "Did you agree to help him?"

Xuanyu nodded, his eyes sparkling mischievously. "Indeed, he already had my word. You know me, I can never resist the allure of a little adventure and excitement."

Jin Guangyao shook his head in disbelief, a mixture of admiration and concern etched on his face. "You truly are unpredictable, A-yu."

Their attention then turned to the potential consequences of Wangji discovering Xuanyu's involvement in their father's plans.

"What if the Xiandu were to learn about your agreement?" Zixuan asked, his voice tinged with a hint of worry.

Xuanyu's gaze shifted away, his expression enigmatic. "That, my brothers, is a story yet to unfold. Only time will reveal the twists and turns of our intertwined destinies."

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