Ryu The strongest knight Blac...

By TheCrimsonWrath

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At the age of 8 a boy named Ryu washed up on the shore he originated from the land of the rising sun He was... More

The boy without magic and The Dark Demon
The black bulls
Its mission time
Got any questions
Darkness and ice
Time for a dungeon
Shattering diamond
For those who want to know what Ryu look like
Friends ,Rivals and Royals
Zombie attack
A Lion's roar and Demonic destruction
Time to fight again
Lets just have some fun
Time to slack off oh wait there's trouble again
Duo of darkness vs The light of evil
The light fades and the three eyes open
The Three eyes vs the mantis, the blue rose and the silver eagle
Traitor discoverved
Lets hit the beach
The song of the sea
To the underwater temple
The temple brawl
Battle with the beast
The beast falls and the temple is saved
The clash in the city
Journey to help a friend
Looks whose healed
The star festival
The angry undefeated lioness
Royal knight selection exam
The first battle, a glmipse of dark art
The exams contiue The silva sibling showdown
Second sibling showdown
The semi finals begin revenge for finral
The Demon of Darkness vs The spirit of wind
Time for a training story
Destroy the midnight sun
Storming the hideout
The reincarnation
Let's do this
Lets sqaud up
The Bulls charge
Lets bring the sqaud back together
The elf swordsman
The true evil awakeens
The knights, the elfs, the king and the devil
Return to hell
Its finally over
The trial
You mess with the bull you get the horns
Back to the trial
The burning heart
Push past our limits
Training Days
The lion awakens
Ryu's journey begins once again
Duel with the dark quartet
Shocking news and a suprising reunion
Ryu vs Shisui the swordsman showdown
Sword of the wizard king

The return of Ryu

203 3 7
By TheCrimsonWrath

Ryu Bio (timeskip)

Name; Ryu Sukihero
Age: 18 going on 19
Height: 5,7


He looks like this from the neck up

Long black hair tied into a long wolf tail
Dark red eyes
A x shaped scar on his cheek as well as one scar going straight down on his left eye

Ryu's outfit now consists of the trademark black bull robe
Which hangs over the top half of a shirt that was given to him by Leo which is an exact copy of the one he always wears under his robe

And then he wears the bottom half of a kimono to honour where he came from

And finally he wears a pair of Japanese sandals 

Wields a powerful sword

Magic: Dark magic, effective against devils

He also possesses a mysterious power which allows him to increase his physical strength and defence
Allows him to see his opponents location
And finally
Exert his will on to others

He can also fuse these powers together to go into a crazy powerful super form and use demonic dark magic

Now let's start this thing

Ryu walks along his hair flowing in the wind h

And he stumbles upon a spade stronghold

Ryu: so they want me to take down this thing huh interesting

Ryu focuses his power into his arm and punches the door 

Ryu: yo wassup

?: that was pretty cool kid gotta say you can make quite a cool entrance

Ryu: would you shut the hell up shisui

Shisui: nah...

Ryu: wait the bad guys are saying something

Guy: from that robe I can tell your a magic knight from clover what are you doing here

Guy2: this kids got some impressive magic why don't we capture him

Guy3: yeah there's no way he can take all of us

All three go to attack him

Ryu: Get lost

All three bad guys fall to the ground in unison

Ryu: I don't care if I'm outnumbered I'm taking everyone one of you jerks down


Ryu looks to see the captured

Ryu: Hey I'm Ryu sukihero a magic knight vice captain from the clover kingdom black bulls you are all safe now I'll make sure of it

Captured: you don't understand we are all doomed they only reason they where keeping us alive was to fuel this thing and the captain that leads this place he has a strange power like it's from a different world

Shisui: oh so like me then

Ryu: yeah obviously, alright I'm going to take down everyone here and then you won't have to be afraid bye

Captured: what that's impossible

Ryu: heh thats what the black bulls do make the impossible possible

Suddenly an alarm rings

And three more enemies appear

Ryu: alright hope you guys are more of a challenge

They all attack with their magic

Ryu: Dark magic dark cloaked DARK SWORD STORM

Ryu release a storm of blades at the enemies taking them all down much to the shock of the captured

Ryu: huh must be up there

Ryu blasts through the ceiling and immediately round house kicks a guy in the face

Three more enemies fire spells

Ryu puts his hand out: Dark magic black hole

He absorbs all their magic


This takes even more of them out

Ryu then proceeds to just casually walk through the stronghold

Punching or kicking any enemy that happens to get in his way

Ryu: alright so where's this captain

He senses a highish magical power and runs in that direction

Once again punching down a door

Captain: oh looks like the reports of an intruder was true from the looks of you, you also have the powers of a devil or something similar at least

Shisui: yeah right on the money with that one

Ryu: shut it, anyway these are your people who could you put them through such torture taking away their magic that's like taking their souls

Captain: oh well I guess that's true but hey are nothing but trash and trash gets recycled and used as something better which is what's happening here

Ryu: yeah I figured you'd saying something like that

Suddenly ryu begins to feel sick

Captain: see now there's poison flooding through you as long as you use your magic the poison will spread now you can——

Ryu having enough of this jerk decides to punch him right in the gut

Ryu: I don't need magic too beat you, that devils power you claim to have it's so small


And then the captain is down

Ryu: (Damn that was boring alright let's go)

Ryu flings the captain over his shoulder and carries him back to the captured

And then drops him on the ground

Ryu: alright this guy is down and so are all his men

Captured: but how did you do it it's unbelievable

Ryu: I'm just a strong guy that decided to help don't think anything of it

Ryu grabs his magic item

Ryu: hey finral all done here if you could come at get them that'd be great

Asta: wow that was fast Ryu and it looks like you got a lot taller

Ryu: you know I refuse to lose to Leo at anything and that includes height

Asta: I'm so jealous

Ryu: it's coming asta I promise

Finral: I'm on it vice captain I'll see you soon

Ryu: great and Asta you look shredded can't wait till we next cross swords

Asta: I'll be there

Ryu: actually could you come over here asta I need some healing from a poison

Asta; On it

Eventually finral and Asta comes and gets them

Ryu: hey finral sweet hairstyle dude how is lady finess doing

Finral: aww thank you Ryu, and she's doing just fine thank you for asking Noelle still refuses to believe she exists

Ryu pats him on the back sympathetically

Asta: alright demon destroyer

Asta uses it and sucks out all the poison form Ryu

Ryu: Ahh much better that poison was getting itchy, I'm gonna fly back to make sure there aren't anymore strongholds around ok

Finral: got it see ya soon

Asta: I'll come with you

Ryu: oh yeah sure you can keep up

Asta:I know it

They both take on their super forms and take flight

As they are doing this four very dangerous individuals are in a heated discussion

They are the zograt siblings

Now you may be wondering who is this shisui that keeps talkings

Well.. we are going to need to go back in time a little for that

Ryu is training his ass off in a strong magic region

Well currently now he's meditating

Suddenly he feels himself going deeper inside his mind and a shape of a person appears

?: huh oh it's you I wondered when we'd finality meet face to face we'll kind of

?: the names Ryuma but considering that name would be confusing just call me shisui it's the name of this sword

Ryu: wait so you are the devil like spirit inside this sword

Shisui: yup that's me

Ryu: where'd you get that rice ball

Shisui: this is a mind scape you can make anything you want here including some amazing onigiri

Ryu: oh ok then so I noticed I was drawn in here I guess that was by you

Shisui: man you are astute it's a nice change of pace than who I stuck tuck with before you

Ryu: huh

Shisui: that's a story for another time I'm here now to explain what your power truly is, it's not a power from another world but a power from a time before magic existed

Ryu: before magic existed?!

Shisui: yes that power you've been using it's named is Haki a longtime ago before mahic existed if you trained hard enough anyone could use it but due to the human race developing magic no-one can unless they happen to pick up a relic from that time which you did

Ryu: so my power comes from a time before magic existed that's


Shisui: heh I guess it is now kid how about I teach you how to make that haki of yours even stronger I'll teach you the power of Ryo!

Ryu: I'm ready to train as hard as I can sensei

Shisui: I know you are now let's get started

And that's a rap

I know a lot of you saw that coming I just had a lot of fun finally revealing it
Anyway see you all soon for the next chapters

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