Nimona Oneshots - Tales of Tw...

By ethrye

1.7K 43 3

A collection of one shots based on the Nimona movie (2023) and Nimona webcomic (2015). Disclaimers: - I wi... More

Wooden Table
Coffee Shop

Lost Child

432 11 0
By ethrye

Background: Ambrosius is searching for Ballister in a market when The Squire dumps a little 'demon baby' onto him

"I know he's here! Find him!"

The knights nodded and began searching the market. The day was bright and blinding and Ambrosius worried he might blind himself with the sun shining off his silver and gold armor. On days like today, he would love to have Ballister's armor, it was dark and subdued and not so blinding.

Of course, his armor caught many other people's eyes, not just his own. And being the decedent Gloreth meant he was also famous. So, as always, people began crowding around him, reaching out to touch the great knight's pristine armor and shout his name (and not to mention asking for autographs, Ambrosius hated autographs).

Oh. And he hated crowds.

"Look! It's Goldenloin!"

"I can't believe it!"


He strained his neck up to see over the growing crowd, looking for a sign of Ballister. "Please move aside-"

"Can I get your autograph?"

Ambrosius sighed, "Just one signature. Who am I signing?"

"Do you sign skin?"

Ambrosius reached out, parting the people. But like water, new towns folk rush in to fill the gap. Normally if he ventured out of The Academy Ballister would be there. Thanks to growing up on the streets, the man knew quiet alleyways and how to escape crowds. Ambrosius didn't.

With a sigh, Ambrosius signed the man's shirt (Weird but better than his forearm) "There. Can we just part the waters-"

With a few huffs, the crowds shifted, but there were still too many people, everyone had their eyes on him. "Thank you. Can you please move aside- Thank you."


He looked up at the frantic screams. It was The Squire.


Ambrosius made a quick sprint over to the man who was running loops. With a quick and fluid motion due to years of training, he scooped up the 'demon baby'.

"Oh thank you Sir Goldenloin!" The Squire squawked. "I best be off, best of luck!"

The kid, now in his arms, turned up to look at Ambrosius. The child looked young, maybe around 3 or 4. He had dark brown, almost black eyes that looked up at him curiously. His dusty black hair sat ruffled atop his head and his clothes were wrinkled from chasing The Squire.

"Hello there little one," Ambrosius smiled.

"Hey! I'm not little!" Huffed the child.

He nodded, "Why yes, of course. You're very tall and menacing. Now can you tell me why you were chasing this man?"

"He told me he would help me find my Papa, but then he ran away from me!" The child complained, his arms flapping around.

Ambrosius hugged the child to his side like he would to a stray cat. "Oh, I see. Where is your Pa?"

The child seemed to consider his words, tapping on his chin. "He's over there." He pointed down the market.

Ambrosius looked down the street, some guards were chasing a stray car- Ballister. Ballister had stolen a car and was making a getaway-

"Will you take me to him?" Questioned the child, bopping Ambrosius's nose.

He shook himself out of his thoughts. Ballister was innocent, and the only knight who could catch him was Ambrosius himself. It would be awfully convenient if Ambrosius was distracted helping a child. Then Ballister could make his getaway. (Of course, unbeknownst to him, Ballister had in fact kidnapped The Squire while Ambrosius was talking to the child, but details)

Besides, Ambrosius couldn't help much anyways, he hated using the bikes to swerve through the Realm due to his fear of heights.

It was all incredibly convenient.

"Yes, I'll help you."

"Yay!" Cheered the kid, shanking in his arms.

"Alright, so what does your dad look like?"

"Hmm, let's see. He's about your height, has pale skin, and black hair."

Ambrosius sighed, "That doesn't give me much to go off of." He scanned the streets, seeing several black-haired men but none that looked concerned about missing a son. "Does he have any defining traits?"

"What does that mean?" Asked the kid, cocking his head to the side.

"Like, a scar?"

"Oh. He has a scar."


"Why should I tell you?"

"So I can find him?"


It was then that Ambrosius remembered why he disliked kids so much. A small part of him wished Ballister was here to help him.

"It's a scar over his... nose."

"Are you lying to me?" Questioned Ambrosius, his eyebrow flying up.

The child averted his gaze, "No?"

Ambrosius sighed, "Fine, then tell me when you see him."


And so, the pair began their walk down the marketplace. A few times people tried to come up to him, but they seemed to notice he was helping the child and walked away (In reality the 'demon baby' was making faces at the villagers behind his back).

"So... What's your name."

"I'm Nimona!" The child proclaimed proudly.


"No! N-I-M-O-N-A!"

"Oh, apologies Nimona. But isn't that more of a girl's name?"

"No, it's not."

Ambrosius blinked, "Alright then."

"What's your name?"

"I'm Ambrosius."

"And you think my name is funny!"

The knight frowned. "My name isn't funny. It's noble and regal and befitting of a Goldenloin."

The kid, Nimona, snorted "Loin."

Ambrosius gazed down at the kid, "Really? Loin? Nothing about me being Gloreth's descendant or anything? Only LOIN?"

"Yep, It's kinda funny," Nimona said with a shrug.

"I ha-" Ambrosius stopped himself mid-sentence. It wouldn't be the best thing to say he hated a child, even if said child was now known as a 'demon baby'. "I have a different view on that topic than you do."

"HAHAHAHAHA You know Mr. Loin, you're quite funny!" Nimona babbled, squashing his face with his tiny hands. "Kinda like my Papa!"

"Ah yes, you 'Papa'. Remind me again where he is?"

"Well, I don't know where he is! I'm L-O-S-T."

Ambrosius considered Nimona's words. "I guess that makes sense-"

"Well! I best be off-"

"What? I'm not just gonna let a kid wander around on their own!" Ambrosius freaked. Ballister had told him of the dangers of the streets for little kids, he wouldn't just leave Nimona out by himself.

"Aww, man!"

"No, of course not. That just won't be due. I'll take you back to the Academy until we can find your dad."


"Well, I'm not going to let a little- sorry. Big kid like yourself wander around on these streets alone. My friend told me they can be quite dangerous!"

"Your friend?"

"Well, he wasn't really my friend but-"

"Was he your nemesis?"


"Your arch nemesis-"




"Oh oh! I know! Your frenemy!"

"What even is that?"

"Your friend-enemy!"

"No! He was my Bo-"

"Your what?"

"My... boyfriend."


Ambrosius turned to Nimona, "What? Don't act disappointed!"

"I'm not disappointed, just- that's so boring!" huffed Nimona. "What about like, partner-in-crime or something?"

"Except we're not criminals?!"

"Well, I don't know! You could be!"

"I'm a knight for Gloreth's sake, I'm not a criminal!"

"Are you sure about that?" Nimona wiggled his eyebrows up at him.

"YES!" cried Ambrosius, throwing his head back, "I'm not a criminal!"

"Sounds like something a criminal would say."

"UGH! Are all children this annoying?"



"Ok, So. A few rules. There will be no screaming-"


"Because it's loud and it hurts my ears."


"Does it look like I know?!"

"But aren't you an adult?" Countered Nimona. "You're supposed to know everything."

"Well," Ambrosius said sarcastically, "I don't so please for the love of Gloreth-"

"Do you have a roommate?"

Ambrosius faltered in his rant, "What?"

Nimona waddled over to his side of the room and pointed to the empty bed. "Whose bed is this."

"Oh." Nimona looked up at Ambrosius with his doe eyes, and for a second he could picture Ballister, asking if he wanted to go explore the town together. Ambrosius sighed, "That would be my boyfriend. He uh- used to sleep in here with me."

"Used too?" echoed Nimona as she began poking through Ballister's things.

The knight rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Yeah, we got into... a fight and I screwed everything up. He probably hates me now."

"People have a tendency to do that."

"I guess so," Ambrosius chuckled sadly. "So, Nimona. What's your story?"

Nimona shrugged, "Nothing much. Just being a normal human kid."

Ambrosius raised an eyebrow supposedly, "Huh, like you're a normal kid."

"Hey! What do you mean?"

"Well, let's see, One you have the strength of a middle-aged man." Ambrosius counted, "Two, you have the vocabulary of a fifteen-year-old-"

"Oh come on!" Nimina grumbled. "I make a good kid!"

"Mhm, so now I'm wondering what you're doing. A kid who lost her dad all of a sudden doesn't want to see her dad, speaks like a full-grown human despite just being potty trained, and acts like he-"

Ambrosius should have seen it coming. After all, the signs were there. But he was still surprised when the little boys disappeared, replaced by a pink-haired teenager with oddly sharp teeth.

"Aww, man! You got me!"


"That's right! I'm your boyfriend's side-kick and I've successfully infiltrated your secret lair!"

"Holy Gloreth-"

"BAHAHAHAHA!" Cackled Nimona, "And now I make my grand escape!"

And just like that, the child was gone, flinging herself out the open window and into the night, a set of dragon wings flapping in the distance.

Ambrosius didn't quite know what to think, but the shifty-shift-shapeshifter thing certainly made a lot of sense-


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