To Be The Greatest Heroes / I...

By JesseLikeAFox

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This story follows the coming of age of superhero Mark Grayson / Invincible, a Viltrumite and first-born son... More

Character Info
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 10

464 9 3
By JesseLikeAFox

Next Day

At The United States Pentagon

Robot and Jesse had called all super heroes around the world and garter them up at the United States Pentagon, alongside with their team and Invincible. "Is that Demi-God? Oh, Shrapnel." Mark said looking at the heroes while walking with Robot and Jesse. "And Burly, Pangea, Bug-Eye." Jesse said to him. "It's the crowning achievement of any crusader's career to be selected for the New Guardians of the Globe, which makes me wonder again why you won't try out." Robot said to Mark as the three stop walking. "I know. I talked it over with my dad. He wants to train me himself. Plus, my mom would kill me if I miss any more school." Mark said to him. "Then why are you here?" Jesse asks him. "Are you kidding? Like I'd miss this?" Mark said to her then he looks behind her. "Oh, my god, there's Fight Force." Mark said to himself then he looks at the two again. "Why'd they even come here?" Mark asks the two. "Despite your name, I believe you underestimate yourself, Invincible." Robot said to him. "I'll still be around, helping. When does this all get started?" Mark asks them.

"Thank you all for coming here today. The Guardians of the Globe were more than a group of heroes. They were icons." Robot said to other heroes while Jesse was standing next to Robot. While in the arena blow Atom Eve was going up against a abnormally big man. The man gave her a flirtatious look making Eve wanna to vomit, she send him a glare. "Those of you who pass our trials will be among the elite...The best of the best." Jesse said to them as she looks at Mark who gives her a smile. The man ran to Eve trying to hit her but she dodges the attack easily making the heroes cheer. Jesse looks down at the area to see Eve made an energy blast, launching the man upwards when he fell she punch him with her energy construction spear K.O ing him immediately. "Needless to say, not all of you will be up to the challenge." Robot said to them while Mark walks over to Jesse. "Ouch. What's up with her?" Invincible asks her while looking at Atom below who's being a lot more aggressive in the fight. "No idea." Rex said before Jesse can say why she was like that. Jesse looks at Rex who looks away from her while rubbing the back of his back. 

"Those of you who are up to the challenge will succeed not just by the uniqueness of your abilities, but by the uniqueness of your tactics." Jesse said to the group of heroes as a Shrinking Rae cleans her glasses before putting it on back seeing her opponent was part gorilla. "Your adaptability." Jesse said to them as Rea quickly gets into her fighting formation. The gorilla flips to her, hitting his own chest before launching a punch that got easily avoided by her altering her size. "The agility of your minds." Robot said to them as Rae avoids all of the attacks altering her size back to normal whistling for it's attention then she waves at it. The gorilla ran to her sending another punch just for her to shrink into the smallest size confusing it. It finally found her but she already went into it's nose messing with it's inside causing it to vomit K.O ing it, coming out from its ear and reverting back to her normal size. "Oh yeah!" Rae cheers for herself while jumping up and down.

Black Samson flew around the arena avoiding the lighting bolt shot at him by the lighting woman. His jetpack gets short circuited by one of the lighting bolt, he lands on the ground sending a strong punch on the woman K.O ing her. "And perhaps most importantly, the strength of your character and spirit. That is what truly makes a hero." Jesse said to them remembering what her dad said to her. While Black Samson landed a hand which she happily accepted helping her up, both of them raise their hands up making the crowd above claps and cheers.

"It's our pleasure to introduce the new Guardians of the Globe." Jesse said to them. "Black Samson." Robot said then Black Samson steps forward. "Shrinking Rae." Jesse said after Robot then Rae walks forward. "Dupli-Kate." Robot said making Kate walk forward. "Monster Girl." Jesse said making Monster Girl step up.

"Ahahaha!" Rex starts laughing at her making everyone turn to him. "Aw, look at her, she's adorable! But isn't there, like, an age requirement for this ride? Am I wrong? 'Cause this seems weird, right?" Rex said to them while everyone waws giving him a 'Don't mess with her' look. "Rex." Robot warned him while Jesse watches the two. "I dunno, you're here. Isn't there a dick size requirement?" Amanda said snapping back. "I'm sorry?" Rex said to her with his full attention turning his whole body towards to the child angrily surprised. "For what, your tiny dick?" Amanda said while lifting up her hand showing her pinky finger. "I mean, the way you've been strutting around here, you must be compensating for something." Amanda said to him making the heroes in the back laugh or go 'Whoo'. Rex was now embarrassed as he angrily walks up to the girl with one of his hands glowing. "Somebody ought to teach you some mother-fucking..." Rex said as Amanda's arm turns into a giant troll arm. "What the fuck?" Rex said then he gets punches him, launching him out of the window and into the arena.

Rex scream as he landed harshly on the ground, breathing heavily already half beaten up. "Amanda!" Jesse yells at her but Amanda jumps out. Amanda lands not so far in front of Rex with a loud thud. "Guess you missed my try-out." Amanda said to him as she turns into a giant green troll like monster. "Still think I'm adorable?" A deep voice that sounds nothing like the girl before. Monster girl sends a side punch slamming Rex onto the wall making him spitted up some of his teeth out. "You little bitch." Rex said then he turns some coins into explosive then he threw them at the monster that does not damage at all. "Aw...Now, that's adorable." The Monster said to him. "I'm gonna blast that smile off your stupid, green face." Rex threatened before charging one of his iron bars in his hand. "Please, stop, this is hardly constructive." Robot said to them disappointed. " this okay?" Mark asks Jesse worriedly pointing at Rex who was getting beaten. "He asked for it." Atom said to him feeling a bit better while Monster girl slams Rex to the ground with her fist with full force. "Okay, that enough." Jesse said to herself then she jumps down with Invincible following her.

"Okay enough." Invincible said as he stops Monster girl's arm from punching Rex repeatedly. "Get lost boy scout." She said to him then she throws Invincible into the wall. Jesse looks at Monster as the amulet gives Jesse a lasso that she uses to wrap around Monster girl. Jesse flips Monster girl onto the floor making the Monster girl transforms back to her normal form shortening the impact. Jesse walks over to Amanda while holding onto the lasso. "Hey, ponytail, you good now?" Jesse asks her while Invincible walks over to Rex. "Yes." Amanda said to her then Jesse helps her up and takes the lasso off her. "Go on." Jesse said to her making Amanda walk over to Mark and Rex. "The kid thing sets me off every time, and then it's like, "Rah!" Beast mode. Sorry about the dick joke. I'm sure your junk is awesome." Amanda said to Rex who slowly got back up in pain. "Eh, it's fine. I'm good. You're good. You can...punch hard." Rex said to her then Amanda walks away to the exit as Rex turns to Jesse and Mark. "Didn't need your help, asshole." Rex said to Jesse and Mark before pointing his middle finger at the two making Jesse mad. Jesse strikes a punch at his gut making Rex get on his knees in pain. "What the hell, Jesse!" Rex yelled at her. "My hand slipped." Jesse said to him then she walks away from the two. 

"As I was saying, welcome to the Guardians of the Globe, Monster Girl." Jesse said to her looking at Amanda. "Along with Rex Splode, once he's recovered." Jesse said to them not planning on healing him after what he said. "And our final member Atom Eve. Thank you all for coming." Robot said to them. "We'll be making a public announcement shortly." Jesse said to them then the group leaves. "Guys." Eve yelled showing signs of being uncomfortable making Jesse and Robot look at her. "No need to thank me. I obviously needed to remain impartial, but I'm still delighted so many members of the Teen Team made the cut." Robot said to her. "I can't be on the same team as Rex and Kate." Eve said then she leaves angrily. "What why?" Invincible asks her. "Go ahead ask her Mark." Jesse said to him making Mark look at her. "We still up for tomorrow?" Mark asks her making Jesse nod. "Yep." Jesse said to him then Mark kisses her cheek before following after Eve "Rex, what did you do?" Robot asks him. "Thanks for help robot." Rex said as he limp quickly avoiding any questions. "Can't wait to be on your team." Rex said as he tried to avoid the questions. 

Later, Jesse and Robot have a meeting with the heroes. "As soon as the forensic investigation has concluded, we'll be moving into the Guardians' headquarters." Jesse said to them. "Until then, we'll be training here. Breakfast is at 6:00 a.m., then close-in combat exercises until lunch." Robot said to them then Jesse looks at Kate to see the number 2 on her outfit. "Where is Kate Prime?" Jesse asks her. "Had a thing. I can fill her in." Kate 2 said to her. "Okay, just to make it clear, there is no universe in which I wake up at 6:00 a.m. and the world isn't on fire." Rex said to them and he sets his paper on fire. "Come on, Robot, Jesse. We don't need this boot camp bullshit. It's us." Rex said to them. "We're not on the Teen Team any longer, Rex." Jesse said to him. "Exactly. I'm sure you've had a lot of experience wrangling teenagers, but I was with the Guardians from day one." Black Samson said to him. "Wow, thanks, Dad. Maybe if you didn't lose your powers, you might've been there to help the Guardians on their last day." Rex said to him hurting Jesse a little while Black Samson leans down to Rex. "I don't know you yet, so I'm going to assume that was a joke, and I don't need to beat your ass until all you wanna do is call me Dad again." Black Samson said to him making the others gasp then Black Samson stands up again. "I don't know you either, but we need a leader we can look in the eye. Not a bunch of ones and zeros. No offense." Black Samson said to Robot. "That's actually super offensive, so wait, you think you should be in charge?" Kate 2 asks him. "I am the most experienced." Black Samson said to her. "Yeah, at losing your powers. Didn't I crack that joke already? Why are we even putting up with this guy? He wears a suit! It takes batteries. Let's just get Eve back in here." Rex said to them. "I'm new to this whole team thing, but I thoughtit involved teamwork." Rae said to them. "As did I." Robot said to her. "Call me when you figure it out. I'll be in the gym." Rea said to them as she stands up and walks away. "Me too." Kate 2 said as she follows Rae. "I'll go supervise." Rex said to them as he follows the two. "No, you won't!" Kate yelled at him making Rex laugh. "I can do whatever I like." Rex said to her as Black Samson walks over to Robot and Jesse. "Good first day, Robot." Black Samson said to him then he looks at Jesse. "I thought you work alone but I guess you have to now after what happen to your dad." Black Samson said to her and he walks away. "Asshole." Jesse whisper to herself.

"I can't do three combat exercises a day." Amanda said to them making Robot and Jesse look at her. "I'm on a rather tight timetable to get this team operational." Robot said to her. "Whenever I transform, I get younger. It's part of the curse that gives me my powers." Amanda said to him as she walks over to them. "I don't look it, but I'm 24 years old. I used to go by Monster Woman, but it got too hard to explain, so...if you don't want to start changing my diapers, three exercises a day are too much for me." Amanda said to them. "I didn't...Of course, my apologies. It must be difficult." Robot said to her. "Try having a normal relationship looking like this. The guys who are interested are either going through puberty, or popping upon sex offender registries." Amanda said to him. "I understand what it's like for the world to look at you and see one thing, never knowing the truth of what's inside." Robot said to her making Jesse look Robot. "How can you understand? You're a robot." Amanda said to him and she leaves the room. "It will work out." Jesse said to Robot who looks at her. "We just need to work together and not against each other. Man, I can see why I liked working alone." Jesse said to herself with Robot looking at her.

While Robot and Jesse were talking they didn't know that Omni-Man was watching them with a disgusted and disappointed face "Pathetic." Nolan said to himself before leaving.

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