Henry Danger x Original M! Ch...

By maquaronn

65.7K 1.8K 222

Last chapter added on May 5, 2024 Last edit made on June 1st, 2024 STORY INTRODUCTION IS COMPLETE SEASON 3 IS... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
S3xE1: A FiΓ±ata Filled With Death Bugs
S3xE2: Love Muffin
S3xE3: Scream Machine
S3xE4: Mouth Candy
S3xE5: The Trouble With Frittles
S3xE6: Hour of Power
S3xE7: Dodging Danger
S3xE9: Space Invaders Part I
S3xE10: Space Invaders Part II
S3xE11: Gas or Fail
S3xE12: JAM Session
S3xE13: License to Fly
S3xE14: Green Fingers
S3xE15: Stuck in Two Holes
S3xE16: Live & Dangerous Part I
S3xE17: Live & Dangerous Part II
S3xE18: Balloons of Doom
S3xE19: Swellview's Got Talent
Chapter Thirty-One
S4xE1: Sick & Wired
S4xE2: Brawl in the Hall
S4xE3: The Rock Box Dump
S4xE4: Danger Games
S4xE5: Toon In For Danger
S4xE6: Meet Cute Crush

S3xE8: Double Date Danger

1.4K 46 4
By maquaronn

A/N: This re-write is going to be vastly different from the show due to the original plot being Henry and Jasper having a crush on Miss. Shapen's niece, Noelle. Obviously that is not going to work here, so everything needed to be changed big time.

Henry, Dylan, Jasper, and Charlotte were all gathered by Henry and Dylan's lockers. They were discussing the idea of Henry and Dylan sharing their lockers with one another. Charlotte didn't think it was necessary because of how close they were located, while Jasper thought they could use both lockers as one mega locker for the ultimate amount of space since they were right next to each other. Both Henry and Dylan agreed that Jasper was onto something. They were about to make plans to speak with the school's maintenance guy but their teacher, Miss. Shapen, started yelling at everyone to get to class.

The four started making their way to their first period, like Miss. Shapen had shouted at everyone to do, but she stopped them. Her main focus was on Henry because she needed to ask him for something. Miss. Shapen's niece, Noelle, was visiting Swellview and she wanted her to stay at Henry's house for some reason. He rejected the idea instantly, not wanting a stranger staying at his house, let alone a stranger related to Miss. Shapen.

Noelle walked into the school and immediately Jasper was attracted to her, saying that he could have Noelle stay at his house because Henry didn't want her to.

"I told Henry to do it." Miss. Shapen told Jasper.

"Well I don't want to." Henry told his teacher for the fifth time.

"Why not? It's not like anyone else is staying there at the moment."

"Actually there is."


"Dylan." Dylan was not staying at Henry's house, but he told that to Miss. Shapen to get her off his back.

"I am?" Dylan asked but quickly realized his mistake after being glared at by Henry. "I mean, I am! I'm staying with him for two days." Henry cleared his throat to let Dylan know that it needed to be longer. "Weeks! I mean weeks. I'm staying with Henry for two weeks."

"Why?" Miss. Shapen pressed.

"Because... my mother isn't here." A technical truth.

"Where is she?"

"I don't know, I didn't ask questions."

"And you couldn't stay by yourself?"

"I get lonely."

"Well too bad! Noelle is staying with Henry."

"She can't stay with me, I already have company." Henry told her.

"Then you better make room for some more!"

"You can't do that! It's my house!"

"I just did!" Miss. Shapen was always a weird teacher and their conversation just proved it further.

They didn't know what to do at the moment. Dylan now had to stay with Henry for two weeks to make his lie come true in order to not throw off Noelle, who was listening to their whole conversation. Jasper was still pleading with Miss. Shapen that her niece could stay with him, but she told Jasper that she didn't like his house because she didn't like him in general.

The day was already off to a bad start.

After the school day ended Jasper was still arguing with Henry about letting Noelle stay at his house. Henry kept telling him that he couldn't just give her over in fear of Miss. Shapen failing him for not accommodating to her wishes. They argued all the way back to Henry's house, Dylan having to deal with it the entire way there.

Dylan called Ray earlier and told him that he was staying at Henry's for a while, to which Ray immediately said no to; so Dylan blackmailed him and said that he would tell Miss. Shapen that Captain Man wanted to take her out on another date if he couldn't stay over. Dylan knew all about that one time she was brought to the Mancave due to it being one of Henry's favorite stories. Ray switched up on Dylan, telling him that he could stay at Henry's house for as long as he liked.

Henry's mother was cleaning the table when she greeted her son. "Hey Henry, your teacher's niece is currently upstairs settling into the guest room."

"Good." Henry sarcastically stated. "Oh, just so you know Dylan will be staying here too.  He'll be sleeping in my room."

"Perfect timing! I was just about to plan tomorrow's dinner." Henry's mom loved having Dylan around, especially during dinner time because of his cooking skills. "I was thinking something chicken related."

"How about rigatoni florentina?" Dylan suggested.

"I don't know what that is, but it sounds great!"

"Can we please get back to my issues?" Piper loudly stated to everyone in the room.  Henry had come into the house in the middle of Piper having a conversation with their parents.

"What exactly are your issues?" Henry asked his little sister.

"Mom and Dad won't let me go out on a date with Kale." Piper pointed to a boy sitting on one of the living room couches.

"Sucks to be you, I guess." Henry stated, earning a glare from Piper. "Speaking of dates, I won't be home for dinner on Saturday. Dylan and I are going out."

"What do you mean going out?" Piper questioned.

"Dylan and I will be going on a date. That's what I mean."

"You and Dylan are dating?" Piper's jaw dropped at the news. "Seriously?" She was the only one who didn't know, as Henry had told his parents about them shortly after they started dating. Both his parents were happy that Henry was dating Dylan because they liked him a lot, Dylan quickly becoming a favorite of the household.

"You got a problem with that?" Henry crossed his arms, afraid with what his sister might say.

"Yes! No one should be dating you!"

"Oh, come on."  Henry was not expecting to be insulted.

"Dylan, you could do way better."

"Thanks, Piper." Dylan didn't really know what to say to that.

"Wait!" Piper turned back to her parents after a sudden realization. "If I go on a double date with Henry and Dylan, then will you let me date Kale?"

"Oh no, you are not crashing our date." Henry told her.

"Stop talking!" Piper yelled at her brother.

"Well, if it's a double date then I don't see why not." Mrs. Hart agreed.

"Absolutely not!" Henry protested.

"Well then who am I supposed to go on a double date with?"

"You could go with me and Noelle." Jasper stepped into the conversation and told Piper. "That's right, this Saturday, her and I will be going out."

"Dude, seriously?" Henry turned to Jasper with his arms crossed.

"If you won't let her stay with me, then you'll let me take her out." Jasper defended.

"What makes you think she'll say yes to you?"

"Please, as if she could resist the J-Train."

"No one calls you that." Piper told Jasper, semi disgusted.

"Well, I'm still gonna ask her out!"

"If I got on a double date with Jasper can I still go out with Kale?" Piper asked her mother.

"Whether it's with Jasper or Henry and Dylan, I don't care." Mrs. Hart stated.

"Noelle!" Piper screamed at the top of her lungs, causing the girl come down the steps.

"Hi!" Noelle greeted as soon as she came down. "Piper did you need me?"

"Yeah," Piper grabbed Noelle's arm, directing her to the living room. "On Saturday, this guy Jasper wants to take you on a date."

"Oh my god, that's so—" Noelle was interrupted by Piper before she could finish.

"Yeah, yeah, what's your answer?"

"Oh, umm, yeah, I'd love to!"

Jasper immediately lit up with her answer, getting in Henry's face and cheering 'I told you so!' over and over again.

Saturday night came around and Jasper's date with Noelle, and double date with Piper and Kale, was occurring at the same time as Henry and Dylan's date. Noelle had found this place called 'The Basement' and took them all there while Henry and Dylan kicked Ray out of the main room of the Mancave for their own dinner date. Ray was used to being booted to his room once a week while the two of them used the space, but he couldn't complain, not when it made the two of them happy.

"So Henry," Dylan began while the two of them sat on opposite sides of the couch, enjoying the cheesecake Dylan made for desert, "how is it?"

"So good." Henry stated, shoveling the cheesecake into his mouth.

The two were interrupted by the emergency alarm going off, both of them groaning at the noise. Ray came running out of the back, Dylan and Henry already at the monitors to check the situation.

"What is it?" Ray asked as soon as he made it over to the others.

"Looks like it's a video from the Swellview Police." Dylan pressed play on the video of what looked like one of the police officers standing in an alleyway.

"Captain Man, Kid Danger, listen. We just found a kid lying in this alley... and his teeth are all gone! But my partner and I need to go, because we gotta take our wives to see that show 'Mamma Mia'. So we're gonna leave the kid with no teeth here, lying in the alley. Bye!" The video ended, the three of them confused as to what they just watched.

"Why do the Swellview cops always dump every thing on me and Henry? That's not fair!" Ray was a little annoyed at the situation.

"Oh let's just go," Henry tiredly stated, "the faster we leave, the faster I can get back to that cheesecake."

"You made a cheesecake?" Ray perked up and looked over to Dylan.

"Yup, and you can have some if you help that little boy." Dylan promised.

"Let's go Henry!" Ray was now excited to go out.

He and Henry quickly changed into their uniforms and left, saying goodbye to Dylan.

The little boy was still in the alley by the time Ray and Henry arrived. What the cops said were true, all the kid's teeth were missing, which made it hard for Henry and Ray to understand what he was trying to say.

Ray ended up walking over to a pair of older men and asked them if they wore false teeth. Both of them did, and for some reason one of the men had no problem giving up his dentures to Captain Man so it could be put into the mouth of the boy. As disgusting as it was, Captain Man and Kid Danger were able to decipher what the boy was trying to say.

He told them how this girl asked him out on a date and took him to a place called The Basement. Henry immediately recognized the name, as it was the same place that Noelle took Jasper for their date. The boy confirmed that Noelle was the name of the girl she was with, and told them that she was working for someone named Drill Finger. Ray and Henry knew exactly the man he was referring to, needing to get to Jasper quickly before all his teeth got stolen from him.

Drill Finger had set up shop in an abandoned building where Jasper was being held. Piper and her date Kale were also there since they had joined Jasper and Noelle for a double date. Noelle was working for Drill Finger, luring people to him so he could remove their teeth and give them to old people who wanted some pearly whites.

Ray and Henry made their grand entrance just in time. Drill Finger tried to use his weapon on Captain Man, but as soon as it made contact with Ray's body it broke. Ray ended up breaking his drill bit, and escorted him out of the building, leaving Henry to release everyone.

As soon as Piper's date was freed he ran out of the building, abandoning her. After Piper got released herself, one of the elders whacked Kid Danger in the back with their walker, sending him to the ground. He was able to get up and easily fight off the elderly, as they moved quite slow and didn't have a lot of strength. It was still a weird fight and Piper ended up stepping in to stop Noelle from escaping.

Ray came back and pried Piper off Noelle's back, telling her to wait outside while he rounded up all the old people. Noelle tried flirting with Kid Danger in order to get him to let her go, but Henry wasn't having it, telling her that he was not interested in someone as disgusting as her and that he was happily in a relationship that wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. He took her out of the building and handed her over to the police, who thanked both Captain Man and Kid Danger for doing their job for them, again.

Henry was extremely happy to be back at the Mancave, immediately running over and pulling Dylan into a hug.

"What's got you all happy?" Dylan asked. It wasn't that he didn't like the hug, in fact he loved it; but it was extremely rare that Henry would be in a rush to get his hands on him, not that Dylan really minded.

"I just," Henry pulled back so he could look into Dylan's eyes, "really like you."

"Well I hope so, I made you a cheesecake." Dylan teased.

"My cheesecake!" Henry let go of Dylan so he could sit back on the couch and resume eating the slice he left behind.

"So uhh, you got anymore?" Ray slowly asked.

"Plenty." Dylan walked over to where he left the rest of the cheesecake and cut Ray a slice, handing it to him.

"Why, thank you." Ray took one bite of the cheesecake and instantly fell in love, telling Dylan how amazing it was.

"Yeah, yeah, now do you mind leaving the room? Henry and I have a date to resume."

"Oh, yeah sure." Ray was more than happy to eat his cheesecake elsewhere.

As soon as Ray was out of the room Dylan sat back down to his spot in front of Henry on the couch.

"A date with Kid Danger," Dylan joked due to Henry still being in uniform, "First he was in my bed and now this?  No one's gonna believe me!"

"I can take it off if you want."

"Nah, leave it on. I like it on you."



Henry left it on for the rest of their date, not taking it off until it was time for him to return home.

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