Dream Of Winter | C. Stark...

By Zeo_Mikaelson

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If Cregan had his way, he would've declared neutrality and left the Targaryens for their family feuding. But... More

The Silver Wraith
Green Crown
Paths Of Destiny
Whispers Of Dragons And Betrothals
The Dragon And The Wolf
The Daring
Northern Intrigue
A Knight's Homecoming
Blood Hunt
Wildest Dreams
Schemes And Scandals
Lust And Piety
Gods Save The Queen
Hand Of Loom
Through The Looking Glass
Beacon Of The South
The Dark Arts
False Oracle
Frozen Flames
The Sea Snake
Song Of Ice And Fire
The Grand Celebration
Court Of The Crimson King
V For Vendetta
Red Storm
Blade Of The Ripper
Judgement Day
The Prince
Search And Destroy
Gone With The Wind
Emerald City
Black Dynasty
Bright New World
Act Two
The Stranger
Natural Mystic
Bastards, Cripples And Broken Things
Fools Gold
Manifest Destiny
Magic And Madness
Family Line
Final Masquerade
Empty Garden
Sand And Water
Ivory Tower
War Pigs
Children of the Grave
Island in the Sun
Set Fire to the Rain
Calm Before the Storm

The Prodigal

644 33 0
By Zeo_Mikaelson

Alicent POV

The Green Queen didn't know what to think of Lord Stark's conditions.

She was actually glad he wished to court her daughter properly. Helaena was the kindest soul you'll ever meet and she feared her light being dimmed by the cruelty of the outside world. Rumors of the North's treatment of souterners, especially the devout were less than flattering.

So his stay in Kingslanding will let her get the measure of the man. If need be, even dispense with the whole mariage provided that Cregan Stark wasn't kind or decent.

The wedding in front of the heart tree is also acceptable. The ceremony at the Sept of Remembrance will have the majority of High lords present. Thus no one can give cause for an invalid marriage in the South.

Aegon's royal progress on the other hand.

She always tried to understand her firstborn son. Attempted to mother him as best she can. But she was barely a child herself when she had him. Her husband was utterly uninterested in helping and she couldn't just hand him off to nurse maids without feeling a piece of her heart was breaking.

And the succession never left her mind. The fate that he would bear should he name Rhaenyra as Queen. Would he die in tragic accident to assure his half-sister's smooth ascension? Or even that of her illegitimate child?

Should she blindly trust in her former best friend? Someone who lied to her, even though she swore on her dead mother's memory.

Should she prepare her son to rule as her father wanted? Doom him to a war that might get him killed all the same.

Her boy was as saddled with parental expectations and doubts as she was. He turns to wine and women while to turns to the seven.

Maybe they're both disillusioned.

A knock on the door draws her attention.


Her father enters the solar and sits across from her.

"Aemond has arrived, yes?"

"Indeed. Lord Stark has agreed to our proposal, although he has a condition to add."

The Hand of the king is intrigued. A gleaming light burns in his eyes.

"He wants for Aegon to accompany Heleana to Winterfell. He'll be officially on royal progress and journey to other northern houses."

She pauses slightly. Whispers are the most precious commodity in the Capital.

"He won't follow a king who doesn't know his countrymen and has their best interest in heart." She finishes in a single breath.

For a moment there is nothing but silence. Her father leans back and rests his thumb on his Hand of the King's badge, assuring himself it's still there.

"There's nothing wrong with a prince of House Targaryen visiting the King's domain. We'll quiet any murmurs with Aegon being an overprotective brother merely worried for his sister in a distant land."

He stops for a moment then continues with practiced ease."He'll travel to other houses to renew their link to the crown and bring any matters of concern directly to King's Landing. The track route is over a month long and nearly impossible to cross in winter"

Alicent's mind has gone in a similar thought pattern but she can't help but wonder."What if it's just a bluff? We've conceded a lot of ground in this marriage already. Lord Stark seeks even more to elevate northern power and prestige. To give in is to reward his greed"

Otto's feigned nonchalance vanishes, "The Starks have never played the game of thrones. They seem to despise court politics. Creatures of rectitude and honor that they are. But if Cregan Stark is hoping to enter the southern arena, he might find himself out of this depth."

"So we'll accept for now but remain vigilant". She concluded.

"Yes. The Young Wolf has been inadvertently helpful to our cause. A royal progress will only enhance Aegon's reputation. With Rhaenyra and Daemon sequestered in Dragonstone and the court firmly in our hand, we must turn to the Great houses."

Alicent wondered sometimes if she should blame her father for her misfortune. Why does she and her children have to suffer for his ambition?

In her heart, she'll never forgive his sins. But as long as her enemies are a threat and her children's lives at risk, she'll work with him.

But after, she'll banish him in perpetuaty.

"Very well. I'll summon Aegon."


Aegon POV

The firstborn son of King Viserys I was having the most exquisite dream. It involved a lyseni courtesan, a summer islander beauty and a sixteen course meal. Sunfyre was of course being pampered as befits his royal status by two freshly recruited female acolytes of the Order of the Dragon keepers.

But as always, his pompous younger brother had to ruin it all.

One moment he was approaching heavenly bliss, the next he's being drowned in a barrel.

He wonders if Aemond would have killed him properly if Ser Arryk of the Kinsguard hadn't been present.

Alas, he would never know.

"I'm up, I'm up. I ... I didn't know you returned already baby brother." He spoke hurriedly after lifting himself up. He tried to remember if there was any stupid function his mother of grandfather wanted him to attend this morning. Paying tribute to the Seven was supposedly the sign of a devout and blessed future ruler.

As if anyone in this den of mummers cared about actual piety and not back room betrayals and underhanded dealings.

"I returned yesterday morning. If you hadn't been passed out drunk or in some brothel bed you'd now that already. Brother". He spoke with so much resentment and bubbling rage, one would think he was an actual Dragon.

"Relax Aemond. It was just a bit of fun. A foreign concept to you I'm certain. Perhaps you should find someone while you're here. Release your pent up frustration."

His little brother was easy enough to rile up. He invited him to one such establishment on his name day a few moons ago. He refused with such fervor not even found in septons. He must stay chaste for his future wife's sake he said.

He couldn't decide between laughing at his brother's face till he dropped to his knees or pitying him for his naiveté.

Soe, let him to his devices. It was a bad idea anyway. Mother would've been positivity livid he corrupted her pride and joy.

Maybe that was the point.

"I have no time for your jests. The Queen has asked for your presence."

He finished wearing his tunic and lifted a single brow.

"What does mother dearest want with the disappointment?"

Just then he recalled why Aemond had gone off North. It wasn't to freeze his balls at the Wall and become a black brother of the Night's Watch, unfortunately.

"Don't tell me you botched our sister's betrothal agreement and it's up to the Queen's firstborn son to fix your mistakes"

Aemond fought to maintain a detached expression but he knew that statement irked him. It was moments like this that brought some semblance of joy into his life. If he is destined to live as Viserys' worthless child, it's his solemn duty to remind his sanctimonious sibling that he must live in Aegon's shadow.

Somewhat pathetic. But comprehensible.

Aemond grabbed him by the collar and dragged him to the front door in an instant. His growth spurt and unusual strength is annoying.

Once, he could just enjoy being the oldest of the Targaryen younglings. The strongest too. His nephews looked up to him. So did Aemond, even if he never admitted it.

Effortlessly, he beat squires at the yard. He rode Sunfyre at the tender age of six. Surpassing all other dragon-riders even his half-sister. His father had a weird look on his face. Later, he identified it as pride.

A great tourney was held to mark the occasion. Ser Criston competed with Aegon as his squire, after much pleading with his parents. When the knight of the Kinsguard won, he lifted him to his horse and let him deliver the crown of Love and Beauty to his mother.

He thought he'd be happy forever.

It lasted only a fortnight.

Jacaerys' second nameday celebration was held. And his days in the sun, limited as they were, had died.


A forced hot bath and changing of clothes later - no he wasn't allowed to address his royal mother with the scent of sex and wine. It's entirely possible that she thinks depravity was contagious - he knocked on the Queen's solar.

He heard her steady but ever regal reply and walked in. He learnt the hard way the lesson of walking on his mother unannounced. She wasn't lying with his corpse like sire or any secret lover. Adultery was a sin after all. And Mother would never do something comparable to Rhaenyra.

But she was talking to Criston in a too gentle tone that made him feel like an intruder. Her blush also made her look younger than she was. Or perhaps her actual age. Her queenly facade is what drains her youth.

This time no one's in the room and his mother's face was strangely shifting between vulnerable and authoritative. As if she couldn't decide which approach will work on him.

He doesn't know himself. He's torn between asking for forgiveness and yelling at her to accept who he was, whenever he displease her.

"With your sister Helaena soon to be married. Your grandsire and I thought it best you accompany her to Winterfell. Get to know the lands of the North. Maybe even visit some Houses who'll serve as your loyal bannermen in the future".

A hint of authority but mostly suggestive.

He'd follow her demand if she asked for some minor event. Charming hesitant nobles or foreign dignitaries into joining their side. That's easy enough. He's many things, but he can work a room.

Still, he's being exiled to the other side of the world. For what?! What unforgivable sin had he committed to be sent off North? Did they finally decide he wasn't worth it anymore? That Aemond was the best choice for the crown.

Maybe after he'll finish this 'progress' , Mother will order him to join the Watch. Taking vows of celibacy after a long life of sin would be comeuppance. And removing the threat to Aemond's crown in one fell swoop.

He speaks in a stable voice, he barely even recognizes "You wish to send your shame away from court."

The Queen has perfected her expressions long ago, but actual emotions flare through them.

"How can you think such a thing? I only meant for you to get better acquainted with your future vassals. You know how the northerners behave. They're distrustful of outsiders. But once you gain their trust they'll die for you."

She touched his hair with such softness."You're are the Sevens' chosen. Anointed at birth by the High Septon. You will be our king."

He almost believes her.

"And yet you're sending me to an isolated realm. I thought the heir to the iron throne should remain in the Capital, be seen by the smallfolk and the nobility here".

He's not so self-deluded that he thinks his epitaph 'the prince of the alleys' is a sign of the love of the common people. But his frequent visits to the lower town have made him an expert on their opinion of the royal household.

Daemon and Rhaenyra have a few supporters left. Aemond thinks himself a spymaster like no other. The one person capable of finding and eliminating threats to their family. But Aegon isn't a complete moron, in contrast to popular belief. The truly dangerous stay hidden until the right moment to strike. And feigning camaraderie and jolly drunkenness lets secrets out faster than sharp questioning.

He couldn't trust he won't be replaced when he's gone just as he and their side is replacing his half-sister.

"You're already proven yourself a worthier heir than Rhaenyra could ever hope. A few months on royal progress will only endear you to the highorn"

Sound reasoning. If he wasn't aware his mother's least favorite realm is the North. Actually the Iron Islands, then the North. He doubts Helaena asked he join her. He loves her but they were never close.

"Why the North? Why aren't you telling me?"

For a few minutes she doesn't say a word. She sighs a bit as if gathering her strenght.
" Cregan Stark asked for you to go. It was a condition to accept the betrothal."

"What makes him think he can make terms in the first place?"

Was Stark so full of hubris or plain foolish.

"A northern pagan's folly. I'm not sure. But Helaena wants this mariage to happen. So we'll tolerate it. And I need you to go. If not for my sake or politics then for her."

Low move.

No one denies Helaena anything. Her baby eyes will send you to a pit of self-loathing no alcohol can pull back from.


He storms out. He's earned this.

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