Team Seven Meeting

By Dre41728

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============================= Various Team Seven meet each other. A lot of fun and some nice surprises. #Kaka... More

Read Me First
Part 1
Part 2.5
Part 3 Fin

Part 2

314 9 3
By Dre41728

Team Seven Meeting Pt. 2


- Two Months Later –

Kakashi recognized the tree assembly as they were walking through. Naruto on the other hand would have been lost without his ex-sensei. Their mission had been a complete success; the threat was eliminated. They were both tired but alive and Kakashi couldn't wait to get back to his wife, but his gut told him something was off ever since this weird shockwave washed over them a day ago. It felt like it had happened to him before, but he couldn't remember anything, kinda like déjà vu.

"How do you know, that this was the right way? I have never seen these trees before."

"Mah, Naruto, these are the trees on the west side of Konoha, I played here as a young child. I was sad, when..." Kakashi stopped in his tracks immediately. He formed a half tori sign and said: 'Release.' But nothing seemed to change.

"What's wrong? Are we caught in a genjutsu?"

"No, it should have vanished by now, but I don't understand this."

"You don't understand what?"

"You were right that you've never seen these trees before in your life. They were destroyed during the nine tails attack on the day that you were born. They shouldn't be here because they were destroyed 27 years ago."

"That doesn't make any sense."

"I know, there's only two possible options. We're in a genjutsu that I can't dispel nor even track, or we landed in the past."

"That weird shockwave. It could have been a time-space-ninjutsu."

"Possible. First we need to find out in which time we're in, then we need a cov-"

"Kakashi, stop!" shouted a woman. Naruto and said Kakashi turned to see a young boy, half of his face covered with a mask, running towards them. Behind him, a young and gorgeous woman, with long dark hair and big grey eyes. The young boy turned his head, to look at the woman. He wasn't aware of his surroundings and ran into Naruto, who didn't move away. He was way too stunned to do anything. This child was obviously Kakashi, a two-year-old Kakashi.

"I am so sorry." said the young woman as she finally reached 'little' Kakashi.

"No problem." said Naruto, "I have two of my own, they can be quite a lot at this age." 

Kakashi didn't move. His eyes were widened, and his hands were shaking, this was his mother. His very dead mother. She died, when he was three. How is this possible? If this was a genjutsu, it was a cruel one. 

The woman had only eyes for her child. Whereas the young Kakashi looked up, to the two men he just ran into.

"You are me as well, aren't you?" said the young boy, his eyes were locked on Kakashi. 

Now his mother's eyes shot up, and she was looking at a very shocked adult version of her young son.

"Oh my, you are-"

"I'm sorry, but what's happening? What does the kid mean with, 'As well?' said Naruto. Kakashi was still not able to move.

"Oh, eh... the other versions of you came here yesterday."

"Other versions?" said Kakashi finally snapping back.

"Your voice got even deeper. Yes, other versions. The thirteen-year-old you with his genin team arrived yesterday evening. The Hokage didn't believe them at first, but they proved their identity, and then a couple of minutes later a 27-year-old version of you came into the village. They called for me and told me everything. You, and with that I mean the 2 year-old-you-"

"Two and a half." pouted the young man.

"Don't be so disrespectful to your mom." Sternly voiced Naruto.


"It's okay, but the young boy here was playing in the attic and found an old scroll of his grandfather. There was a jutsu written in, and he thought it would be a great idea to try this unknown jutsu, and now we got the older Kakashi's here as well. How old are you?"

"Wow Kakashi! I never knew you were such a nuisance back then." said Naruto, a wide grin on his face and both of his hands behind his neck.

Kakashi sighed and ignored Naruto.

"So you're telling me, that a two-and-a-half-year-old version of me cast that jutsu. That's impossible. He would need much more chakra than he has. I also don't remember travelling into the past at the ages of 13 and 27. Is the 27-year-old version alone?"

"No, you are here with your team. Two young boys, one of them reminds me of this man, and a girl with pink hair." Kakashi and Naruto were looking at each other.

"Well, I don't remember travelling to the past as well."

"Where are my manners? My name is Kira Hatake, it is nice to meet you." Naruto bowed.

"I am Naruto Uzumaki, but I assume you already knew that."

"This cannot be real." Kakashi sighed heavily. He just wanted to go home to Sakura and not being trapped in the past. Especially not with three different versions of himself. He was an asshole at the age of thirteen and suicidal at the age of 27.

"We can bring you to the Hokage, right, my little one." said Kira.

"Mom?! I'm not a child any more, I'm two and a half years old."

"You're a child, and stop being so disrespectful to your mother. Appreciate what you have." said Naruto.

"Sorry, Mom."

"It's okay little one, but we need to inform the Hokage. Let's go." Kakashi and Naruto followed them. Kakashi didn't want to believe his eyes. He sent his chakra out to identify any kind of genjutsu, but there was none. This was the Konoha of his early childhood memories. They went through the village and Naruto's eyes got bigger and bigger. He recognized some streets and realized that this Konoha is totally different from the Konoha of his childhood and now. The feeling of war and loss was all over the village. The Konoha of his time was colourful and bright, this Konoha is grey and dull. It really was depressing. 

They weren't heading to the Hokage tower, but to the T&I department, well, nowadays it was the T&I Department, back then it was just a sports hall for the Hokage. Kakashi sensed a lot of mixed chakras in there, and it was more of a big blur. All these chakras blending into another. The door opened and they all went in. 

. . .

The room got quiet in an instant. Everyone was looking at them. Kakashi's eyes went around. The first thing he spotted was a young Sakura, with short clothing. Her pink hair was way too obvious. Then he looked over to the chunin version of him, then to Minato, Obito and finally to Rin. He froze by the sight of her. She looked like he remembered her. His expression wasn't unnoticed, and so he moved on to the Sensei version of him. 

He remembered that outfit on Sakura and on himself. It was the mission on the moon island. Next to Sakura were Lee and Naruto. Little Naruto's eyes widened as he saw himself. This Naruto was a lot taller and with short hair. Kakashi looked at his Naruto and saw how he smiled while looking at his younger version. Then they greeted the Hokage and introduced themselves.

"So..." began the adult Naruto, "You don't remember any of this?" He asked while looking at his Kakashi.

"Fuck, No." Kakashi answered truthfully, and the whole room gasped.

"Really? He reads porn in public, and you go nuts when he says fuck?"

"It's not porn, it's advanced adult romance."

"It's porn. Pervy Sage was my Sensei. He made me read it."

"No wonder, you turned out like you did."

"It really is no wonder, considering, that I had two perverts as sensei's."

"I wouldn't call Tenzou a pervert. He went through a lot."

"I didn't mean Yamato, Kakashi-sensei." Kakashi shrugged. Most of them stopped calling him sensei after the war. Naruto stopped when Sakura asked him to. They found it weird that Naruto called him sensei, while they were practically undressing each other with their eyes.

"Iruka then, I see."

"Whatever, old man." sighed Naruto. Kakashi rolled his eyes and scratched the back of his head.

"That's so weird." said chunin-Kakashi. His teammates agreed. Now Naruto's eyes were fixed on his father. Minato was a clever man and already married to Kushina, he would connect the dots, especially after seeing an Uzumaki with his spiky yellow hair, named after one of the heroes in Jiraiya's book. Adult-Naruto gave him a knowing smile and Minato gaze brightened up.

"How old are you?" asked Kid-Naruto to his older self.

"Oh, I'm 27, which makes us the same age." He answered while pointing at the Sensei-Kakashi.

"Oh, I have so many questions-" began the younger, yellow haired boy.

"Naruto, you can't ask about the future. That will do no good." said his Sensei with a strict voice.

"Oh, that won't be a problem, I can't remember being in the past, neither can you, and you were here two times, but for us, it already happened, which leads to the conclusion that our memories had been altered by someone or something, therefore any of us will forget that this had happened, so we can talk openly."

"That... that was a clever and realistic conclusion. I'm impressed." said Sensei-Kakashi.

"Thanks, I grew up quite a lot."

"So, I can ask questions?" asked the younger Naruto.

"You can, actually we all can." confirmed the oldest Kakashi.

"Great, so are we Hokage?"

"Yes, we are. We got the hat a year ago."

"So the village accepts us?"

"Yes, but not because we are the Hokage. A wise friend once told me, that you will not be accepted because you are the Hokage, but that you will be Hokage because you are accepted. I learned quite a lot from him. He was a true hero for our village."

"Who was it?"

"Naruto, don't." said the oldest Kakashi.

"Sorry, but this time the old man is right. But being Hokage is not the only thing that we have achieved over the years. We are married to the most amazing woman on this planet, and we have two amazing children. A son named Boruto and a daughter named Himawari. They are the most beautiful children in the world. Right Kakashi?"

"I'll stay out of this." said the older one and sighed.

"Ugh," sighed Naruto, "ignore him." He knew better than that.

Saying one's children are more beautiful than others is critical, especially when his short-tempered wife has one, too. While Naruto had his speech about his achievements, the oldest Kakashi realized that Genin-Sakura's Chakra flow was odd. She was in pain. So he put down his backpack and started looking for a certain chocolate bar. It was infused with her healing chakra and it reduced pain. They always had them at home to make sure she can grab some, when either one of them was in pain. He always packed some before he went out on a mission. It reminded him of her and even if he didn't like sweets, these are tolerable for him to eat. He found them on the bottom of his backpack.

"Ah found one." he said silently, but still detectable enough to get the attention of the room. All eyes were now fixed on him, but he didn't seem to care. He pulled out the chocolate bar and went over to the young Sakura.

"Here, these will help with your pain." He said, while handing her the bar. She looked at him in surprise. "Oh, my wife is a medic and I picked up a few tricks."

"WIFE?!" said Sensei-Kakashi loud and shocked, "We're married?!"

"Yep. She's the best medic in our time."

"Do you have children?" asked Rin with a hint of hope in her voice, while Chunin-Kakashi looked shocked as well. He couldn't imagine himself having a wife. His purpose was to serve the village and to be its weapon. A weapon doesn't have kids or is married. Obito looked quite shocked too. He had the same thought as Rin, namely that Rin was 'that' wife. She was a medic, they were on a team together, and it was just natural for him to develop feelings for her. Minato was just happy to see his son and his student being close friends and both of them being happy and having a domestic life, it was all he could ever ask for. Lee, Sakura and young Naruto were thrilled that their aloof Sensei seemed to be content in his life, and young Naruto was especially thrilled by the fact that he will have a family and become Hokage.

"Not yet, but hopefully soon, I'm not getting any younger."

"Don't let Gai hear that." said adult Naruto.

"I never said that." joked Kakashi.

"He is weird." whispered Obito into the ear of Rin, and she nodded.

"So since none of them dared to asked that question," started the Sensei version of Kakashi, "What happened to Sasuke?"

 With this question, the bodies of the three Genins stiffened. Naruto and Sakura were too scared to ask that question.

"Oh, well, that idiot's body was taken over by Orochimaru, therefore he's dead." said Naruto bluntly. His Kakashi chuckled.

"He was what?" said the younger Naruto in shock. Tears were forming in his eyes. He didn't want to believe his ears. The promise that he'd made to Sakura wouldn't be fulfilled. Sasuke will die and he will not save him. "And what's so funny about that?" he shouted in the older Kakashi's direction.

"Who is Sasuke?" asked Obito.

"Oh, Sasuke was in the same Genin team as Naruto and Sakura. He was an Uchiha and power hungry, therefore he went to Orochimaru, who is a Rogue-nin in our time, to seek more power. None of us could bring him back. Naruto and some other Genin of his year went after him as he first left, but they nearly got killed by the subordinates of Orochimaru. I was on a mission, too. Konoha had been attacked before, and we were short on shinobi's. I went after them as soon as I heard of it, but I was too late as well. He ultimately-" The oldest Kakashi got interrupted by a knock on the door. A shinobi entered.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you Hokage-sama, but I'm here to inform you, that another person from the future has arrived as well as Sakumo Hatake." The opportunity to meet their father had very different reactions to the four Kakashi(s). The youngest was excited to see his father again, the 13-year-old was hurt and started to pout, the 27-year-old version was as aloof as ever and the oldest was nearly as excited as the youngest one. He had so many questions concerning marriage and child care.

"Come on, little one, we're going to meet your father and explain to him the situation ok?" said Kakashi's mother and they both left the room quietly together with the other shinobi. Then 'the other person from the future' entered the room. It was the 27-year-old Sasuke. His dark hair over his rinnegan and the sharingan closed. He looked relieved when he spotted the Naruto and Kakashi of his time.

"Teme, you're here as well. You really know how to kill a joke." shouted Naruto happily.

"What joke?" asked Sasuke while looking at the crowd of different Shinobis. He recognized the younger versions of his friends, his Sensei and the Hokage as well as Minato and Obito. He figured that the girl was Rin.

"Oh, I told them your body was taken over by Orochimaru." laughed Naruto.

"Oh, was that before or after I killed him?" joked Sasuke.

"After, but before you decided to follow his path and destroy Konoha." answered Naruto with a big grin on his face. Sasuke went to the Hokage and introduced himself to him and all the others.

"So we bring him back to Konoha, and he's safe?" asked the young Naruto.

"Yes, it only cost us an arm and a lot of nerves." answered the older Naruto.

"Well I lost an arm as well, but Dobe, what's happened? There was a weird shockwave while we were heading back to Konoha and the next thing I know is that we are nearly forty years in the past."

"We? So Sakura is in this time, too?" asked the oldest Kakashi now all ears for the Uchiha.

"Yes she is. I thought she was already here."

"Why would she? You were travelling as a team." answered Kakashi. He didn't like the way this conversation was heading.

"We got separated in this shockwave, and I thought she headed directly to Konoha."

"She hasn't arrived, yet." answered adult Naruto. He felt Kakashi tense next to him. This time period was dangerous even for a woman of her calibre, therefore he was worried. They have both survived these missions only to find themselves in the past and now being separated again. He damned his younger version.

"Without her being here, so we're still fucked?" said Sasuke plainly.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Genin-Sakura.

"Oh, Sakura usually comes up with solutions in these kinds of scenarios. She's the brain of the group." answered Naruto, Sasuke and Kakashi nodded in agreement.

"Me? Being the brain of the group, but Kakashi-sensei-" The oldest team seven cringed hearing Sakura calling Kakashi 'Sensei' was weirder than their trip to the past.

"DON'T!" shouted all three of them simultaneously.

"Don't call him Sensei, whatever you do, don't call him that." said Sasuke.

"But why?" asked Sakura.

"Just don't, I mean I wasn't even a good Sensei, at least not to you. You really shouldn't call me that. Ah! and while we're at it, I'm sorry, for being that knucklehead of teacher, I didn't see your strength and value." said the oldest Kakashi in a light tone.

"Thanks, I guess." answered Sakura, still not sure what that was all about.

"So, you're a shitty teacher?" Minato asked.

"No." said the late twenty version of Kakashi.

"I was, yes." Interrupted the oldest Kakashi calmly. Minato looking between the two of them and started to laugh. Kakashi changed quite a lot in these years, but in the end he will be happy and that's all that matters for him.

"I'm not even sure you're me from the future." said the Sensei version of Kakashi.

"Why is that? Because I'm much happier and content?"

"No, because your left eye is back, and you smell different than me."

"Oh yes, that makes a lot more sense. Uh well, I lost the other eye, and it got replaced by my original eye so to speak. It was really crazy and a lot of things were happening at the same time and of course I smell different than you, I share my life with someone, her scent is mixed with mine by now, even if we're apart for a couple of months. Furthermore, your hormonal balance changes a bit when you live together with someone of the opposite sex, and I am older."

"Yes, but the eye thing is weird. I'm not so sure."

"Do you want me to show you our face?" joked the oldest Kakashi.

"Actually yes. That's the fastest way to see if you are really me."

"As if this conversation wasn't proof enough." sighed Obito.

"What do you mean?" asked Sasuke.

"We had the same problem with him." Obito pointed to the Jonin-Kakashi, "and he made the same suggestion. So if you are really them, then your way of thinking hasn't changed much."

"Will you show us your face." asked Jonin-Kakashi.

"Fuck no!"

"It's me." said the other Kakashi(s) in unison. 

With that, the door opened again and Sakumo Hatake entered the room. In his arms his young son and next to him his wife. He looks suspicious but friendly.

"I think we should just start to introduce ourselves. I am Sakumo Hatake and this is my wife Kira and our son Kakashi." His voice was friendly and happy. Just like Kakashi had remembered it.

"I am Minato Namikaze, Sensei of team seven and this is Obito Uchiha, Rin Nohara and your 13-year-old son Kakashi Hatake." said Minato first pointing to himself and then to each of his students. Sakumo nodded.

"I am Naruto Uzumaki, the seventh Hokage and this is my best friend and team member Sasuke Uchiha and your 41-year-old son, Kakashi Hatake." Sakumo nodded again, now looking to the only remaining team.

"I am Kakashi Hatake, 27-years-old and team seven Sensei. This is my temporary team. This is Rock Lee, he isn't my student, he only helped my team during this mission. This is Naruto Uzumaki and that is Sakura Haruno." Sakumos eyes widened in shock as he saw Sakura. All of them noticed it.

"She really was a Konoha kunoichi." said Sakumo silently.

"She's the prisoner you talked about? Am I right?" said Sasuke anger clearly hearable in his voice.

"Yes, how do you know?" he answered.

"So you chose war." said Sasuke, his sharingan already activated. The killing intent radiating openly from him.

"Sasuke? What's this about?" asked Naruto shocked about the outburst of his usually calm best friend.

"I'm going to destroy Konoha once and for all." said Sasuke angrily.

"I thought you had left this part of you behind, Sasuke." said the oldest Kakashi earnestly. His body language switched into a fighting position.

"Kakashi's right, Teme. Stop this, I'm the Hokage and I will not allow you to destroy my home. Don't make me kill you." said Naruto, also ready to fight his best friend.

"They tortured Sakura. I heard him myself before I entered the room. He said they had taken in a Kunoichi, which they tortured to a point of no return. That she's unconscious and will probably never wake up again. They chose this."

"WHAT?!" screamed Naruto, while his eyes became slited blood-red and the lines on his face hardened.

"What is this?" asked Minato shocked about the power outburst of his son.

"The nine tails chakra. He's a jinchuriki." said Sensei-Kakashi. Both teams were standing closer to each other now. The pure amount of power that radiates from the two shinobis is frightening all of them.

"So manslaughter it is." said the oldest Kakashi. 

Every lightness in his tone had vanished. He was just as furious as his teammates, and he stormed to the door. 


To be continued...


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