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The reincarnation of the Green spirit that protects Africa has bestown upon a girl who discovers reawakening... More



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If you see this symbol (‹›), it means he or she is talking in his or her mind


The Creator's Message

She went to her bathing room and began to prepare the bath.
Her hair poured a bottle of bathing liquid that has a strong scent of Honey and Jasmine into the bathing basin.

Soon she began to have her bath.

Few Minutes later,

She came out from the room, looking for a towel as her body was covered by her hair.
She sat down and begin to dry herself while her hair goes into her wardrobe and picked out a clothing for her to wear.

She wrapped a long cloth around her waist while the hair wrapped a medium cloth around her breasts.
She put golden bracelets on her arm and hands.
She plucked a vine outside her window.
She turned the vine into a flower crown and crowned herself gracefully.
As she walking to the door, her hair grabbed the golden ornaments and placed some on her ankles, waist, neck and ears.
As she opened the door, her hair expanded and cleaned up the mess in the room, soon it closed the door and she left.


She walked through the hallway that leads to the throne room.

The servants passing by were dumbfounded to see her, they bowed and greeted her. Behind her back, they whispered to each other.
"Is that not Princess Mgbenago? Or do my eyes deceive me?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Oh my!, she is extremely beautiful"

"Such beauty like that and all the men will go crazy. Goodness, I envy her"

Mgbenago while walking chuckled at the last line said by the servant. She didn't say anything as her mind was set to her destination.

The guards standing at the doors of the throne room spotted her from a distance.
At first, they thought it was Queen Enago. But when she was coming close. They gasped.


Before they could say a word, her hair covered their mouths.

She signaled them to keep quite.

She knock on the door aggressively.

Zatoi and his Subjects were discussing when they heard it.

"Who's knocking like a madman?!" yelled Zatoi slamming his hands on the hand of the throne

She hissed ‹ whom are you calling a madman?! ›

She banged the door again.

Zatoi was got angrier. "If you don't want to me cut off your head, you better start talking, Who goes there?!. And where are those guards?!!"

"Your Highness, what if the enemies is at the door"

"Impossible! If that was the case, they should've barge in instead of knocking "Zatoi concluded.

No response.

Zatoi brought out a sword walked towards to the door.

She heard footsteps from the other side. Her eyes glowed. Through the Iron door, she saw her father was coming toward the door and was also holding a sword.

She finally responded in a very deep cold and threatening voice.
"Your Majesty."

Her voice sent chills down to their spines.
The guards trembled.
The subjects were frighten to point of attempt to run away.
Zatoi fell backwards and dropped his sword.

Her eyes stopped glowing.
She completed her sentence in a calm and gentle voice.
"Princess Mgbenago is at your doorstep".

Zatoi gasped when heard her name, he flung the doors open.

He embraced her tightly and kissed her forehead.
"My apple, I've missed you so much!"
He paused for a moment, then realized something. "Why any of you guards didn't inform me about her arrival?!". He saw both of the guards mouths were covered by her hair.

"I just arrived without letting ANYONE know." she replied with respect.

"I see you're quite sneaky, nice!" he patted her head.

"Your Majesty, don't you think that teasing a lady like a child?" she asked.

He felt sharp pain as she was being formal towards him again.
He was unhappy, "Dear, won't you call me father just once?"

She felt he was sad, she sighed.
"I can call you that when you're off duty, Father."

He smiled, "You should say it more often, when I'm on duty."

No response.

Before he could say anything, she cut in.

"Your Majesty, I believe you have an important meeting to attend. I won't any of your time" She turned and left.

He sighed with grief, ‹She hardly called me 'Father' even when I'm off duty›. He turned to the guards, "Inform everyone of my daughter's arrival immediately" .


She walked down the hallway toward the garden and sat on a bench next to the pond.

The garden filled with white roses and lilies and pond was colored in blue.

Birds chirping softly and a gentle wind blowing the bushes.


She turned and smiled, "My Queen."
She bowed with respect.

Enago was shocked and dumbfounded by her appearance.
She walked towards her and touched her cheeks.
"My little baby...." she hugged her tightly.

Mgbenago couldn't help but to hug her back.

"My, my, look at you.." She scanned from head to toe. " It's been ten years since I last saw you." She stared at her face, "You're so beautiful"

"I've missed you too" she smiled broadly. " You haven't aged at all over the years"

She glared while smiling, "So you want me to have a grey hair to prove a point?!"

They laughed.

"By the way, I don't see my baby brother around the palace, where is he?" she asked politely.

She sighed, "He's taking care of some businesses that your father had given him to.

He will come back later.....I guess".

She (M) heard a sound of a rod while talking. She paused when she sensed a familiar aura.

The Seer was behind her.

"Mgbenago, long time no see"

"Greetings Seer" She with her mother greeted.

"I've been expecting you!" He reached out his hand to her (M). "Come with me."

She followed him and they left.

Enago was a bit annoyed, ‹ why did he have to come and take her?! ›


At the Seer's place.

It was already noon and the sky seemed pleasant. It was a peaceful afternoon.

They went into his hut and sat down. The servants offered some water with a small basket of fruits. He signaled them to leave.

He stared at face and spoke, "You had a vision yesterday, am I correct?"

How did he know!

"How do you know?" She asked.

"I am a Seer, I can tell by looking at you."

She said nothing but sighed.

"I'm here to explain about the vision"

She looked up.

"Although you have powers, you still haven't gotten connected with the spirit to interpret the vision"

"Go ahead, I'm listening."

He began. "The first void presents your past memories, the last statue presents your final moment with the world.

The second void presents the destruction of the FEWA Tribe.

The third void presents your death. It also shows how you are going to die."

Mgbenago was not surprised because her vision felt so real.
She just stared at the window.

"You're not surprised, I suppose."

"Because my vision was real"

"Not yet."


He smiled weakly, "The first void was permanent, but the other voids are.......changeable"


"Follow me" he got up.

They went out from the hut to the forest.

As they were going deeper into the woods, she sensed a demonic aura from where they were going to.
The deeper they went, the stronger the aura become.

She noticed trees and bushes were decayed. It was getting worse than the last as they were going deeper.

Dead animals, plants, flowers, fruits and vegetables were withered and decayed. The soil they walk has withered.

Her body was uneasy as the aura was getting closer and stronger, it was beyond her endurance. She stopped as her body was feeling numb. She can't feel her body. She saw him still moving without looking back, she reluctantly forced herself to move forward.

He stopped at his destination and waited without turning back. He knew that Mgbenago was far behind him.

After she finally met him, she gasped as a red shard glowed brightly before her.

She recognised the shard, it was from her vision.

"How did get in here?!"

"You don't remember?"


He raised his finger and it was glowing, he touch her forehead with that glowing finger and memories started flashing before her eyes.

- Flashback -

19 years ago.

A demon was attacking the land and Mgbenago defeated it.
She pulled out a red shard out from the entity's mouth before it died.
[Read chapter 3 only from the beginning, if you're confused]

- End of flashback -

Her head was heavy filled with dizziness.
She blinked her eyes few times before regaining herself.

"This...." she stared at the shard, her mouth suddenly became numb and heavy.

"To be honest, this shard was once filled with light before it was conquered by darkness." He turned to her, "This shard used to be owned by the Green Spirit that is living inside of you".

She turned to her head to him. "What?"
She turned back to the shard looking confused.

Her eyes glowed.
The shard glowed as well.

She walked slowly to the shard.

The seer tried to stop but sensed a powerful aura from her.

That's not Mgbenago,
The Green Spirit was in control.

She walked up to the shard and grabbed it with her hands, her hands slowly glowed showing her veins.

The shard was glowing so brightly that it was burning her hands.

Suddenly, her left knee weakened and fell to the ground.
She groaned in pain.

"This body...."

Mgbenago.....her body can't endure such power from the Green Spirit.

Soon the red shard turned green, and was shattered into pieces, inserting it into her spirit.

She collapsed.

He grabbed her hand and tried to wake her up.
"Mgbenago. . . . Mgbenago!"

. . . . .

She groaned in pain and opened her eyes, she slowly sat up with a hand against her head.

"W-what happened?"

He signed in relief.
"You're alright....You passed out"

She sighed but suddenly felt her hands burning. She screamed as her hands were in flames.
He tried to help but suddenly became paralyzed. He couldn't move at all.
She screamed louder and louder till her voice become sour.

Few Minutes later,
The flames slowly disappeared leaving her to shiver and suffer.

She got up and ran far away to the lake and put her hands into the water, sizzling smoke came out as the result.
She yelled in pain, bitting her hair till the pain lessened.

Few moments later, she released her hair and brought her hands from the water.

She turned her burnt hands to her to her face but realized it was never burnt, only a marking.

The seer reached out to her. He saw the markings on her hands.
"This is strange I must say."

"Indeed" she got up, "it is a strange marking".



A loud explosion from the North side of FEWA Tribe.

"Seer...seer!!" a man running toward injured, "The demons.......they are breaking into the shield and Prince Mkumebe with his soldiers are trapped!"

When Mgbenago heard her brother's name, she snapped and ran off in a blink of an eye.




"Don't let them get into the land"

They fought with all their might and they were gaining a victory but encountered a hooded woman who suddenly threw lightning bolts at them.

"Fall back!"

She came closer and closer while firing on them.

He ran towards her with a sword that looks like a whip and strikes her at her leg.

She retaliated and attacked him with a flying kick sending him flying against the rock.

He was hurt badly and his head was bleeding profusely. He got up and whipped his whip-sword at her. It rotated around her and he immediately flung her against the huge rock. He was feeling dizzy for a moment but was able to get himself.

She got up slowly, she raised up her head only to see a sword close to her face.

"Surrender witch, and no one gets hurt" Mkumebe said aggressively.

She smiled wickedly, her voice was distorted and scary. "You're good, son of the soil" she summoned a lightning from the sky with her mind and strike at him from behind. "but you're not that good"

He screamed as lightning bolts continued to strike him. He stood up painfully and immediately dragged her into his position and flung himself out of there.

She screamed painfully as she forced herself to stop the spell.
She growled aggressively but quickly noticed his body had not a single scratch. She also spotted a glowing bracelet around his wrist.
"The protection bracelet!, so that explains your body not being scratch"

"Surrender or prepare to die Witch. You're outnumbered, your minions are annihilated" he prepared for a combat.

"Ha! Speak for yourself!"she growled.

Her throat glowed and breathe out a huge and powerful lightning bolt at him.

He only got slit second to react.


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