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The reincarnation of the Green spirit that protects Africa has bestown upon a girl who discovers reawakening... More



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For this chapter this will contain serious abuse through words and actions,

If you see this symbol ( (?) ) that is related to the characters name,
'She (M) had no money'.

And there is going to be a lot of cringe in this chapter.

By the way,
I've improved on my writing skills.
This chapter will now be more understanding.

The Uprising Call From The Unknown

6 years later,

"Mkumebe, where are you?"


"Mkumebe, this isn't funny!"


"Mkumebe, please stop...."



"Hmm" she smiled broadly as she sneaked around the corner. "Gotcha"

He screamed while laughing as he was getting tickled by his sister
"Mgbenago, please...stop!, haha"

She giggled as she was tickled back.
"Okay, okay, I'll stop!"

"Your highnesses" a maid showed up from behind. "Your father summons you to the garden."

"Okay," she got up and grab his hand, "c'mon, father is waiting!"


At the garden,

He was standing talking to a woman warrior with a cold face, she wasn't scared of him. She saw it as a grumpy face.

They ran to their father, Mkumebe was panting from a long run.

He turned to the them with a smile on his face

"Good morning father" he panted like crazy

"Good day your Majesty" she bowed gracefully

He was hurt when his daughter greeted him formally
"Dear, you can still call father."

She stood silently.

He sighed

She only called him formally when he was on duty.
Some thought that she no longer love him.
But she loves and respects him and she could the same to her mother.

"Do you know why I called you here"

"Uhm,", he mumbled in confusion.

"To train us" she concluded.

He nodded

"ahh, what is a training and why are we training for?" he asked as he struggled to understand what 'Training' means.

He chuckled at his son, "You will know by this evening when I'm done for the day"

"So I should train these two?"
The woman warrior asked while smiling

"Yes. But for now, train her." he pointed at Mgbenago, "He still too young, he is just 4 years old"

Mgbenago is 2 years older than Mkumebe.

"Duvex, please." he turned his head. "don't put to much pressure on her" he left with his son.

He turned his head at his daughter while walking.

She didn't turn to wave at him.

He sighed.

Now Duvex was alone with her, she turned to walk and said, "Follow me!"

She obeyed quietly.


5 months passed by like a gentle breeze.
Her training was tough to handle.
She hardly keep up during the first week.
Duvex was strict and cold, if Mgbenago couldn't keep up then she would whipped her thrice.
In the first seven days, she (M) whipped her a lot but as for the rest, she (D) hardly whipped.

On the other hand, the Seer trained her to control her powers every single night.

She hardly sleep because of her training schedule.


13 years later,

On the shores.

"Move it!!"


The place was filled with people with different skin,
Fair Skinned (White) people and Dark Skinned (Black) people.

The people (Africans) were being put under slavery. They were sold to the fair skinned men.


Women screaming from getting raped, men were whipped badly. Children were sold to brothel from overseas.

Far from the place, a group of assassins hiding, waiting for the moment to strike.

"General, we are wasting time if we continue to wait"

Duvex scoffed and smiled
"Not yet, wait for a little longer"

Soon, a young woman came out from the bushes catching everyone's attention.

They were all memorized at her appearance.

Her body was the perfect figure.
Her waist and hip were thick and perfectly curved.
Her breast were a size of a watermelon.
Her chocolate tanned skin was beautiful and soft.
Her face was drop - dead gorgeous and extremely beautiful.
Her eyes were seductive and cold daring.
Her lips were soft and juicy.
She was quite muscular to made herself even hotter.
Her black and curly hair was as long as the river, it was 7 feet away from her.
She was the perfect sculpture of a woman.

All the men couldn't  hold in their lust any longer.

"Get the girl! I shall be the one to taste her!"

Few men ran towards her.
She closed her eyes slowly.
As the men were 6 feet away from her, she opened her eyes!.
Her green eyes shined so brightly that all the people froze.

They can't move. They're all hypnotized.

Duvex signaled, "Now!"

The women warriors ran to the territory, and reached out to the slaves without having a contact with Mgbenago's eyes.
They opened all the cages and Duvex signaled her.

Mgbenago controlled the slaves to follow Duvex, while the warriors slit up all the enemies by the throat.
As soon as the last enemy was killed, her eyes stopped glowing.
All with the hypnotized slaves disappeared into the forest.


At the cave behind the waterfalls,

The warriors has reached to their hideout with the slaves.
She snapped her fingers and the hypnosis was gone, the slaves were back to themselves.

"Give them food and water, we shall return them back to their homeland by dusk."

Early Dusk,

They were all returned to their homeland as Mgbenago had said, but she erased their memory from that incident and their hideout.

"Mission successful, my sisters" Duvex jabbed her hand in the air and reached out her hand. "Eat, drink and merry!"

They all hooted in joy and enjoyed the meal.


Late Dusk,
At the waterfalls,

Mgbenago was taking a shower with the waterfall.
Duvex came out to sit and relax as she was kissed by a gentle cool breeze.

She (M) came out from the waterfall and sat down, feeling refreshed. She turned her head and smiled. "It's seems to me this night is going to be a peaceful night."

She (D) scoffed and laughed,
"Don't push your luck, it might be worse than yesterday"

"Must you spoil the fun, Aunt Dudu"

"Never you call me that!" she frowned

She (M) raised her hands, "Ok, ok, I'll stop" she laughed.

Duvex laughed and playfully waved her hand, "Well, not in front of them!"

They both laughed like cats and dogs.

"Well, you should have seen that man's face when he said 'Get the girl, I shall be the one to taste her', he was drooling while looking at you lustfully" she (D) laughed till tears rolled down from her eyes.

She (M) glared at her.

"What?"she (D) asked while laughing. "I'm speaking the truth. Was he not looking at you lustfully?"

She (M) hissed but smiled, "At least, you said i was beautiful indirectly"

She (D) glared with a smile, "Yes and no"

There was absolute silence for 4 minutes

She sighed and broke the silence, "The King has summoned you back to FEWA Tribe for your Mother's birthday"


"You're not saying anything"








She (M) groaned loudly as she opened up her eyes.
She stood still as white lights flashed at her.
All of a sudden, she fell into the void. She screamed as she was falling into the unknown.


Her body hit the ground hard. She was in serious pain from that heavy impact. She only got up after the pain subsided.

"Where....Where am I?"

She looked around and saw nothing, she was stuck in an empty, colorless and foggy void.


She turned around, "Who is there?!"


She turned again.


She turned once again. "Enough of hiding, show yourself!!!"

No response

She turned around prepared for a combat but found nothing.


She turned again and this time, she encountered Statues of her.....childhood.


She slowly moved forward to the status.

"What kind of sick joke is this?!"

Each statues represented the moments of her childhood, from when she was born till now. The last statue represent her memory of when she fell into the void, which was few minutes ago!


A strong wind carried her and thrown her into another void.

She moaned in pain, this was worse than the previous one.
She opened her eyes and there was darkness. At first, she thought her eyes was closed.

But now, her opened eyes were clear and strong.

She saw her body very clear despite the void was pitch black.


She recognized the voice. "Father?"


"Mother?!" she followed the sound but couldn't find anyone.


"Mkumebe?!" she follow his voice. "Where are you?!"

She ran around to find them but stumbled to the ground.

She hissed in pain with her eyes closed.

She opened her eye and saw absolute horror.

Her family were found dead in the most barbaric way.

She was in a pool of blood. As she turned around to see thousands of corpses everywhere.

There sky was filled with blood, it was also raining blood with red lightning striking endlessly.

Demons devouring the corpses.

The people who were still alive were getting butchered by demons.

The Element Statues were destroyed into pieces.


She turned to see the remaining statue.

Mgbenago's statue!

It was surrounded by 9 red shards.

Suddenly, the statue exploded into million pieces leaving green sparkles behind.

She gasped and tried to run away but grabbed by the hands made from blood, she was dragged to the ground.

A large eyes stared at her and laughed at her.

A demon submerged from nowhere and tried to eat her.

But before it could take a bite, she had fallen into the colorful tunnel.

She screamed till her throat was sour.


Her body couldn't move, the pain was beyond her endurance.
She screamed and cried as she no longer endure the pain.


She heard a voice but felt a chill in her backbone.

She couldn't move her head, she turned her eyes to where was the sound coming from.


This voice is very faint and distorted.

It was getting louder and louder and louder!

She screamed as she saw a demon was falling toward her calling her name

"MGBENAGO!" she (D) screamed on top of her voice

She (M) felt a hand on her shoulder and immediately retaliated, she controlled her hair and hit Duvex. It was so hard that it send her flying to the sky.

Luckily, Duvex was landed safely into the ocean which was not far from the island.

Few hours later,

Duvex had already reached to the hideout limping and groaning in pain. She had a broken leg, broken ribs and a broken neck.

Mgbenago was crying but when she saw her in a serious condition, her face turned pale.
"Aunt Dudu!"

She ran toward her but Duvex pushed her away.

"Get away from me!"she yelled at her. "What is wrong with you?!"

"I'm so sorry"she knelt down apologising. "I don't know what came over me!".

She grunt and walked passed her

Mgbenago stopped her in her tracks. "Please let me at least heal you, punish me afterwards"

She wanted to push her away but the pain was unbearable. She reluctantly agreed.

She (M) took her near the waterfalls with her hair wrapped around her (D).

She began to heal her and in a  few seconds, she (D) was healed.

She (M) controlled her hair to grab a whip and gave it to Duvex.

Soon she (M) turned and exposed her back at her.

Duvex tried to whip but stopped at the last moment.
She remembered how tears were flowing down her cheeks but instead of water, it was blood.

Mgbenago's tear turned to blood.

Duvex POV

I called out her name, she didn't  responded.
Soon I saw blood flowing tears running down her cheek.

"By the heavens, bloody tear?!" I started to panic.

She was silent and idle for a very long time.

I kept on screaming and splashed water on her.

She was still silent and idle.

I haven't touch her during that time.

"MGBENAGO!!!!!!!" I hit her on the shoulder.
She finally snapped back to reality.
She hit me with her hair and I passed out.
I only regained consciousness when a cold water embraced my body.

-End of flashback-

She (D) sighed and dropped down the whip.
"What happened?" she sat down, "I've been calling you, you didn't answered me. And bloody tears started rolling down to your chin!"

She turned to Duvex with confusion.
"I was crying with bloody tears??"

She (D) nodded.

She turned her head and got lost in thoughts as the memories flashed in a second.
Her family......
Her people.....

She couldn't forget about that demon falling calling her.

She groaned and placed a hand on her head.

Duvex tried reached her hand but immediately took it back, fearing that might be attacked by her (M) again. So she grabbed a stick and gently hit her back.

"Hmm?" she (M) responded.

"Your father has summoned you to return to FEWA Tribe do your mother's birthday."She said with concern.

"Hm"She (M) nodded, "it's been long since I left home".

She slapped her hard on her face.
"That's for breaking my bones!"

"Okay, I deserve that"


Early Dawn,

Mgbenago had already packed her things and bid her warriors farewell.
She created a portal to her royal bedroom and entered it.
She turned to see them waving at her sadly, Duvex only scoffed and waved once smiling. She waved them back and closed the portal.

'Welcome home'

"I am back home"

[I can't wait to begin her adventure, it going to be fun]

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