An Odd Octoling

By ddxcrr

6.1K 123 68

This is a Splatoon manga x Octoling reader, I made this cause my cousin likes the Splatoon manga and she want... More

What's an Inkopolis?
Meeting Rider and Army
A curry turnabout!
new gear and meeting Aloha
A day with Rider
Sub weapon Hell.
The ruthless skull
Training against a sniper
Ready For A Rematch!

Relaxing At Mahi Mahi!

529 12 4
By ddxcrr

You and the rest of team blue made it to Mahi Mahi resort as you guys were going to have a turf war here.

Goggles: Were at a resort!

Blue team: Summer time!

Bobble Yay~!

Headphones: Just being here is putting me in such a good mood, Right y/n!

You nodded at headphones as you applied sunscreen on your self since you weren't going to fight in this match and you were excited since your going to experience a luxurious resort while they all fight, you wore a two piece swim suit you bought when you, bobble, and headphones went shopping for clothes and wore a circle pool float around your waist.

Specs: Jeez... We're here to battle not go on vacation!

Soon goggles grabbed Headphones and Specs wrist as soon pulls them to the pool he and Bobble were about to do a cannon ball.

Goggles: Let's take a dip!

Specs and Headphones: H-Hold On!!!

Soon a huge splash happened as you covered your eyes from the water as you didn't want any water hitting your eyes.

You were helping blue team get out of the pool before they all drown, they were all soaking wet as bobble and goggles we're laughing away.

Headphones: If you hadn't dragged us in like that...!!

Specs: The hell were you thinking?!

: Blue team, Over here~!

You and the rest of the blue team saw pink team relaxing as there was a speaker near them playing some tunes.

Aloha: we've been waiting for ya!

Blue team: S4's Aloha!!!

Aloha: this gonna be mad fun! I wasn't really playin' seriously the other day but that cutie over there made me get serious since I wasn't expecting her appear besides me so quickly but today's gonna be a real Bang Bang kinda battle 🎶 I'm really in the mood to party! It's such a pain on this map though, since it changes and all🎶

Scuba: You're bein' a bit to honest, don't Cha think?

Blue team: ( They're such show offs!!! It's like they're in another world...)

Specs: We weren't even able to land a single hit on Aloha last time... Even y/n tried to sneak attack him but he dodge it effortlessly.

Headphones: Do we stand a chance?

Goggles: it's gonna be okay! If we work together, were unstoppable!

Specs: That's right...! We're always practicing!

Aloha: Huuh~ are you for real?

Octo glasses: Uwahh~! You're so serious~!

Scuba: we don't need to Bother with boring things like practicing!

Specs: Ugh.

Aloha: well, at least you guys got the right kind of synergy!🎶

Goggles: You bet we do! We're the best of friends!

Specs: that's why we're not going to loose to you!

You had a bright smile on your face as you can see the genuine friendship they have made.

(Three minutes later)

You had a deadpan look on your face as you were in the water watching both Goggles and Specs fight as they're argument was petty but it was an honest question.

Headphones: Were you guys just fighting just now?! Why?!

Bobble: they were arguing over whether they're team ice cream cone or Ice cream Cup~

Goggles: obviously, cones are the best!!

Specs: No way! Cups are!!

Headphones: that's so petty!? You know we were about to have a battle too.. will we be okay?

Aloha: looks like this is gonna be a real cinch, huh?

Scuba: we've got the better synergy now, don't we?

Aloha: I thought these guys were just Soo cool, what with having beaten rider and army and all but now...? Im starting to reconsider~🎶

Marie: this stage has amazing ability to change it's shape...!

Callie: you really gotta use your head and play nice with the terrain here to plan your attacks!!

Callie and Marie: Pink team vs Blue team! Ready, Go!!!

The matched started as both teams began Turfing their base.

Callie: Blue team has some serious energy!

Headphones: Goggles! Specs!

Goggles and Specs: Take this!!!

Marie: They're really going at it, Those two! Are they fighting?

Headphones: What the hell are you guys doing?! Do your jobs!

Goggles and Specs: I Am!

Headphones: No your not!! *Sigh* We should have had y/n fight in this so one of you two can cool off.

Bobble: Y/n, Pass me the ball!

You passed a beach ball at bobble as you and her began to play catch with each other.

Headphones: Bobble, stop playing and help me turf our base!

Bobble: Okay~!

You swam away from the battlefield as you didn't want to get splatted while you relax, you got a pair of sunglasses out as you wore them and began enjoying the pool. You were enjoying your time there that you didn't notice that a lot of time has passed before both goggles and Specs used their special weapons as you look back at the battle as they both had aloha on their sights.

Goggles: Specs.

Specs: Goggles.

Goggles and Specs: Special Weapon!!

Specs and Goggles: Thank you for everything! Double Inkzooka!!

They soon shot at aloha as he was in the ink tornado as he was high in the sky and soon he was falling.

Aloha: To think Specs would have an Inkzooka too... They.. They really do have good synergy! And I paid the price...

Aloha fell into the pool as goggles and Specs stopped fighting.

Headphones: somehow I kinda feel bad for him...

Bobble: Right?

You soon swam over to aloha as you help him out of the pool as he clings on the floaty for dear life as he was soaking wet, he soon looks at you as he gave you a thankful smile.

Aloha: Thanks for the save sweetheart, I thought that I was gonna drown.

You gave aloha a closed eyed smile as the sun was shining  behind you as it made you look like beautiful  maiden in spring as the sun was gently shining on your skin as your smile was as gentle as the moon's light, Aloha had a slight blush on his face as he rubbed the back of his neck and became a little shy.

Aloha: W-Well, L-Lets go back and see the results.

You nodded as you and Aloha slowly paddled back to the others as you saw Judd was coming over.

Callie and Marie: Game Over! The results are... Victory for Blue team!

Goggles and Specs: Alright!

Headphones: I thought you two were still fighting!

Specs and Goggles: Hm. We're we fighting?

Headphones: Don't Tell me you Already forgot! Well, It's whatever. As long as they made up!

Bobble: I'm glad, I'm Glad!

Aloha: even when you're fighting you're still such good friends you two.

Goggles: Ya think so?

Specs: Come'ere

Goggles: You and your team are good friends too!

Scuba: Aloha... Sorry.

Octo glasses: We should have taken things more seriously...

Straw: Please Forgive us!

Aloha: ...hah. I shouldn't really have been complaining relationships in the first place... We still have a long way to go, don't we?

Aloha: Well, now that's over with... Whaddya saw we all throw a party?!

Everyone: Waheey!

You had a bright smile on your face as you and Bobble began to use the beach ball you found as a volleyball as you and the blue team were playing against the pink team while Specs is the referee.

As everyone was playing the camera zooms out as it was a live footage of the party as an inkling with a gas mask was looking at the party on his Phone.

: What is he doing, having a party at a time like Thiiiiiis...!

: What, with the guy he was just fighting?

: Pink team are the WORST!

: While I do hate that aloha guy... I hate those schmucks in the blue team even MOOOORE. I can't stand their smiles. And this one... This one Alwaaays smiliiing... I hate it.

He then set his eyes on you as you were smiling as well but for some reason he doesn't seemed to mind your smile and it was making him frustrated wondering why he's not hating it.

: We, the cyan team, will show them what a real match looks like!

H-Huh? This is the S4 member, Mask, who can wipe you out without even swinging his Weapon!

Mask: we will see if you are still smiling after Thiiiiiiiis... Blue Team!


: S-Sir, the Octobot king MK 1 is ready for testing!

: Good, proceed with the diagnostics and get the Great Zapfish. It's time to test it out.

Soon a bunch of Octostriker's were using a big stretcher as they slowly placed the great Zapfish under the Octobot king as it sucked the great Zapfish in and soon the Octobot King has come to life.

: Good, it's functional. Now, what about the other order I Made?

: Si- Sir, w-we can't find her in the Octo valley, We've looked everywhere! B-But there is one place we haven't looked properly, it's the cabin of a certain Cephalopod who has a Bamboozler with a red cloth on it.

: Cuttlefish.

: Y-Yes, your highness. When ever we tried to go there he keeps on resisting us as he mowed down the Octotroopers we tried to send at him.

: You idiots, The more you attack him the more suspicious he gets! He foiled my plan once and I won't let him foiled it again!

: B-But Sir-

: I Will Ask You Fools One Final Time. Stop being such idiots and Do your Damn Job Right!!!

The lead scientist and the rest ran out of the room, the Giant octopus calmed down as he a photo frame out of his helmet as it had a photo of a Little Octoling girl that isn't even older than Five as she was holding a Wooden toy that looks like a Octobrush and an old looking Octoling that seems like he was glaring at the camera but he had a small smirk on his face.

(Imagine him being  older and is Smirking)

: (My little warrior, don't make this old cephalopods heart worry so much. Just stay safe for me, I'll find you soon... Cuttlefish, if you were the one that took her. Then there won't be anyone on this world god or not to save from my wrath.)

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