The Redhead of the Sea (Jack...

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Artemis Hazelstone Swann, daughter of a merchant and adopted by the governor of Port Royal; Weatherby Swann. ... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1: A Ceremony Gone Wrong
Chapter 2: Captain Jack Sparrow
Chapter 3: Under Attack
Chapter 4: The Plan
Chapter 5: Tortuga
Chapter 6: New Plan & Crew
Chapter 7: Sails, Rumours & The Code
Chapter 8: Plan be dammed
Chapter 9: Naval Battle
Chapter 10: Prisoners
Chapter 11: Memories
Chapter 12: Saving & Wedding Promises
Chapter 13: Final Fight & New Beginnings
Book 2: Into the Sequels, we go
Chapter 14: Wedding Crushing & Prison Breaking
Chapter 15: Cannibals & Bittersweet Reunions
Chapter 16: Tia Dalma
Chapter 17: Davy Jones & Deals
Chapter 18: Secret Plans & Hidden Motives
Chapter 19: Conflicted & Betrayed
Chapter 20: The Buried Chest
Chapter 21: Pearl vs Dutchman
Chapter 22: Abandoning Ship & Captain
Chapter 23: A Dream Turned True
Chapter 24: Temporary Alliance
Chapter 25: Into the Locker, we go
Chapter 26: Open Past Wounds
Chapter 27: Escaping the Locker
Chapter 28: Secret Deals & 'Old Friends'
Chapter 29: Buried Memories
Chapter 30: Confessions & Shipwreck Cove
Chapter 31: Calypso?!
Chapter 32: Last Chance for Negotiations
Chapter 33: Let's Free Calypso
Chapter 34: Let the Battle Begin!
Chapter 35: The Casualties of War
Chapter 36: Parting Ways
On Stranger Tides
Chapter 37: A Deal with the BlackBearded Devil
Chapter 38: The Prophecy & the Plan
Chapter 39: 1st Day on Queen Anne's Revenge
Chapter 40: Mutiny Gone Wrong
Chapter 42: Immortal Love
Chapter 43: New Plans & New Promises
Chapter 44: Mermaids on the Attack
Chapter 45: We Got One!
Chapter 46: We are all Expendables
Chapter 47: Temporarily Separated

Chapter 41: The Price of Betrayal

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Vigilante24 tarafından

One of the ropes had attacked Jack but simply held him prisoner, not going as far as to harm him because he was still needed; although it was clear that Blackbeard was second thinking about that.

One of the ropes hung Jack right before the mighty captain, letting him feel his blood slowly going down his head.

"Captain. Sir. I am here to report a mutiny. I can name fingers and point names-" Jack said, hoping to save himself somehow but Blackbeard interrupted him.

"No need, mister Sparrow. They are sheep...You, their shepherd." He said, clearly having realised the full plan.

He then sheathed his sword, causing Jack to drop to the deck with a loud 'thud'. Without losing time, the captain pulled out his pistol and aimed it at the smart-mouth pirate lying by his feet.

Immediately, both Angelica and Artemis moved to save Jack; all for their reasons.

Angelica took a few steps closer to the steps, her eyes not once leaving her father. "Father. Remember. He has been ... to that place we are going."

Jack glanced at her for a moment, feeling thankful before facing Blackbeard again. "Have I told you, sir, what a lovely daughter you have?"

"A fitting last sight for a doomed soul."

"Captain" Artemis said, drawing everyone's attention. She had lifted herself halfway on the steps, gaining her balance. She did not flinch under the stare of Blackbeard and instead placed one hand on the railing as she slowly lifted herself. "The seas and the sky know nothing of mercy. You can put yourself above them like you are meant to. All by showing him mercy, this time" she said, her words chosen with such precision and sweet talking that impressed Jack.

Artemis was always one that spoke her mind, never going for the sugar-coating approach. He didn't even have her capable of actually pulling such a stunt but now, he had an answer.

"If I don't kill a man every now and then, they forget who I am."

The next person to speak came from the last person anyone expected.

"Coward." The man of the cloth, known as Philip, said as he marched their way; being the only one not bound by the ropes. "

"Mmm? Excuse me?" Blackbeard asked him, his patience running dangerously thin after being called such a name, such an insult without any respect.

"They do not forget. Your crew sees you for the miscreant you are, a coward, no matter how many you slay." The holy man continued, clearly not caring if he would be shot right at the spot.

He had seen what Blackbeard had done and how he terrified everyone in submission. From his position high on the mast, he saw everything and heard a lot of things as well. He knew how he suppressed everyone, having seen it first-hand by Artemis herself.

The kind-hearted redhead was the only one to bring him food and water, feeding him even when his hands were bound. However, she was always on guard for anyone seeing her and she did not dare to speak of Blackbeard or put her foot down against his injustice and cruel ways; even though it was clear she wanted that.

She was, perhaps, the only person in his crew that did not deserve to be there. Her soul was not as dark as the others and there were no selfish thoughts or wishes in her heart. After she had confessed to him how she ended up on the ship, he knew.

"Twice in one day, I find myself in bewilderment-"

"You are not bewildered. You are afraid. You dare not walk the path of righteousness, the way of the light."

"No, sir. The fact of it is much simpler than all that." Blackbeard said as he started to move, to be closer to the brave young man who held tightly on the clothed bible. "I am a bad man."

"That, too."

"I think I have to kill you as well, catechist."

Surprisingly, Angelica stepped forward; this time with even more courage. "No!" she exclaimed, clearly disagreeing.

Blackbeard looked at her for a moment. " Latin blood. Like her mother." He exclaimed as if that would justify her defiance and her need to go against him.

However, despite her words, he continued with what he had in mind. Raising his pistol, he aimed it at Philip but Angelica drew her sword and stepped between them; not allowing him to shoot the holy man.

"Father, you must not." She said, staring him dead in the eyes.

"Ah, Ah, Ah. There I am again, forgetting. My daughter fears for my soul, what's left of it. My eternal soul." He said and focused on his daughter, who did not move from her position. "Endless damnation, the fiery pit, should I strike down an emissary of the Lord. Worse than all my other sins put together, that's the way of it?" he said and lifted his free hand, gently touching her hair in a little creepy way. "You truly hope to save me, my child."

"Every soul can be saved."

"Be that true, young cleric?" Blackbeard asked, glancing at Philip above Angelica's shoulder.

"Yes, though you I see as a bit of a long shot. Still, I pray for every unfortunate soul on this hell-bound vessel."

"You disarm me with your faith," the captain said and lowered his gun, clearly persuaded. However, he was not done yet; on the contrary. He turned around. "Eight bells. Which wretched soul stood watch?"

Jack quickly spoke up. "Me. I stood watch. Sir."

Blackbeard looked at him and started to laugh, clearly not believing him. His laughter was dark and a little psychotic, making many pirates feel uneasy or even have their hair stand on end.

When he was done, the mighty captain of Queen Anne's Revenge turned to Artemis. With a single finger lifted, he motioned for her to approach and like the obedient dog he had turned her into, she marched his way.

"Navigator, answer the question" he demanded.

Artemis glanced from him at Jack for a moment, seeing him looking at her with surprise. Not baring to take this look from her, she let her eyes roam around before her eyes landed on the pirate, hanging by the ropes not so far away.

"It was the Cook, Captain," she said after swallowing a lump in her throat, clearly not liking giving away innocent men; since she knew their fate.

"Aye. The Cook. Perfect. Lower the longboat!" Blackbeard instructed.


All the Pirates, who chose to mutiny against Blackbeard, were eventually released. After that small show of power, no one dared to even look the mighty pirate in the eye, let alone speak a word without him addressing them first.

They all stood behind the captain, their heads lowered and some even eyed the ropes that had returned to their proper function, as if they had never attacked them.

Blackbeard stood at the front with Angelica right beside him and Artemis, just a step behind. She kept her eyes on the sea as the longboat with the cook inside, was lowered down on the waters. She could feel Jack's eyes drilling holes at the back of her head but she refused to look at him.

Jack had seen a lot of things in his life so far and he had been through some hellish situations himself; he would not lie. But he never would expect to see the stubborn and fierce woman he fell in love with, bowing her head that way.

Blackbeard was no different than some other cruel men that they had encountered and she had spoken back, fought and even battled against every single one of them; not once backing down. She always stood up for what was right and she put her crew above her own life, while she only ever wished to be free and sail the 7 seas.

She used to smirk and smile, taking pride in what she did and enjoying the pleasures of being a pirate. 20 years ago, she was full of life and strength but now...she looked to be more than an empty shell of what she used to be.

He could see it in her eyes, that she did not wish to be there or do Blackbeard's bidding. Refusing to fight him and harm the pirates, even going as far as to ask Jack to stop his plan; hoping to save the men and him.

That part of her was still there but it was clear that she could not expose it or even show it. In the smallest of details she tried, based on what he had gotten from the pirates but it was clear that she was as imprisoned as the rest of them.

He glanced occasionally at Blackbeard, wondering truly what he did to hold her with such a tight lease. What kind of bargain did they strike that made her fully loyal to him, despite going against her own morals and principles?

A part of him even wondered, what the fearsome captain might have done to her; to bend her wild spirit. He tried not to think too much of that, knowing that now it was not the time and it would only weigh down his mind.

"Bring her about!" Blackbeard shouted, snapping Jack from the trail of thought.

By his command, the ship had started to turn so it was now fully facing the longboat; as the poor cook was trying to row as fast as he could to escape that damned ship.

"Why do you do this?" Angelica asked, looking at her father.

One would wonder if indeed she also felt that his ways were cruel or unfair, perhaps even having better morals compared to him. Yet again, one could not but think that maybe she only acted that way because she feared for his soul.

As she had stated before, Blackbeard was meant to die and God would not be forgiving with all the blood he had in his hands and all the crimes he had committed. Perhaps, she thought that if he showed some mercy then there would be a chance for his soul to be saved.

Of course, no one could ever truly say for certain what that woman was thinking or what her true motives were.

"Mutiny. Our laws be clear." Blackbeard explained.

"Our laws allow the Captain to show leniency."

"I have given this man a chance to determine his fate. A gift not afforded to all." He said and glanced from his daughter to Artemis. "Perhaps you should learn to accept my orders more, just like she does"

Angelica glanced at the redhead, whose eyes were locked on the sea but her jaw was faintly tensed. Her glance turned into a stare, hating once again to be compared to the redhead that seemed too great in her father's eyes.

A part of her wanted to argue, to shout to her father that Artemis did not speak her mind because she could not. It was clear that she argued but she never went against his word, not directly and not so openly.

Unlike Angelica, Artemis' time on the ship was burrowed. If she played nicely and did not cause trouble, the easier her life would be and perhaps; more answers she would get from Blackbeard about who she truly was.

On top of that, she had struck a deal with him and she could not break it; not so easily. All she could do was tag along and simply wait for the day that the one-legged man would kill Blackbeard and fulfil the prophecy.

Angelica could wish to find the fountain of youth all she wanted and Blackbeard could keep running away but Artemis knew.

'One that is trying to avoid his fate only ends up sealing it'

Those were the words she had heard in her sleep one day, the voice of Tia Dalma clear as day. She knew it was a warning, a lesson even and she kept it close at heart; not caring whether it was a warning for Blackbeard or for her.

She was snapped from her thoughts when Blackbeard spoke again, this time turning to look at Philip; who held the bible close to his chest. "You, now. A chance to show the worth of your prayers. Pray he be delivered from...Evil." he said as the ship lined up with the longboat, facing the sweaty cook who kept trying to row away. "Course made!"

Philip paled once he realised what was about to happen or suspected. "Stop. Give that man a chance. Give yourself-" he never finished his sentence as the attack came.

From the ship's prow, Greek Fire flared out of the mouth of the skeleton figurehead. The flames rolled over the water and moved towards the longboat; burning the cook alive.

His scream reached everyone on the ship, earning different responses from everyone.

Angelica turned away, not being able to see the figure of a man engulfed in flames and slowly burning alive in the most painful way possible.

Artemis, on the other hand, merely closed her eyes and lowered her head ever so faintly. She was not a religious person and thus, she would not pray but she showed the descent respect to yet another innocent soul that was destroyed because of Blackbeard and his cruelty.

Jack simply watched, his eyes wide at the pure cruelty and the lack of mercy. He suddenly realized that the game he was playing, was far more dangerous than he had anticipated and perhaps this time; he might not even manage to survive by the end of it.

Blackbeard was unaffected by all and stepped closer to Philip. "You know when I feel closest to our Maker? When I see suffering, pain and anguish. That is when the veil is lifted, and the true design of this world is revealed."

"And I see it revealed when, in times of hardship and tragedy, kindness and compassion are shown to those in need."

The shooting fire came to a halt and everyone turned to look, only to see the lonely longboat burning; flames reflected in the silent black waters beneath them.

"Perhaps you will pray for him to be unharmed? Yes? No. Of course not. You pray only for what chance might offer on its own, lest the weakness of your God be revealed."

Philip was clearly shaken and tried his best to stand his ground, his faith being tested repeatedly while he was on that ship and one would even say; that he was face to face with the Devil himself and not a corrupted human being.

"Please. There is still hope for that man"

His words ended up being the biggest mistake of his life and he was about to find out the hard way.

For all it took, was one single word to come from Blackbeard's lips for hell to break loose. "Again."

The Greek Fire came to life once again, attacking the already burning longboat as everyone watched; now front-row viewers to the true power and darkness lurking within the Captain's soul.

That single night, many understood the stakes they were in. Even Jack started to get why even his mighty Artemis had turned quiet but what he didn't know, was the fact that his seats were special.

Blackbeard still had a few things to talk about with him, something he needed to make clear to the notorious pirate.

EDITED: 13/3/2024

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