playing cards right

By thatdemonmj

12.4K 275 90

husk has been denying his feelings for angel dust all this time. he planned to never tell him but came face t... More

1. How?
2. deals
4. drinks
5. Here
6. Val
7. love

3. fire with fire

1.7K 43 5
By thatdemonmj

It had been two days since angel came home. Almost everyone had avoided talking to him except charlie who brought food to him and helped him wrap his bandages. She was so calm despite being so afraid. The hotel was quieter than usual and an uncomfortable feeling lurked in every corner.

The squeaks coming from angels closet made his heart melt. Fat nuggets jumped on the bed and demanded petting from angel squeaking and running in circles. Angel looked at him sorrowful, praying this would last forever.

Just then there was a knock at the door. Alastor and Husk walked in with stern looks on their faces. Angel was confused but sat up with wonder.

Husk took a deep breath. "We know how to save you."

Angel looked at the both of them surprised. As soon as it hit him fully though, he shot up and threw his arms around the two of them

"Thank you, ya bastards! I knew one of ya would come around. I didn't want to ever go back to that dick again. Please tell me it's something good, cause I ain't getting outta bed for nothing."

Husk and alastor hesitantly stood there before wrapping their arms around angel. Alastor did notice a strange look on husks face. It was almost... Relived, or maybe sympathy, or pure happiness. Alastor cleared his throat to avoid this physically touch nonsense from carrying on any longer.

Husk and alastor explained what they had discussed and asked angel what he thought of it.

Angel paused. Almost to be double checking what he just heard. "Fire with fire, huh? Do you mean alastor? I mean sure their both overlords but you gotta take some other things into account here."

"Like what?" Husk asked. "Well, Valentino is an overlord. He is part of the three V's, which consist of him, vox and velvet, which automatically makes them on his side. Then he's got all his minions, and vox's, and velvet's and next thing ya know your up against a goddamned army!"

Husk took a deep breath. "Your the best card Valentino has. Without you, he has no face of the industry, no star, no main guy. We have you on our side, which is leaving his army down a man."

"But it's just one man." Angel  protested. "How the fuck does that mean anything?"

"Your right. Going head to head with a bunch of assholes like them, were automatically out numbered. So we can't fight. It's too fucking obvious."

"What are ya getting at?" Angel says. "We need to destroy him remotely." Husk proclaims.

Angel snorts. "What are we gonna do, spread a rumor his dick is tiny?" Alastor cocks his head. "Is it really?"

Husk slams his hands down on the bed. "Listen. We need to be smart about this. Which is why... Angel, your going through with the deal."

Angel gasps. "You said you could get me out of this! Why the fuck would you lie like that? I can't believe y-"


angel backs down in shock and stares up at him. "I don't like it either, but you listen to me kid. Your going to bring charlie to Valentino on Friday night. We will get her in on it as well. Your going to make the exchange, but make sure to keep him stalling. Meanwhile, alastor will find a way into vox's cameras and broadcast the capture and exchange of the princess of hell."

Angel looked as if a light had been turned in his head. It was such a perfect plan. He was impressed husk thought it up. He looked down at the hand husk was holding that night and put on a slight smile. "Let's do it."

Husk held out his hand. He was expecting angel to shake it but was surprised when he pulled him into a hug. He stood still for a second before hearing a whisper in his ear.

"Thank you, husky."

He wrapped his arms tightly around his warm embrace.

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