• The Lost Boys Judgment Day •

By 80s90snerd

651 32 2

⛱️🩸~In the summer of 1987, the Emerson family arrived in Santa Carla, CA. Santa Carla is a small town consid... More

• ℂ𝕒𝕤𝕥 𝕃𝕚𝕤𝕥 •
Chapter 1: ℂ𝕙𝕣𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕞𝕒𝕤 𝕀𝕟 𝕁𝕦𝕝𝕪
Chapter 3: ℍ𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕪 𝔹𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕙𝕕𝕒𝕪, 𝕄𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕖𝕝 𝔼𝕞𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕠𝕟
Chapter 4: 𝕎𝕒𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕊𝕚𝕟 𝔸𝕨𝕒𝕪
Chapter 5: ℂ𝕣𝕦𝕖𝕝 𝕊𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕖𝕣
Chapter 6: ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕪 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖'𝕤 𝕟𝕠 𝕋𝕠𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕣𝕠𝕨
Chapter 7: 𝔹𝕣𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕙𝕠𝕠𝕕
Chapter 8: 𝔹𝕝𝕠𝕠𝕕 𝕊𝕦𝕔𝕜𝕖𝕣𝕤
Chapter 9: • 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔽𝕚𝕟𝕒𝕝 ℂ𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥𝕕𝕠𝕨𝕟 •
Chapter 10: • 𝕁𝕦𝕕𝕘𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝔻𝕒𝕪 •
• 𝕆𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕜𝕤 •

Chapter 2: 𝕄𝕦𝕣𝕕𝕖𝕣 ℂ𝕒𝕡𝕚𝕥𝕒𝕝 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕝𝕕

59 2 0
By 80s90snerd

Previously on The Lost Boys: Judgement Day...

As things are going back to normal for the Emerson family after the events of The Lost Boys, Michael Emerson meets Alice Jones and has second thoughts about his relationship with Star. Sam, Edgar, & Alan discover a terrifying secret in Hudson's Bluff. Lucy, Michael, Sam, & Alice discover a tragic scene at Grandpa Emerson's house. Grandpa Emerson is dead...

AUGUST 1, 1987

Michael Emerson POV:

Today is the day of Grandpa Emerson's funeral. I couldn't feel the sunlight on my skin. It began to rain outside. Everything felt so unreal. The funeral began at 6pm and right now it was only 8am. Star, Laddie, & Alice were going to be there. Me & Alice have become best friends over the course of a week. She's one of the nicest people I've ever met. Alice, unlike others make me feel welcomed in Santa Carla.

Sam hasn't come out of his room for days. My mom put a carpet over the dry blood in the living room. Nanook, our dog was blamed for biting Grandpa's throat out and was put down. Something seemed so suspicious about that. Nanook didn't seem like the type of dog to do that to Grandpa.

Right now, my mom was completely stressed out. Now that grandpa is gone, we could lose the house. Everything is going to shit now. I'm trying to help by getting money but my job as a garbage man on the beach isn't paying well.

My mom was sitting down. "Hey you, ok?" I asked.

She looked at me and nodded. I walked into the kitchen to get breakfast. There was something I didn't notice on the calendar. Grandpa was meeting with Widow Johnson the day he died here. What if Widow Johnson murdered him.

Alice Jones POV:

I let Maria inside and we walked upstairs to my bedroom. Me & her are going to the funeral later today. Me & Maria are best friends. I couldn't imagine a world without her. She's helped me and been there for me through everything. Maria works with Lucy, Michael's mom.

Maria sat down. "How's Mike holding up?" She asked.

"He's fine... Me & him have become friends." I responded.

Maria got up and walked to my Madonna CDs. "That's nice... just don't forget I exist!"

"I won't... he has a girlfriend anyways... so I doubt I'll ever get with him." I said as I got my funeral outfit out.

"Aha! So, you do have a crush on him." Maria laughed as she took a CD out.

"Did! Not anymore... I respect the fact he has a girlfriend."

"Lies! Absolute Lies!" Maria laughed.

I got annoyed. "Oh my god! I'm not lying!"

Maria put 'Lucky Star' by Madonna in my radio and it started playing. Maria ran over to me and grabbed my hands. She wanted me to dance & sing with her.

"You and Michael are def endgame, so I bet you by the end of summer you are going to be together!" Maria said.

Maria started dancing to the song. I don't like dancing that much. To be honest I can't really dance. It's just something I don't do.

"Starlight! Starbright!" Maria shouted while dancing.

Maria grabbed my hand. "Come on dance with me!"

"Fine... Fine!" I laughed.

We both started dancing. She was way better than me. Never in a million years will I be able to dance like her. I'm just regular, nerdy Alice Jones and I doubt I'll ever change.

Sheriff Matthew POV:

I sat down and drank my coffee. All of a sudden, my deputy entered the room. He looked a bit sweaty. I put down my coffee.

He calmed down. "There's new evidence on who might have killed that gang a few weeks back..."

"What is it?" I asked.

"A camera was found... looks like some photos might have been taken."

"What were the photos of?" I asked.

"Some of them are clear... one isn't." He responded.

I got up and walked to the darkroom. I opened the door to see around ten photos. Most of them were of David, & his gang. David, & his gang haven't shown their faces for a few weeks no. This proves that they were responsible and are cannibals. They all looked like demons. There was one photo that wasn't clear. I picked it up. In the back was a man wearing black clothing. This man looked like Michael Emerson.

"Are we able to make the image clearer?" I asked.

"Yeah... it'll take a few weeks though."

I looked at him and nodded.

Michael Emerson POV:

I entered Grandpa's room. Maybe there was something in here that could lead me to Widow Johnson. Suddenly, Sam sneaked up on me.

"JESUS SAM!" I screamed.

"What the hell are you doing in here?" He asked.

I looked at Sam worried. "I think- I think Grandpa was murdered by someone... by a vampire."

"Jesus Christ! Can we just move on from this shit! Please Michael!" Sam yelled.

"I think there's-" I said before getting cut. off.

Sam was getting angry. "My god Michael! I thought you were supposed to be my brother... someone who gives a shit about me and my feels, but you can't even do that... WHAT A JOKE!"

Sam walked out, slamming the doors behind him. I sat down put my hands over my face. This is so stupid... SO STUPID!

Star POV:

I walked into Laddie's room. Me, & Laddie live in apartment together. Our parents were murdered by David & his gang. They spared us if we would become vampires. Today was the day of the funeral and it was only in an hour.

I can only imagine how Michael is feeling. He watched his grandfather die right before his eyes. Something about it seemed off. Why would a sweet dog do that? That dog only attacks if it senses something is off but it doesn't add up. Now I'm starting to wonder if he was murdered by someone... but that's impossible, David, & his gang are dead. 

Alice Jones POV:

Me & Maria stepped out of the car and walked inside the funeral home. We both were wearing black dresses, but I wore a black blazer with mine. Inside there were many family members, mostly cousins. Even Edgar & Alan Frog were there. It was a closed coffin funeral. After the ceremony his coffin will be taken to the cemetery across town. 

There were boards of pictures of Daniel Emerson when he was young. He seemed to be a big Oreo fan. Maria took me over to talk to Lucy Emerson, Michael's mom. I could tell she was crying beforehand.

I gave her a big hug. "Hi... I'm so sorry for your loss..." 

Maria sat down next to her to talk to her. I walked over to see where Michael was. Everybody seemed so depressed. Even I felt depressed. I guess that's what funerals do to people though. Suddenly I saw Sam walking towards me.

"Sam... I'm so sorry for your lose." I said solemnly.

He was wiping his eyes. "Yeah... yeah I know... everybody keeps telling me that." 

He pushed me away and walked to a seat to sit down. I walked around the funeral home. It was huge with many rooms. I entered a dimly lit room with no lights on. Something about this room gave off an eerie but calm vibe. 

All of a sudden Michael & Star sneaked up on me. "Oh my god you scared me!" I yelled.

I hugged Michael. "I'm so sorry about your grandfather...."

"Uhm... thank you... Uhm I'd like to meet Star, my girlfriend."

"Hi... It's so nice to meet you!" Star said happily as we hugged each other.

I understand why Michael got with Star. They seem so perfect together. She has curly hair just like him. Plus, she's... sexy and what every 80s girl is like. I could never compete with her. 

Michael Emerson POV:

I walked to the front entrance to admire the sunset for a minute. The ceremony starts in ten minutes. Suddenly an unfamiliar woman in all black walked by me. 

"Hey?" I said.

She turned around. "Hello... I'm guessing your Michael Emerson?" She said taking off her black sunglasses.

Something about this woman gave off a mystical vibe. She had clear white skin and wore a black summer hat. I don't know how to describe it.

"Yeah, that's me."

"It's so nice to meet you... I'm Victoria... Victoria Johnson."

"Aha... Widow Johnson."

"Yes... that's what people call me... well see you inside." She laughed.

"BUT! Before that I have to take a smoke! Goddamn I just love these things." She continued.

I looked at her as she walked out. Something about her seemed off. She has the perfect skin, & hair but the vibe she gave off wasn't... right. 

Suddenly Laddie ran up to me. "Oh, hey buddy!" 

"The ceremony starts soon... come on!" He said pulling on my sleeve.

I saw Laddie as like a little brother. He was just a kid pulled into all of this shit. He didn't deserve any of the stuff that happened to him a month ago. Nobody deserves to go through that. 

Alice suddenly dashed out of the funeral home.

Alice Jones POV:

I rushed out of the funeral home. I took a pack of cigarettes I stole from my dad. This whole thing was stressing me out and cigarettes are a great stress reliever apparently. As I took them out, I could hear a lady talking on the payphone on the other side of the funeral home. It's stupid of me to do this but I snooped around to hear what she was saying.

"Everything is set up... They're going to pay for what they did..." The lady spoke.

All of a sudden, my dad sneaked up on me! I quickly hid the cigarettes in my blazer. I didn't know he was going to be at the funeral. Hopefully he didn't see me hide them!

"Oh, hey dad!" I spoke.

The woman walked by ignoring us. 

He held my shoulder. "I just spoke to one of Lucy's kids... she said you came out here... you, ok?"

"Oh yeah... yeah! Just needed some air!" I replied. 

We both entered the funeral home with five minutes till the ceremony.

Corey Jones POV:

Me & Alice walked into the funeral home. I walked over to Lucy to wish my condolences before the ceremony began. I remember seeing Lucy and her kids a few times when they came down to visit. We also went to high school together back in the day.

I walked up to her. "Hi Lucy... I'm so sorry about your father..."

"Oh my gosh Corey! I remember you like it was yesterday..."

"I'm Alice's dad." I spoke.

"Oh Alice... she's so nice and kind... her & Michael are friends." She spoke solemnly.

I gave her a hug and walked to my seat. 

Michael Emerson POV:

"Daniel Emerson... my grandfather... he was a lot to me considering my dad was drunk most of the time... I only saw my grandfather a few times throughout my life, but he meant a lot to me... I remember when he- when he used to go on the rides on the boardwalk with me & my brother, Sam..."

Star held my hand. I could see Sam crying as Alice tried to comfort him. I held in my tears as I kept reading.

"He was great man who meant a lot to me, & people in this town... He was brave and heroic and saved my life, my mom's life, & my brother's life... He was the best grandpa I could EVER ask for... I still have fond memories of watching 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre' with him when I was ten... God, I hope he can hear this right now... Ever since he died, I always wished I could say goodbye to him, but I can't... I can never..."

I put down the letter I wrote and sat down with Star. 

Sam Emerson POV:

The procession to the graveyard had begun. For the past hour Edgar & Alan have tried to speak to me but I've ignored them. A priest had come to say some stupid shit or whatever. I sat down next to my mom, brother, Star, Laddie, & Alice. Alice has been here for a minute and is Michael's new best friend. 

Now it was time to give our final goodbyes and put flowers on the casket. I wiped off my tears and got up from my seat. 

Alice's dad walked up to me. "If there's anything me & Alice can do just ask..."

As I stepped back near the coffin, I could feel like I step into a puddle. As I turned around, I noticed it wasn't a puddle of water but a puddle of blood. I grabbed the hinge to open the coffin and as I opened it, I witnessed something terrifying. 

Alice screamed at the top of her lungs. My heart began beating as I saw grandpa's body disfigured and his chest ripped open. On his body was a letter that said, 'Rotting in Hell'. Suddenly Edgar, & Alan walked up behind me.

"So, you want to make that call?" Alan asked.

I looked at him & nodded. 

Alice Jones POV:

I took Michael & Laddie away so he couldn't see what I had just seen. We walked to my car with Star. I began to think back on what that lady said on the payphone. She wasn't at the procession but was at the ceremony at the funeral home. It had to be related!

Michael sat me down on the front of my car. "There's something me, & Star have to tell you and it sounds insane!" He spoke.

"Michael no- It's better off Alice doesn't know..." Star intervened. 

"Yeah, Star is right- It's WAY better I don't know!" I said as I ran to my car.

Maria was in the passenger seat already. I started the car and drove off. Today felt absolutely unreal. Now I was tired and traumatized but what I had just seen. There's a reason Santa Carla is known as the murder capital of the world, and this is the reason.

Michael Emerson POV:

Me, & my mom sat down at the police station awaiting questioning. The room was lit with green lights. My mom was still traumatized by what happened today. 

The sheriff entered the room and sat down. "Hello... I'm so sorry about what happened today... we are currently looking into it, and we are checking the guest book."

"Do you know anybody who want to do this?" He asked.

"No..." My mom responded.

"Lucy... do you mind if I talk to Michael alone?" He asked.

"Fine..." She responded.

My mom walked out of the room. Suddenly the sheriff placed a photo down. I examined the photo. The photo was a bit blurry. I then noticed the man in the darkness. The man was me... 

It must have been taken that night David, & the others killed that group that was in the woods. My heart began raising but I tried to not show it. If the sheriff finds out that it's me in the photo, my life is over!

The sheriff picked the photo up. "This photo was taken during a horrific murder... We are trying to clear the photo so we can see who this is... That might take a few weeks to do... but we think it might be you so please... do not lie and tell us if it is you in the photo."

I gulped. "No. That isn't me in the photo... not in a million years would I ever want to kill someone!"

 "Trouble seems to follow you wherever you go..." The sheriff said walking out of the room. 

I wiped off my face with my hands. I'm so tired after everything that has happened today. Widow Johnson had to be responsible for what happened today. I needed to find her... and kill her!

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