Marking his mate - A Silver S...

By Hong_2

876 22 11

Last edited March '24 Message from Elisa: Who bites a strange? Like seriously, Hunter McKenzie just bit me... More

Chapter 1 - Hunter
Chapter 2- Elisa
Chapter 3 - Hunter
Chapter 4- Elisa
Chapter 5 - Hunter
Chapter 6 - Elisa
Chapter 7 - Hunter
Chapter 8 - Elisa
Chapter 9 - Hunter
Chapter 10 - Elisa
Chapter 11 - Elisa
Chapter 12 - Hunter
Chapter 13 - Elisa
Chapter 14 - Hunter
Chapter 16 - Hunter

Chapter 15 - Elisa

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By Hong_2

I had never seen Grace get so angry before. She had been yelling at Logan for the last twenty minutes. No matter what I did as a child Grace had never yelled at me like this, what did Logan do to make her act like this? I had been home from the hospital for nearly a month. My back had mostly healed though it was itchy sometimes. The deep wound on my arm was still bandaged which the nurses at work changed every other day. It was looking better, and I was generally feeling better. I was still scared, as I continued to expect Samara to come after me. Though I had not seen Samara, it had been a long time since she first attacked me. I thought it might be because I was never alone now. Sia or Grace was always at home, and when I was at work, I wasn't allowed to have lunch alone. When Grace was at home, it meant that Logan was also there. Which I didn't like, he sometimes smelt like Hunter, and it would make me upset. Mostly because I didn't understand why I could smell him. It was my first week back at work since the attack, I was on soft duties which meant it was the same duties as before. Sia and I walked into the house and Grace was just rambling at the top of her lungs at Logan. The thing I found surprising was that Logan was just taking it. He didn't look angry, or annoyed, or even tried to say something back. He just stood there smiling at her, as if he loved her.

"I can't believe you did that! I can't believe you didn't tell me! you didn't want me to be in a bullpen and yet, you go running into a cave of female shifters. What if something happened to you? You know I am pregnant right; you can't just be running into danger like that. Also, I was the one that wanted to rip her head off. So, you are the one that gets to fight. That is just unfair" Grace said, she only stopped when she saw Sia and me.

"Hi," Sia said waving her hand. I looked between them as Grace took in a deep breath.

"Hi, how was work today?" she asked us.

"What are you to fighting about?" I asked.

"We aren't fighting," Logan said.

"Well Grace is going nuts in your face," Sia said.

"That's ok" Logan said.

"How is that ok?" I asked. How could anyone just handle that kind of nut being thrown at them?

"She is my mate, Elisa. Also, she is pregnant she is just hormonal" Logan said, getting up and moving to his mate. Her temper seemed to relax with just his touch.

"Logan" Grace said resting her head on his shoulder.

"What did he do?" Sia asked, I felt awkward around the affection that Grace and Logan had. Maybe I was jealous, maybe I hated the fact I wanted to be held and no one would hold me. "We went to arrest Samara for what she did to Elisa," Logan said, sitting on the couch with Grace. My eyes widen, what did he say? He arrested Samara. Is that why she hadn't come after me since the hospital because she was in jail?

"Where is she?" I asked.

"She has been moved to a special facility called Inner Bear. It is upstate, she won't be back, so you are safe here now" he said.

"So, you won't have to go back to the city?" Sia said with a smile. Grace and Logan frowned at me, I shrugged at them. I had been talking to Sia about the possibility of moving back to the city. As I was afraid that Samara would come for me again. That if I had my baby here, she might injure them as well.

"It was just a thought," I said. I had not spoken to Grace about it because I knew she would try and change my mind. She had been pressuring me to talk to Hunter ever since I got the news that I was pregnant. I loved her but I had to choose my own path and that was a path without Hunter.

"You can't leave, what about Hunter," Grace said.

"I hadn't decided yet," I said.

"You can't leave and not tell him," Grace said. Logan got up then confused about what we were talking about.

"Tell who what?" Logan asked. I wanted to tell him, that it wasn't any of his business, but I suddenly felt so angry at Grace. Why did she have to tell him everything? I was her sister; she had been treating me as lesser ever since she had gotten together with Logan.

"Grace!" I snapped at her. Grace looked at Logan and turned back to me. She had that look like she had to tell me. "You are my sister you promised me," I said to her.

"What is going on?" Logan asked.

"Nothing!" I snapped at him.

"You don't have to get angry at him" Grace snapped.

"Whatever, you don't care what I want you're all about shifter life now!" I yelled at her. I felt a tear on my cheek before I knew I was crying. I wiped it away, feeling hot.

"Don't be ridiculous! You are overreacting. I am trying to help you; you have to calm down" Grace said rolling her eyes. She had never done that before. It was the first time Grace and I had ever fought like this. I don't understand why I was so angry that she wanted to tell him.

"I think you both need to calm down. You are just emotional Grace, and Elisa I understand that you...." But he didn't finish because I started yelling at him.

"Shut up, you have no idea what it is like!" Elisa said. Logan frowned at me and looked at Grace.

"What is wrong Elisa?" Logan asked very confusedly about the situation.

"She..." Grace started.

"Don't!" I yelled at her,

"Why?" Grace yelled back at me; her face was red with fury, but I matched it. It wasn't hers to share and I wasn't going to share it with him.

"Because what if I turn into her!" I screamed, tearing threating me as I stared at my sister. Grace's temper seemed to deflate as she realised what I said "aren't you worried? Aren't you afraid that we are going to turn into her. Everyone always says you turn into your parents. What if I hurt my baby? What if I treat them with the same respect that our mother treated us? I don't understand how you can go around just pretending that it going to be alright" I cried at her. I should have stopped there as I could see she wanted to say something but for the first time in a long time. I couldn't stop talking it just all came out "what kind of life am I bringing my child into? What if Samara gets out? What if Hunter loses it and attacked us? What if another shifter hurts us? What if I have a girl shifter? What if I abuse them? What if I neglect them? What if I am terrible parent? What if we can't give it a good life? I am responsible for this child, I have to make decision that is best for them, not me, not Hunter, not another one. It is only them that matters. If that means going back to the city where there are more services, support from the government if I need it. Then fine, what I want doesn't matter and what Hunter wants doesn't matter..." My voice disappeared then as Grace had her hand over my mouth. She was looking at me like she use to when I panicked. Her calm, understanding smile making me feel safe.

"We are not going to turn into her, do you know why? We are already thinking of our children's best interests. Mum never did that, but we are. We are different from her in so many ways, you are a wonderful, talented, intelligent woman who will also do what is right for your child." Grace said as she slowly took her hand from my mouth. I blinked away the tears as she hugged me.

"So, you're pregnant" I heard Logan's voice say.

"Yep," Sia said asked walking out of the room without a care.

"Oh my god, that would explain everything," Logan said rubbing his forehead in exhaustion.

"I know you are scared; I am a little scared too. But I have Logan for support, Hunter will never attack your child. Your mate will protect it with its life. You need to trust Hunter" Grace said.

"Does it?" Sia said speaking to Logan, she had come back into the room with a pint of ice cream.

"Well, his bear is fearless and moody, I think his bear would rather not be attached to Hunter. His bear doesn't like being around others... you have turned into his bear. Just like Grace has turned into my bear" Logan said.

"What?" I asked again, what was he talking about.

"When a mate is pregnant, she becomes different, they turn into their mate's bear. It's normal" he said shrugging like nothing was happening.

"That would explain Grace's behaviour," Sia said. I frowned, was this why I thought Sia was different, that it wasn't her it was me? Is that why I thought Grace wasn't paying attention to me, that she didn't care about me anymore? Because of these hormones. I shook my head that couldn't be right.

"You need to tell Hunter," Logan said. Suddenly everything that Grace had said to me seemed to leave my head. I was on the defensive again and I need to protect myself and my child. I shook my head; I had made up my mind. He was going to say something else, but I didn't want to hear it. So, I run out of the house. I didn't want to talk to them, I didn't want to see them, and I wasn't going to tell Hunter. I didn't know where I was going but I just needed to run. I was so full of rage, and discomfort I had no other way of getting it out.

It was late and the sun was setting. The forest had a wonderful smell of damp moss, and fresh rain. I heard a rip as my top tore as I ran through a bush, I felt a cut on my face and arm as I tripped on a root. I stumbled but I continued to run. I ran through the forest, pushing away shrubs, ducking up branches, and jumping over roots. I could feel my legs shaking as I continued to run. I had never run this far or this long before, honestly, I wasn't a runner. I actually didn't do any exercise. I couldn't understand how I was keeping this up. But the running was freeing, it was giving me a clear head. Only when I hit into a tree, I realised that the light was going, and I was finding it hard to see. The light wasn't making it through the trees, and the floor was mostly in darkness. I felt the anger dissipate and I suddenly didn't understand why I was so angry before. Of course, she wasn't paying as much attention to me, she was moving on with her life. She was creating her own family; she just wanted the best for me. Why did I talk to Grace like that? Now I started to feel guilty for the way I spoke with her and the way I treated Logan. I had never spoken to anyone like that before, why did I start now? I wondered if Logan was right and if it was just the hormones that were making me feel this way. I stopped, panting, as I collapse my legs were not going to take any more running. Leaning against a tree I wondered how I was going to get back, I had no idea where I was in the forest. I had no forest tracking abilities; it would take me hours to get back, especially in the dark.

That was when I realised, I was still crying, my eyes were stinging, and my nose ran as I wiped it with my scrub top. Looking down at my stomach I was moving into the second trimester, and I knew that I was going to showing. I had to plan; I was soon going to be responsible for another life. Even though I had no control over my own life, I am sitting in a forest. I lived with my cousin, I didn't have a car, and I hadn't done anything by myself except recently. I didn't clean, I only did the washing when it was overflowing the basket. Was I able to look after a child? What if I turned into my mother what if I hurt my child? I snapped my head when I heard, a small growl. It was completely dark, and I couldn't see anything. I heard footsteps as I saw the outline of a bear. I went to stand up but stopped, I didn't feel frightened. I sat back down realising that it was Hunter.

"Go away," I said, the bear walked over nudging me with his cold nose. I felt it on my cheek as I giggle "that's cold" the bear whimpered as it nudged me again. He looked at his back, nudging me, and he continued to do it until I got the message "I am not going to ride you" I said, he whimpered again, looking at me and his back. I stood up, using the tree to help me. I heard a crack as Hunter stood in front of me. I was glad that it was dark and that I couldn't see his naked form.

"You're pregnant," he said, his voice soft and patient. Like he was just stating a fact and not like I hadn't told him for nearly two months.

"I know," I said looking away from him. I felt hot, and I started to scratch my neck, even though it was a cool night it was like the forest was on fire.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked. I shook my head not understanding him. He didn't sound angry. How was he so calm, so in control? He should hate me; I wasn't going to tell him about his child. I was going to go back to the city, and not let him be involved. Then I wondered if he wasn't angry because he didn't care. Did he not want children? Did he never want to know?

"Because you hate me," my voice cracked as I hugged myself, he stepped closer, and I felt the air change. He was so close I wanted to reach out and touch him. I stopped myself.

"Why would you think that?" He asked. Instead of reaching for him, I did the opposite, I stepped back, but I hit the tree as he moved closer.

"Because I rejected you, you should hate me for breaking your heart" I cried, hating myself as I said the words.

"I know why you did it, you were protecting your family. I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you. I will never hate you," Hunter said I felt his breath on my lips as he moved closer, I put my hand up as they hit his chest. Shaking my head, I looked at him, even though I could hardly see him. But I had a feeling that he could see me.

"But I hurt you" I cried; his hand touching my cheek, I felt him wipe a tear away as he embraced me, I started to cry as a feeling of safety washed over me. I felt completeness that I had not felt for months.

"I should have told you about Samara from the start. I am sorry that I was never there to look after you. I should have been there to protect you from her. It's my fault you got injuries, I'm sorry" he said,

"No, no it's not your fault. I pushed you away, it's my fault" I cried, not understanding how he was being so gentle and lovely.

"I shouldn't have let you. I should have been there for you before the first attack. I'm sorry, I love you," he said lifting my chin to look at him.

"I love you too" I cried as he kissed me slowly. He held me tight as I gripped him for dear life. Fearing that I would never see him again. He picked me up, cradling me in his arm as we moved out of the forest. I had no idea where we were going, and I didn't look up to see. I trusted him, blinding with no question. I trusted him to take me home because he was my mate and I loved him. He walked me to a car where he placed me in the passenger seat. I reached for him as he closed the door, jogging to the other side to get in. I didn't like that he was so far away, I wanted him right next to me. I didn't question as we drove away from the house. Even though I could see Grace, Logan and Sia on the porch, I should have said something to them, but I didn't. I just looked at them as Grace just shrugged and smiled at me. I needed to tell her that I was sorry for how I spoke. I need to tell Logan I was sorry for treating him like that and I needed to make a pie for Sia.

"How can you not be mad at me?" I asked him as we drove in silence. I was holding his hand in my lap as we went, he was just smiling.

"Because I will never be mad at you," he said.

"But..." I started.

"You are my mate Elisa, everything you do will be for a reason. Also, you are pregnant, which means you were just protective of your baby, just like Mellick will be protective over you." Hunter said this like he was reading facts out of a textbook.

"But were you hurt?" I asked him. I need him to react in some way.

"I was, but now that I understand you didn't do it to hurt me. You didn't because you wanted to protect your family, because you didn't want to be a burden. But you will never be a burden, I love you. I will do anything for you" he said in even tones and factual. I looked at him as he took my hand and kiss it. 

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