The Summer My Sister Turned P...

By thewilddonkey

625 12 0

Cousins Beach was a special place for all of the Conklins. All of the family's best memories have been made i... More

Chapter 1: Summerbreak
Chapter 3: The Invitation
Chapter 4: Bonfire
Chapter 5: Trouble

Chapter 2: Reunion

128 2 0
By thewilddonkey

      After everything settled down in the pool, everyone headed inside to dry off. Belly stopped in the kitchen to speak to the moms and I went straight to my room. My bags were sitting outside of my door, so I picked them up and took them inside. Brushing through my hair and changing out of my soaked clothes, I finally laid down, taking a deep breath. I can unpack later.

      My eyes find their way to my collection of shells- each one hand picked from over all the years I've come. Susannah always loves to say I have the best taste since I only keep the most unique and colorful ones I find. My sea shell collection is my most prized possession at the beach house. I spend hours roaming the shore and diving down to find the perfect shells for it.

      My gaze moves around the rest of my room. It's tangerine orange with seashell wallpaper. I have a light colored wooden bookshelf that sits in the corner wrapped with fairy lights which matches my dresser and desk. The windows have long white curtains that flow when the beach breeze blows through early in the morning. My white bed set is scattered with beachy blue and orange pillows. There's a colorful flower rug on the floor that's always covered in sand and some knickknacks scattered about the room to add my own personal touch- posters of my favorite music artists, a koala bear Belly and I won in ring toss as kids, beach perfumes I saved up for from various Cousin's boutiques, a starfish piggy bank, photo booth pictures of me and Jere at the boardwalk, my brother's old beach hat that I stole so much he ended up just giving it to me, a one of a kind seashell dream catcher I picked out with Susannah when I wanted to decorate my room.

The light catches it then.

I was twelve years old. That summer I had vaguely expressed wanting to do something more with my beach house room "now that I was almost a teenager and all". My mother had told me that we could get around to it, but we never did. I was out running errands with Susannah when I saw it. It was hanging in the window of an old antique store. Made out of old rope and wood, it wouldn't seem like much, but braided into and hanging from it were groups of beautiful seashells. Bright oranges, dark purples, shiny whites, and soft pinks glistened as the light hit it and in the middle stood a gorgeous yellow starfish. Every part of it was breathtaking to me. It was full of all the shells I could've only ever dreamed of finding. As much as I loved it, though, I forced myself to look away. My mom's recent book hadn't been selling as much as she hoped. Although she tried her best to hide it, it was obvious money was tight. She'd already spent so much money on my siblings and I that summer- I'd feel guilty even asking. It was best to let it go. Susannah had known me better though. "Hey, Kie, let's stop in here," she said softly grabbing my hand and leading me into the shop. I followed her in carefully avoiding the dreamcatcher my eyes itched to sneak another glance at. She wondered around stopping and looking at a few things here and there. I started flipping through the dusty old books to keep me occupied and before I knew it she was behind me. "You ready my love?" I turn around and notice her new bag carrying a carefully wrapped item inside. My eyes betrayed me and I catch myself checking the window to see the dreamcatcher, but It wasn't there. I looked back down at the bag and then up to her. I didn't even have to ask. My smile beamed and I almost knocked Susannah down with how excitedly I hugged her. She just laughed and smoothed my hair. When we got home we immediately went upstairs to hang it. Conrad helped and commented how pretty it was. Since that day it's stayed there, hanging above my bed and pushing away every bad dream.

I smile. Realization hits me that I haven't even got to say a proper hello to Susannah yet. The first day is always hectic and I knew I'd have plenty of time to catch up with her all summer, but I still feel the need to head downstairs and say hello. There's so much to fill her in on.

Lifting myself off the bed I head to the stairs. Once in the kitchen I round the corner, the moms are sat at the table with ice cold glasses of lemonade chatting.

"Is that lemonade?" I ask.

Susannah smiles at my presence.

"It is, grab a glass and I can pour you some," she offers. Grabbing a glass from the cabinets I walk to the table and take a seat next to her. "My gosh Laurel, both of them are starting to bloom,"

My mom laughs. "I know, they're growing up on us,"

"So? What's been new? School, friends, parties, boys," Susannah grins. "I want to hear it all,"

I sip my lemonade. Where to start?

This past school year I had made honor roll, maintaining good grades in my harder classes while also making varsity on the tennis team. Branching out a little bit more, I did make new friends, but I still pretty much kept the same close circle I always had. The few parties I attended weren't anything special and the boy I guess I was considered to have something with, Hayes, had ended after about four months. I wasn't too upset when it did. How could I be? Hayes was great. Everything anyone would want- sweet, funny, cute. I did like him, at least I think I did, but deep down a small part of me was always wishing it was someone else.

I left that part out when telling Susannah.

"Awe. Well, that's what's so great about being young my dear," she says smiling while cupping my face. "You've got all the time in the world to meet the right boy,"

"I know," I respond with a smile.

My mom checks her watch and sighs. "I'll be back," she announces getting up and grabbing her bag.

"You going into town?" Susannah asks.

"Yeah, I need to go to Whale of a Tale to sign stock. Belly was supposed to join me, but it appears she's ditched me," she glances at me. "What about you, Bean? Want to join your mom?"

I make a face.

"Actually.. I think I might head to ocean to hunt for some shells," I respond.

Susannah laughs.

"Don't worry, I'll go with you. I just have to stop by the country club first to grab something,"

"The country club? Oh gosh, nevermind. I'll go by myself," mom jokes.

"I'm going to check on the catering for your party,"

"Catering? I swear to God, Beck. You said you were doing a few bottles of wine and that's it,"

"It's just a few light appies. Calm down. You don't have to come in the club," she smiles reassuringly.

"Fine," mom lets in.

As they continue to talk I slip out, going through the back door to head to the water. I stop outside and open up the beach bin, grabbing my shell bag and scooper before walking down the sandy path onto our own private part of the beach.

Scents of salt air consume me as the wind lightly blows my hair. The sand is soft and warm under my feet as the sun sits shining down on both me and the water with a certain glow I can only ever feel at Cousins. Looking forward I spot Jere and Belly who must have ditched the house for a dip in the ocean. Belly waves to me.

"Kie!" shes says excitedly before being pushed into the water by Jeremiah.

"Hi, Kie!" he shouts laughing. "Where's your suit?"

I take a quick look down at my t-shirt and shorts before answering.

"I'm not here to swim. Just shell hunting,"

Belly is back up now, adjusting her swimsuit.

"I saw some pretty ones that way," she directs, pointing to my left. I smile and nod.

Digging through the sand I dump out another scoop. Besides a few abandoned snail shells, I hadn't gotten much luck. I take a breath and sit down in the sand picking up the ones I had kept and holding them up to the light.

"What'd you find?" Jere asks plopping down next to me. He leans in and gently grabs the shells I'm holding while his wet hair drips onto me. Belly had gone in not too long ago leaving Jere to swim by himself.

"Nothing too good. Tomorrow I'll probably come out in the morning and dive for some," I say.

He smiles.

"Want me to join?"

"I mean, I wouldn't be opposed to the idea," I respond bumping his shoulder.

"The ones you found today are still nice,"

"Yeah they are,"

"You know every time I see a sea shell I think of you,"

I laugh.

"I'm serious. You just love them so much," he continues as I smile out towards the ocean. "I remember as kids you'd always drag me out with you while you dived for them just in case a shark came cause I guess you believed I'd be able to fight it off or something,"

"Oh you definitely could," I say sarcastically.

"Yeah definitely," he reacts, nodding his head before we both smile. After a short pause he adds, "Speaking of which, I have your birthday present,"

My birthday is in the spring, unlike Belly's who's in the summer. The rest of the Fisher's send me their gifts then, but for as long as I can remember Jere always waited until the beginning of summer when we came to the beach house so he could give me it in person. He claims it's because his gifts are "too good to not give in person" but secretly I like to think it's because he enjoys seeing my reaction.

"What is it?" I question excitedly.

"I don't know," he shrugs innocently. "You'll just have to come to my room and see I guess. It may or may not have to do with sea shells,"

My face lights up.

"Let's go," I get up quickly ushering him to do the same. This causes him to laugh. "C'mon I'm serious!"

He finally gets up. "Okay, pushy!"

I grab his arm and drag him to the path way. He shakes his head smiling while maintaining a fast pace to keep up to me. Once at the house, we both use the outdoor shower to wash the sand off our feet so we don't track it in. Jere grabs a fresh towel to dry off as he follows me inside.

As we approach the top of the stairs he rustles his hair with the towel before slinging it over his shoulder. Stepping in front me, he opens his door and goes straight to the top drawer of his nightstand pulling out a small box with a bow on top of it.

"Here," he smiles offering it to me. I smile right back as I sit criss cross on the edge of his comforter, taking it into my lap. He joins me on the bed. "Go on,"

I begin untying the bow, carefully placing it to the side, before opening the box. A small gasp slips out of my lips. "Jere-" is all I can manage causing him to laugh.

"I spotted in during vacation back in December when we visited those tropical islands," he explains. "Mom made Dad stop at this jewelry boutique and it was in one of the cases. It immediately reminded me of you, so I thought it'd make a great birthday gift. Happy late birthday, Kie,"

In the box was a gold charm bracelet with authentic pearls and sea shells dangling from it. Much like my dream catcher the shells were bright colors and unique patterns, but the bracelet was still dainty and simply- perfect to wear on any occasion. A few gems sparkled as I examined it.

It was beautiful.

And Jere had picked it out for me- the Jeremiah Fisher.

His gifts were always sweet and I cherished every one, but he'd never given me something like this.

"How much did this cost?" I ask looking up. Questions like that aren't the most proper to ask, but I couldn't help it. Something like this had to of cost an arm and a leg.

"It doesn't matter," he laughed. "Do you like it?"

"Are you kidding me?" I respond opening my mouth. "It's gorgeous,"

"Here," he lifts the bracelet with one hand and removes the box from mine with the other. Putting it to the side, he takes my wrist and latches the bracelet around it. "Perfect,"

I shake my wrist watching the shells move.

"Thank you, Jere. Really- it's amazing, I love it,"

I reach over and hug him.

"Dinner is ready kids!" we hear Susannah call from the bottom of the steps.

"Mom's going to love seeing you wear it. She was so excited when she saw me pick it out," Jere says as we both get up.

I reach down for one of the shells and smile.

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