The rising Wizard(Male reader...

De Shoboy15

670 17 6

Y/n is part of one of the wealthiest pure blood wizard families. In fact his family is a rival to the Malfoys... Mais

First day part 1

Cho Chang and Hogwarts

236 5 4
De Shoboy15

We come to a young man who 11 years old, wandering the streets of Diagon Alley with his mother and father, who are getting constant stares from people around them. After all, his father is the greatest Auror at the moment, F/n.
The family is currently getting Y/n's school supplies for Hogwarts, since he just got his acceptance letter. Their first stop is Ollivanders to get their child his wand. They enter the store to be greeted by a joyful and old man.

F/n:Ollivander. It's good to see you again.
Ollivander:F/n, M/n! So wonderful to see the both of you. What can I do for you?
M/n:We are here to get our son his wand. He just got accepted into Hogwarts.
The man then looks at the boy who exudes the confidence of his father. He then walks over to a shelf and grabs a wand.
Ollivander:How about this one? An oak wood wand, 9 and a half inches, an unyielding flexibility and a core of unicorn Tail hair.
He hands the wand to the child who moves it up and down only for a spark to fly off the wand and set an upper shelf on fire before his mother then extinguished the flames.
Ollivander:Maybe not. Don't worry young one. After all, the wand chooses the wizard.
He searches for another wand until he comes across one that has been resting in his shop for quite a while.
Ollivander:I think this one will do fine. A cherry wood wand, 13 and 3/4 inches, swishy when it comes to flexibility and a dragon heartstring core.

The wand feels just right in Y/n's hands as as a golden light flows from it and swirls around him. 
Ollivander:It appears that this wand is just perfect. I mean it isn't a surprise, seeing as your own father's wand has a core of dragon heartstring that came from the dragon.
This made him smile as the family left.
M/n:Ok we gotta get you books from Flourish and Blotts, your robes from Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions your potion equipment from Slug & Jiggers Apothecary as well as...
His mother began rambling on  about the stuff the things he needed as him and his father sweat dropped. From the corner of his eye Y/n notices a girl around his age who has dropped her bag with school supplies. He rushes over to help her as their eyes meet and a giant blush is formed in both of their faces. In Y/n's eyes he sees a beautiful Scottish girl with long luxurious black hair that flows gracefully in the wind.

In the girl's eyes he sees a fairly handsome looking boy who is dressed  in a manner that exemplifies this.

Girl:Thank you for the help.
Y/n:It was my pleasure. My name is Y/n L/n. What's yours?
Cho:Cho Chang. Wait when you say L/n do you mean-
F/n:Y/n there you are.
His father and mother run up to him.
F/n:You can't just run off on your own,  it is very easy to get lost here.
Y/n:Sorry dad, I saw this girl who needed help.
F/n:Well, I guess that's fine.
M/n:Is your friend alright?
Y/n looks confused as he turned towards Cho only to she her look star struck.
Y/n:Cho are you alright?
Cho:Oh yes. It's just that your father is legendary. Greatest Auror of his time, who single handedly captured some of the most dangerous dark wizards. Everybody knows him. Is it alright if I can get your autograph sir?
She gets a notebook that looks more like a diary as F/n chuckles, gladly signing the page Cho had given him. He gives her back the book as she looks delighted.
Cho:Thank you so much, I can't wait to show this to my parents.
M/n:Where are they anyway?
Cho:Work. My father is back at home, taking care of the house while my mother is at work. She works in the ministry. Perhaps you know her sir?
F/n:What's your name?
Cho:Cho Chang.
F/n:Ah yes, I have seen your mother occasionally. Great witch. But what are you doing here on your own.
Cho:I am getting my supplies for Hogwarts. I just got accepted.
M/n:Oh that's wonderful, Y/n just got accepted as well. It looks like you both will be in the same year.
The two look delighted at this as Cho joins the L/ns in getting school supplies. She then bids them goodbye but promises to meet back up with Y/n when it is time for them to head to Hogwarts.

During this time apart Cho and Y/n became connected through the use of owls, bringing them closer as friends. Eventually the faithful day arrives and the family is at Kings Cross Station alongside Cho, who they picked up along the way. They past through Platform 9 3/4 which reveals a giant crowd of parents and their children as they begin to gather onto the large steam train. M/n and F/n hug their son as M/n plants a kiss on his forehead.
M/n:Make sure you write to us and tell us about your time there.
F/n:I know you will be great son.
Y/n:Thanks Mom. Thanks Dad. I promise to make you both proud.
With that Cho and Y/n get on the train and quickly find seats in the same cabin.
Cho:Are you excited Y/n?! We are actually going to Hogwarts!
Y/n:I know! Dad told me so many great things about Hogwarts.
???:But clearly you won't reach them.
A cocky and obnoxious voice calls out to the pair as Y/n sighs. They turn meet a boy who is nearly the spitting image of Lucius Malfoy.

Y/n:Piss off Draco.
Draco:Honestly Y/n how can someone like you associate yourself with somebody like her? She is beneath you.
Cho seems saddened at this as Y/n becomes furious.
Y/n:Don't make me strike you.
He whips out his wand as Draco scoffs before walking off.
Y/n:You alright?
Cho:Yeah but is he right? Should somebody like you be associating yourself with me?
Y/n:Why should blood status or economic status matter? Your my friend and I wouldn't change that.
Cho smiles as a maid rolls a trolley fourth.
Maid:Anything from the trolley dears?
Both:Pumpkin Pasties please?
They both blush before laughing at their synchronicity as the maid gives them their treats. It takes a couple of hours before the train makes their stop at Hogwarts. When they exit the train they meet an extraordinarily large man.

Y/n knows this man to be Hagrid as his father introduced him to Hagrid years ago when his father took them to a zoo with loads of magical creatures and Hagrid happened to be there.
Hagrid:First years this way!
The first year students follow the large man as they all get onto boats towards the island that contains the greatest wizarding school within Britain. They enter and are greeted by an older lady.

Y/n knows this to McGonagall, a teacher from the time his father was a student.
McGonagall:Welcome to Hogwartss.The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts.
They then head into the great hall as they see the many houses sat in their respective tables. They gather at the front where they see an old shaggy hat.

McGonagall:Now then you must be sorted into your houses. They are Gyrffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. When I call you up you will put on the sorting hat and it will place you into your house. First up...
She reads names off a list with a few memorable ones such as Ronwald Weasley from the Weasley family that Y/n and his family are quite acquainted with, a girl by the name of Hermione Granger who is suspected to the brightest witch despite not even starting school yet and then there is the legendary Harry Potter, all of which are placed into Gyrffindor. Some like Malfoy have the hat barely touch them before it places them into a hat as Malfoy is placed into Slytherin.
McGonagall:Cho Chang!
Cho gets nervous before a reassuring glance from Y/n gives her the confidence to walk up. The hat is then placed on her head.
Sorting hat:Hmm,  very interesting. A sharp mind filled with endless creativity as well as the thirst to be the best. It seems fitting to put you in...Ravenclaw!

The Ravenclaw table erupt into a roar as Cho walks up to the table and sits next to one of the older students.
McGonagall:And now Y/n L/n!
The legendary last name of the Auror causes whispers to fill the ball as Y/n walks up to hat as it is placed on his head.
Sorting hat:Very interesting. I have seen this only once. The courage of a lion that has a passionate heart that cares for all. I have only seen this in one student. Your father. So it seems only fitting to place you in... Hufflepuff!

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