Under the Sugar Maple Tree

By SaintlyScarlet

1.3K 108 218

"A Journey for happiness only to discover dreams can be prophetic in the most unexpected way." *** Annie Mill... More

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78 14 21
By SaintlyScarlet

Professor Brown tosses his glasses on his desk and wipes his eyes. It's Friday afternoon and he'd just finished reviewing four mini proposals with requests for advisor placement. He only has one spot open.

He wouldn't mind taking one on, if all of their proposals weren't complete shit. His hesitancy comes from his already difficult Grad student, Rebecca, and her indecent display a few weeks prior. That whole experience, plus the dining hall debacle with Annie and the impression he'd subsequently made on her had put him off the idea of further complicating his current situation.

Standing to pace his office in deep thought, he ponders whether one in particular could be revised. The student would, of course, have to agree with changing the direction they obviously wanted to go in. If they did though, he would be more amiable towards advising them.

Sighing, his gaze shifts up and out the window. Instead of turning to pace back towards the door once more, he takes a few more steps forward and places a hand on the window frame while the other goes into his pocket.

Annie is sitting out on the lawn under that God forsaken Sugar Maple tree, as she has every chance she's had for the past two weeks. And she's in nothing but that fucking cream knit sweater again.

The girl was just asking for a bout of bronchitis, or worse, pneumonia. The weather was increasingly getting cooler and she still pranced around in her light colored sundresses and skirts with a sweater and her white keds on. Completely oblivious.

Completely happy.

Professor Brown didn't understand her. She's an enigma wrapped in a fucking sunkissed bow. She's clearly poor, uneducated and working a minimum wage job surrounded by academic snobs, yet she's the happiest person he's ever met. Every single time he bumps into her, she greets him with a radiant smile and a hello.

Irritation swells in him once more as he spins on his heel. Approaching his office door, he pulls his coat off the coat rack before exiting and stalking down the hall.

Once he's made it across the paths and lawn he stands beside her, she doesn't even have her quilt today. She's just sitting directly on the cold ground.

"Put this on." He growls. "Now."

"It's good to see you too, Professor." She draws out as she lowers her book and looks up at him.

A small grin pulls at the corner of her lips.

"Annie." He snaps.

She sighs and sets her book down on top of her canvas tote before climbing to her feet and letting the professor drape his coat around her shoulders. She puts her arms through the holes and it appears to swallow her much like the whale did to Jonah.

Once he's pulled it tight, she smiles up at him. "Better?"

"Much." He huffs.

She laughs breathily and nods. The sound is so inviting, he stares down at her, entranced by her lips as her tongue darts out to dampen them. Blinking, he takes a deep breath and drops his hands by his sides before sticking one in his pocket.

"It's getting colder out," He says in a much softer tone.

She looks up at him, her brow furrowing for the first time ever at him.

Was it really so hard for her to believe he could be kind? That he could be gentle?

"You really need to get a coat, Annie." He continues.

She smiles and touches his arm, "I will. I promise."

"Good, because if I look out my window again and see you without a coat on, so help me, I'm going to have them chop this fucking tree down."

Annie gasps, "You wouldn't."

Professor Brown wasn't sure that he could actually convince landscapers to get rid of it, but he wasn't above coming out here and doing it himself in the dark of night if he had to.

She bites her lip and looks around, "You can see me from your office?"

She looks back up at him and he nods towards the building behind her. "Yes. Second window, bottom floor."

They are quiet for a moment.

"Why are you so obsessed with sitting under this tree?"

She smiles and looks up at the canopy above them, "It's not this tree exactly."

"Then what exactly is it?" He asks, while trying and failing not to trace the profile of her exposed neck with his eyes.

She looks back at him and tilts her head, "I've always dreamed of being able to sit under a Sugar Maple tree as it turns colors in the fall."

The professor stares at her for a long moment. Not only was this girl unwaveringly happy and kind, but her dreams were simple. Most people dreamed of being astronauts or movie stars or lawyers. Yet here was this girl, amongst the brightest minds the country had to offer and all she wanted to do was sit under a tree and admire it as the leaves on its branches died until spring.

She laughs at the look on his face, "Don't worry, Professor Brown, my brother didn't get it either."

"Glad to know someone in your family has sense." he mutters.

"Had." She says, stepping back towards the tree and sinking down to its roots to sit. "Had sense... before the drugs took it and him, anyway."

Her smile is sad and Professor Brown suddenly feels guilty for his crude unfiltered words.

"I'm so sorry, Annie." He says, ashamed.

She swallows and tucks a wisp of hair behind her ear before looking back up at him. She smiles once more, "Thank you."

"My words..."

"It's okay. I know you didn't mean them." Her eyes never waiver as she stares at him.

The breeze rustles the tree in the ensuing silence.

"I should get back to work." The professor says, checking the time on his watch.

Annie nods, "I understand." A smile spreads across her face once more.

He gazes down at her, feeling even more confused. This girl clearly had a tragic backstory and yet she was so fucking happy all the damn time. And before he realizes what he's said, it's out of his mouth.

"Why are you always so happy?" He asks.

"Would you prefer me to be angry?" She smirks at him.

"Do you even know how to be angry?" He quips without much forethought.

Annie cocks an eyebrow at him before retorting, "Oh I can do angry, Professor Brown. It's just usually more of the bless your heart variety."

"What does that even mean?" He sighs in frustration, her southern idiosyncratic language getting the best of him.

"Google it, professor. Now if you don't mind, I was just getting to a really good part of my book and you need to get back to your work." She says opening her books worn pages once more and once again dismissing him.

Professor Brown gapes at her for a moment longer before turning back towards the building and walking away. As he does, he pulls out his cell phone.

Once he has the google search bar pulled up he types in, "what does bless your heart mean?"

He stops in his tracks as the results pop up, realizing she'd told him to go fuck himself that day in the dining hall.

And she'd done it with a smile on her face.

A surprise bark of laughter escapes him as he looks up and shakes his head.

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