Deadly Little Leo - Inej Ghafa

By bIlly_readS

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"Deadly Little Leo... always gets what she wants" "You wont even see her coming" «────────────────────» #1... More

Deadly Little Leo
Part one
Act 1
The Arrow
That Watch
Cut Her Puppet Strings
Deals a deal.
Pekka and Plans
Split The Check
Pekka the Piss-ant
Jurda, Coal and a Goat
Us! Its Us!
If Darkness Was A Place
Time For A Heist
Teamwork make the dream work
Are you with me?
Its your decision to make...
Should I Stay Or Should I Go.
Silent treatment
Disadvantages, Weekness, And Streangth.
Part two
Act 2
Face claim update
Take over
The Games Just Begun
Deal with the Devil 2.0
No Control
I Found You
I Swear To You... Leo
I Dont Need You
Pekka's leavers party
They'd Be Fine.

A Change In The Game

233 13 13
By bIlly_readS

⋅ ⌖ ⋅

If Leo was being honest, she wasn't mad at Inej at all. Did the words sting? Yes. Did she understand? Yes. Was she mad? Nope.

Well... maybe a little. That small flare of anger she was used to snuffing out like sand to the fire.

But then again, she didn't have time for that anger right now. Not when they were so close to getting rid of Pekka Rollins. To completely destroying him.

The sizzle of anger transformed to a burn of pure excitement, and that made her want to be violent with a smile ever present on her face.

It seemed the perfect opportunity awoke when a know at her door distracted her from her work.

Another note to Pekka, one assassin sent to take out a loose end, and one very messy deal that left dead bodies in her pub. Something about a dead gone wrong and fists being split or... something like that. Leo was used to her customers being a racket at times.

She got up and was faced with a very broody looking Kaz Brekker when she opened her door. She silently let him in when he didn't speak a word. It did take him a moment before he asked questions or stated brutal facts.

Leo blamed it on his flare for dramatic. She was certain he got it from Jesper.

"I'm looking for fresh blood"

And there it was. The dramatics.

Leo decided a nod would do, "right." She said plainly with a noncommittal shrug of her shoulders. Her confusion could be felt by the blind man Sirel that lived in the upper floor it was that noticeable.

She swore she could see him roll his eyes, but had no time to comment as he continued. "I'm going to recruiter the Dregs. Per Haskells gang"


Now she would fully see the eye roll, "it would bring me comfort to know you were there... just in case."

She nodded, "why not just bring Inej" the name felt off when she spoke it, but continued "or Jesper?"

He gave her a hard stare, "I need violence. Inej has her own target and Jesper would kill then with his shots. You have violence, enough to place fear, enough to hurt, enough to persuade"

His answer was simple, yet complicated. Underlying and unspoken conversations between them linked into a sentence. But a smirk still shone on her face, violence was just what she needed.

"Let me get changed, and let's have some fun"

⋅ ⌖ ⋅

The Dregs hideout was deep in the shit heaps of the Barrel. Out of sight out of mode kind of place.

The Dregs did have a reputation, a weak one however. Not respected, but they were know for their brutality and their killers. Leo assumed that's what they were here for seen as the Crows... well, the old Crows, were quite the nasty bunch.

The whole pub went silent as soon as they walked in. Predictable really. Several stood up as if they were already preparing for a fight. Also, predictable.

It was their boss, Per Haskell that spoke up when he noticed them. An older man with a greying beard. He seemed and dressed well put together, but Leo knew her was living of pennies. "Kaz Brekker... Arrow. What a pleasant surprise"

His voice wasn't welcoming. But neither was Kaz's.

"Per Haskell-"

"Pekka offered every gang good coin for your beaten corpse. His words. Looks like you've bitten off more than you can chew" he didn't make a comment on Leo.

Leo was currently masked up, standing a few feet away from Kaz who took his spike further into the room. Leo opted to stay by to door for the time being.

Kaz ignored the man, "I need half a dozen men for a job. I'm not here for the washed up cashiers and cowards. I'm here for the hungry ones. The hard ones. I'm here for the killers... people like me."

That's one was to put it, Kaz. Well done. Leo thought.

Though, Per Haskell did not look dazed in the slightest. "Dregs"

Leo smirked as she locked the door behind her, excitement coursing through her body. Prickling at her skin.

"Kill these Barrel rats"

Let the fun begin.

She stayed with a smirk on her face by the door as she watched Kaz take on the guys that launched then selves at him. Always going for the bag leg. Mistake on their part.

His punches were strong and his whacks by his cane were powerful, sending men twice their size to the floor and into the tables.

When he had a moment to look at her, he gave her a look and said "going to step in anytime soon"

He could see the smile in her eyes as she replied, "I haven't got my beauty sleep"

He huffed with a grunt as he grew another guy who was swinging chains around like a mad man to the floor, "beauty sleep won't mask your ugliness on the inside"

She laughed rather loudly and obnoxiously, and without a word joined in of the fight. Immediately grabbing a guy by the should to make him face her before swinging her bow solid into his face. The blade on the end making a everlasting incision.

The two fought like they were made for it, like a dance that had been rehearsed for hours on end. Never colliding with one another, but throwing men left and right like it was nothing.

Kaz hitting one in the stomach with his cane, prompting the guy to keel over where Leo would drive her knee into his nose, finishing him off.

Considering Kaz did fight a little longer than herself, Leo did make a comment on his heavy breathing compared to her regular. Though she wondered the look on his face if she did speak her words.

Instead she let him speak to the boss, "you think you're sake because you rolled over for Pekka Rollins-"

"Takes more than what you got to get past Rollins-"

That's when Kaz got closer, speaking to no one but Haskell, "this city's price is blood, and I am happy to pay with yours" he turned to address the gangs, Leo stood with her glare hidden behind her hood and mask. "Who do you want standing in that door when the lion get hungry?"

Kaz and Leo took one step forward, it was half amusing to see all four men flinch and instantly take a step back. "You're all with me now"

Onto the next step.

⋅ ⌖ ⋅

"Your drinking that like your not going to share..." Leo made a comment as she watched Kaz take yet another sip from his flask. A usual brooding look was painted on his face as he gave her a glare but handed it over nonetheless.

The swig she took was indeed to large and she immediately started the cough and choke. Kaz gave her an halfhearted amused look, one she didn't catch.

"Eugh! Why the fuck are you drinking straight cat piss, that" she pointed at the flask now back in Kaz's hand, "-That. Is. Vile" she faked gagged to proved her point when Kaz took another sip.

"Never had clubs finest?" He taunted, and she shrugged,

"Could never afford clubs finest, besides, I don't want to put myself on the rich and whoring fat men level. That's piss is all they ever drink. Never catch me snooping to that level" she cringed, and Kaz's lips did a slight upturn.

"Does that mean I'm on their level?" He sloshed the remaining liquid round in the flask and to point. And Leo huffed a laugh,

"You, Kaz Brekker are a whole other level of evil. Take that as a compliment"

He smirked, just as the door to the cemetery hideout opened up. It revealed a Jesper and a Wylan, currently, two of Leo's favourite people.

The two were quiet as they entered, looking at Wylans face, he was beyond surprised to see the a bloody nose and bruised face of Kaz and a split lip on Leo. It almost made her smile, usually it was a surprise to see her without a bruise of two. People always want to know what's beneath the mask.

"The Dregs have opted to join us"

Leo snorted at that, grabbing the flask from Kaz's hand and taking a smaller sip this time. Hissing at the burn she said "just about"

Kaz ignored her and kept his focus on Jesper, "well?"

Jesper was quick to answer, "yeah, you were right. No glass factory, just a country estate."

Leo wasn't the least surprised to see Wylan's face go ever paler when Kaz asked, "was the boy there? What's his name?"

Now that was a question Jesper clearly didn't want to answer. Leo felt right to step in, Kaz's anger was already through the roof they didn't need it to reach the fucking moon.

"Don't pretend otherwise" their attention snapped to her, "Pekka renamed the Crow Club the Kaelish Prince and Pekka would never see himself as anything other than a king." She pointed out. Yes, her and Kaz had spoken. "So, what is the boys name?"

It looked as though Jesper took every small bit of power he had to speak the name. But he did. "Alby. Alby Rollins"

Kaz took no time steaming off into the other room. "What are going to do with him?!" Wylan asked, his voice filled with worry for the young boy.

"Kaz! He's just a kid!" Jesper spoke up, but he spun to Leo as quick as the next, "you're gonna let him hurt a kid?"

Leo's face stayed impassive, she didn't shy away from Jespers glare when she spoke, "He's not in control of what happens to Rollins' spawn"

She smirked ever so slightly,

"I am"

⋅ ⌖ ⋅

... long time no see hehe 😅

Yeah ik.

It seems whenever I want to post a story life likes to kick my arse.

not proof read. And mistakes spotted please ignore, I don't have the time or patience to go back and look if I want to get another chapter done. 🙂

I will hopefully upload again soon.


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Yeah guys I think I don't need to say much... Enjoyyy:)