Lord-X and Quintesson's reven...

By ballora3099

232 0 3

Autobots and Decepticon has been working together to capture the Recepticons and evil Autobots ever since the... More

Fire Teams robot disguise rolls and subgroup
Fire Team's enemies ft their relatives
Chapter 1: Team-X arrival at the earth
Chapter 2: Encountering with their enemy: Part I
Quick message
Guess who's back!
Chapter 3: Encountering with enemy: Part II
Chapter 4: Encountering with their enemy: Part III

Chapter 5: Encountering with their enemy: Part IV

25 0 1
By ballora3099

Eli and Ezra vs Tesarus

7:12 p.m. (Open Place)

Eli and Ezra were doing Slugs Blasting training together by blasting some of slugs on the dummies. When it was Ezra's turn to blast his slug on the dummies he then space out in the moment in his thought.

Ezra: *Mind* I wonder how the others doing?.. I hope they are not getting captured by the members of Team-X...

Then suddenly Eli shout his name to make him snap out of it because he didn't realize that Ezra was almost hit him with the ice slug. Ezra then finally snap as he saw Eli was standing there shaking because of that. 

Ezra: Oh! Sorry Eli! 

Eli: It's ok... 

His Ice Slug Frosty went to him as Ezra bend down and pick him up with his hand as he get up and pet his head.

Eli: *Taking a breath to calm down*

Ezra: Sorry Frosty I didn't mean to blast you towards Eli

Frosty then smiled as he petting himself on his hand as Ezra chuckling. After Eli has calm down himself he went to Ezra to ask him a question.

Eli: Ezra I need to ask you... Were you space out in that moment?

Ezra then nodded.

Eli: Oh...What are you thinking of?

Ezra: Well I just wonder how the other Fire Teams were doing and I hope none of them get captured by the members of Team-X..

Eli: Yea, me too..  But for now let's just continue our training shall we?

Ezra: Alrighty then.

As they were about to continued their training their two main fire slugs ran to them fast as they confused.

Eli: Burpy? Burny?

Ezra: What's wrong guys?

Burpy and Burny then jump to their owner as they tell that they both been chased by one of the Team-X member called Tesarus. They both got shocked as they looked at each other.

Eli: Oh no! He's gonna get us too! Besides we're in their target list.

Ezra: Well let's just clean all these dummies up and be prepared to encountering him..

Eli then nodded in agreement as they both started to clean the place up and throw away all the dummies that was destroyed. A few minutes later they finish clean up as they took out the weapons and ready in their position.

Then all of sudden they hear evil chuckling voice as they knew it was Tesarus's voice. They then point their laser blaster gun on their surroundings. Suddenly the unknown laser shot's coming towards as Eli and Ezra took out their lightsabers and activate. Eli spin his rope lightsaber to avoid the shot while Ezra slash the laser's shot.

A while that Tesarus make his appeareance as he chuckle which is make Eli and Ezra angered while they looked at him.

Tesarus: Well well.... What do I have here?.. Of course if it wasn't Sideswipe's human teammates from Shane gang and The Ghost crew named Eli Shane and Ezra Bridger...

Eli: What the F do you want from our leader again?! After you and your pesky teams invade the Cybertron ago!

Ezra: Is that not satisfy you enough just yet?!

Tesarus: Not until we finish our revenge on your leader and all of his teams including Starscream and his dinobot friend. Not just them but you both will be our slave soon..!

Eli: Yea right! Your revenge will not gonna happen to them neither Starscream!

Ezra: And you will not make Grimlock to change his Autobot side because his choice will always be his!.

Eli and Ezra then transform themselves into their robot disguise as they ready fight him. Tesarus then took out his weapon as well to fight them.

Meanwhile with their relatives

Eli's relatives and Ezra's relatives was talking and chilling while sitting on the hills to take some fresh air. 

Elliot: I wonder how our brothers doing on their slugs blasting training.

Ezekiel: Well I'm pretty sure they doing well on their training though.

They keep talking about random stuff. Some of them just playing jokes and having fun. Just then Ezekiel got a call from his little brother Ezra as he answered it from his watch.

On call

Ezekiel: Hey little bro how was you both slugs blasting training? Going well?

Ezra: More like worst Eze! Me and Eli needs help now!

Elliot: *joins (he sat beside Ezekiel)* What's the problem guys?! You guys got attacked by someone.

Eli: *fighting (Ezra actually put speaker on his watch)* Well Elli we've been under attack by Tesarus the member of Team-X!

Ezekiel: What?! How did that happen?!

Ezra: While we about to continue our training. We saw Burpy and Burny run towards us and they tell us that they've been chase by him. 

Elliot: Are you guys fought him right now?

Eli: Yea!

Ezekiel: Alright we'll be on our way now!

Elliot: Don't worry we promise to be fast as we can!

Eli/ Ezra: Alright!

End call

After Ezekiel cut the call he and Elliot then looked the others who hear their conversation.

Elliot: Boys we need to go now.

Ezekiel: Eli and Ezra is in danger now and they need our help.

Xavion: What's wrong?

Vlad: Did they got attacked by someone?

Elliot: Yes..

Ezekiel: It was Tesarus... The member of Team-X

Xavier: But aren't Team-X was defeated?

Vincent: Yea... They were never seen again though.

Elliot: Well unfortunately they have return and now they after Team Prime...

Ezekiel: Not just that guys they also after the whole Fire Team..

They four got their eyes widen after hearing it as they find out that Eli and Ezra was in their target list.

Xavion: Wait... if they are after the whole Fire Team..

Vlad: That means Eli and Ezra is on their target list!

Xavier: This can't be good guys! 

Vincent: Well let's us not wasting our time. We better transform into robot disguise mode and move fast before Tesarus captured them.

With that they all transform in their robot disguise mode.

Side: Decepticon
Subgroup: Stunticons

Side: Decepticon
Subgroup: Stunticons

Side: Autobot
Subgroup: Elite Guard

Side: Autobot
Subgroup: Elite guard

Side: Autobot
Subgroup: Wrecker

Side: Autobot
Subgroup: Wrecker

After they transform into their robot disguise mode. They then tranform into vehicle mode and drive fast as they can to save them before it's too late.

Back Eli and Ezra

Eli and Ezra still fighting Tesarus as they keep shooting the lasers all over. Eli then load his spider slug inside his blaster as he fire it. Spinner then form as it made a web and shoot through Tesarus's gun to trap it.

Tesarus: Gah! You stupid Spider slug!

As Tesarus tried to shoot it. Eli then use his mind control power to control slug and avoid it. Ezra then used his force to grab Tesarus whole body and threw him on the wall. Tesarus then get up because he did not expect to see them good at fighting.

Tesarus: Not bad! I don't know this two human guns user is good fighting.

Eli: What's wrong Tesarus?

Ezra: You gonna gave up now? How pathetic.

Tesarus: Not just yet!

Tesarus then took out another blaster but this time it was full of dark energon energy power up. He then blast to them as they both avoid it fast. Unfortunately the energon bullet can move as it hit them as they both flew and hit the ground very hard. Tesarus went to them as he point his gun to them with smirk. 

Tesarus: Looks like you both are now defeated..

As Tesarus about to shoot them. Elliot and Ezekiel arrived just in time as they transform and kick Tesarus. Tesarus then fell down as they both look at him.

Elliot: How about you better back off...

Ezekiel: From our brothers Tesarus!

Eli and Ezra then got up as they fell a lot of pain on them but they were lucky to be able get up. Elliot and Ezekiel then look at their brothers as they went fast to them to make sure they have no serious injuries on them.

Elliot: Eli, Ezra...!

Ezekiel: Are you two alright?

Eli: Yea..we're alright..guys

Ezra: I'm glad you both made it in time before he's capturing us..

Just then they hear him growling angrily as they look at him and while Xavion, Xavier, Vlad and Vincent arrived as they transform into their bot mode as they took their weapon out. Tesarus then gets up in anger while looking at them.

Tesarus: You nasty brat kids! How dare you ruin my plan!!!

Xavion and Vlad: Well we would call you nasty if you try...

Xavier and Vincent: To lay your filthy hands our cousins you fool!

Tesarus then smirk as he couldn't believe that Sideswipe's relatives also have humans friends as well.

Tesarus: *chuckle evilly* I don't know Sideswipe's relatives has a human friends as well.

Then the battle continue on Tesarus. Tesarus keep shoot them but they avoid fast as they keep shoot to him back as he avoid it. Eli and Ezra has an idea how to stop the power-up as they know the power-up crystal. 

Once Tesarus Power-up was getting weaker and weaker. Eli have his chance by use his rope light saber to take away his power-up crystal. Soon Ezra ran fast as he use his light saber and destroy the crystal into piece.

Tesarus: NO!!!!!

Tesarus then finally defeated as all his power fade away. Eli and Ezra then high-5 to each other proud of themselves. Their brothers and their cousins goes to them and they were amazed after what they did.

Elliot: Well done little bro!

Ezekiel: Yea you did a great job..

Then suddenly they hear Tesarus getting up in anger as they eight took out their gun and point at him. Tesarus then look at them angrily.

Tesarus: Grrr!!! I can't believe 8 of you are very this strong to fight me.

Tesarus then activated the portal as he speaks again in angry tone.

Tesarus: Just remember this isn't over yet our team will destroy you one day brats!!!

Tesarus then enter the portal as the portal soon dissapeared. Unfortunately they didn't managed to capture Tesarus cause he already escaped.

Eli: Ok guys since we can't captured him. We'll just leave him for now

Ezra: But if we encounter him again we have no choice but giving a sentence to him.

Xavier: Just one question is how did Team-X got into earth?!

Vlad: That's the question I'm about to ask too.

Elliot: How..? Because my brother and Ezekiel's brother has spotted their ship at the wood

Ezekiel: We have comfirmed that they have invade the earth secretly...

Xavion: Oh my goodness.. I hope the rest of Fire Team members are safe and didn't get capture.

Vincent: Yea the one I'm worried is Ali because he still new though..

With that further happens, Eli and Ezra continued their training at somewhere else but this time their relatives were with them so they can guard them if they were in danger. But they also hope that none of the Fire Team members gets captured by the hands of Team-X

But the answer is...

Will Tanjiro and Hinata defeat Helex?

We'll see the answer in Chapter 6

To Be Continued

Chapter 6 coming soon

(Also apologize because I upload this in delay because I was busy with study at college and yet I didn't have time to write the story. But I promise I will try my best to upload more chapter)

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