Wings Of Shadows (Deathgrippe...

By ReesesSprite

45K 1.1K 431

In this story the reader is not a Nightfury like all the others. They are a dragon killer, a Deathgripper! Th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 7

3K 85 33
By ReesesSprite

I smirk and look down at Toothless, who is bowing but his eyes show disbelief. He's probably rethinking how he growled at me not too long ago, I can understand it. "The bot smells like Valka." The Bewilderbeast rumbles at me, most likely itching me to confirm his suspicions. "Her offspring." I hiss at him, he looks content with the answer and turns his attention back to the boy. "He has the same kindness in his eyes, alike Valka's." Well, I haven't been paying attention to him, I have been to the Night Fury though. "Welcome to the Sanctuary, offspring of Valka." He says as he blows snow on the kin, the snow getting in the Hyman's hair. "Hey, I though you only did that with me?" I whine and jump off his tusk and to land on the ground. The Bewilderbeast only chuckles and blows snow at me.

"Cold!" I whimper as I shake the snow off my scales. My glow disappears as I relax my body. "Woah...." I can hear Valka's offspring say. I turn to look at him and I do a double take, he is staring at me, why? He reaches out his hand, the same thing he did the Clawlifter, or at least tried to do. I snapped at his hand and he pulled it away quickly. The Fury growled at me but a look shut him up quickly. "Be nice, Y/N." Cloudjumper reminds me and turns his head towards Valka, reminding me that is her kin. I huff and force myself to relax as I sit in my haunches. He reaches his fleshy claw forward again and turns his head away as he reaches his fleshy claw forward. I get up, and walk away. "Y/N." Cloudjumper huffs and shakes his head, but I can see he is trying not to smile. "At least, I didn't bite his fleshy claw off." I hiss. I can hear Valka laugh as her kin walks back to her in defeat.

"They haven't let me touch them yet, what you saw earlier was the first time they allowed me to." Valka laughs, quite amused at the fact that her kin looked disappointed that I didn't like him immediately. I move back over to Gruff and he chitters at me. "Still the same Y/N as before, huh?" He asks despite already knowing the answer. "He does not deserve to touch an alpha such as me, let alone the Bewilderbeast." Gruff chuckles and nudges me with his tail, an initiation to play wrestling. I pounce on him and me and him roll around, hitting each other with our claws playfully. I pin Gruff down and spread my wings and bellow in victory. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see the human kin reaching for Gruff. My instincts kick in and my tail rattles before my stinger extracts and it reaches for him.

"Hiccup!" Valka yells to her kin as he gasps and backs up last second to avoid my tail. The Night Fury snarls and wraps his tail around his human when he checks to see if he's okay. "Keep your human away from my pack." I snarl and hold Gruff close to me with my wing. "There was no need to attack him." The Night Fury stops snarling and tries to give me reason. Gruff wraps his wing around mine to try to calm me down and I didn't notice but my glow appeared again. "What's with the glow?" Valka's kin asks her with a confused but curious look in his eyes. Valka moves over to me, moving over the Gruff though to try and see if I'm approachable. Gruff purrs at her and I retract my stinger. She reaches for me and I move back, but when he fingers touch my chin, my entire body relaxes and I can feel myself purring.

What is this? Why does her touch feel so nice? "There we go, it's okay." I can hear Valka say as I roll into my side and she rubs my belly. Dang it, curse you and your nice touches. I can practically see Gruff smirking at me but I could care less. I can smell a new smell and I stop purring, the human kin is trying again. Does he want his fleshy claw bitten off? I growl and stand to my feet, the Night Fury wrapping his tail around his human. I can already tell his human being touchy is going to be a problem. Before any tension could happen between Toothless and I, Valka speak. "Are you hungry?" She seems to be asking her kin but I can tell her words are somewhat directed at Toothless and I to stop us from fighting. Not like the young Night Fury would win. "Yeah, I could eat." Her kin says, his eyes trailing to Toothless and Iso nothing happens.

"Good, it's feeding time." Valka says as she walks away with her kin. Toothless turns his attention away from me, probably hearing feeding time. "I'm always hungry!" He says as he jumps around Cloudjumper, I wonder how he deals with energetic dragons. Toothless then puts his head under Cloudjumper's wing, toothless and looking excited. "Let's race, see who's faster!" Toothless looks excited at the concept of racing Cloudjumper, doubt he would win though, Cloudjumper has four wings. "Do not play around, I have four wings." Cloudjumper pulls his wing away from Toothless's head, looking quite offended(?) "Race Y/N, you two might be the same speed." Cloudjumper gives me a look that says 'be nice' as he turns away from Toothless. I roll my eyes and look back at Toothless, who is tapping his claws on the ground while looking excited.

"Fine." I hiss and Toothless jumps up happily as we walk towards the edge of a cliff, I fly upwards while Toothless grabs his stowaway and flies up too. "When does the race start?" I hiss as I fly next to him, dragons all around getting ready for feeding time. "When we reach the top." Toothless confirms with me, his human looks nervous at my sudden closeness with him and his dragon. As we fly up, Toothless gurgles with his rider. Valka's kin seems to get the idea and smiles at me, don't mention it human, seriously, don't mention this at all. Once we reach the top, I hear a click and Toothless flies off, impressive for a young dragon. "Mind if we follow you?" I hear Cloudjumper say as I hear multiple other dragons flying out of the top. "Sure." Is all I say before I go flying after him.

If what Gruff has told me about Night Fury's is true, they are incredibly fast, but I'm not all tank. I quickly fly after Toothless and his human, using the wind's whistle to camouflage my wing flaps and movement. I can hear Toothless and his human laughing as they seem to think the lost me. As I fly by, I gurgle at the both of them and their reaction is one I'll be seeing in my dreams. Toothless flaps his wings to catch up with me but I can tell that this is the feeding spot right here. "I win." I say as I stop flying, chuffing slightly as I can feel Toothless' disappointment from here. "No fair! You're more trained in flying!" Toothless gives back the most weaker rebuttal I have ever heard. "Aren't you supposed to be the fastest dragon alive? Yeah, I thought so." I don't even let him answer the question that I ask as he just huffs.

"Jerk." I hear him mumble, oh, we're doing insults now are we? "Fish-eating, human-loving pet." I growl out and his jaw and ear nubs drop. "Where are we eating? Are we divebomb fishing?" Toothless asks as he finally regains his composure after being insulted. "Of course not, the Bewilderbeast is coming." I say as I look down and I can already see his shadow. He jumps out of the water and takes the fish out of his mouth before spitting it back out into the air for us to catch. "Wow!" I hear Toothless say as dive down to catch some fish myself. Scarfing them down my throat as soon as I catch them. Most of the dragon's leave as soon as feeding time is over, but some don't leave, probably curious about Toothless and his human or just don't want to leave yet.

Cloudjumper and Valka, Toothless and his human, and I land on a small island that's in the middle of some icebergs. Valka is drawing what I assume is in the scroll that her kin drew. Meanwhile, I quickly picked up some ice and tossed it at Toothless. He wasn't looking and got hit with it. He let out a roar in surprise but picked up the ice in his mouth and started dragging it in the snow in the ground. Cloudjumper and I look confused as Valka and her kin look happy or amused. "What are you doing?" Cloudjumper asks as he twists his neck to look at Toothless who is dragging the ice in the snow. "I'm drawing!" Toothless responds as he continues to 'draw'. "Um." I don't have the guts to say anything that isn't mean to him. "I'm fini-" Toothless begins to say but the ice is stuck on his tongue. "It's stuck!" Toothless says as he shakes his head together ice off. "It's ice." I can't help myself as I say in a sassy tone, Gruff is rubbing off on me.

Toothless and I race to the location of what I call an air geyser, which I didn't know the location of because I don't come here. Toothless and Cloudjumper glide in the air while I sit in the island next to the geyser. A few dragons try it out and glide on the air too, I just sit near the edge and look down at the geyser itself. I feel a force push me and look back to see a Snafflefang trying to push me off. I kick at her with my feet and she raises her head and huffs. "Back off." I growl, hoping to scare her off, it does not work and only edges her on. She successfully rams her head into me and I go flying off, not enough time to fix my body to fly. The air geyser raises my body up and I'm at the same height as Toothless and Cloudjumper. "Nice of you to join us-" Cloudjumper starts to speak but I interrupt with a growl. "Bug off." The air feels nice and warm but this feels unnatural.

Valka is currently climbing into some dragons that are nearby enough for her to climb into in the air. She climbs into Toothless' wing and ruffles her kind hair before leaning off Toothless' wings and landing on my back. Um, Valka, I didn't ask to be have a stowaway on my body. She quickly moves off my wings and Cloudjumper catches her. It just feels weird to have a weight that isn't Fireworm on my back. Speaking of Fireworm, he is also floating in the air, just way higher due to his tiny size. I use my wings to lift myself higher and I see Fireworm in the air and in his back with his tongue out. I would have thought he was sleeping if he did t let out a growl in greeting as soon as he saw me. Yeah yeah, I love you too. I purr as he pulls himself onto my snout and nuzzles me. So adorable, literally my child right here.

I can see Cloudjumper and Toothless separating from the group so I stay with the group of dragons who still gliding in the air geyser. I don't want to seem needy for their attention, especially with Valka's kin, I don't want to seem weak in front of a human who could be an enemy. But it's Valka's kin, Valka, the one who takes care of dragons in the Sanctuary too. But when I look back at the duo of humans, Valka's kin jumps off of Toothless. IS HE INSANE!? HUMANS CANT FLY! Oh nevermind he has something on his clothes. Interesting, this human knows more than meets the eye. Toothless seems to not have had remembered to catch his human because he dives after him to presumably catch him after his seems to be flying into a rock formation. Foolish youngling, no looking where he is going.

Toothless flies after his human and they both dive into the thick snow after Toothless grab his human in a protective cocoon in his wings. The reason I know this is because I started flying after them as soon as I saw Valka's kin jump. Toothless opens his wings and looks panicked as he looks for Hiccup. "Good grief....." Toothless says as he looks so done with his human. I tilt my head at Cloudjumper as we both land and he does the same, seeming to not know what happened either. "Almost?" Toothless says with disbelief in his voice. "ALMOST!?" Toothless says with a certain crossness in his voice, seems like his human has done this before. Toothless uses his tail and trips his human as Valka's kin lands on his back with a grunt. I strengthen the blow by putting my tail on his stomach and he groans again.

Valka laughs as she runs over as her kin tries to push my tail off of him. When he finally manages to, he stands up with a heave and I walk back over to Cloudjumper. I put some snow in a pile and when Toothless isn't looking, I smack the pile with my tail and it goes flying towards him. "Y/N! I just got the snow off!" I gurgle and shake my head at him, teasing him that he can try to do something. He jumps after me and I run away to get away from his attempts at pushing snow at me. Soon, Valka comes over and ruins the moment, Toothless stops and I stop too. "What are you doing?" He asks, despite knowing she can't understand him. The flappy spikes on his back relax and turn into two with each spike. "I feel so flexible!" Toothless says as he jumps up and shakes his spine, probably because of the sudden feeling of his back spike flaps loosening up. "Better sharp turns? Now that's what I'm talking about!" Toothless bounds over to his human, looking happier then ever.

"Did you know about this?" Hiccup asks Toothless as Toothless flexes his back spines. "Wanna go test it out?" Toothless asks as his human puts his hand on his face. "Every dragon has its secrets, and I'll show them all to you!" Valka says as she walks over to her kin, looking happy. "Y/N!" Toothless runs over to me, looking excited at his new spines. "I bet I can beat you in a race now!" Toothless digs through the snow as his tail follows him messily. He must have been separated early for him to think that some spines are going to help his speed with a larger flier. Toothless jumps out of the snow and puts some snow on my head. "Snow is fun!" Toothless says as he jumps out of the snow. "The have it." I tilt my head and the snow falls on his. I can hear Valka laugh at our antics, well, Toothless' antics. "Don't laugh at me, Valka." I hiss and use my tail to put more snow on Toothless. "Look at my spines and tell me you will win!" Toothless flexes his spines at me. "Well, mine can't do that." I tilt my head at Toothless as I look at his moving spines.

"This is great! Now you and I can go talk to Drago together!" What. Alright, Valka's kin, please go do that, we don't need any of that recklessness in the Sanctuary. "The colony our first priority." I say as I walk over to Valka's kin, despite knowing he can't understand me. Toothless follows me and flexes his spines at his human. "New spines, test drive." I roll my eyes and huff, this dragon really can't sit down. I fly up and after, Toothless quickly flies after me, his human in tow. "First one to the Sanctuary." He says as he flexes his spines once more. I just nod my head and or prepare to fly forwards. Toothless flies forward and I fly after him quickly. His speed is fast but I'm still a bit faster, albeit more clumsy in dodging the sea stacks. Toothless and I are snout to snout in our race, growling as we try to pass the other. I dodge sea stacks all around and mainly Toothless' body, who I think is trying to bump into me.

"Cheater!" I roar and bang my body against his, he roars back and his human wobbles a bit. That gives me time to fly forward and get a head start. The good thing is, I have an internal map of where the Sanctuary is. So unless the human or the Night Fury has amazing memory, neither of them can get there without the help of either Valka or Cloudjumper. Both of whom I hope won't interfere, the race would then be not counted because of outside interference. I soar through the air, enjoying the feeling of the wind on my scales. That is until I hear a certain whistle of the wind of a dragon I know all too well. I raised my sheathed tail, I remember that it is all too well for bludgeoning. I then lower my tail, I would probably be disqualified for hurting the other contestant.

I flap my wings a bit more, hoping to get that extra wind speed on my wings. The wind whistle gets closer and suddenly me and Toothless are nose and nose again. I growl and he snarls, both of us not wanting to lose the race. Curse my back scales, they lower my speed, if I didn't have them, I would be way faster. Toothless and I soar past sea stacks and I can see the Sanctuary in the distance. Toothless sees it too as he roars and speeds up, I snarl and bring my body more straight to catch the wind at the right angle. I can feel the wind start the whistle louder at both our speeds and I can see the entrance my pack and I always use. I dive down towards the hole, knowing that the entrance is way quicker than the earlier exit.

I soar through the exit and some dragon have to practically leap out of my way as I fly so quickly through the exit. I say that it's the exit and entrance my pack and I use but it was soon found out and used for more space. I fly through the hole and find myself back into the Sanctuary. I quickly raise my wings and land on the structure pole that all dragons circle around and land on. As if on cue, Toothless flies down from the top entrance and lands swiftly on the ground on a cliff edge. He looks happy until he looks over and sees me. I wave a claw at him and he pouts. "That's not fair! You used a different entrance!" He growls as Hiccup gets off him and turns towards me with a surprised look in his face. "You said 'first one to the Sanctuary', did you not?" I fly over to where him and his human is and chuff at him. That was a race I probably my will never forget anytime soon. Toothless just pouts and his human laughs and scratches his chin, he gladly takes the affection.

I tilt my head, I'll only let Valka do that to me, only on special occasions. Toothless lays down, seemingly ready to go to sleep, after the whole race. I roll my eyes and go to find Valka, those touches of her's do feel quite nice. I wonder if I can get her to rub my belly again. NO-Y/N! YOUR GOING SOFT. I shake my head, my own thoughts confusing me. I then suddenly smell a new smell, a human smell. I snarl and go to find Valka and warm her of an incoming attack. How did they find us!? I go through a medium sized hole and end up in a cave where other dragons and Valka are. There is a bunch of ice and the other dragons are around it. "Attack!" I hiss loudly and all heads turn to me.

"Human?" Cloudjumper tilts his head, his eyes somewhat slitted. "Only two, more on the way most likely." I growl, I feel Valka's hand on my head as she attempt to calm me. No time Valka! There is a threat to the colony! Why are you so calm!? Cloudjumper nudges me up one of the ice structures and I climb up, somewhat confused on why no one is panicking. I lie down on a somewhat flat surface behind the ice structure and I see a human. He is somewhat hidden by the fact he isn't fully in the cavern yet but I can still see him. Quite large but I could burn him in a second. I growl lowly but I could see the pain in Valka's face. Family? Or friend? I tilt my head as the human male turns around and seems to speak to someone. I then hear the sound of a sword unsheathing, a human planning to attack Valka? I do not think so. I growl and almost step forward when Cloudjumper puts his wing in front of me. He looks focused, like he's waiting for something.

Soon, a large human male comes out of the crevice with the other human male, Valka's kin, and Toothless. Family. The large male drops his sword and takes off his helmet, to seem not a threat maybe, but it's too late for that, too late for intruders. "I know what your going to say, Stoick." Valka begins to speak, here we go. "How could I have done this?" I know, leaving your kin? So bad, Valka. "Stayed away all of these years, and why didn't I come back to you?" Because your a bad mother with the excuse of 'I had to take care of the colony'. "To our son." Yeah, most of the reason why you should have went back. "Well, what sign did I have that you could change, Stoick?" Well, even then, you could have taken your son with you.

The human male who Valka calls 'Stoick' begins to slowly walk towards her, like he is seeing an undead human. "That anyone in Berk could?" Your a leader? And you left your colony or pack or whatever you humans call them, behind!? Valka, we need to have a revaluation on your life choices. Cloudjumper moves forward and some of the other dragons do too. I then begin to move forward too, my glow coming up on instinct as I tense. "Say the word, Valka." I hiss as I move forward to Valka's side. "You. I remember you." Cloudjumper says as he approaches from Valka's other side. "Cloudjumper, Y/N, it's okay." Toothless tries to soothe our worries about Valka but it is futile.

"I pleaded so many times to stop the fighting, to find another answer but did any of you listen!?" Valka starts the raise her voice as the human male continues to walk forward towards her. "I know that I left you go raise Hiccup alone, but I thought he'd be better off without me." The male continues his walk towards Valka, even to the point where she is backing away. Is he trying to pin her to the wall to do the finishing blow, she seems to know that as she back away. "And I was wrong, I see that now, but-" Valka cuts off her own sentence, I snarl slightly as she pushes her back against the ice wall. One wrong move human, and your heartbeat will stop. "Oh, stop being so stoick, Stoick. Go on, shout, scream, say something!" Valka seems to be upset at the fact the male is being so quiet.

The male reaches up a hand and I hiss lightly, my tusks extracting and my tail curling a bit more. "Your as beautiful as the day I lost you." The human male says in a soft voice that does not match his body. When can I get a mate that says that to me? If I said that out loud, most of the dragon's here would look at Cloudjumper. Valka looses her grip on her staff as the male human leans in. Ew, human kiss. All of the dragon's move away as that see that there is no danger that the male imposes. "He has changed." Cloudjumper mumbles and looks towards me, tilting his head. I retract my tusks and uncurl my tail a bit. That's all he is going to get out of me, I don't trust this human as much as I don't trust his offspring.

I move away from the couple and leave out of the hole I came from, probably going to do a scout or go to the pack. I move though the hole and I realize how small it actually is. Adrenaline is an amazing thing. I go through the hole and go back together central part of the Sanctuary. Dragons flying around and babies rolling around, it's peaceful but I have a bad feeling. I fly up to search for my pack and I see Soaringslice's large figure in a tent position, she's cold again, figured. I fly down towards her and growl in greeting, she notices me and dips her head down more. "Alph-" She begins to start but I interrupt her with a growl. "Don't." She smiles and comes out of her tent position, instead wrapping them around me. "Where are the other?" I ask as I look around and only see Gruff, talking to the Raincutter with her wing sliced by razor netting.

I should probably call her Slicecutter, I can already feel the bad vibes from me calling her that but it doesn't matter anyways. Soaringslice only continues to wrap her wings around me, it's a comfort thing everytime her brothers leave, and I'm all for it. She begins to unwrap her wings and I don't move until she has fully unwrapped her wings. "You gonna be okay?" I hiss as I put my claw on her head, a sort of way to get her to answer the question because she usually dismissed questions about herself. "I'll be alright." She sighs, but I can tell that her brothers absences only bite at her as time goes on. I shake my head walk over to Gruff, him taking notice of my presence almost instantly, he stops talking and rubs his head against mine. He said it's a respect thing, but I'm starting to think that was an excuse for him to do it so much.

I growl as he nudges me playfully, obviously trying to initiate wrestling. He does not learn at all, does he? He takes the initiative and pounces on me first, hitting my face with his claws, I push him back with my back legs and swipe at him with my tail. He jumps back and I charge forward, he jumps up and grab my tusks with his claws. I move forward to get him to get off, but he only pushes forward with determination. I snarl and he growls, I can tell Slicecutter is getting antsy, she looks like she's trying to tell if we are actually fighting. I turn around and use my tail to trip up Gruff, he falls and I pin him down yet again. He chuffs and I let him go, he huffs and whines as he presses his side against mine. "You used your tailllll, that not fair!"

He pouts, as in pout, I mean he just hangs his body against mine with the most unsatisfactory look on his face. I move away from from him and he stumbled in his claws. I prepare to take off but before I do, I turn to him. "Tell the others I said hi." I then take off, catching Valka's scent and following it to a small cave. It looks like it could fit a couple dragons in here, does Valka sleep here? "I miss anything?" I hiss as I land and Valka drops some fish at my sudden appearance. No, no I did not miss anything. I lunge forward and snatch up some fish while Cloudjumper takes the rest. Toothless sniff the ground where the fish was just a second ago. "That was mine...." He whines and looks up at me and Cloudjumper with dilated eyes. "How could you both betray me like this?"

The look won't work on me since the younglings look at me like that all the time when I herd them to bed. Cloudjumper, is not as strong, and barfs up the fish he just swallow. "Ew." I hiss with a disgusted look and move back. Toothless just swallows the fish, the fish that was covered in Cloudjumper's saliva. "Did your mother not feed you like this?" Toothless tilts his head, and I am glad to ruin his question with a horrifying revelation. "I ate my siblings for nutrition." I hiss and Toothless looks dejected, I put my claw on his head to comfort him. "Do not dwell on the last, little Night Fury." I then hear a familiar sound that makes my head turn up as I listen to the call.

"Y/N, come quickly."

With all disregard for any explanation of common sense, I fly quickly towards the Bewilderbeast. Is the colony in danger? I bump into many dragons in my pursuit, but I disregard them and keep flying. I see the Bewilderbeast with worry in his eyes as I approach. "Humans?" I hiss as I land on his tusk, why can't anything go right for once? "Many, protect the colony." I nod and fly upwards to the tallest structure in the Sanctuary, which is also the most populated.

"All permanently injured or disabled, go to the hatchery and protect the younglings! All else, protect the colony!"

Dragons react immediately and start roaring to get the point across that there is an attack. All dragons scramble to either leave the Sanctuary and attack, or protect the young and the ones not able to protect themselves. I can hear multiple booms outside of the Sanctuary and I can only hope no one got hit. "Y/N!" I hear a familiar roar and I turn to see Gruff flying towards me. "Why aren't you going towards the nursery!?" I snarl at him, he turns a shade of a light blue but her chuffs at me. "I can help too! I can protect the colony!" I swear, he never does anything besides disobey orders. "Go to the nursery and wait until you are needed." I snarl at him, he turns a darker shade of blue and I can see it in his eyes that he is upset. "But I-" He starts with a hiss, but I cut him off with a louder snarl. "That is an order, from your alpha." Gruff turns a darker shader of blue but doesn't argue with me and flies towards the direction of the nursery.

I'm sorry, I'm only trying to protect you. I fly up and towards an opening and roar for all others to follow me. I fly out of the Sanctuary and see a lot of humans, I can also see dragons pulling the net shooters and arrow shooters. I roar and dragons start flying down to attack. "Remove the arrow shooters!" I roar and multiple dragons go for the humans with the hand-held bow shooters. I can hear another rumbling, but it's not the Bewilderbeast, it's a rival.

"Kill them, leave no prisoners."

I see multiple dragons with armor charging towards our dragons. "Attack till they retreat!" I roar and go for a Snafflefang, me and him clash and we instantly start falling the moment we touch. I bite for his neck and he's trying to hold me down long enough to get a good hit in. I use a claw and tear at his chest, he roars and loosens his grip. I turn my body and tail whip his face, I can practically hear the crack it made on his jaw. He roars in pain and falls but I know I didn't hit him too hard, Gruff has taught me to hold back during fighting. I can see iron traps opening up and I see the unknown dragon that I saw before, but it's tied up and in the cage. A Threadtail tries to fly in but I beat her to it and land next to the dragon. The trap closes but I start to use as little acid as I can to burn the ropes. "Thank you." The dragons purrs and rubs against me. "It's what an alpha does, protects them all." I tense up my back scales and Fireworm crawl out of my back.

"You know what to do." I hiss and Fireworm crawls up to the ceiling and I spit some acid in it and he lights it on fire with his body. The trap opens after a few seconds and the dragon and me fly out. Are those more humans with dragons? Are they friends? I see them start to absolutely torch the hunter weapons and traps. Yeah, their friends alright, I might get along with the Nightmare too. Some of the tiny nets with rocks on them are thrown at the new dragon riders and a girl falls but she is caught by two humans and their dragons. The two males do what I can only respond to as a mating pose? The Nadder! She's getting cornered! I fly up and dissolve one of the ice spikes that was going to fall on them with my acid. I then see Toothless and his human, and the two males and their dragons. Hey, Stoick rides a Rumblehorn, it fits.

Toothless ends up demolishing a sort of net shooter and the male with a hot burple ends up using it's tail to knock them out. Resourceful but not what I would have done to them. I fly up and lean down and spit some acid on some net shooters and arrow shooters. The humans scream and hurry to get off of them. I then hear something big moving around and see the Bewilderbeast start to come out of the Sanctuary.

"All here shall on last chance to retreat!"

The Bewilderbeast moves his head and destroys a chunk of ice and then blows ice at the humans on ground. "Zipplebacks! Clear out the grounds!" I roar and the Zipplebacks do the rolling thing while their on fire, I find it so cool, but I will never say that out loud. One got caught! A familiar wind whistle soothes my worries and Toothless frees the Zippleback. I try to look over the battlefield to see if there are any dragons that are hurt but still fighting. I see a Threadtail fighting a Snafflefang, claws interlocked but the Threadtail is injured. I fly up to the Snafflefang and stab him with my tail. He roars and falls to the ground, not a soft landing, but at least he was out to sleep. "Threadtail, fall back, do not engage!" I roar at the Threadtail and she flies clumsily to the Sanctuary. All may be fair in war, but breaking wings will never be an easy thing on my mind.

I then turn to see a net being launched at Cloudjumper and he's caught along with Valka. I go to the net shooters and burn it down with my acid, chase down the human too, he looked so scared. Ow, who is screaming, he isn't even screaming anything, he's just screaming? I feel a rumble in the ground, water flowing, like something is making the surface unstable. Oh no, that is not good. A challenger to the Bewilderbeast, oh crap!

"Northern alpha, I challenge you!"

That's not good, it's expected but he did say alpha and not alpha's so I have the element of surprise. He also seems to have no regard for his allies, he just stepped on a trap, not that I care, go destroy all of the traps why don't you? Where's Valka? I fly above and see Valka about to get attacked by who I assume is Drago. Never seen the human, but his name brought cold to my fire. Alright, focus, I have a challenger to fight. A fight amongst alpha's is a fight amongst alpha's. I tense my back scales and Fireworm crawls out, my glow shining brighter than before makes him look green. "Go, be safe, I have business to attend to." Fireworm tilts his head but crawls up to my face and nuzzles me, a non-verbal 'be safe'. Fireworm then flies off to whoever knows where and I fly to the two beasts who are already clashing tusks.

I ready my acid and spit it on the opposing challenger. He roars in pain as the acid sizzles his skin. "Getting a lesser dragon to help you? Your weaker than I thought, you old fool." The challenger says, he's not even that old, your being dramatic. "A lesser dragon? Your challenging both the northern alpha's, you insolate fool." I roar and spit more acid on him, which he roars in pain at, causing the our alpha to get a good hit in with his tusks. "You fool! This is not worth your life!" The Bewilderbeast says, I can tell that he does not want to fight the challenger, but he does what he will to protect the colony. "This only ends when your heartbeat does!" The opposing alpha says before roaring at the acid that was spat close to his head. "Cloudjumper, do not!" I see Cloudjumper flying Infront of the two clashing titans. "Do not risk both you and Valka's life!" I roar at him and try to distract the challenger by spitting acid at a spot I already spat at.

"He will kill you both! LEAVE!" The Bewilderbeast roars to get the two to leave, Cloudjumper flies away just in time before the challenger connected tusks with the alpha. "Old fool, you really befriended your- YOU INSOLENT PEST, STOP SPITTING ACID AT ME!" The challenger roars as I spit more acid at his this body, he isn't injured too badly, but I know that it probably hurts real bad. The challenger pushes the alpha's head up, hitting his head multiple times. "Weak-minded fool!" He roars and I just spit a trail of acid down his back. "A puppet like you had no room to judge!" I roar at the challenger as the alpha knocks into his head. "YOU UNDERSTAND NOTHING!" The challenger kicks the alpha's head up and holds his tusks on his neck, pushing the alpha back some. "Stop! I yield!"

"You don't have to do what he says!" I roar as the challenger throws the alpha down to the ground. "You misunderstand...." The challenger starts as the alpha roars. "I YIELD!" No! stop! "THIS IS WHAT I WANT!" The challenger roars as he pierces the alpha's stomach and chest with his tusks. "NO!" I roar in rage and let out a giant trail and acid from his tail up to his head, he roars in pain and turns his head up to roar.

"I am the alpha!"

No! I won't let you! I roar in rage and spit up most of my acid on his head area. "YOU PEST! WHY AREN'T YOU UNDER MY CONTROL!?" Was he not listening the first time? "YOU ARE CHALLENGING THE NORTHERN ALPHA'S! THIS BATTLE DOESN'T STIP UNTIL YOUR HEARTBEAT DOES!" I roar, rage filling my head. I'm not ready, I'm not ready to lead without him. I fly down towards the Challenger's eyes and use a claw to try and pierce his eye. He shakes me away and I only manage to make a slice near his right eyes. "YOU FOOLISH PEST! BOW TO ME AND I WILL SPARE YOUR LIFE!" Guess I'm meeting the Dragon God early then, never thought it would end like this. I fly up and curl my tail downwards and pierce the challenger's back as I run down it. I then fly up just in time when he spits ice at me.

He's turning his attention away from me!? How dare this insolate fool!? Oh crap! "Cloudjumper! Watch out!" The challenger spits ice at Cloudjumper on Drago's order. The ice catches onto Cloudjumper's tail but he keeps flying, either stop the fight and help Cloudjumper and Valka, or avenge my fallen brotheren and teach this fool a lesson. Violence is never the answer, it's the question, and the answer is I've never been more ready. "Stubborn pest! Why are you still flying!?" The challenger roars at Cloudjumper as he flies past. I spit my last remaining acid near his eyes and he roars and moves his tusks towards me. I skillfully dodge them and outstretch a claw and Nick his side, leaving a deep and nasty scar. "You pest!" Yeah, I'm the pest, okay.

"Stop!" I hear a human yell, I turn my head and see Toothless flying towards Drago. "Toothless! You fool! Don't risk Hiccup's life too!" I roar and he looks over here and looks fearful. Wha- I suddenly get hit with the challenger's tusk and go flying into an ice wall. It didn't hurt that much, just took me off balance. "Y/N!" I hear a familiar roar and if I could turn colors too, I would have turned red in anger. "Didn't I tell you to stay in the nursery!?" I roar at him but I can't feel my legs. He looks upset and sniffs me, I can see more of the pack coming over too. "Y/N...." Gruff whines and nudges my side. Damn, why can't I move? "Your bleeding...." what...? No I'm not, I don't even feel hurt. "I feel fine." I try to get up but I just tumble back down, Acidspitter holds me up and set my back down. "Why can't I stand....?" I whine and I reach up to my head and when I pull my claw back down, I see a red substance.

No, I'm just hallucinating, this isn't real, I can be bleeding. I have to protect the colony! I promised! Darkness starts the come into the corners of my vision. I can feel the pack start to crowd around me. I so.....tired? Gruff roars up as I can feel my eyes get heavier. I'm not dead! Don't bellow yet! I'm not......


7207 words. Almost started crying at the end ngl. Picture at the top is Alphacall.

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